~ thirty three ~

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It's about eleven twenty. After changing in the designers trailer, then going back to mine and FaceTiming Jess, and responding to some dm's and texts, I had nothing to do. It's late, and I want to sleep, but I have a weird feeling that I can't yet.
I got to that stage where you're just sick of going on your phone, but once you're off it you have no clue what else to do. You know?

It's where I am now, and I am bored out of my mind. Normally at this time a week and a half ago, I'd text Louis and we'd talk for a while.
I guess I can't exactly do that anymore...

But I do wanna fix things between us. I really want to.

So I mean what's a little text message?

Ignoring the fact that I've been on my phone for a long time, and my eyes are sore from the screen, I grab out my phone again.

Louis and I used to "hate" each other. Then we became okay friends. Then he became one of the best people I knew, and now we pretend that one another doesn't even exist.

It's a worse feeling than what we were three months ago.

But how on earth do I start?

Staring at the screen, my mind is spinning while I try to figure out what to text him.

Hi Louis it's y/n

No no no how stupid am I? He knows it's me already.

Louis can we talk for a bit?

No now I sound too blunt. He'll know immediately what I'm gonna say.

Louis I'm sorry

Again, too blunt. I'm so dumb. Dumb dumb dumb and more dumb.

Louis I miss you.

Way to sound obsessed y/n.


Woah woah woah I did not mean to type love in that.
Immediately I delete that text and feel my face burn in embarrassment. I just won't send him a text. We'll figure it out. I know we-

Louis :)

Louis :)
Were you trying to text me something?


Well shit.

Louis :)


Louis :)
Then how come those three little dots appeared and disappeared 5 times

Idk I probably texted the wrong person

Louis :)
As if I believe that

Louis I don't wanna do this
Why are you even talking to me rn when you never do in person
Read 11:24 pm




Louis :)

It's fine


I quickly slap my forehead a couple times, and then throw my hood over my head and melt into my pillow while groaning in humiliation. I just made things worse. Of course.

After laying with my face smushed into the pillow for a minute to two, I sit up and decide to go outside again.
Hopefully this time Louis isn't there and I can just breathe by myself.

I'm already in a hoodie and sweats, even if it's still kinda warm out, so I don't really have to change.
Instead I just walk to the door of my trailer and slip on some shoes before walking outside.

The trailers were all dead silent, lights out. I'm almost a hundred percent sure that everyone is asleep except for me and Louis.

I find night walks peaceful. The only noise you hear is your footsteps and bugs chirping in the thick grass. Nothing else.

Slowly, I arrive at the spot I had sat with Louis that one night.

And guess who was here again.


I bite my lip.

My eyes grow wide.

Jaw clenched.

Heart beat pulsating like crazy.

Entire body tense.

Please tell me he didn't see me.

Stop. Talk to him. You miss what you were. There's nothing wrong with trying.

I slowly close my eyes and take a deep breath. I'll do it. I miss him.
Come on y/n.

I take a couple careful steps toward him, until I'm almost a few feet away.


"Can I sit here?" I ask in a very quiet voice as I approach the boy.
He turns back to look at me, but quickly looks away right after.
"Funny you'd want to."

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I don't want to start another fight right now.
"Just- can we talk? Please."

A quiet moment is filled with the sound of wind weaving through tall strands of grass, along with crickets singing.
Louis shrugs and gives a single nod.

I carefully walk along side the grass, until I'm beside the boy and carefully sit down.

Silence passes between us, creating a situation that I can't tell if I'm comfortable, or uncomfortable with.

"Louis I-"

"I'm sorry."

I freeze. Not what I was expecting, that's for sure. I turn my head toward the boy, who was still looking out at the starry night sky.
"You are?"

He nods a few times and exhales. My hopes build up as he seems to get it now.
"I'm sorry about the things I said and how I yelled at you. And I'm sorry I've been ignoring you. I just thought that after you chose Connor, you wouldn't want to see or talk to me unless you had to and-"


"Im sorry for not coming to see you act on my break it's just that-"
I quickly shake my head and cover his mouth with my hand, which makes him stop talking. Louis looks to me, and down at my hand, before grabbing onto it with his and slowly taking it down.

"First of all," I say in a talking voice, "You don't have to say sorry. You honestly didn't do much wrong. Second," I pause for a moment, "I didn't choose Connor. I blocked him."

Louis' brows furrowed and he looks back out at the shimmering night sky.
"And why the hell would you do that after our fight?"

Because I-

"It doesn't matter," I mumble.

There's a long pause between us, an uncomfortable silence filling the air. Louis breaks it.
"I just didn't think you would react so angrily when I found out-"

"Anger? You didn't think I'd be upset?" I say slightly louder, as I start to get annoyed.
Louis' eyes grow a little wide and he shakes his head.
"No no I didn't mean it that way!"

"Didn't sound like that!"

"Can we please just not fight right now?" I noticed Louis clench his jaw tightly and close his eyes again.

Once again, we don't talk.

"Don't you understand where I was frustrated Louis?" I ask, my tone raising in sadness.
He remains silent, looking down as the glow of moonlight reflects off his smooth skin.

"I mean, you look at my phone without permission, you tell me I can't talk to this boy, but you won't tell me why you care so much?"

"Do you want to know?" He asks back, picking his voice to a speaking tone.
I furrow my brows and nod.
"Yeah I actually do. So tell me Louis, why do you care so fucking mu-"

The boy cuts me off, leaning forward and pressing his lips onto mine. His hand goes to the side of my face, fingers gently skimming my neck, and the other wravels around my waist, pulling me closer to his body.
I close my eyes, feeling his soft lips against mine. They were gentle, and delicate, but yet he kissed with such firm and passion.

Our lips locked. The whole moment was perfect. My hand goes to the back of his neck, fingers running through his silky hair. And it that moment I realized.

Louis ends the kiss, slowly pulling away from me, before resting his forehead on mine. His hands stay put.

"Because I'm in love with you. That's why."

I stare deep into his eyes.
Those silly eyes that made me smile after a long day on set.
Those loving eyes that comforted me when I was missing my family.
Those caring eyes that helped me when I burned my hand, or twisted my ankle.
Those protective eyes that were constantly trying to keep anything from breaking my heart.

Those eyes that I fell in love with. Ever since the first day here.

"I'm in love with you too."

I kiss him again, making the first move and pushing our lips together, blocking out all noise of the world. He smiles a bit and I feel it on my lips.

Just him and me.

Frozen in time.

Lips on lips.

Hands holding each other.

Madly in love.

God, I hate you Louis Partridge. I hate you for making me realize what real love feels like. What it's like to fall head over heels for someone. To have someone who cares for you, and wants to make you happy.

And that's why I love you, Louis Partridge.

Once the second kiss ends, he pulls away and quickly wraps his arms around me, pulling me close into a tight hug.
I chuckle a bit and hug him back.

"I missed you so much," he mumbles into my sweatshirt.
I smile and squeeze him harder.
"I missed you too."

We both relax a bit and slowly release from the hug, before he looks down at my hands and gently slides his on top of them.

"Looks like we aren't pretending anymore," he smirks.
I roll my eyes and smile.
"Oh shut up Partridge."

He lets out a soft chuckle and pats the grass beside him, slowly laying down.
I join, relaxing on the grass beside him and biting my lip as I look up at the sky.

There's a quiet pause between us. Again.

"Oh come over here already," he giggles, pulling me closer to him and snuggling up with me. He lays his head down on my chest and closes his eyes with a cute little smile.

I laugh a bit and run my fingers through his hair, relieved that I'm finally cuddling with him.
"Woah woah woah buddy I've never seen this side of you!"

I can hear him sigh a bit and smile.
"Yeah now shut up before I go back to my trailer."

I grin and chuckle at him, butterflies killing me.
"Alright alright."

It's quiet for a little bit, and I continue playing with his hair, staring at the sky.

"I love you, Louis."

"I love you more."

A/N: The chapter you've all been waiting ever so patiently for๐Ÿ˜Œ not very long but the last one was so idrk

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