~ thirty two ~

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Day I forgot of not talking to Louis. But what I do know? This absolutely sucks. Getting ready to shoot a scene with him. It sucks.
While Amara does my hair in a loose bun, and Willow parts Louis' hair, no one talks.


How many times has this happened? Like a trillion? This place is either always talkative and happy, or insanely awkward and quiet. No in between.

The silence grows louder, and louder, and louder.

"Alright that's enough," Willow sets down her comb and Louis turns back to look at her, "There is clearly something going on between you two and I don't know if you got in a fight!"

Louis and I make eye contact.

"If you kissed, and are awkward now!"

I immediately look away, and he does too.

"Or if it's just complete and total sexual tension!"

My cheeks burn up. Louis' turn pink.

"Hell it could be all three! And I know this is extremely unprofessional but something is going on between you two and me and Amara need to know," she finishes saying and I bite hard onto my lower lip.

Amara joins in.
"No, Willow has a point. In an hour you guys are gonna be filming an extremely intense scene, and you're gonna have to hold hands and be all romantic and stuff, so tell us. Is something going on with you guys?"

I quickly shake my head, and Louis does too. The two girls don't budge.
"Listen, out of everyone I've ever worked with," Amara begins, "I've never had a case like you guys. One day you're great, the next you don't talk."

I sigh and awkwardly make eye contact with Louis, before dropping it immediately.
"We're fine. There's nothing wrong with being a little quiet every once in a while," I say and look away from everyone, staring back at my reflection in the mirror.

When will this be over? I can't take much more.

"Nothing is wrong with being quiet. But everything is wrong with you two becoming super close with each other, and then one day just stopping. Last chance. Did anything happen between you guys."

I sigh and roll my eyes a bit before closing them, "For the last time, we are fine. Nothing happened."

I notice the two girls exchange looks to one another before quickly looking away, back at me and Louis.
"Alright then. Suit yourself and don't tell us."

Once more it's silent in the trailer. Why don't I tell them? Because I just know they'll be doing and saying everything they can to get us together again.
And that will be really fucking awkward.

I'd much rather do it myself.

"Here's your costume, go on and change."
Amara hands me the same black dress from yesterday, along with some shoes and socks.

I take the outfit from her and walk toward the changing room. Today's scene is taking place later in the night. We'll be shooting later in the night, when the sun is completely down. It's not exactly gonna help the whole romance thing in my opinion.

Once I make it inside and close the door, I start changing into my costume, as my flushed cheeks slowly fade away.
I can't get like this today on set.
I can't.

I mean I think it would be weird if Enola blushes when she's laying on top of a 'dead body.'

But god it's gonna be hard.

It's gonna be so insanely hard.


Me and Louis were sitting down in our chairs, which had our character names on the back. You know, the ones you see in all those behind the scenes pictures?
It's amazing. And it's always been my dream to sit in one.

Since we're filming later in the night, I was drinking different caffeinated drinks to try and stay awake through the whole thing. Louis was too.
In fact our seats were directly beside one another.

"Alright you two," Harry huffs and walks over to us with his hands on his hips, "Big scene today, right?"

I nod a couple times, joined by Louis.

"Okay so because there's a lot of special affects that happen in this scene, the camera will pause for a second, and we'll get things situated. When it starts back up we have to pick up the scene where it left off."

He wipes a bit of sweat off his forehead and throws a tiny smile.

"A lot of times these scenes take a couple shots so be prepared for whenever we start over. Hopefully before anything too major happens."

Finally, Harry finished talking and walked back to the special affects crew, which will mainly be helping with makeup.

I let out a quiet sigh and looked forward. We were outside, under a small tent, since the scene starts out here.

Talk to him y/n. Talk to him.

"So are you ready for this scene?" I awkwardly chuckle, turning my head toward him.
To my surprise, the boy looked back to me. Not exactly with a smile, but a little nod.

And he held eye contact.

I was looking into Louis' eyes again. For the first time in how long?
Too long.

Don't smile don't smile don't smile.

I nod as well, and look down at my dress.
"Me too..."
And just when I thought he and I were gonna maybe have a little conversation, we're called to start.

"Y/n and Louis! Get into your places!" Harry called out to us.

God dammit.

I sigh in irritation, but quickly pull myself together. Having a bad attitude on set is one of the worst things an actor could do.

I make it to the automobile and get in on my side, Louis, on his.
I forgot how uncomfortably close we sit.

The camera men walked by, getting situated for the scene to start, and double checking everything was ready.

And here we go.

A man walks in front of the camera with the clapperboard, and waits for the cue.
"Three, two, one, action!"


"This is a terrible idea," Louis sighs as I keep driving the cart towards the castle.
"The closer we get, the worse this idea becomes."

Once we've parked, 'Tewksbury' turns his head toward me. I look back at him.
"Why are we doing this?"

There's a short pause. We both just hold each other's stares.
"Unlike most well-bred ladies, I was never taught to embroider," I hop off the ride, "I never molded wax roses, hemmed handkerchiefs, or strung seashells."

Louis catch's up to me and we both slowly walk side by side getting closer and closer to the castle.
"I was taught to watch and listen. I was taught to fight. This is what my mother made me for."

I stop and look at him dead in the eyes, meaningful of each line spewing from my mouth.
"Trust me... to find the answers we need," I say strongly.

Louis has a little smirk on his lips.
"You don't know how to embroider?"

Once when we were reading through our lines, he had told me he loved this line. He giggled every time we read it, and I always got frustrated because no matter how many times we did he would grow a childish grin. I miss that giggle.

Resisting the urge to smile, I look down at the ground and let out a quiet sigh.
"We need to do this. You need to do this. We... are doing this."

I look back up to him and give a small smile, before turning back around an whispering, "Come on."

Louis follows beside me, the two of us lightly running towards the doors.

Each step I take, is getting closer and closer to the part.

Once we made it, Louis gently pushes open the door, looking around for a little. I follow behind him, and quietly close the door.

"Where are all the servants?" Louis asks in a gentle tone that makes my heart beat speed up.
"Welcome to the future," I respond.

We're both quiet for a moment.

"Mother?" Louis' voice echos throughout the palace, which was slightly dark, and hard to see in.
He begins to walk up the stairs and I'm quick to follow behind.

"What's happening?" Louis asks once more. The cameras follow in front of us, and I ignore them. Once in an acting class, the teacher told us that it's not a matter of avoiding the cameras, but accepting that they're there, and ignoring it.

"They know we're here," I say with furrowed brows.

Here it goes.

There's a quiet moment between both of us, until I hear 'Linthorn' cock his 'gun.'
"Down!" I yell and throw an arm over Louis' shoulder before dropping to the floor.

The fake glass on the counter shatters, falling onto the floor beside us. Louis begins breathing quickly and I peer over the small wooden table.

Sure enough, there he was. Right on cue as he holds the fake rifle close to his eyes.
"Run!" I yell and start dashing back towards the entrance. Louis follows quickly behind me.

The two of us make it to the doors, and I pull on them harshly, trying to "open" it.
"It's locked!" Louis yells before there's another gunshot.

We both back away towards the wall, being forced to fit directly beside one another.
Another gunshot. Speaking of which are really just fake sound affects.

"Down!" I yell again and grab onto Louis' hand, running crouched over to another hiding place while more gunshots fire.
This isn't real. But an odd feeling inside of me is making it feel like it is.

Me and Louis make it to behind a statue and stand shoulder to shoulder, his hand still tangled with mine.
Both of us panting, because it's honestly exhausting to run this much in the first place.

Gunshot. The statue "shatters" and we both crouch down to the floor, letting go of hands.

That's when I realized it was never scripted to hold his hand in the first place. But he held back anyway.

There's another gunshot, and while Louis remains hiding behind the now "broken" statue, I peek in front of it to stare down Linthorn.

As he walks closer and closer to us, grabbing a new set of bullets, I pick up a piece of the statue and chuck it across set, so it makes a loud noise elsewhere.

Linthorn is quick to turn and shoot where the noise came from.
"Stay here," I say quietly to Louis before quickly moving to the other side of the room, leaving him behind.

Linthorn slowly turns back to where he was, aiming towards Louis.
Like I said, this feels oddly real. And I want to go over there and stop Linthorn from laying a finger on Louis.

But it's not real.

It's not real it's not real it's not real.

He quickly shoots a bullet to Louis, which misses and instead hits the metal armor beside him, making loud clattering noises right beside him.

Louis' feet keep slipping on the floor, and I wait for the cue to attack on Linthorn. Once he's straight ahead of me.

Louis looks to me, I look back to him. Eyes locked. Again.

Linthorn reaches Louis and I quickly jump onto his back from behind, making him misfire and stumble back. I grab both ends of his gun and press it back a little to make it look like I was choking, as he continues to stumble around.

Until finally I released my arms, and fell onto the floor of the set, before he quickly hits the side of my head with his gun, and I 'go unconscious.'

In reality he didn't even touch my face.

The camera's paused and a lady hurried onto set as I sit up, and she does some quick fake blood and makeup to make me look like I was bleeding.
It's the fastest makeup I've ever seen someone do.

Just as she came, she left, and the cameras came back on.
Linthorn stares down at me, as I hold still with closed eyes and a trickle of fake blood dripping dow my face.
Just as he's about to hit me again, Louis jumps in and tackles him, causing Burn to "fall" to the floor with Louis behind him.

The fake rifle hits the ground and slides away, leaving Louis and Burn to fight without any weapons.

I can't say it's easy to lay here and pretend to be unconscious, for all I want to do is open my eyes and watch the scene unfold.

Once the both of them are finished fighting, ending with Louis on the floor after being punched in the face, it's quiet.
Linthorn looks from Enola, to Tewksbury.

And then he goes for Tewksbury, slowly pulling a long chain out from his vest.
Now Louis' costume doesn't reveal his neck very much, so he was actually able to wear the special effect makeup before we really started this scene.

For a hot second, I squint my eyes, before seeing Linthorn tie the chain over Louis' neck and start "suffocating" him.
From the angle I was at, it just looked like someone was wobbling on there knees and the other person was taking a piss.

But I know from the other angle you can tell what's going on.
From across set, I could hear Louis acting like he were struggling to breathe.

Then the cameras came back on me. I let out a little cough and opened my eyes, revealing to the camera that I could see Louis struggling.

I pushed myself off the floor for a split second, but then fell back down, letting out a soft whimper in defeat.
The camera lays just a foot from my face.
I slowly create a tear in my eye, and tilt my head up toward the sky.

Here is another part that Helena will have a voice over and a small clip.
I'm pretty sure she says things like "don't be scared," and "you're not alone."

Slowly, I take a deep breath and open my eyes, slightly smiling.
No more resting time.

I hurry over to Linthorn and grasp his ankle, preparing to do the corkscrew. I let out a yell and kick him down, as Louis falls to the floor, and Linthorn hits his head straight on a sharp pine cone.

Though he didn't really hit it.

I grow a frightened and shocked look on my face, watching as he falls down to the checkered floor.

Finally, the action part is over. From here on out it's more emotions that I have to focus on.
I pant a couple times, along with Louis who was laying beside me, "catching" his breath.

The two of us both sit up, moving closer toward one another as I grab onto his jacket to help myself up.

I want to hug him right now, right here. But the scenes not over.

Linthorn grunts and I quickly let go of Louis' jacket, instead hovering over Burn and grabbing onto him.

"Who are you working for?" I ask in a loud and angry tone.
He doesn't respond.
"Who do you work for?" I yell louder this time.

With a numb face, laying still on the floor with his fake blood on, Burn lets out a quiet "England."

And basically just dies.

That's part one of the scene done. I mean this is a really long one.

In the distance, a faint tapping sound echos through set, and the cameras switch around as I look back. Louis does too.
He slowly stands up and face Frances, or the Dowanger, who was slowly walking over to us.

"Grandmother?" Louis asks, as I hold my stare at the woman.
"Yes. I'm afraid so," she continues moving closer and closer.

"It seems if you want a job done," I stand up next to Louis, "You have to do it yourself."

The cameras slowly move closer to me, and I hold that same worried expression on my face as I try to step forward.
"No, Enola."
Louis holds an arm out and across me, and I take a step back.

"Where's my mother?" he asks as the Dowanger picks up Linthorn's dropped rifle.

"In London. With your uncle. Looking for you."
She slowly takes steps closer and closer, the nervous feeling in my gut growing greater and greater with the moment about to come.

"They never understood."


"I'm so sorry my darling."

Closer. I furrow my brows and shake my head, fake tears brimming my eyelids.

"The future of the country is at stake."

There's a short and silent pause.

She holds the gun close to her chest, aiming directly for Louis.

This isn't real. But boy does it feel real.

"No!" I yell at the top of my lungs, just as she "fires" her gun.

Louis flys backward and lands flat on the floor. It kinda snapped me back into realization that this is acting, and I tried not to laugh.

While the camera's are off, Louis quickly changes his vest, to the one that had brown burnt holes in it, creating the illusion that he got shot.

And once more, the cameras came back on.

I kept yelling no at the top of my lungs.

Picture this is real. She just shot Louis.

I run over to Frances, but pause with wide eyes when she holds the gun to me, trying to shoot but it's empty.

I change my expression to shocked. Scared. Picturing this is all real.

"It's done," she mumbles with soft eyes.

Like yeah fucking bitch you just shot your grandson.

"It's done," she repeats and I slowly take the gun from her.
After picturing that this is all real, my tears suddenly don't feel fake anymore.

I nod a couple times, a single tear dropping from my cheek as I see Harry in the distance, in awe by his own scene.

Frances holds a hand out by my face for a second, looking down as more of my tears begin to fall, but I quickly pull away from her and turn to Louis.

"Tewksbury!" I cry out and drop the gun, running toward him.

Damn he honestly looks dead. It doesn't help my crying.

I fall to my knees beside him, putting both my hands on his chest and sobbing.
"Tewksbury," I say quieter, gently shaking him as if it would wake him up.

"No," I whimper, laying myself down and resting my head on his shoulder, softly crying.

"Wake up. Come on," I sit back up and hold my hands on the side of his face, resisting the urge to k-

Never mind.

"No..." I cry again as more and more tears fall down my face. Slowly, I take away my hands from him and lay down, resting my head on his chest while butterflies attack me harder than I thought they could.

I shouldn't be getting them right now, but I can't help it.

I carefully take my hand and hold it out towards his, locking our fingers around each other's.
I don't want the scene to end now. I want to freeze time so I can stay here.
Holding Louis' hand, resting on his chest, and finally having a moment between us that isn't awkward.

But the scene continues.

Louis very slowly closes his fingers on mine, holding my hand back.
Ah shit even more butterflies.

I grow my eyes wide, and furrow my brows as I look back up at the boy, who's carefully woken back up.
"Tewksbury?" I whisper, sitting up and making sure I looked shocked as the cameras moved closer to us.

"Be careful," I say quietly as he slowly sits up, and I put my hand on his back to help. Our eyes lock, faces just inches apart.

"I'm not entirely an idiot, you know?" He smiles and unbuttons his vest, revealing a metal chest plate underneath. I keep my hands on his shoulders, smiling in relief as he looks back up to me.

A haze covers his eyes when he sees me, and he carefully looks at the makeup on the side of my face, moving some strands of hair away.
"You were made to fight," he quietly mumbles so I could hear. I look down, as he rests his head on mine and whispers in the quietest voice ever.

"I'm sorry."

When I say he said it quietly, I mean so quiet I had to strain my ears to hear.

The scenes not over. Keep acting y/n.

I make eye contact with him for a split second, before giving him a hug. Carefully wrapping my arms around him, putting one of my hands on the back of his neck and staring into the camera as we slowly pull away and Louis stands up.

He takes off his chest plate before lending a hand for me to grab onto. I hold onto his hand and pull myself up, now the both of us staring at the Dowanger.

"Your time is over."

Frances looks slowly from us, to the floor, guilt scribbled all over her

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