A Sting Too Far

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It was the year 2024, and finally, summertime had arrived. The Campbells and Dunns were frequenting the Tremont Hotel's springs for a day of relaxation. Ben was at the grill, barbecuing while Jess and Sarah were taking advantage of the hot springs. Griffin, Wyatt, and Topher had settled into some lounge chairs for some sunbathing. Typically Harper and Zoey would also be present but they had instead opted to go to the nearby fields with an air track mat where they were tumbling with each other. However, that quickly turned into something else.

"Guess what I found out last night"

"What?" Harper asked as the girls lied on the mat, staring up at the sky

"Wyatt still watches Blues Clues," Zoey remarked

"Oh my god" Harper muttered

"I know it's so freaking weird-"

"My brother still watches it too" Harper interrupted

That's when Zoey shot up

"Topher watched Blues Clues?" Zoey questioned

"Yeah," Harper sat up as well. She saw Zoey smile a little

"Maybe you and Topher could watch it sometime" Harper suggested

Zoey raised an eyebrow

"You know...Together" Harper rolled her shoulders. Zoey shook her head and laughed. Harper grinned

Harper sighed "Kinda want a popsicle though" She stated

"You read my damn mind," Zoey said, as she and Harper stood up. The girls didn't bother to put on their shoes. They walked barefooted on the grassy lawns...not the best idea.

Harper and Zoey were walking rapidly when Harper suddenly let out a piercing shriek that could be heard from miles away. Zoey immediately swiveled to face her friend, who was now experiencing agony in her foot. When Harper lifted it up, she had the misfortune of seeing a gruesome scene. The grounds surrounding them stood at about ankle level, leaving plenty of room for something sinister to hide among them.

She screamed even louder.

"OH MY GOD" Zoey yelled. Harper was sobbing at this point.

That's when Griffin, Wyatt, and Topher came dashing over to the scene.

"What happened?" Wyatt asked in a hurry. Though Griffin was already by his girlfriend's side

"She stepped on something" Zoey panicked

"Harper, Can you show-"

Griffin was jolted by Harper's loud cries. She embraced him tightly, pleading to be held. "Just a moment, Lovey," he whispered into her ear. Her sobs intensified as the anguish became stronger.

"What did she step on?" Griffin asked Zoey

"I don't know, it's big though," Zoey said

"Did she let you see it?" Griffin rubbed Harper's back

"Not really, I looked for myself"

Griffin nodded, then lightly patted Harper's thigh. She quickly understood; she wrapped her legs around Griffin's waist. "C'mon," he said as they walked back to the springs with the other 15-year-olds.

"Mom! Mrs. Dunn! Help!" Zoey called out for assistance, her voice rising above Harper's sobs and wails. Without hesitation, Sarah and Jess left the hot springs and came to Griffin's side. He sat down in his lounge chair, with Harper settling on his lap."

"What happened?" Sarah asked

"She stepped on something for all we know of," Griffin said

"Aw, Baby" Jess took her daughter's hand. Harper squeezes them.

Sarah lifted up Harper's foot. Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Dunn's eyes grew wide.

"Ben! Get first aid" Sarah yelled

"Why?" He called back

" What happ-"

"GET THE FIRST AID" Jess repeated only more sternly. He then dashed off to do so.

"What is it?" Topher questioned

"She stepped on a Warrior Wasp" Sarah still held Harper's foot

"The stingers in her?" Wyatt asked

"The whole thing" Jess mouthed

"Oh god," Griffin said, as Harper pushed herself onto him more. Her grunts of pain broke his heart.

"It's ok, Lovey" He soothed, stroking his thumb upon her cheek

Ben came back with the first-aid kit

"What happ- Oh my lord" Ben appalled

"I know," Jess said, pulling out some tweezers

"Ok Babe, I'm gonna pull the wasp out," Jess said

Harper shook her head "I...it's...g...gonna...hurt"

"It's ok, Honey" Sarah reassured

Harper grabbed Griffin's hand

"Ready, Harps?" Jess asked

Griffin looked at Harper. He nodded for her

"1, 2, 3"

Harper screamed. But it was out. The Warrior Wasp was out.

"That's it," Jess concluded, removing the tweezers. The bug was attached to them.

"All done" Griffin whispered, before kissing Harper's hand

Harper's toes were all that was visible after Sarah wrapped her foot with adhering bandage wrap.

Several moments later, Jess sighed and stood up with Sarah. "You should be alright, Harper," Ben said before rising as well. He then turned back to preparing lunch."We'll check on your foot again shortly," Jess said before giving Harper a kiss on the forehead. The two then went back to the hot springs.

"Thank god your ok" Zoey spoke, before falling onto a lounge chair

"I thought it was gonna get serious," Wyatt remarked

"Me too" Griffin agreed. He pulled Harper up to his chest and lied back

"No more owies, Lovey" He whispered in her ear. He felt Harper smile against his neck.

"Could she have died?" Topher asked

"I don't know, she wasn't stung by a bee" Wyatt reminded

"It's a wasp, she couldn't have died" Zoey spoke

"She's also not allergic" Griffin stated

Once Harper had risen, she absentmindedly scratched her arm before resuming her previous position. Griffin raised an eyebrow as the two adolescents locked eyes.

Harper's not allergic...right?

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