About one week left of filming.
Today, Tewksbury and Enola reunite and drive down to Basilwether. Tomorrow, the battle scene where Tewksbury gets 'shot.'
The following day, two scenes are filmed. One without me or Louis, and the scene where Enola says goodbye to Tewksbury.
Aka, the dreaded kiss.
Then, there's about two or three scenes.
Oh and then Helena and I film all our little snipers together.
All in total, about exactly one week since after all, it is Wednesday.
And after all the shooting, the day before everyone leaves, we're having another "dinner party."
However as of right now, I'm on set, hair pulled back in a slick bun and I'm wearing a plain black dress with a white accessory.
My most boring costume.
"Everyone in their place? Ready? Alright we're rolling in three, two, one, action!"
I begin the scene.
"Mother thought I was extraordinary," I smile with wide eyes at a small wooden animal Enola had used as a kid.
"Extraordinary," I repeat, and chuckle before setting it down and instead picking up a newspaper.
"The lords..." I whisper, furrowing my brows and looking down at the news headline.
From underneath it, I pull out another paper with Tewksbury on it.
It doesn't really look like Louis, but then again, it's not supposed to be perfect.
"Lord. Every vote counts," I continue reading through the pages, that same confused expression implanted on my face.
And here comes Louis.
The door begins to rattle as a man behind it knocks harshly, and my eyes jolt up from the paper.
"Delivery from Ferndell Hall."
I quickly stand up and hurry toward the door as the camera man moves, and the microphone keeps bobbing just above my head.
"Care of Mr. Mycroft Holmes," the guy says while I open the door.
I do find it a little funny that Louis keeps having to fit in these super small spaces. He looks as if he struggles to find a comfortable position.
"What does he want," I sigh with a stern expression.
"Well whatever it is," the man grunts and starts bringing Louis in, "its heavy!"
Once they set him on the floor and leave set, I shut the door and quietly take a deep breath. I know I'll be excited to act like things between me and- well... Tewksbury are okay. But I don't know if Louis will enjoy talking to me. Acting or in person.
"What on earth does Mycroft want-"
The basket begins to rattle, and I try not to laugh as I imagine what Louis looks like right now.
I walk over to the side of the basket and give it a- well the script said to be gentle but I decided not to. I kicked the basket and Louis let out a little "ow."
I quickly reach down and open up the basket, before my eyes grow wide and Louis stands up.
"Tewksbury!" I smile.
And here we go.
I quickly step inside the basket too, and throw my arms around him. Holding him close, and savoring having hugged him again. I haven't given Louis a hug since... well since a long long time. Butterflies shoot through my stomach when I feel him hug me back, barely resting his head on mine.
"Woah!" He smiles, and I carefully pull back, "You're suppose to be helping me out. Not getting in with me," he stares me straight in the eyes.
I swear Louis knows what he's doing when he looks at me like this. With that little smirk and gentle eyes. I can hardly control my heart fluttering.
"How did you find me?" I ask with a little smile.
"Well, you said you didn't want to come to Miss Harrison's finishing school for young ladies," he fixes his coat and looks around set, "I have quite the prodigious memory when I choose to use it."
We hold eye contact again. God dammit Louis stop doing that.
"So I thought we'd go out the same way I came in," he says while stepping out of the basket.
He looks down for a moment, and then back up at me.
"I even wore my most porter-ish coat."
Honestly I can't help my smile at this point. It wasn't scripted, but it's too nice to have a normal conversation with him again. Even if it's just pretend.
"That's an excellent idea!" I grin, quickly dropping down into the basket while Louis was closing the lid.
"Nope! Nope, nope, nope help me up," I say as Louis holds out a hand that I grab onto before pulling myself up.
I wanna hold that hand again. Cross our fingers and be us again.
"Miss Harrison, she will see right through you," I sigh and look down "in thought."
"Oh I knew that was a flaw-"
"Shh, let me think."
I hold up a finger to Louis and then look to the camera.
"Do you have any ideas?"
After being trudged down the long hallway in the basket by Louis, and then moved again by two extras into Miss Harrison's room, it was time for he automobile scene.
I was outside, by the entrance to the school, and waiting for Harry to give us the cue to run again.
Louis was standing right beside me, the awkward silence between us growing. My arm accidentally sweeps the side of his, and I quickly take a step away.
"Sorry..." I mumble quietly, and look back out to the camera crew.
"It's fine."
There's the first words I've heard from Louis since the fight.
It's fine.
Maybe that's a sign?
No no no I'm just extremely paranoid.
Harry gives us the thumbs up, and me and Louis both start running toward to automobile, as I plant a smile on my face.
Once the ride was started, and both me and Louis had hopped on, I noticed our legs and shoulders were touching. I mean the boy and I are practically smushed together.
"Can you actually drive this?" Louis asks while I get ready to drive the thing. There was actually a day I had to learn, since this scene is real. Not a green screen.
"I know the basic rudiments," I smile and tear off the white accessory that had been draped around my shoulders.
I can sense Louis looking at me with a tiny smile.
Don't get distracted.
Ignoring the butterflies, I quickly put my hand on the lever, and push it forward. We start driving.
But the cart starts going in the wrong direction. And this isn't scripted.
I can sense Louis slightly chuckling as I try my best to turn the ride so we don't crash into the brick barrier.
"Left, right, watch out Enola!" Louis yells out, "The bush!"
The ride just barely skims the edge of the bush, and a few leaves fall onto the both of us.
Louis brushes them off, and then looks to me and notices a small leave I missed that was on my arm.
The boy gently picks it off, leaving me to look over at him, as he looked directly back at me. And because we were sitting right next to each other, our faces were awfully close.
My heart beat flings out of my chest and I bite my tongue before looking back forward at the gravel road.
Thank goodness the cameras aren't on us right now.
Once we get going, our lines pick back up and the camera on the front of the automobile films us.
Since the ride is too fast for a camera man to chase along side us, it was just me and Louis, and a few cameras in different directions.
And it's awkward.
"Thank you. That was... uh... you did save me," I stutter on words a bit and turn my head to Louis. He smiles a little and chuckles under his breath.
"The best bit was my idea but you did save me," I say once more.
"You're welcome, I think..." Louis says.
We continue riding along the bumpy road, the light peering through leaves of the trees.
"I didn't like it in there," I huff, still 'catching my breath' from the scene.
"No. No, of course not," Louis looks to me, holding his sight for a lot longer than I thought he was supposed to.
"Now, let's get back to London and find a proper hiding place," he frets a bit.
I keep my sight forward, approaching the two signs ahead and slowly stopping the automobile.
There's a pause between us and Louis looks at me again.
"Why have we stopped?" He asks.
I don't answer, rather tilt my head down slightly "in thought" as the script said.
"Enola whatever you're planning..." he continues looking at me.
This is the part where Helena will have a voice over. But for us? It's just a long awkward pause of silence.
"Enola," Louis repeats himself and continues looking to me.
Finally it's over, and I turn back behind me, to where another camera had been.
"We need to go to Basilwether."
"What?" Louis asks, still looking at me. When will it stop? I swear Tewksbury doesn't stop looking at Enola the entire movie.
Then again, he's the one to fall first.
"An injustice has occurred. It's time to right some wrongs. You want a culprit, find the movie," I hand Louis a newspaper, and as he grabs it, our hands touch.
"I don't understand," Louis says as he looks down at the paper, wind shaking his hair. He looked cute. Really cute.
"When were you due to be inducted into the Lords?" I ask him.
"How would you know to vote on the bill?"
"Same as my father, I'd be for it."
"Who knew that?" I ask, not giving up on questioning him, "And who stands to gain the estate with your father dead and if you die?"
Louis pauses for a moment, looking out at the green plants and trees, before 'making up his mind.'
"My uncle. You think this is my uncles doing?" He asks, still looking at me.
Like holy shit Louis.
But after a long time of him staring at me, I switch it up, and I look at him.
"Doesn't it make sense?"
"But he's a powerful man, what on earth could we do?"
"Solve the crime of course," I smile at him, which honestly made me give myself butterflies. They haven't stopped all day.
Tewksbury doesn't like Enola's plan in this scene however, and gets frightened by the idea of going back home.
"Enola, we are both extremely lucky to have lived this long, and you want to drive us into a place where there is most certain danger?"
I make sure to keep my expression proud and sure of decisions.
"Sometimes, Lord Tewksbury, you have to dangle your feet in the water to attract the bloody sharks!" I yell over the loud noise of the cart, and look at Louis, leaning forward.
It seems to fluster him.
And he didn't look me in the eyes... he looked at my lips...
"Why would we want to attract the bloody sharks?" Louis yells back.
I look forward, now looking more slightly concerned.
"Good point."
And scene. But no one was here to say it.
Each day I spend acting with him, is another day I wish we weren't pretending.
A/N: not my BEST chapter but eh
Oh yeah FYI I have no idea what was behind the scenes of this movie, so I don't know if Millie actually drove the car, and I don't know if the camera men came with or not.
It's all imagination to make the book more interesting.
I'm literally like 200 follows away from 1k omg thank you so so so so so much!!
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