It was a bright and sunny Monday, the year 2024. Sulphur Springs High School was in session during 4th period. Griffin Campbell and Harper Dunn were attending Mrs. Shades' History class with their peers--11th graders who were working diligently on their laptops.This week was particularly important for the students since it marked Homecoming dance time; thus, everyone was making sure to keep up their grades so they could join in the festivities. For Harper, however, there was an even bigger event ahead: a major dance competition and convention known as HUSTLE.
The strict standards of HUSTLE required all dancers to acquire a physical before participating. Harper was fortunate to have already done so two months prior, but the physicians identified a further need they only shared with Mrs. Dunn. It was finally time for her to handle the issue today. In that moment, the classroom phone trilled and Mrs. Shades quickly answered it, her demeanor indicating someone would be leaving soon. All eyes were trained on her as she listened intently.
"Thank you!" She exclaimed, before putting down the phone
"Harper? Griffin?"
The couple looked at her
"You're checking out for the day" Mrs. Shades smiled, before returning back to her state
Griffin and Harper glanced at one another, then began packing their items. They both realized the significance of the day: Harper was scheduled to receive her high school vaccinations. Griffin and Harper collected their belongings; Harper was wearing her The North Face backpack, and Griffin a Nike one. Griffin picked up his sporting bag as well as Harper's, and they proceeded on foot.
The class waved goodbye, and they waved back
"Bye, Mrs. Shades," Griffin and Harper said, with a smile (kinda forced for Harper)
"Bye, Darlings" She waved, as they left her classroom
Harper expressed their reluctance as they walked down the hallway, hand in hand, stating, "I don't want to get the shots, Griffin."
"I know, Harps, but it's better to get them done"
"Besides, I'll be there with you the whole time" Griffin reassured
Really and truly, Griffin didn't have to come, but Mrs. Dunn requested it. She knew that Griffin could calm Harper down in a minute.
"Do you promise, Griffey?" Harper asked, giving his hand a squeeze
"I promise" He squeezed her hand back. She smiled.
Griffin and Harper walked down the hallway, and to the front office.
"Harper!" "Griffin!" The moms said, before hugging their teenager. Griffin and Sarah did pull away, but Harper hugged her mom a little longer.
"My baby" Jess whispered before they both pulled away
"Have a wonderful day, you guys!" The lady behind the desk said
"Thank you" Sarah spoke, before the 4 of them walked out the office doors, and out of the school.
As they walked to their cars, Harper looked down the whole time, she started fiddling with her fingers. Sarah noticed.
"Are you nervous, Honey?" Sarah spoke up
Harper nodded
"Aww" Griffin bummed, before kissing her hand
"It will be ok, Babe" Jess reassured
But will it, Mrs. Dunn?
The Campbells and Dunns eventually departed from the high school and made their way over to Sulphur Springs Pediatrics. As they proceeded on their journey, Harper was visibly distressed; it was apparent to all who knew her that Harper had Trypanophobia, a fear of needles. Once they arrived at the medical practice, the two families parked their vehicles beside each other and then entered the building.
Griffin raised an eyebrow as he watched Jess and Sarah walk over to the front desk. He wondered why his mother had gone with Jess to check in. He shrugged it off, thinking it likely meant nothing. He then followed Harper to the nearby seats, where they both sat down. Harper began fidgeting anxiously with her fingers once again.
Griffin comforted Harper by placing his hands on top of hers and reassuringly stating, "Don't be nervous".
Harper nodded
Griffin then pointed to his cheek. Harper kissed it, and he smiled.
"Thanks," Jess said to the doctor behind the desk
"You're welcome"
Jess and Sarah walked over to the seats to join their kids. They sat down as well.
Approximately 10 minutes had elapsed when a doctor entered the premises, where Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Dunn, and their children were waiting.
"Harper?" She called out
Jess rose and gave Harper's forehead a kiss before Griffin and Harper proceeded to the physician
"Hi," The doctor said, as she and the teenagers went through the door.
Jess sighed
"She's gonna be ok" Sarah reassured
"I hope" Jess wished
The physician escorted Harper and Griffin to an examination room, where Griffin seated himself on a chair and Harper took up position on the examination table.
"Ok Miss Harper, so you're getting your high school shots?" The doctor asked
Harper didn't say anything
"She is" Griffin spoke up
"She's just a little nervous"
"Aw, don't be nervous, precious," The doctor said
"I'm gonna go get the things"
Griffin nodded, and the doctor left.
Griffin then stood and moved to join Harper at the exam table. He then lifted her up, settling her into his lap.
"It's just one little poke, Lovey," he said soothingly as she tucked herself against his chest. Harper gave a soft whine of protest, to which Griffin simply replied lovingly, "I know."
Just then, the door opened and the doctor entered with a tray containing a syringe, medicine, bandages, and towelettes. At the sight of this, Harper's eyes widened in surprise.
"No, No, No," Harper pressed firmly against her boyfriend, as the doctor set up the equipment beside them.
"Alright, Honey, can I see-"
"No," Her voice quavered now. She leaned into Griffin even further
"It's alright," He said reassuringly, before firmly yet gently taking hold of Harper's arm. The doctor then replaced his grasp with her own. Harper let out a loud sob and desperately attempted to get away from the doctor.
"Honey, I need you to be still " The doctor sad
"It's ok, Lovey" Griffin soothed, holding on to her tightly
The doctor then opened the towelette and gently applied it to a spot on Harper's arm. Griffin quietly comforted Harper, saying reassuringly, "It's okay, Muffin. I'm here."
"Alright, Harper," the doctor said as she filled the syringe with the medicine and motioned towards her.
"GRIFFIN" Harper shouted, attempting to push herself back.
"It's ok, Harps, it's ok" Griffin held her down
Griffin grabbed Harper's hand, and she squeezed it tightly. She then felt the needle come in contact with her arm. She screamed.
"Almost done"
She then felt the needle pull away.
"That's it," The doctor declared
"All finished, Lovey," Griffin said, before turning Harper towards him. She nestled against the crook of Griffin's neck, tears streaming down her face. "No more shots, Angel," he murmured comfortingly while stroking her back.
"Shh, you're all done now," Griffin reassured her. Soon enough, Harper's sobs had turned into sniffles.
"She should be good for a while," The doctor said. Griffin nodded.
"Harper, can you say thank you?" Griffin asked.
She shook her head.
Griffin chuckled
"Thank you," He said himself
"You're very welcome," the doctor smiled as Griffin rose to his feet and Harper hugged him around the waist. They then walked out of the examination room. "Have a great day," the doctor said to them before they proceeded into the waiting room.
"Thank you," Griffin replied with gratitude before they made their exit.
Mrs. Dunn and Mrs. Campbell then stood up and walked over to the teenagers
"How did it go?" Jess asked, eagerly
"Was that her screaming?" Sarah questioned
"That was her" Griffin mouthed
Jess nodded
"It went ok, just a few tears," Griffin gently bounced Harper in his embrace. She remained tucked away in the nape of his neck."
"Aw," Jess said, before placing a hand on Harper's back and making comforting circles.
"But overall, Harper did an excellent job," He smiled, as she leaned into his touch.
"Griffey?" Harper whispered
"I want some ice cream" She muttered on his neck
"I'll get you some, Lovey" Griffin reassured with a laugh
"Well, we got Harper's shots done" Jess praised
"And I got Griffin registered" Sarah smiled
"Registered?" He questioned
"You know what time it is," Sarah said
"It's like 12:30-"
"You have to get your shots" Sarah reminded
Griffin stared at his mom. "WHAT?"
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