Sandy Emotions

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It was the year, 2024. Sulphur Springs Dance Studio had taken a trip to Orlando Florida. Every year Sulphur Springs Competitive Team goes on a big vacation, for a convention and competition. Last year was Las Vegas, but this year had to be at least 30x better. I mean, They get to go to Universal and Disney World. Today was day 2 in Orlando which meant it was the Elite Competition Team's day at the beach, all 14 of the dancers, along with their families.

"Alright team, What's the number one rule?" Coach Easton called out as everyone walked barefooted through the sand, holding their things

"Don't die" The teens answered

"Be free, Children-" Coach Jade exclaimed, but the juniors had already dashed away

"Well, come on peoples, obviously our kids don't need us anymore," Jess spoke

"You can say that again," Kami said

"I know right, yesterday Zoey got Mcdonald's and she didn't want me to cut the chicken nuggets" Sarah sighed

The ladies gasped

"You poor thing" Jess patted Sarah's shoulder as the moms all walked away, leaving only the husbands.

"What the heck," Ben said

"I don't even know" Noah shrugged


The teens had picked a spot on the sand. They lied their towels down and set up their beach umbrellas and chairs. The teens ran straight for the water, but not Griffin. He just lied down on his towel, and sunbathed.

"Look at Griffey. He's asleep " Matt pointed out, as he and his team floated in the water

"He looks so peaceful" Heritage uttered

"I don't like it" Harper spoke

"Go splash him then" Matt scoffed

"Good idea, Matt" Harper said, before swimming towards the shore

"I was joking Harpies" Matt called out

"Love you too" She yelled back. Once Harper arrived at the shore, she procured one of her teammate's sand buckets. She then proceeded to the ocean in order to fill the container with water. Upon completing this task, she strode over to her partner. Harper tipped the bucket over Griffin's face and poured out its contents, causing him to display a facial expression of displeasure

"Harper?" Griffin wiped his eyes

"Your awake" Harper smiled, as Griffin sat up

"He said, 'Come here,'" Harper straddled his lap. Griffin kissed her nose and elicited an amused scrunched expression from her. He giggled.

"You happy to be in Orlando?" Harper asked

"I'm happy to be out of school" Griffin answered

"You must really hate it" She assumed

"I only hate it, when your not there," Griffin said

Harper smiled. She then wrapped her arms around his neck, her thumb stroked upon his nape. Griffin knew what she wanted.

"We can't do that right now, Lovey" Griffin reminded

"I know" Harper pouted

"Tonight though" Griffin confirmed. Harper grinned


Time elapsed. Griffin and Harper joined the rest of the adolescents in the water - no one was left behind on land. As the youths swam and bobbed in the sea, Harper briefly observed the mothers. She noticed her mother with a phone in her hand, and all surrounding her with content grins.

"What do you think there smiling about?" Harper asked the teens

"Don't know" Heritage said

"Maybe you" Zoey spoke up

"Why me?"

"They're all around your mom" Griffin looked over

"Shall we see?" Harper suggested

Matt declared, "We shall." Subsequently, the teens swam to the shoreline and proceeded to walk towards a group of mothers. The juniors carefully approached to observe what was causing the grins. Harper's eyes widened in awe.

"-And this was her at the beach for the first time" Jess pointed

"Mom!" Harper quivered

"Aw Harper, you were so cute" Matt admired

Harper smiled at Matt, before returning to her state of sternness.

"Why are you showing this?" Harper asked her mom

"Why not!" Jess grinned

"I did not approve of this type of sharing, Mom!"

"You didn't have to, Babe"

Harper rolled her eyes

"Not really sure why you're that embarrassed, you were the most precious thing ever," Londyn said

"Is the most precious thing ever" Griffin corrected.

"Amen," Matt praised. Everyone laughed

"So, are we done with baby photos?" Harper wanted to know

"Well, we haven't seen Matt yet" Jess motioned

"Oh, Matt" Kami said, pulling out her phone

"No, No, No, No" Matt repeated

"Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes" Harper argued

"Let's go back to 2010," Kami said, scrolling through her photos

"Noooooo" Matt groaned

"Can't you show photos of Kenzie?" He complained

"Kenzie's at the hotel" Kami reminded

"It's only 2010, you were like 3"

"Well Mrs. Caba, let's get even younger" Harper suggested, making the teens scream with joy

Matt saw his mom's scrolling increase after Harper said that

"Mom!" He screamed out


"Why aren't you with the team," Wyatt asked

After a period of time, the teenagers had begun to play volleyball. The only thing audible was the cheerful laughter of children, coupled with the sound of crashing waves. Topher and Wyatt were located beneath an umbrella at the beach, seated on their shared towel

Topher, with a hint of amusement, stated, "Just don't feel like it," as Wyatt leaned over to observe his phone. In response, Topher pulled the device close to his chest.

"Woah, what's that all about?" Wyatt made a confused look

Topher sighed "Promise you won't tell anyone?"

"I promise"

"Ok..." Topher started

"I have a crush"


"I have a crush"

"Woah" Wyatt spoke

"I know right" Topher agreed

"Who's the crush," Wyatt asked

"Do I really have to reveal that information?"

"Might as well" Wyatt shrugged

"Do I know her?" He asked

"So freaking well," Topher remarked

"Just tell me who," Wyatt said, amused

"Zoey" He whispered


"Zoey" Topher spoke up

Wyatt's mouth dropped. "Zoey? My sister?" Wyatt questioned

Topher nodded

"You like Zozo?"

"Yeah, a lot," Topher stated, retrieving his phone. Wyatt again peered in closer. Topher smiled at what was on the screen.

Wyatt smiled a little "Did you tell her that?"

"That what?"

"That you have feelings for her" Wyatt spoke

"Heck no" Topher exclaimed

"Maybe you should" Wyatt suggested

"I don't want to get embarrassed if she rejects me" Topher frowned

"Then do simple things" Wyatt proposed

"Like what?"

"Carry her things, Help her with dance, hold the door for her" Wyatt put ideas out

"You think that could really work?"

"Of course. Plus, I have been told I'm the wizard of love"

"Telling that to yourself doesn't count" Topher patted his back

Wyatt rolled his eyes, before chuckling


The sun was setting as the teens and parents congregated. All of their belongings were gathered up and they returned to the hotel. Upon arriving at the hotel, everyone showered, changed into their pajamas, and relaxed in their respective rooms.

"Topher, could you go get some ice?" Wyatt asked as he walked into his and Topher's shared bedroom.

"Why not you?"

"I don't know," Wyatt said, while Topher just chuckled. Following this, he rose from his bed and obtained an ice container. After leaving his hotel room, he proceeded down the hallway and was met by Zoey at the ice machine as well.

"Hey," Zoey said with a grunt

"Hey, what's wrong?" Topher asked, putting down his ice container, and walking over to Zoey.

"This freaking ice machine won't work" Zoey complained, rapidly pressing the button for ice to pour

Topher suggested, "Let me try," but Zoey did not let go. In response, he laid his hand atop hers and together they pushed the button. Out came the ice.

"Woah" Zoey said, amazed

Topher enjoyed the glistening sparkle in her eyes.

"We made it work," Zoey said, as she watched

"Together" Topher stated. Zoey raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah...Together" Zoey said, a smile growing on her face. They stayed like that. Hands-on top of each other's, as the ice came down on their command.


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