"Wait, your Griffin's Ex?" Juju said, opening her door wider, and letting Lexi in.
"Yeah" Lexi sighed
"So you we're..."
"I was his "Harper" Lexi spoke
Juju then shut the door. Her parents were in their room, so she wasn't worried about them seeing her and Lexi. Lexi and Juju then walked over to the living room. They sat down on the couch.
"Why did you break up?" Juju asked, curiously
"I moved to a private school" Lexi explained
"When I was gone, I guess he met stupid Harper" Lexi scoffed
"I know right" Juju agreed
"You said you knew where he was?"
"Yeah, like I think I know the exact spot" Lexi responded
"How?, it's not like you took him," Juju said
Lexi smirked "Never say never"
Juju then did realize. Her eyes grew wide
"OH MY GOD!, YOU KIDNAPPED GRIFFIN " Juju whispered- yelled
Lexi just shrugged, with a smile
"Damn, your tragic" Juju complimented, in awe
"Aw, thanks Juju" Lexi said, which made her giggle
"Do you wanna see him? We could set him straight" Lexi suggested
"Heck yeah, or my name isn't Juliette Kalia Caspian"
"Shut up, Kalia is my middle name too!" Lexi mentioned
" God, Were like destine delinquents" Juju uttered
The girls both laughed, before standing up from the couch. The juvenile's then walked over to the front door. Juju not even bothering to inform her parents about her disappearance. Lexi and Juju walked out the door, shutting it behind them.
"When's the last time you saw him?" Ben asked
Everyone was at the Tremont. Scattered across the grassy lawns. As you can imagine everyone was freaking out about Griffin's absents. The police were over, and everything. It was so overwhelming over there, especially from Harper's perspective. She was at the scene when it all happened, so she was frequently asked questions along with her friend Destiny. Destiny was at the Tremont too, her parents were there as well. Sense Juju is somewhat still a suspect, they turned to her closest friend for more information.
"We we're on stage together" Harper answered
"That was the last time?" The police officer questioned
Harper nodded
"Ok, your free to go, young lady" The officer uttered
Harper nodded, before she and Destiny who was with her the whole "interrogation" walked away
"Jesus" Destiny mumbled
Harper sighed "He's gone forever"
"No, No, he's not, don't think like-"
"Destiny!, nobody knows where he is" Harper interrupted
"We will find him," Destiny said, putting a hand on Harper's shoulder
"But what if we don't!" Harper clapped back with rage
"We have to have an open mind-"
"AN OPEN MIND?" Harper repeated
"GRIFFIN AND I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO HANG OUT, WITHOUT ONE OF US BEING THREATENED BY JUJU, AND NOW THIS" Harper yelled. Destiny noticed the eyes that were glancing over at the situation.
Harper then sniffled, before a tear streamed down her face
"I'm sorry" Harper whispered before she let out a sound of sadness
"Harppie" Destiny said sweetly, before hugging Harper tightly
"Everything's gonna be ok"
"Where is he?" Juju asked, eagerly
Juju and Lexi walked to Lexi's house. It was surprisingly a shorter walk than 17-year-old Juju expected, but who's complaining?
"Be patient, Hot Mess" Lexi said, as she closed her front door
Juju chuckled at the nickname
"Ok, he's in my basement," Lexi said
"Why in the basement?" Juju wondered
"You know in the movies how when people go to the basement, they never return," Lexi asked
Juju nodded
"That was my goal" Lexi voiced
Juju laughed
"C'mom, before my parents know we're here" Lexi stated, before she guided Juju to the stairs, leading down to her basement.
"The only sad part is my basement isn't scary" Lexi mentioned, as she and Juju walked down the stairs
"You call a tv, a bunch of couches, a popcorn machine, a snack bar, and a drink station scary?"
"Frick, you left Griffin in paradise" Juju groaned
Lexi giggled
Once Juju and Lexi made it down the stairs. They were both immediately greeted by Griffin. He was tied up to a chair, along with his hands. A band-dana was over his mouth. He was squirming a lot.
"Stop with the dramatics," Lexi said before She and Juju walked over to Griffin. She pulled down the band-dana.
"LET ME GO" Griffin screamed
"Oh shut up, Griffin" Juju said
Juju raised an eyebrow
"Under one condition," Lexi said, with a smirk
"Oh my god" Griffin groaned
"LISTEN," Lexi said, putting her hands on Griffin's shoulders
"YOUR GONNA BREAK UP WITH HARPER, I DONT WANT TO SEE ANY TOUCHING, HUGGING, LITERALLY NOTHING," Lexi said, pushing onto Griffin, gripping her nails into his shoulders. Griffin winced
"-AND IF YOU DON'T" Lexi trailed off, before pulling herself away. She walked over to her nearby bag, bringing it over to Griffin
"YOU MIGHT ASWELL BE DEAD," Lexi said, before reaching into her bag.
Grififin's eyes grew wide. Lexi could have pulled anything out, so he gave in.
"Good," Juju remarked
Lexi then went behind Griffin and untied his hands.
"Dead" Lexi whispered in Griffin's ear, before he bolted out of the chair, he quickly ran, up the stairs, and out of the house.
The chaos at the Tremont had quieted down a little bit. The police and Destiny had left. The Dunnbells expect Griffin, we're all seated in the lobby. No one was talking, but their emotions were. They were all just waiting for a miracle to happen.
Just then the door opened, catching everyone's attention. It was Griffin.
"Oh my god!" Sarah said, before rushing over to him. He hugged him tightly. He hugged back.
"Son," Ben said, joining in on the hug
It didn't take long for the twins to join in as well. The family all group hugged.
Eventually, they all pulled away. It was Harper's turn. Harper then dashed over to her boyfriend. Griffin would originally be ready to welcome her with open arms, but he remembered what Lexi said. Instead of being prepared to give the biggest hug ever to his girlfriend, he simply pushed her away. She was running to him with so much force that when he pushed her she fell to the ground.
Harper whimpered, as she made contact with the floor. Griffin resisted helping her off the ground, and apologizing, Even though he really wanted to. Griffin didn't do or say anything but walked upstairs. He felt a tear stream down his face as he did, but he quickly wiped it away.
The Campbells, Jess, and Topher bolted over to Harper
"Harper, are you ok?" Ben said as Jess helped her back to her feet
"I don't know why he did that" Sarah pointed out
"Are you ok, baby," Jess said, eyeing her daughter up and down
Harper nodded, trying not to break down. She was just as shocked as everyone else. What in the world was Griffin thinking?
"Can we just leave" Harper mumbled
"Yeah, babe," Jess said
"I'm so sorry," Sarah said to Harper
"We'll see you guys later," Jess said, before Harper, and Topher walked to the door
The Campbells waved before the Dunn family walked out the door.
Everyone was still in awe of what Grififn did. I mean they have seen him push people but Harper? you got to be kidding me. But that's ok because he'll come through for Harper... right?
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