Seventeen-year-olds Griffin and Harper form an unbreakable bond. Throughout their four years together, the two teens have grown to learn much about one another. Starting their romantic relationship at the age of 13, they have been able to experience all highs and lows, as well as the challenges that come with young love together. An impressive feat accomplished by Griffin and Harper is the considerable amount of sleepovers they have had since becoming a couple. Originally beginning as best friends, they would spend nights at each other's houses just so they could allocate some time for fun and companionship. Now in eleventh grade, it has become something even grander for them both.
Griffin and Harper began sleeping together when they were 13-year-olds. Over the years, Griffin learned that Harper's love language was physical touch, which posed no problem for him; he was always more than ready to hold her close. At first, their cuddling was minimal, with Griffin putting his arm around her as they fell asleep. But as the two got more comfortable with each other, they began spooning, holding hands, and occasionally intertwining their legs. As time passed and they grew older, Griffin and Harper developed a strong need for one another - Griffin could not fall asleep without Harper laying on top of him while Harper could not drift off without burrowing her face in the crock of his neck. The physical closeness provided both teens with countless benefits over the years.
Though nights were never that tough, mornings could be a hassle. Early in the a.m. The morning sunlight streams through the room as a teen soul rubs his eyes. 17-year-old Griffin stationed himself as his girlfriend was still hidden in her safe spot.
"Good morning, Lovey" He spoke in a soft whisper
The only thing Harper did was whine. Keeping her legs on Griffin's hip, she nuzzled herself into his nape.
Griffin could not help but let out a small chuckle. Harper's morning whines did, however, last a bit longer. Feeling tiny hands tug on the top of his shirt, Griffin carefully removed it and placed it on the floor. Harper nestled closer to him, her fingertips lightly tracing circles around his chest.
"We have to be at school early today. Remember?" Griffin stroked Harper's hair
"No" She whimpered
"Yes" Griffin corrected
"No" Harper muttered
"NO" Harper practically screamed with her tantrum motions
Griffin laughed and kissed his girlfriend's forehead "C'mom, Muffin"
A cold floor met Griffin's bare feet as he stood up from his bed. He picked up his barefooted girlfriend and carried her to his bathroom.
Griffin switched on the lights, resulting in Harper's displeasure. He apologized, recalling his partner's sensitivity to bright morning light. Griffin then situated Harper atop the counter and proceeded to brush his teeth and groom himself. Despite this routine task, it was hard for him not to take a glance at her pouting face.
"Lovey?" He put his brush down
"Your still tired?" He asked
She nodded, her pout becoming even larger. Even cuter.
"We'll take a nap this afternoon" Griffin confirmed, kissing her cheek. He retrieved his brush and was about to continue with his tasks when he heard a noise. Harper sniffled, prompting Griffin to turn towards her.
"Don't do it" He warned
She sniffled again
"Harper" He sighed
Unlike the last time, Harper double-sniffed, but this time it was more dramatic.
She did it. She started crying.
"Shh, Shh," Griffin sighed softly. "It's okay, Muffin." he picked her up. Now they were chest-to-chest.
Harper continued to weep, as Griffin gently carried her in his arms. She was simply exhausted
"How about we go lay down for a little bit longer?" Griffin gives in, rubbing Harper's back.
He felt her nod against his neck.
Harper then smirked
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