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A scream is heard from the speakers of the projector, that is playing a horror movie about some guy with a chainsaw and a hook.
"He's coming out of the woods with a big hacky chainsaw!" Izzy gasps excitedly slamming her hands down on the log beside her. "That's so cool!"
"Oh no! Psycho killer man's going for the car!" Owen exclaims at the screen as he nudges Izzy back.
"Yo! Fool couple! Stop makin' out and start the car!" Leshawna starts throwing her popcorn at the flimsy screen, clearly stressed by them. I sit silently watching the movie and observing the campers reactions.
"They're gonna be chainsaw sushi!" Izzy once again laughs as another girl in the movie screams.
"Great Canadian cheese! Now the car won't start!" Owen points at the screen dramatically, continuing his schmooze with Izzy. Beside me I see DJ shivering, it was obvious he was going to be terrified.
"Oh, man. I hate scary movies." DJ covers his eyes and ears as he slightly leans into me. I start giggling at him as I comfort him with my right arm.
"Run, the psycho's gonna get ya!" Izzy exclaims loudly as Owen and DJ gasp. Beside me Gwen and Duncan are having the time of their lives watching this movie. Especially since they wouldn't shut up about how much they loved it.
"Here comes the blood fest!" Gwen stands up from her log as she watches the movie intently, holding her hands on her knees.
After a lot more blood, killing and screams the movie finally ends, making Izzy move into to Owens aggressively lap whilst she laughs.
"Yeah! Good ending! Izzy loves scary movies!" She cuddled up to him and closes her eyes contently.
"So does Owen." Owen tells her flirtatiously as she holds her in return. Owen looks over in my direction and Duncan and DJ throw him a thumbs up.
"Whoo. Am I ever glad that's over. I really hate scary movies." DJ wipes the sweat from his forehead as Duncan turns to him and starts talking over me.
"Oh yeah? What scares you most? The, uh, part where everyone meets a grizzly death? Or the psycho killer with the hook?!" I laugh at Duncan's words and pat DJ on the back as he screams.
"Duncan quit it," I try to say sternly as I continue silently laughing with the group.
"Aw, c'mon, Deej. For a slasher flick, it was pretty tame." Gwen comforts DJ as she packs away the VHS.
"Yeah, there was hardly any hacking. Not like Bloodbath 2: Summer Camp Reign of Terror!" Duncan tried to rile DJ up even more.
"No way! That's my favorite movie!" Gwen fawns over their love for the movie. "I love when the killer jams that guys hand into the lawnmower!"
"Ha! Or when he pushes the chick off the dock and then she lands on a propeller blade that slices her in half?" Duncan retorts.
"Or when he shoves that big dude's head inside the wood chipper!" The two of them laugh in unison as they high five each other. I turn to DJ who is super freaked out and now clinging to Leshawna on the other side of him.
"Aww. Looks like Gwen and Duncan have more in common than bad fashion sense. It's just mindless guts and gore." Heather snaps at the two with her arms crossed over her chest.
"Horror movies aren't mindless." Gwen rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, they're loaded with psychological trauma. Heh, look at DJ." Duncan points at DJ as Leshawna pushes him away from her.
"Whatever. Does anyone have any idea what our challenge will be this week? Morgan?" Heather says, making everyone in the group turns to me.
"I have no idea. Even if I did I wouldn't be able to tell you." The truth is, I did know what it was. But that stuff was for sure confidential.
"Morgan, where's the Chrismeister?" Geoff asks me as he eats some of the left over popcorn from the movie.
We all hear the boat start up and I stand from my seat on the log walking towards the dock. Obviously, the group follow me like ducks and we see Chris and Chef putting all of their luggage and mine onto the boat.
"Hey yo, Chef! Where's the fire?" Duncan asks nonchalantly. Suddenly, I feel Chris' hand grab my wrist and drag me onto the boat making me trip on my own ankles.
"Wait what?!?" I try my best to act surprised. "What's going on?" I ask the two of them, who don't answer and the boat leaves as I look at the campers confused.
Chef then turns to me and pretends to tell me what's happening as the campers watch us sail away. As soon as we're fully out of view, Chris starts laughing and manoeuvres the boat to the other side of the island near the production tents.
"Ahaha! Awesome!" Chris exclaims as we all hop off of the boat and start walking towards the tent. "Did the movie freak them out enough?" He nudges me and I shrug genuinely not sure.
"Yes and no. The usual lot obviously, but some of them liked it. Kinda freaky." We finally make it into the tent and see the rest of the crew.
Chris walks over to the stylist and she begins to touch up his hair a little, re-gelling it.
"Wasn't gelled enough for you?" I fold my arms over my chest and scoff, as I look at his already gelled hair get progressively more shiny.
"You should try some, your hairs always scruffy." I drop my jaw at his words, it wasn't that serious but I felt like being dramatic.
"I like my hair scruffy or what ever that means..." I roll my eyes at him.
"Seriously, come here!" He holds his hand out beckoning me over. I stand still, keeping my arms folded and then finally take his hand and give in. He sits me down in the flimsy chair and the stylist takes my ponytail out and starts slicking it back.
All this time i'm just staring at Chris who is staring back at me with a smirk. I raise my eyebrows at him and scoff.
"I have a feeling i'm being set up for failure here." I laugh nervously as the stylist pulls on my hair to re-tie it.
"No! It looks good!" The stylist hands me a mirror and I look at my hair. The shape of my head is extremely pronounced and I look like an egg.
"You're lying." I comment as I stand up. I hand the stylist the mirror and apologise for hating it and that it wasn't her fault at all.
After the hair incident, I decided to leave it the way it is. Even if I think it looks bad I'll just wash it out tonight and never do it again. it's not a big deal.
The campers were still stood on the dock, arguing about whether the incident we planted on them about a psycho killer was true.
Obviously, Heather was against it as usual. Critiquing the show as she does.
"Duh, it's a reality show. We're always being watched." she says making Chris chuckle as he and looks towards the camera.
"Heather's right. And tonight, we're watching to see who can survive a real life scary movie, with special guest appearance by... the escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook!" Chris nudges me as he pulls out a hook and laughs making me roll my eyes.
The campers continue talking about whether the challenge is real or not and Chris places down the hook as the camera stops.
"So... who's you thinks gonna "survive", huh?" He chuckles again, eagerly watching the screen.
"Hm... We'll considering their knowledge of horror movies, ordinarily I would say Duncan or Gwen but- I don't know, I think it'll be someone we just wouldn't expect." Chris nods at my words and leans back in his chair, still looking towards the screen.
I continue to watch him watch the screen. As he puts his feet up on the desk in front of him he briefly swallows and I see his adam's apple bob a little.
As I stare, I hear a mechanical noise. From my knowledge of the cameras these few months of being co-host, I knew exactly what was going on. I was being zoomed up on.
My head quickly snaps towards the camera crew who are stood snickering and smirking at us.
"Hey!" I exclaim embarrassed, Chris looks up at me from where he was practically laying at this point, confused. He then looks towards where I'm looking and then back at my red face again.
"Am I missing something?" He questions confused. "Is it me?!?" He sits up suddenly patting his hair and clothes. "Do I need to use more gel?" He looks at me with wide eyes, looking a little self conscious.
"No, hun. You're fine." I chuckle and pat his shoulder comfortingly as Gwen begins to speak.
"Okay, look. It doesn't matter if this is real or a challenge. We need a game plan." Gwen folds her arms over her chest, talking to all her cast mates.
"Yeah, yeah, we need a game plan!" DJ responds a little frightened, agreeing with her.
"You little frightwigs might need a game plan, but I need a facial." Heather states as she proceeds to walk off.
"Are you crazy? First rule of slasher films, never go off alone!" Gwen tells her sternly placing her hands on her hips, getting closer to her face.
"I might actually listen to you if I were in a movie. We're being punked. You're so gullible. Hey! Morgan and Chris! If you're listening, next time, rent one that takes place at a summer camp!" Heather pauses and tells Gwen and then us hoping we're there listening. Luckily for her we were.
"I tried. But they were all rented." Chris looks over his shoulder at the camera
"If you losers wanna hang around and play "boogie man", go ahead. But I have got a date with exfoliation." Heather finally actually leaves everyone else at the dock.
"And the bossy mean chick seals her fate." Izzy says, as she takes her finger towards her neck and moves it from left to right making a cutting noise.
"Wow. You're really good at sound effects." Owen tells her in awe as he narrows his eyes.
"I say we go back to camp and talk strategy. Who's in?" Gwen asks everyone, the campers not responding and just following her back anyways, except Owen and Izzy who decided to head off together in the opposite direction.
Gwen now has everyone sat around the campfire and is pacing back and forth.
"Okay. Rule number one, do not go off on your own. Rule number two, if you do go off on your own, never go in the woods! Rule number three, if you do go in the woods, never ever ever make out in the woods or you will die in the woods! Where's Izzy and Owen?" She asks the group.
"Breaking rules one through three." Duncan chuckles. As Chris clicks a few buttons on his computer he finds Izzy and Owen running in the woods.
"This feels so much longer and flatter than how we got here!" Owen exclaims as they continue.
"That's because horror movies extend the running scenes!" Izzy tells him a little spooked. Probably for the first time in her life.
"Really? Why?" He asks.
"It gives them time to film a good wipe out!" As she responds Owen falls down from where they were running causing Chris to press another button the change camera.
"Oh, my spine!" Owen complains.
"Owen, I'm coming!" Izzy jumps down and is completely fine. "Hey, Owen! Hi."
"Wait, what did we miss. Is he there?" I ask Chris who just silently nods at me.
Just as they make it down the ledge, the escaped psycho killer with a chainsaw and a hook appears wielding his weapon.
"Owen's too young to die! Here, take Izzy!" Owen shoves Izzy in his direction as the chainsaw buzzes. low blow.
Me and Chris knew the three of them were near by considering we could hear them both through our speakers, and outside the tent we were in.
Suddenly Owen starts screaming and running away, abandoning Izzy outside. He runs so obliviously that he runs through the entrance to our tent and Chris and I turn in our chairs to face him.
"Dudes! Dudes! There's a guy with a hockey mask and a chainsaw and a hook! And he's after us!" Owen looks at our monitors and sees Chef carrying Izzy towards the tent. "And... yeah! Yeah, right there! He's right..." He points at the screen when Chef noisily walks in with Izzy in arms with his chainsaw buzzing again.
"We're frickin' dead!" Owen shouts in fear, wailing about like a toddler.
"Owen! Stop screaming, it's Chef!" Chris slams his hand over his mouth and points at Chef as he lifts his mask smiling.
"Oh, cool!" Izzy unexpectedly chimes in excitedly, even though I was almost certain she was unconscious. "Great costume! Wow, you totally got me. You did. I was freaked out."
"You punked us?" Owen asks the three of us breathlessly.
"Yes and no. It was your challenge to watch a scary movie then survive one." Chris tells him in return making Owen laugh.
"Did you hear that? He was punking us! It was a joke! Too funny! Hah. I was all AHHHH and then you were all EEEEEEE! Haha! For the love of Peter Pumpkin Eater. That was some fun going on! Am I right?" He says to Izzy, although she doesn't look very impressed. Neither would I be if someone shoved me towards a supposed murderer. "Oh. You're still on the part where Owen shoved Izzy into the killer?" She just continues to glare him down.
"Well you know what? The good news is you're both safe! Right?" I ask them trying to be hopeful and they don't respond.
"Yeah... Well... the bad news is you lost the challenge, but now, you get to watch our fake psycho terrorize the rest of the campers." Chris continues on from me and chuckles. "Fun, huh? Haha."
"Yes! Totally awesome TV viewing!" Owen celebrates and then turns to speak to Izzy as Chris, Chef and I leave the tent.
"Great work, Chef. But next time, try to work the hook hand angle a bit more." Chris tells Chef, spraying a bottle of water in his mouth like Chef had just been in a boxing match.
Chef pulls his mask back down and then the two of them both look at me, as if they were waiting for my advice.
"Yeah, I have none, sorry." I shrug, folding my arms, shielding myself from the cold. Chris noticed and puts an arm round my shoulder. "I'm sure you'll do great."
"Well, just go out there and scare those campers!" Chris exclaims to Chef as he begins to walk away
It had been a little while now of just watching the campers with Chris, Owen and Izzy.
At the point DJ said he needed to go pee so he took Geoff with him to the bathrooms. Why he couldn't have just done it in the woods, i'll never know.
"Okay, no matter what, you do not leave. Not if you hear a psycho. Not if you see a psycho. Not if the psycho is slashing you to bits!" DJ tells Geoff with his hands placed upon his shoulder.
"Dude, no worries. I got your back." Geoff makes him hopeful as DJ enters the bathroom and leaves Geoff stood outside.
Chris had discussed prior to this epsiode how he had distractions picked out for every single campers, judging on what they liked. So I knew he had something up his sleeve.
"Cue the ice cream truck." Chris says out of nowhere to the cameras.
Suddenly, Ice cream truck music starts playing. Why Geoff would fall for this, I wouldn't know. How would it get to the island?
"Ice cream? No way!" Geoff exclaims as he runs after the noise, leaving poor DJ alone in the bathroom.
"Hello?" DJ whispers as a creaking noise is heard and then a buzzing noise.
Obviously, there aren't cameras in the bathroom, so at this point no one has any idea what's going on. Out of no where, DJ gasps and screams, and we know it isn't from Chef.
"DJ! It's me! Heather!" Me and Chris look at eachother surprised and then laugh.
"I have to admit, she is pretty terrifying." I joke and he laughs more. For a brief moment DJ stops screaming, realising it's not the killer but he then starts again realising it's Heather and he runs away.
He runs so far that he runs all the way to the tent where we're watching him. He continues to scream as Izzy smacks his cheek.
"Dude, you're safe!" Chris tells him with a slight chuckle in his voice.
"I am? Phew." DJ takes a seat as Chef walks into the tent and then hands DJ a bottle of water.
"It's just Chef." I tell him as Chef lifts his mask, making DJ gasp.
"He was gonna scare the bejeebers out of you, but apparently Heather beat him to it." Chris adds and snickers a little.
"Bro, you two should've seen her face? That was some serious ugly going on!" DJ exclaims in disbelief.
"Probably true, but you still bailed before Chef even arrived." I tell him, patting his shoulder softly. "Sorry bud."
"Speaking of which, you're up psycho man." Chris encourages Chef to go out again.
"Are you okay? I heard screaming." Gwen bursts into the bathroom where Heather still is.
"I'm fine. But you might wanna check on DJ. He ran out of here like he saw a ghost. Can I have my shower in peace, please?" She tells Gwen.
"Ooh, I wouldn't do that if Iโ" Heather must've done something with her eyes because Gwen cuts herself off immediately. "Fine. Suit yourself. By the way, that's a great look on you."
A few minutes later, we hear the shower begin to run and Chef then knocks on the door.
"Hello? I'm in the shower!" Heather responds and he knocks again. "Very funny, Duncan. Now get lost!" she then shouts as a chainsaw buzzes. "I'm serious dude, get loโ" she opens the door and screams, Chef then takes her back to the tent with her in shock.
When they both get back I can definitely see why DJ was scared. She had a light purple towel around her body and hair with a green face mask on which made me laugh at her.
"Maybe if you paid attention to the scary movies, you'd know that A) you never go off alone, and B) You certainly never shower alone." Chris scolds her as she hugs her knees in the corner of the tent.
"You're fine, chill out." I tell Heather and she doesn't even react. Clearly she was genuinely spooked.
"Where's Leshawna?!" I hear from the sceeen and look at Gwen talking to Duncan.
"She went to get some chow." Duncan respond, pointing towards the canteen, and Gwen immediately crosses her off the chart they had made of missing people.
I flick the camera over to the canteen, where I see Leshawna peek her head through the door. As she walks in, the door shuts behind her making her gasp in shock. She then begins to sniff and smells something good as she enters the kitchen.
"Now that's what I'm talking about." She picks up a piece of brownie and chews it, humming in delight. She grabs the entire stray as Chris decides to turn on the intercom and start whispering 'Leshawna' and 'Brownies'. I smack his hand away from the button and suddenly the lights go out and Chef appears in the door way.
"Yeah? I got sixteen years in the projects! Bring it!" Leshawna gulps and then challenges him as she runs away towards the tent.
"Woo-hoo-hoo! I did not see that coming! No way." Leshawna tells me and Chris as we all share the brownies that she brought while she ran.
"Mm, and challenging the killer? What were you thinking? But you scored major points for scooping up these delicious munchies." Chris says with his mouth full, seemingly proud of her.
"Chris, Morgan, can I just leave for five minutes? This mask is chafing." I finish my brown as I look up at her crusty green face.
"Yeah, yeah, let her leave!" DJ says
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