S1 EP:7 (FINALE) Homecoming Sabotage

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"How did you even get in, your suspended remember?"

Tonight was the night. It was the 2024 Homecoming. Sulphur Springs High School was decked out from lights to decorations. Literally, everything was perfect. Well... I guess it wasn't perfect- perfect. Juju had returned to her house, and thought that everything was "cool", but when Juju came to school today she was literally attacked by every student. Juju was automatically suspended for her actions in and outside of school, so she wasn't in class for most of the day. Harper did return to school as well. Her wrist was still bruised, but it was getting better.  I believe what made Juju even more irritated was that Harper got so many waves and smiles, and positive comments when she came back. But Juju?, as I said, not even close. It was now nighttime, The Homecoming doors had opened, and loads of 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th graders had packed the gymnasium. Juju and Destiny were currently in the hallway, Destiny trying to make sure no one could see them.

"Chill DD," Juju said

"Don't "DD" me" Destiny clapped back

Juju rolled her eyes

"What are you doing here," Destiny asked

"Do you really think I would have given up that easily"

"Well let me think...YES" Destiny raised her voice

"You got in trouble with the police" Destiny pointed out

"They didn't catch me" Juju scoffed

"Juju, I don't think you realize that you're now classified as a "Runaway Juvenile Delinquent" " Destiny quoted

"Whatever, Destiny"

"You wanna know why I'm really here?" Juju stated

"Please" Destiny answered

"I have a plan," Juju said, with a smirk, flipping her brunette hair

Destiny sighed before she felt herself being pulled by Juju. Juju pulled Destiny over to the gymnasium doors, to look through the small window on them

"You see that light," Juju said, pointing to a specific one

Destiny looked through the tiny window and saw the big light hanging from the ceiling.

"What about it," Destiny said, pulling away from the window

"If my plan works, then that light is gonna fall on Harper" Juju stated

"How do you even know?" Destiny wondered

"Listen, I can't stop her from winning queen, because we all know she's gonna-"

"Thank god" Destiny sighed

"But when she goes on stage to receive her crown-"

"How did you plan all this?" Destiny interrupted

"I have my ways. Just one push of a button and bam" Juju said, intrigued by her own words

"Bam, that light better fall on someone else" Destiny stated, sternly

Juju chuckled "C'mom Destiny"

"A little party never killed nobody" Juju quoted

"Um, it does when Juliette Caspian is behind it" Destiny spoke

"C'mom, crownings gonna start soon," Juju said, rolling her shoulders. She then grabbed Destiny's arm and pulled her towards herself. They walked down the hall to the restrooms to hide out. When they were walking Juju bumped into an unfamiliar girl, she was holding a large bag and was wearing all black, covering her face

"Hey, watch it!" Juju said as she and the girl collided

"My god" The girl mumbled, before walking away herself, not even bothering to make eye contact

Destiny's gaze landed on the girl as she walked. The bag that she was holding seemed suspiciously large and Destiny thought to herself that a person could probably fit in it. She shook off her thoughts, swiftly catching up to Juju.


Time had passed. Juju and Destiny were still hiding out in the restrooms. Destiny was bored and mad as heck, only because she had to spend her homecoming in a crusty bathroom. Juju, on the other hand, didn't really care about that, all she cared about was getting her revenge.

"Juju, we must have two different definitions of "soon" Destiny finally spoke

"I mean we've been in here for like 45 minutes" Destiny complained

"We just have to wait a little longer," Juju said

Destiny groaned

"If your so worried, text Harper and see when crownings gonna start" Juju suggested

Destiny pulled out her phone, from a little purse she was carrying around, and texted her friend Harper. She did.

5 minutes later

"Has she replied yet?" Juju asked

"No, she- Oh she just did!" Destiny said, with a smile

"She said the crowing just started" Destiny spoke turning her phone towards Juju

Juju grabbed Destiny's phone to get a closer look

"Well, then we got to go!" Juju said, quickly before dropping Destiny's phone on the floor and running off

"Juju!" Destiny said before picking up her phone and running after her

Juju and Destiny ran down the hallway to the gymnasium, they stopped at the doors.

"Ok, I can't go in because it's too risky, but you can," Juju said, with a smug smile

"I'm not carrying out your "mostly gonna end up 6 feet underground" plan" Destiny sassed

"Don't worry, you just have to watch, and give me signals" Juju calmed

Destiny raised an eyebrow

From the tiny window of the gym doors, Juju saw Harper and Griffin. They were kissing

"Ugh... tweedle dee and tweedle dum our at it again," Juju said, annoyed

"I know aren't they so cute," Destiny said, with a smile

"Just go In there," Juju said, opening the gym doors, and pushing Destiny in there

Destiny stumbled into the gym due to a shove from Juju. She quickly regained her composure before approaching Harper and Griffin as well as some other companions. They all congregated near the stage, eagerly awaiting the coronation.

"Destiny!" Her friends seemed to say in sync

"Where were you?" Jordyn asked

"Bathroom" Destiny partially lied 

"For like an hour?" Bailey questioned

"Ok, so we're all just gonna pretend like you didn't-"

"Never mind!" Bailey interrupted

Destiny and her friends laughed

Destiny then scooted over to Harper and Griffin, they were just mingling

Destiny gently placed her hand on Harper's head, trying to ruin her low bun

Harper noticed, and turned around, making Griffin look as well

"D- Day," Harper said, with a smile

Destiny grinned back

"Destiny!" Griffin said, with a wave

Destiny waved back

Suddenly, music began to play and a large crowd assembled as cheers filled the air. Coach Nolan, a renowned school teacher, stepped onto the stage and took hold of the microphone

"What's up, Harbingers!" Coach Nolan said into the microphone, as the crowd practically roared

"Ok, everybody it's time for the moment we've all been waiting for-"

"Our 2024 Homecoming Crowning" Coach Nolan yelled into the microphone. The crowd went wild

"Ok, I think we'll start with our homecoming king," Coach Nolan said, holding an envelope

"Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2024 Homecoming King is..."

Coach Nolan opened up the envelope

A palpable tension pervaded the gymnasium as everyone waited anxiously for the results. Harper, Griffin, and their circle of friends joined hands, eyes closed, in a unified gesture

"This must be how you feel at competitions" Griffin whispered to Harper, giving her hand a squeeze

"You think?" Harper whispered back

Their friends couldn't help but giggle

"GRIFFIN CAMPBELL" Coach Nolan yelled, as the crowd screamed and clapped

Harper kissed Griffin's cheek before he made his way to the stage. A woman approached him and adorned him with a crown and sash, which was met by thunderous applause from the crowd. Griffin couldn't help but smile at Harper's prideful expression, so supportive of his endeavors.

"Ok, moving on to our 2024 Homecoming Queen" Coach Nolan said

"Boy and Girls, your 2024 Homecoming Queen is..."

Just like with Grififn, everyone was on edge. Harper had everyone around her, each touching her shoulder or hand in some way, all awaiting her next move in suspense.


Before Coach Nolan could finish speaking, the students in grades 9-12 erupted with joy. Harper received a plethora of side hugs before she arrived on stage. The audience was applauding wildly, and both Griffin and Harper were presented with a sash and crowned. They clasped hands and bowed to the crowd before standing at either side of Coach Nolan.

Just then Destiny's phone vibrated. It was Juju. Destiny answered


Destiny: Yeah

Juju: Tell Harper to move to the left more

Destiny: why

Juju: she needs to be more under the light

Destiny: Juju-

Juju: DO IT

Juju had hung up


Destiny sighed, before putting her phone back in her purse. She was really gonna say something.

"Ok, and I would like to-"

"Harper" Destiny called from the audience

The gym went silent. God, is that embarrassing?

"Could you move to the left more?"

Harper made a confused face, as she moved he position to the left more

"That's good. Continue" Destiny quoted

"Um... ok?" Coach Nolan said, confuzzled

"Anyway, I would like to-"

Juju smirked, as she watched from the gym doors. Harper was right where Juju needed her to be. Finally, one of her plans was actually gonna work. She was gonna press the button




The lights in the gym abruptly shut off, leaving Juju disoriented from outside. Seizing the opportunity, she quickly stepped into the gymnasium. It was completely dark and the only sound came from murmuring voices of bewildered students. Just as suddenly, the lights flicked back on to reveal an empty space where Griffin had just been standing. All eyes were wide with shock as they tried to comprehend what had happened.

"Where's Griffin" Harper asked, everyone just shrugged

"He's gone," Kaden said, from the audience. The crowd started to get worked up about it.

Harper looked every which way, where did he go?

That's when Harper spotted Juju in the audience

"Juju?" Harper said. The kids all went quiet, their attention turning to her.

"Juju?, Your suspended" Coach Nolan reminded, as he saw her crouched into the back of the gym

"Juju, did you do this?" Harper asked, seriously, referring to her missing boyfriend.

"Listen, I know I've done some bad stuff" Juju started

"Like really bad," Bailey said

"Like really really really bad" Jordyn added

"Like really-"

"OK!" Juju interrupted

Juju sighed " I didn't do this"

"And why should we believe you?" Harper asked, crossing her arms

" I swear on my life!" Juju yelled

Awkward silence went across the gym

"Wait" Bailey spoke up

"If Juju didn't do this, or no one else did, then that means..."

"You guys, Griffin is actually missing," Destiny realized 

Harper could bearly process, her boyfriend was really missing... he was gone.


9:51 pm

Homecoming had come to an end ahead of schedule for most. Griffin was nowhere to be seen, and Juju had not been involved this time. The Campbells were probably in a state of great distress at the moment, likely having already contacted the police regarding the situation. Despite all this, Juju did not particularly care that much. While she still loved Griffin, as long as he was not with Harper, it was a win for her. She was seated on the couch in her living room wearing pajamas and watching a movie when there came a knock at her door. Confused, Juju rose from the couch and made her way to the front entrance to see who could be coming over 

so late in the night. When she opened the door she found a girl on her doorstep.

"Griffin has a girlfriend?" The girl spoke, annoyed

"I know right, it's horrible," Juju said, the same vibe

"You seem just as annoyed as me" The girl spoke

"Yeah, we'll him and his girlfriend Harper our kinda ruining my life"

"Oh, did you do anything about it?" The girl asked, raising an eyebrow

"Well I tried using the technique of violence, but that kinda failed" Juju sighed


"Yeah, and tonight was homecoming so I tried to do this thing where a light falls on Harper or something, but that freaking failed too" Juju groaned

"You know, tonight was weird, Griffin actually went missing... like he disappeared," Juju said

"Oh," The girl said

" Yeah, Do you happen to might know where he is," Juju asked

"Um...I think I might have an idea" The girl said, with a smirk

"Hey, hypothetically if I were to happen to know where Griffin is would you be willing to help me?" The girl asked

"Help with what?" Juju answered

"We both seemed really irritated by his love life actions, maybe together we could do... you know... more than just violence to Griffin and Harper " The girl suggested

"Um.. yeah... that actually seems kinda nice," Juju said, with a small smile

"I'm Juliette, but everyone calls me-"

"Juju" The girl answered for her

"Yeah?" Juju said, confused

"Who are you?" Juju asked, curiously

"Oh, I'm Lexi," The girl said, with a beam

"Lexi?" Juju questioned

"Yeah, Alexis Royal... I'm Griffin's Ex"

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