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I place my spoon into my empty cereal bowl. Ordinarily, Chris and I would go eat in the catering tent but today we decided to have a casual breakfast.

I look up at Chris who was sat opposite me, still digging into his cereal whilst texting on his phone. I continue to stare as I sit cross legged on the chair, head in hands.

He look up from his phone and briefly smiles softly at me before looking back down. After a while I decide to get up from the table. I place my spoon and bowl in the dishwasher, leaving it open for when Chris is finished. I then head off the get ready.


Before I know it me and Chris are stood behind a few trees with the camera crew. We all watch Owen try to serenade Izzy after his fumble last challenge.

After that, Owen is lifted into the air. Chris had the crew and interns set a bunch of traps around just incase. The other campers then come out and start talking to Izzy about Owen.

Then another bring cage type trap falls on top of the rest of them, causing us to appear from the within the trees.

"Good morning, campers!" Chris announces very excitedly, as he holds a beaver on his head which he had found earlier. "Or should I say trapper?" Chris removes the Beaver and holds it in his arms.

"No Chris. That was a bad joke." I comment with a smile on my face. "Ready for today's challenge?"  I ask the campers as they gasp.

"Excellent." Chris says. "Then let's chat about it over chow, shall we?" Chris removes one arm from under the beaver and placing it on my hip as he escorts me away from them, still in their traps.

"He's coming back to untrap us, right?" I hear Owen ask behind us, when suddenly Chris wields a knife and throws it towards the rope holding up Owen by his leg. He falls and lands ontop of the other campers cage, the force causing it to open.

"Good aim..."


As the campers eat their food, Chris and I stand by the wall

"Campers, there are only seven of you left on Total Drama Island." I announce to the campers. This sentence to me was crazy. Like what do you mean it's been that long since I was eliminated?!? "After tonight's dramatic bonfire ceremony, only six of you will remain. We're nearing the end people, so look alive!" Chris finishes.

"Today's challenge involves making like our province's great rangers and game wardens. You'll each have eight hours to trap an animal." I tell them all, my hands clasped together.

"Got one!" Duncan interrupts grabbing Owen by the wrist. I try my best to restrain myself from laughter.

"A wild animal. Which you must bring back to the campfire. Unharmed." Chris tells everyone but as Duncan specifically. "Rangers and game wardens often have to relocate animals for their own good and the good of campers."

"For my good, I might have to barbecue my animal. I'm starving to death!" Gwen tells us looking down at her slop.

"Funny you should mention that, Gwen. Reward for winning today's challenge is a meal of all of your favorite foods!" Chris throws his hands into the air.

"I am so winning." Heather stares at her nails.

"So you're not gonna eat that?" Owen asks her pointing at her bowl.

We then move off to the islands far side dock which is the residence of the boat house. It was close by the mountain we dove off of on our first day.

"Everyone, choose an animal assignment from Morgan's hat!" I hold out a cap full of tiny pieces of paper with animal names on.

All the campers read out their names, the majority being pretty tame. That is until it comes to Heather.

"Bear?!" She scoffs. "Are you kidding me?!"

"It's the only animal left." I point into the hat and suck in my cheeks waiting for her snarky response.

"These degenerates get cute little froggy and wee baby ducky and I'm supposed to trap a bear with my bare hands?!" Heather responds.

"You do get sixty seconds in the boathouse to gather any equipment that might help." Chris tells her trying to make her calmer.

"Unless there's an animal trainer and a zebra carcass in there, I don't think it'll be adequate. This is ridiculous!" She folds her arms and goes to walk off.

"I don't think I've mentioned the penalty yet." Chris tells her as he walks past us.

"I don't care. I'll take it." She rolls her eyes and continues walking.

"Loser cleans the communal washrooms." I comment flatly, making her freeze dead in her tracks.

"All right, campers. You have just one minute in the boathouse to grab your critter catching gear." Chris tells them and they all rush in. I walk in behind to make sure they don't do anything they shouldn't be doing while Chris waits outside.

As I enter chaos is already starting. Heather and Gwen are both tugging opposite sides of a net and people are angrily and messily rummaging through boxes.

"Uh, you're gonna trap a raccoon with a sledgehammer? You may wanna rethink that." I comment as I watch Duncan pick one up. He then drops it and wields a chainsaw instead.

"Ah, thanks for the tip." He winks at me as he walks away, making me stare in disgust. I shake my head and then look at the others who are seemingly being more normal.

"Ten seconds remaining!" Shouts in past the door way as he stand in it, leaning against it, crossing one ankle over the other. I watch him, a little struck by his pose, though Izzy cackling behind me snaps me out.

"Excuse me, pardon, coming through!" She yells holding two crates and a barrel as she crashes past Chris, knocking him into me.

"Sorry." I apologise to him, even though he was the one who bumped into me. He doesn't say anything. I then chuckles nervously, looking back towards the campers.

"Is that legal? Can she justโ€“" Gwen then crashes into Heather as they continue to fight over the net. As Gwen lands on the floor she sees a bottle beside her head.

"Duck bait? Yeah, that'll work." She lets go of the net and grabs it. Heather then falls into a bucket.

"I think there's still fish in here." She complains as she tries to shimmy out.

"The net's all yours. And P.S. It'll never hold a bear." Gwen comments as she leaves. Everyone then follow along as we all see Izzy rummaging in a crate she stole.

"Kay, bobbin' thingies, old sandwich, stick, big nasty hook... Score! Tranquilizer gun! Guys, look!" Izzy points the gun towards all of us making us all stumble back.

"Could you please aim the other way?" Heather demands, covering her face, peeking through her fingers.

"Or at yourself..?" I mumble.

"Everybody ready?" Chris asks the campers as I scurry over to his side to be on camera.

"Yes!" Everyone says enthusiastically as Heather protests with a loud 'No!'

"Game on!" Chris pushes his fist into the air and everyone rushes off but Heather and Duncan. Heather getting on her knees and rummaging through Izzy's practically empty box.

"You can borrow my chainsaw after I'm done." Duncan offers. He was obviously trying to form an alliance. Me and Chris both knew it.

"Great! The bear can use it to skin me alive after he's finished mauling me! Thanks!" Heather replies, not taking a second to glance at him.

"Well, I did pick something up that might help you." He pulls out a pair of antlers and shows them to her.

"Why would you wanna help me?"

"Because if you team up with me, I'll take you to the final two." He whispers.

"Not interested." Heather casually responds standing up.

"Suit yourself."

"I usually do." Heather wanders off into the forest, leaving Duncan stood on the dock. He smirks and glances over at me and Chris who throw him a teeth fake smile.

"She'll be back. Just wait."


If i've learnt anything from being host on this show, it's that there's nothing worthwhile to do on the island. So the most interesting thing to do was to sit and wait it out... and as much as I hate to say it...

"You know what...?" I comment with my feet propped on the desk of the observation tent. Chris continues to briefly watch the cage on the screen to see if any campers have arrived.

"I don't, no." He comments trying to be funny. I'm so used to his awful attempts at comedy that I just ignore it.

"I kinda miss being involved in challenges..." I say, my voice trailing off. Chris turns his head quickly to look at me, scoffing as he spins in his chair to face me. He leans forward, elbows resting on his spread knees.

"You're still involved... just on the opposite side of it," he retorts, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

I roll my eyes, trying to explain. "Yeah, but I'm not *doing* them. I swear, I'm not crazy, I only mean certain onesโ€”not the dangerous ones." I glance at him as I speak, and he can tell by my tone that I'm bored.

He leans back, considering me for a moment. "You know what I think you actually miss?" His voice piques my interest, and I meet his gaze, waiting for the punchline. "I think you miss me being mean to you."

I scoff, rolling my eyes. "First of all, disgusting. Second of all, you're *still* mean to me."

"Touchรฉ." He grins, leaning back in his chair for a moment before sitting up again, his expression shifting. "Why are you sitting so far from me, anyway?"

Before I can respond, he reaches over, grabbing the back of my rolling chair and yanking it towards him. The sudden movement causes the chair to spin, and I end up leaning slightly over the arm of his chair. My head tips back, just barely missing tipping over as he quickly steadies both chairs. He chuckles softly, his lips brushing my forehead in a quick kiss.

I scoff again, pushing myself up to sit straight. But before I can fully pull away, he gently grips my chin, holding me still. He leans down and pecks my lips softly, a teasing smile playing on his face as he pulls back.

He sits back up and looks as the monitor with a grin on his face. I sit up and look at him.

"That's it?" I scoff and chuckle. "...Pussy." He turns and looks at me with a smirk on his face.

"Don't." he tells me simply, his voice low and stern. As he looks back at the monitor, he sees Gwen and Duncan get their animals into the cage over a screen. Heather is still lingering around the cage with nothing in her hands, Chris turns and presses the loud speaker button.

"Don't forget. Last camper to catch their critter cleans the washrooms!" He reminds the campers.


In no time we have to get up and head to the cage. Mostly to give Gwen her meal but also so we don't have to sit in a stuffy tent anymore.

"Wow. That all looks good!" Chris comments on Gwen's buffet spread as if that isn't practically our daily meal. Gwen looks at it all and licks her lips excitedly.

"Open the cage!" Geoff screams - making me jump slightly - he holds part of a beaver dam above his head. I open the cage before watching Geoff shake it into the cage. I quickly shut the door.

"Hey man, impressive! And no rabies!" Chris chuckles placing his hands on his hips. Leshawna then walks up the hill with a bucket and groans. She's covered from head to toe in mud. She tips her frog into the cage as Chris opens it.

"Ugh! I'm going to take a shower." She announces, she goes to place her hand on my shoulder but I immediately stop her in her tracks by clearing my throat.

"Congratulations, you guys." Chris and I tell them as they walk away, side eyeing Gwen's dinner.

"Huh. I guess they're just jealous." She smirks at us.

"So, what are you having first?" Chris sits on the opposite side of her table and asks.

"I don't even know where to start!"

"Woohoo! Chris! Morgan! Open the cage!" Owen runs up the hill chasing a chipmunk, it takes him a while to direct it to the cage but he finally does and Chris opens the door. "The naturalist will not be defeated! Close the cage! Close the cage!"

"You sure?" Chris asks him, because by some chance, he managed to end up in the cage. Gwen stares from her seat as she begins to eat.

"Close it! Why, hello, ducky. Oh, and what a nice little raccoon you are. Next to the sweet beavers. I'm the naturalist!" He talks to the animals.


After we got Owen out of the cage and found out Heather had been shot by one of Izzy's tranquilliser darts, we began the bonfire ceremony.

"You, uh, sure you don't wanna go to the infirmary to get your... butt dart removed?" Duncan snickers at her misfortune.

"Not until psycho hose beast goes down."
Heather slurs.

"You've all cast your votes and made you decision. When Morgan or I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow." Chris tells everyone.

"The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the Dock of Shame to catch the Boat of Losers and leave. That means you're out of the contest. And you can't come back. Ever." I repeat for the 100th time in a row now.

"The first marshmallow goes to... Geoff. Owen. Leshawna. Duncan. Heather. One marshmallow, two players. Izzy, Gwen. One of you has spent your last night on Total Drama Island." Me and Chris alternate over turns.

"Just give it to Gwen already." Heather continues to slur her words. Chris shrugs and just hands it to her, clearly a little bored.

"Well, we've all gotta go sometime, right?" Izzy stands and looks at everyone.

"You could make out with me first. If that would cushion the blow." Owen says and everyone just ignores him.

"Goodnight, everybody! Thanks for comin' out!" Izzy then throws a smoke bomb at her feet and disappears.

"Being the loser, you realize you still have some unfinished business." Chris whispers to her as he holds up a bucket and mop.

"Duncan, I require your services." She asks of him as he sighs but gets up to help nonetheless. I smile at him being a decent human being.

We lead them to the toilets, I help Heather over there, even though she hated every minutes of it. We sat her outside the door while Duncan got to work.

"Well... we'll leave you both to it!" Chris tells them and begins to walk off. I stand there a little longer as I stare at the pair. I then turn and follow Chris.

"Do you recon they'll be okay?" I ask him, my voice full of concern.

"I'm sure they'll be fine. They have the camera crew if they need anything." He opens the cabin door and lets me go in before him.

I exhale and flop onto the couch. "I'm knackered." I tell him causing him to chuckle.

"Knackered?" He asks as he takes off him overshirt, draping it over the back of the couch that i'm sat on.

"Yeah..? Knackered... Tired?" I try to dumb down my slang for him.

"Seriously? Who says that?" He asks as he sits down next to me.

"I don't know..? British people?" I tell him as I chuckle a little embarrassed. He laughs at the word again.

"i might have to steal that..."

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