~ thirty four ~

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~ four months later ~

"Make sure to study for next weeks test!" The teacher called out to the class as everyone packed up their things. Enola Holmes released today. September twenty third. And every single person in the school is posting about it.
I mean if I told you the amount of times I've seen random pictures of me and Louis popping up on kids Instagram, you'd be surprised.

It's like we have our own mini paparazzi. In reality however, they're just trying to get noticed.
I throw my backpack over my shoulder before walking towards the door of the classroom, earning a few stares from kids.

The last few days of filming were great. After me and Louis kissed, nothing was awkward anymore. We filmed the kiss scene no problem, and then I filmed all the little scenes with Helena, and wrapped it up within around three or four days.

Then we all went back to our homes, which I got to ride with Louis again, and for the rest of the summer I've been hanging out with Jess and Louis. And a few other kids too.

I make it to my locker, twisting the lock to my passcode before opening it up and grabbing out my umbrella. It's pouring outside today.

"Boo," I feel arms wrap around me from behind and a face burrows itself into the crook of my neck.
"Shit Louis that almost gave me a heart attack!" I chuckle and turn around to give him a quick hug.

He smiles and hugs me back.
"How was your day darling?" He asks me and slowly let's go so I can finish packing up.
I shrug and close the door to my locker, before grabbing onto his hand and walking towards the exit with him.


He furrows his brows and looks into my eyes.
"Meh? That's all I get?"
I chuckle a little bit and rub the back of his hand with my thumb.
"Well I have a hell ton of homework and-"


I stop walking and turn around. Louis does too.

Connor gives me a sheepish grin, staring at my hand locked in Louis'.
"What do you want now Connor?" I sigh and step a little closer to Louis, holding his arm with my other hand.
"I heard your movie is releasing today?"

The second bell rings, indicating that the busses are leaving. I'm getting a ride back with Louis.
"You heard correct."

He looks down and sighs a bit before looking back up at me.
"Do you wanna hang-"

"Sorry bud," Louis interrupts, "She's already got plans."

I look Connor dead in the eyes with zero interest, and the boy quickly scoffs and turns around.

I close my eyes for a split second and squeeze onto Louis' hand tighter.
"Dick head," he mumbles under his breath and I can't help but laugh a little.

The boy throws me a wink and then continues walking, trailing me along with him.
But once again, we get stopped. This time it's better however...

"Y/n!" I hear Jess call out and run over to me with her bag. When she sees me and Louis holding hands, she quickly snatches mine away and rolls her eyes.
"Louis you know that me and y/n are married. Stop trying to steal my girl."

I giggle and play along, holding my chin up high to Louis and smiling a little.
The boy decides to take us down the guilt trip and lets out a sad sigh.

"Alright then. I guess I'll just have to go home by myself and spend my Friday alone in my bed while my girlfriend is married to another lover."

I bite onto my top lip and laugh at his ignorance.
"We really need to work on your guilt tripping now don't we Louis? Because that didn't make me feel bad at all," I chuckle, and turn to Jess.

"Sorry wife, but I guess I have to go with the little boy over here," I sigh.

I let go of Jess' hand and walk back over to Louis, who's face lit up when I stood beside him.
"Alrighty then," Jess laughs a little bit.

"Do you wanna come over with me and Louis to my house? We could play some games or watch a movie?"

Jess jokingly rolls her eyes and shakes her head, "I ain't third wheeling you two. That shit is awkward."

I chuckle a little and shrug, "Suit yourself. See ya' later Jess!"
She waves and turns around, parting ways from me and Louis, who held hands again as we made it outside.

He held my umbrella above the two of us, rain pitter-pattering on the surface as a little smirk rolled across his lips.

"You know I love you, right?" He asks and looks down at me. I smile and nod.
"Yes? Why do you ask?"

He shrugs and looks back forward.
"Okay good. And you promise you love me?"

"Yes, now why are you asking?"

The boy starts running off with the umbrella, leaving me getting wet from the rain.
"Oh you bitch!" I yell and chase after him, laughing in an annoyed tone.

I soon catch up to him and jump to grab the umbrella from his hands, and running in the opposite direction towards the cars.
"No!" He yells, dragging out the 'o' while laughing and turning around to catch me.

I spring past a couple of people, trying to make it to my car before he could catch up.

And luckily, I did.

The boy was laughing too hard, slowing his running down, and I took the chance to get in the car, locking the doors before he could arrive.

I know, I'm mean. And I love it.

Louis' eyes grow wide as he sees me in the car, pointing a finger at him and laughing as I close the umbrella. He was soaked. His hair, his backpack, his white shirt. Literally everything.

The boy's face slowly turns to a pout and he trudges over to my car door, pulling on it as more rain covered him.
"Y/n," he whined through the glass and knocked on my window.

I quickly unlocked the car door and nodded, still laughing as he pulls it open and seats himself in the passenger side, arms folded across his chest as he frowns, but I can see that he's holding back a little smile.

I chuckle a little and turn towards him in my seat.
"You know I love you, right?"

He turns his head to me and finally that little frown fades away and he starts laughing.
"Shut up," he smiles.

I smile too and the two of us laugh side by side, as I put in my car keys and start the engine.
"I'll turn on the hot air for you, okay?"

He nods and lets out a little sigh, "Okay fine."


"Dad?" I called out as me and Louis entered my house, shivering like crazy.
Wyatt is shooting his new show with Sofia, and last I heard, Johnny is at the studio and recording a new song.

"Hi kiddo!" I hear dad call back from the kitchen.
Louis' teeth continued chattering, and he was now more damp and cold.
I honestly am starting to feel bad, but then again, he started it.

"Louis' here! Can we go downstairs and hang out?" I ask and give his hand a little squeeze.
Dad walks around the corner, with an pencil tucked behind his ear, and sleeves rolled up just below his elbows.

"Afternoon, Mr Downey," Louis smiles, giving my dad a little nod.
I sense suspicion in his eyes.
"Afternoon, Louis. Why are you two so wet? And cold?"

I bite onto my tongue and hold back some laughter, making short eye contact with Louis.
"Playing in the rain..." I chuckle sheepishly.

Dad scoffs with a little smile and turns back around.
"Downstairs is all yours," he says, "but keep the door-"

"Open three inches yeah yeah," I fill in and tug on Louis' arm, as he follows me downstairs. Even the boy's hands were cold.

Once we arrived, I opened the door so Louis and I could step inside, and then closed it with a small gap.
I looked up at Louis and he looked back down at me, teeth still chattering.

"You're really still cold huh?" I ask with a little chuckle and drop his hand, walking over to the small blanket pile in the corner.

"Well yeah!" He stutters a bit. I give the boy a frown and then lay down on the couch, throwing a blanket over the top of me.
"Come over here stupid," I giggle.

The boy quickly smiles and hurries over, before laying down under the blanket with me, and snuggling up. He really was cold.
I give him a little kiss on the cheek and then grab the remote and turn on the TV.

"Here," I hand him the remote, "since I was mean and locked you out in the rain, you get to choose what we watch."

Slowly, Louis turns his head towards me and smirks.
"Oh is that so?"
"In that case..."

I watch as he clicks open Netflix, and I immediately know.
"Except our movie!"
"Too late."
"No no no please I'll cringe so hard!"
"It'll be fun!" He justifies, "I mean we can point out the points that we hated each other, and the points that we loved each other. Its like a whole new story is hidden in the movie!"

I sigh and slightly roll my eyes.
"You're lucky I love you."

The boy smiles and mumbles "yes" under his breath, before he clicks on his profile (because obviously I made him one) and right at the very top of the page...

"Ugh," I groan and shove my face into his chest, barely even being able to handle the cover of the movie.
"Y/n we don't have to watch it if you're gonna be cringing the whole time."
"No no I won't I promise."

He gives me a suspicious little look, before shrugging and clicking play.
I sigh and lay with my head on his chest, arms wrapped around him.

Then I appear on screen. My frizzy, wild hair blowing in the wind as I ride my bike.
I practically burst out laughing at just seeing myself and how ridiculous I look while riding.

"Sh sh sh now I wanna hear the iconic first line!" Louis chuckles and gives me a gentle squeeze.

"Now, where to begin?" I hear myself say.


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