Everyone was still amazed by Griffin's actions. Not many spoke to him that night, as the events had occurred so unexpectedly. Harper continued to attempt to call Griffin, but he never picked up. It hurt him too much to hear his phone ringing, for fear of what might happen if he answered it. "Dead," Lexi said. Dead - the single word reverberating throughout the room. The weekend flew by quickly and before they knew it, Monday morning arrived. At Sulphur Springs High School, drowsy teenagers wandered around looking for their way to first-period class before exhaustion crept in. Yet things changed when Griffin Campbell - who had been labeled "the missing kid" - suddenly appeared at school once more. Everyone was astonished by his return and with welcoming arms, everyone embraced him warmly. Though one meeting was awaited more than any other; the reunion between Griffin and his girlfriend Harper. Unbeknownst to all, they had already seen each other and it didn't go as expected.
Soon after the greetings, Griffin came about to his friend group. Together they trailed to their first period. Griffin was hesitant when entering his ELAR class for the first period. Fortunately, Harper had not yet arrived, giving him ample time before having to face whatever consequences she may entail. His friends joined him with all smiles as they proceeded to their desks.
"Griffin!" The ELAR teacher, Mrs. Kincaid smiled. She arose from her teacher's desk. "So good to see you" She walked over to Griffin and gave him a hug
"You too" Griffin smiled, before pulling away
Mrs. Kincaid inquired, "So, what happened?" However, she instantly lamented posing the question after observing Griffin's countenance turn blank. It must have been more severe than she imagined.
" Griffin...if you want to go to the counselor-"
"No" Griffin blurted
"I just don't really want to talk about it. I'm sorry" He apologized
"Don't be sorry, Buddy. It's okay" Mrs. Kincaid reassured. Griffin nodded, before sitting back down. Mrs. Kincaid settled back at her desk.
As more students began to enter the classroom, Griffin received even more smiles. Although he didn't think that he deserved them, as no one knew about his interaction with Harper. He kept a watchful eye on the door and tensed each time someone new entered; however, he would relax once it was evident that it wasn't her. That's when Griffin heard 11th graders calling out Harper's name--"Harper," "Harps," and "Harpie." Ugh. It was all too familiar.
Suddenly, Harper arrived with a group of friends and walked toward Mrs. Kincaid's desk. Griffin quickly looked away, trying to avoid any contact with her gaze. Her companions took their seats at their assigned desks but, unexpectedly, she stayed at the teacher's desk instead.
"Hi Darling" Mrs. Kincaid greeted
Harper smiled
"What's wrong?"
"Um, can I sit somewhere else today?" She asked. As expected, she and Griffin always opted to take seats next to each other."
"Why?, You always sit next to Griffin" Mrs. Kincaid reminded
"I know, it's just that...um...well...." Harper's eyes became watery
"No, No- It's okay. You can sit next to Ariana if you want" Mrs. Kincaid suggested
"Thank you" Harper appreciated
"No problem, Sweetie". Harper proceeded to the rear of the room, where Ariana was seated. On her way there, she had to pass Griffin. She held her head high but could sense his gaze following her every move. Setting down her things at her desk, Harper caught an astonished look from Ariana, her friend.
"Why are you sitting back here, Harps?" Ariana asked
"I can't be next to stupid Griffin" Harper mumbled
"I thought he was your 'Griffey'" Ariana spoke
"It's a long story" Harper slouched in her seat. Ariana slouched with her
"If your upset, I'm upset" Ariana declared
Harper giggled "At least I have you, Ari" She sighed
"Forever" She smiled
That's when the 1st-period bell rang. The class was now in session.
"Ok, Boys and Girls" Mrs. Kincaid traveled to the front of the room
"We have a pretty simple day, today, just looking more into informational texts"
"But, I have a little surprise for you guys. Anyone want to guess what it is?"
Half the class raised their hand
"Gabe" Mrs. Kincaid called on
"You finna take us to Disney?" Gabe guessed
"This school broke remember?" Harper could not help but mention.
A chuckle escaped Griffin's lips as he heard. Harper noticed and tried to hold back a smile.
"Well, I'm not taking anyone to Disney World" Mrs. Kincaid reassured
"Told ya, Gabe" Bailey spoke up
"Shut up" He chuckled before the eleventh-grade students all shared a laugh
"Ok, forget I said surprised. We have a new student joining us today" Mrs. Kincaid smiled
"And I was just starting to vibe with this class" Ariana complained
"She's nice" Mrs. Kincaid confirmed
"What's her name?" Griffin rose an eyebrow
Griffin grew wide eyes
"Alexis what?" He eagerly asked
"Royal I believe," Mrs. Kincaid said
"No, No, No, No" Griffin repeated over and over again, until the classroom door opened, revealing the demon herself.
"Alexis" Mrs. Kincaid smiled, before gently giving her a hug
"Class this is Alexis" Mrs. Kincaid introduced
"Lexi" Griffin couldn't help but groan
"You to know each other?" Mrs. Kincaid questioned
"Yeah, we go way back" Lexi smiled
Harper made a confused face
"That's great, maybe Griffin can show you around" Mrs. Kincaid suggested
"Would you, Griffey?" Lexi asked
"Griffey?" Bailey mouthed, before looking at Harper. She just shrugged.
Griffin nodded, with a forceful smile it felt like.
"Awesome" Mrs. Kincaid commented. She then told Lexi to sit at a desk, and she obviously chose the empty one next to Griffin.
"Ok Class, Let's show Alexis how we work"
Time elapsed. As everyone began to become comfortable around Lexi, Griffin found himself unable to comprehend her presence. Having left Sulphur Springs district for a private school, why had she now returned? It made little sense to Griffin. Though he felt terrible about Lexi's situation, he could only guess at how Harper was feeling after she "Griffey'd" him. Fortunately, time flew by quickly, and soon the bell signaled the end of the period.
"Bye, guys!" Mrs. Kincaid exclaimed
The students gathered their belongings and departed from the classroom. Griffin was about to speak to Harper, yet she passed him by without making eye contact. Feeling a sense of disappointment, Griffin exited the room. Lexi noticed this and decided to trail him; he then headed towards his locker in order to store his books. At that moment, Lexi abruptly appeared.
"Hey Buttercup" Lexi smiled
Griffin looked puzzled.
"I feel like sometimes you forget that we're exes" Griffin stated
"Ugh, don't remind me" Lexi groaned
"Listen, What are you doing here?"
"Well, I had to make sure you weren't talking to Harper. Wouldn't want to end your life now" She smirked
Griffin sighed "Lexi, she's my girlfriend. How am I supposed to stay away from her?"
"Come up with something" Lexi commands. Griffin rolled his eyes.
Lexi gave Griffin an inquiring glance, then reached into her athletic drawstring bag. She pulled out a small bottle and said, "I have a task for you: give this to Harper."
Griffin observed the bottle and noticed an unfamiliar liquid inside.
"What's that?" He questioned
"Just make sure she drinks it," Lexi remarked
"Tell me what it is" Griffin declared
"Just give it to her" Lexi spoke
"Lexi, I'm not giving-"
"Give it to her or you die," Lexi said sternly
Griffin swiftly snatched the bottle from Lexi's grasp. She beamed.
"Also, change your profile"
"Your Instagram profile" Lexi turned her phone around
"Really she's in your bio?" Lexi told
"She's my girlfriend!" Griffin once again reminded
Lexi rolled her eyes "Delete those damn photos of her too" She said before walking off
Griffin took one final look at the liquid before placing it into his pocket. He exhaled before shutting his locker. He glanced at the clock, noting that he had 6 minutes left to get to his next class but might as well carry out his responsibilities in the meantime. Thus, Griffin moved around the hallway in search of Harper. He was aware that she would be going to Math now, hence there was no need for him to meander as if lost at sea. When he happened upon her conversing with a few friends, Griffin paused before making his way toward her.
Griffin hesitantly inquired, "Can I talk to you?" Harper bestowed him a glance, yet it soon dissipated. Her companions showed deferential regard by withdrawing, granting the pair privacy.
"What?" Harper crossed her arms
"I need you to drink this" Griffin pulled the tiny bottle out of his pocket
"Drink this" He held out the container
"Why?" Harper questioned
"Just do it" Griffin pleaded
"I don't want to" Harper stated
"Drink it" Griffin begged
"Do it" Griffin implored
"Griffin, I don't want-"
"HARPER, DRINK IT" He yelled
Harper quickly grabbed the bottle, opened it, and swallowed it down. Griffin felt so guilty because he could tell he scared her. He had to fight back the urge to wrap his arms around her and let her roam to her safe spot. Without speaking, Griffin departed and Harper's eyes welled up with tears that she hastily wiped away. Her friends then reconvened around her.
"What was that about?" Bailey asked
"He made me try this drink" Harper answered
"That's weird," Jordyn remarked
"I know" Harper agreed
"C'mom, I'm sure it was nothing. We need to get to class" Ariana said. The group of girls walked to 2nd period.
The second period had commenced, and Griffin was seated in Mrs. Hensley's class with Lexi and Juju. He tried to focus on his laptop, but the murmuring and giggling of both girls continually distracted him. He wondered how the two had become such close confidants so quickly; were they both Juvenile Delinquents? Nevertheless, he couldn't concentrate; all he could think about was Harper and if the beverage he'd given her was safe. If anything happened to her, he would be burdened with guilt.
Just then the door opened. A lady from the office came in.
"Hi, Mrs. Courtney" Mrs. Hensley greeted
"Hi," She said as she walked over to the teacher's desk
"What's wrong?" Mrs. Hensley asked
"Well, you know Harper Dunn, right?" Mrs. Courtney questioned
Griffin rose an eyebrow
Mrs. Hensley nodded
"Apparently, She was in her 2nd-period class, and she complained to the teacher about a headache, and just before the teacher called the nurse she fainted"
"Harper fainted?" A student named Addison blurted out, overhearing the conversation
"She did" Mrs. Courtney turned toward the class
"Harper didn't tell us much, but she did tell us that she received a drink from a friend prior to the situation" Mrs. Courtney explained
Griffin immediately looked down
"Harper didn't tell us this mystery figure" Mrs. Courtney reminded
"I was just curious: did any of you poison Harper?" she inquired.
The class was silent. Griffin ensured he did not make eye contact with anyone at the moment. Then, a student raised their hand.
"Yes" Mrs. Courtney called on
"I didn't do it"
"But I think I might have an idea of who did" Lexi smirked
Griffin's eyes widened.
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