Dancing Up A Storm

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On a Saturday afternoon, Griffin Campbell, Harper Dunn, and their respective families were in attendance at Sulphur Springs High School for Harper's dance competition. Harper was in the dressing room with her dance team while Griffin waited in the auditorium for the start of the teen small group performances, which had attracted a large crowd.

"When's it gonna start?" Wyatt groaned, slumping in his seat

"In about 20 minutes" Ben reassured

"You said 20 minutes about 8 "20 minutes" times ago" Wyatt reminded

"Ok?" Ben said

"Just be like Topher. He hasn't said a word"

Wyatt nodded "How are you so chill about this? we've been here for like the whole day" He whispered to his friend

"I'm just using my special technique" Topher stated. He then went silent


Wyatt made a confused look

"So are you gonna tell me what the tech-"

"Daydreaming" Topher interrupted

"Daydreaming?" Wyatt questioned

"Yeah, it helps a lot at school"

"Won't that just distract you?" Wyatt asked

"I mean yeah, How else do you think I'm failing history" Topher shrugged

Wyatt sighed "Respect". They fist bumped

Just then Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Campbell strolled down the aisle of the auditorium, They were each holding a coaster, full of 4 Chick- Fil-a milkshakes.

"Finally" Wyatt sighed. Jess and Sarah handed their 11-year-olds their milkshakes. They were both satisfied as they relax in their seats, and sipped.

Griffin then reached for his but his mom pulled back. " Griffin!, we have a job for you"

"Is it gonna interfere with me getting my milkshake" He questioned

"Not really. All you have to do is deliver these milkshakes to our daughters" Jess explained. She handed the coaster to Griffin

"Oh, and Mrs. Caba put Matt's in there as well" Sarah stated

"I'm flattered that you chose me for this job, but why can't you guys do it?" Griffin asked

"This is your school, you know your way around. You're the 9th grader" Sarah reminded

"You're the parent"

"Just, please. I'll pay you" Jess spoke

"Say less" Griffin quickly then stood up from his seat, slipping out of the row of chairs.

"Are you really gonna pay me?"

"Oh yeah," Jess said, sarcastically

"You lying?"

"Oh yeah," She said, with a smile

Griffin chuckled before walking up the aisle. He then ambled out of the auditorium doors, heading backstage.

Griffin approached the door with the sign reading "SSDS". He knew he had arrived to his intended destination. Taking a brief moment to compose himself, Griffin opened the door, revealing an array of dancers in various states of movement; some running around and snacking, others dancing or playing games. Despite not verbalizing it much, Griffin's heart was filled with joy at being able to visit his girlfriend and her team -- they remained the best of friends, and he hoped their bond would never break.

"Harper" Coach Lotus called out, getting everyone's attention

"It's your bae," He said, with a smirk

The whole room stopped their motions and started screaming with joy, as Harper walked over to her boyfriend. He kissed her cheek

"Matt! Zoey!, I need you to" Griffin called them over. They both walked over to him.

"Harpies," Griffin said, handing Harper her milkshake

"Zozo," He said, handing her hers

"-and Matty," Griffin said, giving Matt his.

He then took his own milkshake out and tossed the coaster in the nearby recycling.

Emmet urged Griffin to come and sit down, and Harper took him by the hand and directed him to the line of makeup stands. She settled him in at hers, and she took the empty one next to it, with the rest of the team following suit.

"So, your dating Miss Ma'am?" Heritage asked. She winked at Harper, who giggled

"Heck yeah," Griffin said

Harper smiled

"You buy her anything expensive?" Saylor questioned

Griffin raised an eyebrow

"Like that moola," Matt said, with a smug smile

Griffin just stayed silent

"God damn, Griffin" Coach Lotus gasped. Griffin smiled, as the team laughed.

"He doesn't love you, Harpie" Matt puffed

"I know, isn't it crazy," Harper said, sarcastically

Griffin snickered

"Coach!, l got my Ariel" Emmie called out

"No freaking way. Let's see it" Coach Lotus spoke

Emmie then got up and went to the front of the dressing room. She did as she said. An Ariel.

"God, Y'all are talented" Griffin breathed out, as he watched

"You know, it's pretty easy to be us" Emmie reminded, as she walked over to sit back down at her makeup chair

"That's bull," Griffin said, before sipping from his milkshake

"No, it really is" Zoey argued

Griffin shook his head "

"Ok, let's see then," Harper said, before standing up from her chair. She then walked over to the corner of the room to retrieve a tumbling mat.

"Harper- May?"

"What are you doing?" Matt asked

Griffin raised an eyebrow "That is also my question"

"Let's see what you can do," Harper said, as she lied the tumbling mat in the middle of the room, in front of her Coach

Griffin looked at Coach Lotus. "Let's see it, Griffin" Coach said, with a smile. Along with cheers from the team, Griffin stood up and walked over to Harper.

"Ok, so let's start easy"

"So like a cartwheel?" Griffin suggested

"That, and a back walkover, back handspring step out"

Griffin stared at her "I'm terribly sorry, What?"

Harper giggled

"Just do a back handspring" Matt called out

"No, Matty!, I choose" Harper demanded

"Just do a back handspring" She quoted

"I don't know about this"Griffin said, as he walked to the end of the mat

"You'll be fine"


"You'll be fine"

Griffin then sighed. He stationed himself, before putting his arms up by his ears.

"Oh god" He quivered, putting his arms back down

"Just don't think about it" Coach Lotus spoke

"I wouldn't make you do it, if It was gonna hurt you" Harper explained

"If you die, you die" Zoey shrugged


"I said, If you do it right, you do it right" Zoey covered up

"Yeah, That's what you said" Griffin spoke, spectacularly

Zoey winked

"Ugh GG, we've been waiting for hours, do it" Matt groaned

"Kay fine" Griffin said

Griffin Campbell once again positioned his arms at his ears. He quietly spoke to himself before building momentum. He carried out the order given to him. Was it flawless? Not entirely, yet Griffin Campbell successfully executed a back handspring.

"OH MY LORD!" Griffin yelled as the whole room screamed with joy

Harper gave Griffin the biggest hug."You did it" She said. "I did it" He confirmed.

"See, you would make the team" Coach Lotus quoted

"1,000 percent" Londyn exclaimed

"Griffin should come with us for our road trip next week" Harper suggested

"Only if he wants to"

Harper looked at Griffin. "I am home" He sighed. Harper smiled

"Where is the competition?"

"Ohio" Coach Lotus said

Griffin smirked

"Don't" Coach Lotus warned, knowing what was about happen

"DOWN IN OHIO" He started

"SWAG LIKE OHIO" The team hummed along

"You guys don't-"


"DOWN IN OHIO, SWAG LIKE OHIO" They chanted, over and over again


"He must be having the time of his life with that team" Wyatt sighed

Everyone was a bit befuddled. Griffin had been dispatched to present Harper and Zoey with their milkshakes, yet it had been close to 15 minutes since then. Fortunately, we are aware of what is transpiring on the other side.

Sarah stated that she should call him as she pulled out her phone, at which point the auditorium doors opened and Griffin walked down the aisle to his row of seats. He was wearing a jacket displaying the acronym "SSDS" with sunglasses and holding a milkshake.

"Well, We'll Well, look who finally decides to turn up," Ben said

"Where were you?" Sarah questioned

"With the dancers," Griffin said, before taking a sip of his milkshake

"Why did it take you so long?" Sarah asked

"I just told you, I was with the dancers"

Jess nodded

"See, Mrs. Dunn gets it"

"Oh, I'm going on the road trip to Ohio with the team," Griffin said


"Harper told me I should"

Sarah looked at Jess

"They normally go eat out, and see a movie" Jess quoted

"And that's gonna be me" Griffin confirmed

"What's with the outfit" Ben wondered

"What- Oh, I got some merch" Griffin explained

"With who's money?" Sarah put a question to

Griffin regarded her with a stare. "Well, good talk" he uttered before maneuvering past his parents, Mrs. Dunn, Topher, and Wyatt to get to his seat. He then settled in.

"You're going to Ohio?" Wyatt wondered

"Heck yeah"

"With the team?" Topher asked


"You know you can eat out, and see a movie with us right?" Wyatt reminded

"I know"

"So why with the competitive team?" Topher questioned

Griffin then pointed to the embroidered text on his jacket. 

"This is home"

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