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Chris couldn't stop talking about the girl group all morning. From the moment we woke up at 6:00 am, he didn't stop for a second. It had been three hours and we were about to head out the door any minute for filming. I might have been the quite late start to their day, but Chris was buzzing with excitement, unable to contain his thoughts about the group.
Not only would he not shut up about me being in a group, he wouldn't stop sharing stories about when he was in one. The rehearsal sessions, funny moments off-stage, and the dedication they put into their performances. Although, ordinarily it would be quite interesting, given the situation, I didn't wanna hear it.
"Chris, leave it." I sigh a little over the whole fact of it. He really did want this to become a reality. Even if it was something I wasn't particularly fond of.
"No, no, no! Hear me out, okay? You, Bridgette and Courtney?" I listen to what he's saying and think about it. To be fair, I'm sure they can both sing. It might be fun, right? But what's the point in thinking about it now when they're not even here? And what's the point of thinking about it now when the shows not even over?
"Gosh maybe. I don't know. Let's just go." I tell him a little bit irritated grabbing his wrist now since he just won't shut up.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!!!" I cover my ears as I look at the ground.
I walk out the door and he drags behind me all the way to the speaker tent as the interns and crew welcome us in. I let go of Chris and he walks over and presses the intercom button causing a fair amount of feedback to be heard through both our side and the campers. Chris quickly clears his throat.
"Morning, campers! Your next challenge awaits you at the Arts and Crafts Center!"
I can't lie. The first time I saw the 'Arts and Crafts Center I felt the same way as the campers. I'm not sure what I expected from the show but it's literally just a shed containing something. Nothing artsy at all. Just a few props.
"Welcome to the Arts and Crafts Center." I announce to all of the contestants in my excited tone that I've learnt to use over these few months.
"More like the Arts and Crap Center." Duncan comments making me blink my eyes a few times as I make an obviously fake a laugh at him making him chuckle.
"Yeah..." Chris trails on slightly unamused at our banger. "It used to be an outhouse, but now it's where Chef parks his road hog." Chris unbolts the shed door slowly and reveals a very snazzy looking bike.
All the guys exclaim in admiration looking into the shed at this bike. I stare at it slightly impressed too as I give a little nod to the bike.
"Which brings us to your challenge. Building your own wheels!" Chris turns back to the boys who are still smirking and the girls who are slightly less interested by it.
"Hot rods! Yes! Awesome! Gimme five! Woohoo! Woohoo. Woo..." Owen cheers as he hold his hands up for Duncan. It was obvious he wasn't going to high five him back.
"You'll find all the parts you need in our bike depot." I point behind me at the pile of practically broken bicycle parts.
"Bicycles! Less awesome, but still good. Right?" Owen continues and looks around as everyone just stares at him with blank expressions.
"Okay!" I say awkwardly. "Anyways! Once you've collected the basics and built your bike, you can decorate them any way you want using props from the Arts and Crafts Center. Best design wins!" I tell the campers again throwing my hand slightly in the air.
"And... to prove I'm a nice guy, I'll even throw in a bike manual." Chris interrupts me and tells them as he hands the manual book to Heather. The only issue is the books cover was riddled in mold. I grimace at it as Chris beckons me over to get on the back of the quad bike, handing me a helmet.
"Ew, it's furry!" Heather comments as I scoff, sitting behind Chris and putting on the helmet snugly. I put my hands around his waist and he starts driving away to leave the campers to do their thing.
Chris and I ride back to the cabin and we both get off the quad. I remove my helmet and he takes it from my hand placing it inside the cabin. Chris continues to watch me as I walk through the door behind him. Chris walks around the cabin for a little while picking up various things such as a notebook and a few pens etc.
"I have some challenges to plan and prepare for so you can help if you want?" Chris shrugs as he sits down at our small dining table with his notebook full of ideas.
He may be slightly evil but he really does care about his shows and entertainment for everyone watching them. I nod and sit down next to him. I watch him open the notebook and he shows me all his ideas. There was loads of scribbles over writing where he must've thought an idea was stupid or he had been told it was too much or not enough for the show.
As we talk about ideas for a few minutes it gets me thinking about his idea to start a girl group. I never really took into consideration that when we all leave this show we'll be somewhat well know and i'll be... famous...
For being with Chris McLean...
I look Chris in the face as he expresses deep interest into his ideas, laughing at some of them with his iconic chuckle. Pointing with his pen and placing the backside of it on his lip.
I wonder what my parents think of me. Does Total Drama even air back in England? Ugh, I'm sure the word has gotten around to them...
Faith sure has a hard time keeping her mouth shut...
My sister probably thinks I'm a slut.
Pfft, she can talkโ
I think about my future some more. Why does it care what my family think about me. I'm on Total Drama Island and they're not!
Fuck it. I'm going to make a girl group and I'm gonna be the best Marsh that there's ever been!
I stare at Chris again, not even listening to word he's saying. Just observing his subtle movements.
"I love you." I tell him straight up in a soft tone. I meanโ i've said it before but just from the heat of the moment. It probably is so not the right time but I don't care. He places his pen on the table and turning his head to face me, looking at me like i'm speaking a foreign language.
"I love you too." He smiles at me, with no hesitation he slowly pulls me in for a peck on the lips. The reason I really said it was to see his reaction. I think. And this was definitely the right answer. "So, these ideas? What do you think?" He picks up his pen again and circles around the chunk of ideas he had clearly decided on.
"I can't lie, Chris. I wasn't listening to a word you were saying." I giggle, covering my mouth as I stare up at him with a grin plastered on my face.
"Distracted, huh?" He tilts his head still smiling at me. "It doesn't matter anyways... I'll run them past Chef later if you're not in the moodโ" Chris shuts his notebook, jokingly looking around acting as if he's not bothered about it.
"No, no! I'll listen, I swear. I wanna help." Chris chuckles at me and re-opens the notebook quickly to the exact page he was on before hand.
"That's what I thought..."
A few minutes ago, Chris announced to all the campers that it was time to show off their bikes over the intercom so we both walk over to the Arts and Crafts Center to see what they have thought up.
"Well, campers, we gave you the parts. Let's see what you came up with." Me and Chris walk around looking at the contestants bikes. The first example being Heather.
"Excellent aerodynamics, Heather." Chris tells her, spiking her ego. Her bike was pretty basic but decent for the supplies that they all got.
"It is pretty good to be fair, considering..." I mumble eyeing up her bike. Heather seems to take offence to this. To be fair, when does she not?
"What's that supposed to mean." She snaps back at me as I realise how I made that sound.
"I meant considering the supplies..." I respond to her rolling my eyes at her.
"Well... It only weighs two ounces, unlike you." Heather tells me looking very pleased with herself. I don't respond.
"It's not like I care, cause I don't. I couldn't care less. But it's literally not possible to weight two ounces. Was an awful insult." I sit in silence for a second. "And there is no way she built that bike!!!"
"Two ounces... Like her brain." Gwen chimes in as we walk over to her bike trying to make me feel better. It was nice of her. Her bike was pretty janky looking and sported a pair of spiky wings on either side.
"Spooky, yet practical. Well done." Chris once again compliments.
"I love it, Gwen. Very cool!" I wink at her as I chuckle and we move onto the next bike. This time it was Duncan.
"Wicked Mad Max-mobile, dude." His bike held a skull as an ornament on the front and it looked pretty cool.
"Literally. It matches you well." I tell him and he smirks at me.
"Why thank you..." He comments to me as I walk away. We move onto the next bike which was Lindsay. She had made a bike with a pink horse head on the front. I think it may have been based on a bike from her childhood, but I could be so wrong.
"Go ahead, Mo. Ring her bell." I oblige and ring the bell. It just sounds like a regular bike bell. "The real bike has sound effects like this" Lindsay begins to make horse noises and I look at Chris confused.
"It's very cute, well done!" I look back at her and smile as she jumps out of joy.
We then walk over to DJ's bike. It was literally a parallel of a kids bike. It had the tassels on the handle bars, a bright pink bell and stabilisers attached.
"Dude. Seriously? This is lame." Chris tells DJ who is dressed in various protective gear making him frown. I scoff at Chris' attitude.
"Don't listen to him, I'm sure it'll do great!" I lift his spirits as Chris rolls his eyes at me as we move on to Geoff's bike.
"Now this is a hot rod. Nice!" I personally don't see the hype. It looked like the other bikes. The only difference is it had a hand drawn picture of Bridgette on the front of it. I guess he's still not over it.
"I call her..." Geoff started tearing up.""Bridgette."
"I love the memento... She's not dead though, just remember that..." I remind him slightly patting his shoulder with a fake pout.
"Owen, nice job!" Chris comments on his low rider bike as he cycles over to us, it was low-key kind of cool and the most unique bike yet. I look around for a second concerned. There was more of us earlier.
"Hey, where's Izzy and Leshawna?" I remind Chris as we both begin to look around slightly. They're no where to be seen in the area.
"Oh well. Their loss. Cause this is where it gets good. We're gonna race these babies, hard!" Chris brushes it off and I'm still a little confused as to where Leshawna and Izzy are but I soon let it slide.
"Ha, awesome! Because my bike is built for speed, right, Lindsay?" Heather crosses her arms and asks her smugly.
"I told you she didn't build that bike!!!" I say excitedly into the camera.
"Yeah, unfortunately, you won't be riding it, Heather. You'll be switching bikes." Everyone looks like they've just seen a ghost and I giggle a little at their reactions. "Yeah. Cruel twist, huh? All righty then. See you at the beach!"
"Okay, so here's how it works. Everyone picks a name out of the helmet to see whose bike you're riding. If your bike makes it across the finish line, then you get to ride it in the final round for invincibility." I tell the contestants as they all come over to us and pick a name out of the biker helmet that Chris is holding.
"Now, before we start, has anyone seen Leshawna or Izzy?" Chris asks everyone again as they one by one take a name and they all shake their heads and we get on with the challenge. Everyone begins to get lined up on the starting line on one of their cast mates bikes
"Okay, racers! On your marks, get set..." Chris pauses for a second. "paramedics on standby..." He looks around as he spots them. "and... tread!" He finally exclaims, signalling for them to go.
"Hey! Where's the pedals?" Owen complains about Duncan's bike as he stays stood at the start line. Heather also seems to be having trouble with DJ's bike and the stabilisers being stuck in the sand. She gets off the bike and tries to kick them off of the bike but fails.
The successful ones all continue to ride. Geoff's bike which held DJ completely fell to pieces a few seconds into the race, making Geoff who was behind him on Gwen's bike totally wipe out too, trampling over the top of him. Out of no where, Heather comes behind them pushing her bike with her eyes scrunched shut in concentration not seeing them and crashes too.
Suddenly, Owen figures out how to use the bikes but pulling on the skull on the front and goes flying towards the finish line way too fast, screaming like a mad man. I guess it wasn't just there for decoration...
Soon after, Lindsay and Duncan cross the finish line in sync with each other.
"Yes! We have three awesome wipe-outs by Heather, Geoff, and DJ! Four invincibility race winners! Owen's fun machine, Heather's speed machine, Lindsay's Sunset Sally and Duncan's lethal weapon!" Chris announces to the camera.
"How do I stop this thing?!" Owen continues screaming as he continues going further across the beach.
"Slam the hood ornament!" Duncan yells him and he obeys, making him fly over the handle bars and face first into the sand.
"Awesome finish, Owen! It's time to head over to the TDI Motocross."
"Campers, welcome to the Moto, Moto, Moto Cross, Cross, Cross Challenge, Challenge, Challenge!" He imitates an echo, to which I just stare. "Using your own bikes, you'll race the course, avoiding hidden pitfalls. Cue the death traps!" He hands it over to me.
"There's dodging the land mines... Maneuvering through the oil slick... And finally, jumping the piranhas!" I tell them and everyone looks horrified. Rightfully so.
"Oh, and one more thing. First one to cross wins invincibility. Last one to cross gets voted off the island. No bonfire, do not pass go, do not collect a marshmallow." Chris explains to them. "Racers, take your positions! And... go!"
All the campers take off once again, some of them managing to avoid all the hazards in their way. Some not so much.
Out of nowhere, I watch Heather press a button her bike and a loud noise echo's throughout the air. The button only makes her bike 10 times faster than she already was. Suddenly, she flies over Lindsay's head who is stuck with her bike dangling halfway in the piraรฑa pool.
"And we have our winner! Heather!" Chris exclaims as she crosses she finish line with a smug look on her face. Everyone else groans except for Lindsay.
"Yay! You won! We did it! We're safe!" Lindsay hops off her bike safely and runs up to hug Heather. Chris interrupts them immediately.
"That's not exactly true. Heather is safe because her bike crossed the line first, but since Duncan and Owen wiped out and didn't complete the race... they technically didn't cross the line at all. Which makes you the last one to cross the line. Which means it's Dock of Shame time, baby." He tells Lindsay smiling at her. My jaw drops as I listen to what he's telling her.
"Okay, I'm so confused." Lindsay adds to the conversation.
"Same..." I look over at Chris who is still grinning and he shrugs at me. He definitely made that up on the spot.
"It means I can't save you unless I give you my invincibility. But I can't do that. Too risky. You understand." Heather tells her sassily flicking her jet black hair from her shoulder.
"But I won! I even built your bike." She sounds super betrayed, I feel so bad for her. And I knew Heather didn't build that bike.
Heather laughs nervously at her claim. "I don't know what she's talking about. You should just leave with your dignity intact. It will make you seem much more cuter in the instant replays." She suggests to Lindsay as she begins to walk away. She's such a bitch.
I look over at Chris as the two girls continue to squabble. He is watch also watching them intently. He definitely did this on purpose. For ratings I suppose.
"Aren't you even sad? We're BFFs" Lindsay whines at her making Heather turn to face her once again.
"Yeah, for the contest. I mean, it's not like we're gonna be best friends for life or anything." Lindsay gasps at her hateful words.
"I can't believe you just said that! But we pinkie swore! You mean, I've been helping you all this time and you didn't even like me?" Lindsay starts to get slightly angry at Heather.
"Uh, truth?" Lindsay nods. "Not really, no." She then gasps at Heathers words. "What? We're not here to make friends, we're here to become celebrities, remember?" This makes even the meanest of contestants quiver.
"Ooh, that's cold, brah." Duncan comments and Heather scoffs back at him.
"Oh, like you're such a team player. All you do is go around scaring the crap out of everyone." She scolds Duncan for butting in.
"At least I'm straight with people!" He fights back, but she doesn't care.
"Whatever. I have invincibility. No one can touch me." She tells everyone making people roll their eyes and Lindsay gets ready to make a speech again.
"You really are mean! And all that bad stuff people say about you is true. Like how you're a two-faced, back-stabbing lying littleโ"
What Lindsay begins to say is so not safe for daytime TV. I turn to Chris surprised, trying to suppress a laugh. I definitely would not expect any of this to come from someone like Lindsay's mouth.
"I always told them they were wrong. I stood up to you because I thought we were BFFs! But they're right! You really are a two-faced, back-stabbing lying littleโ" Lindsay continues spraying bad language in Heathers face making her stare offendedly.
"And guess what? I don't wanna be BFFS anymore! I'd rather spend the day staring at Owen's butt than shopping with you. And P.S. Your shoes are tacky!" The last comment makes Heather gasp in anger and everyone laughs at her.
"Oh, go jump in the piranha pool!"
"Thanks for all your support, Greta. I love you, Laquisha." Lindsay tells Gwen and Leshawna as she engulfs her in a bear hug whilst walking to the beginning of the dock..
"Take care, girlfriend. If it makes you feel better, we would've kept you on." Leshawna reminds her.
"Really? Thanks. Kick Heather's butt for me." Lindsay giggles as she speaks.
"My pleasure." Lindsay then
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