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Heather and Owen are laughing while my head is in my hands cause I'm kinda tired from yesterday, the Killer Bass is snoring and is one of the only thing keeping me hyped.
"Duncan!" Chris says and Duncan looks at him. "You look like crap, dude." He walks up to him.
"Stuff it." Duncan says and whacks his head back on the table.
"Harold snored all night." Courtney says to Chris, he laughs.
"Wow. Four nights with no sleep? How much are you hurting, dude?" Chris asks Duncan, I take a sip of my water.
"Wanna find out?!" Duncan says to him, and I almost spit out my water.
"No, no, it's cool. It's cool." Chris says and holds his hands up as the door opens and we all gasp, it's Harold but he has a sharpie moustache on his face, he struts his way in a sits down, my team start snickering at him and the Killer Bass start straight out laughing at him.
"Okay, what?!" Harold asks.
"Someone messed with your face, dude." Geoff says to him as everyone laughs, Harold looks into the back of his spoon.
"Hey, sweet 'stache." He says to himself as Gwen walks through the door.
"Hey-hey, everyone, it's Gwen!" Chris says happily and my team starts cheering and clapping.
"Yay! Why are we clapping?" Lindsay asks Justin, Gwen sits down next to me.
"I'm so tired. I can't feel my face." She says and whacks her face in the table.
"How are not tired, Morgan?" Justin asks, I sigh.
"Well mostly, I am. But I can stay awake for long periods of time and not be tired cause I went to a school that started really early and half the time I wouldn't even sleep, so at this point it's just common practice..." I say sinking deeper into my hands.
"You sure, you look really tired to me..." Noah says to me.
"Yeah..." I say and hear Heather shout.
"Hey fish heads! Way to kick out your strongest player! Why don't you just give up now?" Courtney throws her slop at Heather, she moves and it hits Gwen in the face, a bit splatters on my cheek.
"Ew..." I say and sit up straight
"Missed me!" Heather says smugly.
"Okay campers, listen up! Your next challenge begins in ten minutes! And be prepared to bring it!" Chris says clapping at us.
We all walk in to a little glass area and Duncan's way behind, he collapses onto a bench
"Wake me up, and it'll be last thing you do." Duncan says and dozed off to sleep, Tyler gulps
"This is all your fault, you know! You and your snoring face!" Courtney screaming in Harolds face.
"It's called a medical condition, gosh!" Harold mimics her and Chef blows a whistle.
"Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball. The first rule of dodgeball is..." Chris says but gets cut off by Noah.
"Do not talk about dodgeball?" Noah says unamused, Owen laughs.
"As I was saying... If you get hit with the ball..." Chris throws the ball at Courtney.
"Oof! Ow!" She says in pain and catches the ball.
"You're out." Chris says.
"You can't do that!" Courtney shouts and throws the ball back, Chris catches it.
"If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court."
"Throwing balls. Gee, another mentally challenging test." Noah says sarcastically.
"I know, right?" Lindsay says to him, he looks at Owen confused.
"Okay now Geoff, try to hit me." He throws a ball at Geoff and picks another ball up. "If you're holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball." Chris drops the ball on the floor. "but if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you're out." He says and picks the ball up.
"So, what do I do again when the ball comes at me?" Lindsay asks.
"You dodge!" Chris says as Geoffs ball comes flying at his face, he deflects the ball and it hits Lindsay in the face, she hits the ground with a thump, Cody, Justin, Owen, and Trent gasp
"Ooh! You were supposed to dodge!" Chris says angrily Lindsay gets up and groans.
"Right." She says sadly.
"You have one minute until game time. Gophers, you'll have to sit one person out each game." I look him in the eyes.
"Wouldn't it have to be two?" I asks him.
"Nope, cause your gonna come stand with me!" He says and smiles, I frown at him.
"What if I wanted to play?" I ask him.
"Too bad, I'm the host!" He says.
"Fine!" I say and walk to him and he smiles.
"Okay, we can't get lazy. The Killer Bass are gonna be trying extra hard to catch up." Heather says to our team, Gwen yawns. "Who wants to sit the first one out with sleeping beauty here?" She points at Gwen.
"Oh, all right. I'll volunteer. Now let's see all you keeners get on out there and dodge!" He does the finger guns as they go out.
"Bring it on, fishies. Otherwise, winning three in a row just won't be as satisfying." Heather says to them.
Oh! You're going down! We're gonna bring the dinner to the table, and then we're gonna eat it!" Tyler says, it actually sounded really dumb, Courtney face palms.
"Both teams ready? Best of five games wins! Now! Let's dodge some balls!" Chef blows his whistle.
Beth, Izzy, Justin, Trent, Bridgette, Geoff, and Sadie are cheering, Cody throws a ball at Tyler, Tyler dodges it, Sadie gulps
"That'll smear the makeup." Chris says and turns to me. "Good thing your not playing!" He says to me.
"Hey!" I hit his arm. "She wasn't playing either."
"Nice job. Now let's see if you can hit someone on their team!" Courtney says to Tyler angrily and shoves the ball in his chest, Owen grunts and runs up to Tyler with the ball, he throws it at him, it hits.
"Ow!" Tyler winces "Darn it!" Chef blows his whistle.
"Whoo, yeah!" Beth, Izzy, Justin, and Trent start cheering, Chef blows his whistle again, Tyler sits out.
"Time to unleash my wicked skills." Harold says.
"Yeah? Then bring it, string bean! Let's see what you got!" Leshawna says and walks up to the line separating the two teams.
Harold grunts as he picks up the pall between his palms, he bounces the ball, it hits the roof then rolls over to our teams side, Leshawna bends over and picks it up, Harold screams and runs for the back wall as he gets hit in the head, slides and hits the wall instead, Chef blows his whistle, or team start clapping.
"And that's how we roll." Leshawna says and high fives Owen, Katie picks up a ball.
LCan someone remind me what I'm supposed to do with this again?" Lindsay says with a ball already in her hand walking forward, Katie hits her in the face with the ball, DJ and Courtney start cheering, Chef blows his whistle, the Killer Bass start cheering, Bridgette and Sadie gasp as Heather throws a ball at Tyler and it hits him in the nuts.
"Mommy?" He says with a loss of breath.
"What the heck was that?! Ref, he's not even on the court!" Courtney says rather annoyed.
"Oopsies, slipped!" Heather says smug.
"Ugh!" Courtney says, Chef blows his whistle and points at Gwen to get on the pitch, she yawns and grunts, she walks onto the pitch, DJ throws a ball at Owen, he ducks and it hits Gwen in the head.
"Ooh! Sorry!" DJ says sincerely,
"Oh, it's cool. Trust me." Gwen says happily, Chef blows his whistle.
Next Leshawna gets out from a ball to the stomach.
"Ouch! I felt that!" I say, Chef blows his whistle.
"Easy out, guys. Easy out." Courtney says to her team about Cody.
Cody's the only one on pitch still representing our team, he spins the ball into the air and throws it behind DJ, he laughs and it hits DJ in the butt, Chef blows his whistle.
"That is one tough ball to dodge!" Chris says, I nod at him.
Lastly Cody rubs the ball on his shirt and he throws it at Katie, it chases her around the pitch and it hits her, Chef blows his whistle, out team cheers.
"Your team really took the crown, huh?" Chris says to me.
"Yeah... I guess they did!" I say to him.
"Shame your not playing, I wanna see how you play..." Chris says sadly, I squint my eyes at him.
"You're the one who told me not to play!" I say to him.
"Did I?" He looks at the camera man, he nods "Oh yeah, I did..." Chris puts his hand on my shoulder. "Go play, Girl!" He pushes me to my teammates, Heather sighs.
"All right Noah, you're up." Heather says to Noah.
"You know, you guys did such an awesome job on the last game, that I don't wanna mess up your mojo." Noah says obviously not caring, Heather turns around.
"Hey, Chris Magnet! Are you playing?" Heather asks me.
"Yeah I- wait Chris Magnet!" I say to her as the whistle blows
"Seriously, Chris Magnet! She either knows about my birthday or she's just seeing how much we have in common..."
"More clatter, less chatter, Let's go, guys!" Heather says to our team, our team consists of Izzy, Lindsay, Beth, Me and Trent.
Tyler starts spinning around and randomly throwing balls, one hits Chef in the stomach and one almost hits Chris in the head but he ducks.
"Hey! Watch the face, dude!" Chris yells at him, I chuckle.
The other flys towards out team sitting on the bench and the other hits port Lindsay in the face.
"Nooo!" Tyler yells.
"Finally!" Courtney says, Lindsay groans as Tyler runs over to her.
"Um... Tyler? Oh my gosh, my face. How's my face?" She asks him.
"It's really... Not that bad." Tyler lies, there are purple bumps all over her. "You still look great."
"Really?" She asks sadly.
"Yeah! Really." Tyler says, Trent walks up to him with a ball and throws it at him softly, Chef blows the whistle.
"You wanna go for a walk?" Tyler asks, Lindsay hesitates.
"Okay!" Lindsay says happily.
"Hey! Hey, get back here! You are so close to being out of the alliance!" Heather shouts to her.
"Oh my god, that is it! Game on!" I shout, I grab a ball from Izzy's hands and throw it at Katie and Sadie, it hits them both in the side of the face, I grab another ball from Beths hands, I throw it and it smacks Bridgette in the face, Trent hands me his ball and I chuck it at Geoffs face.
"Owww! That one's worth an instant replay." Chris says, I'm guessing they're gonna replay it on the footage.
"Ooh! He dropped it like it was hot!" Or Leshawna shouts happily, Chef blows his whistle, Beth, Izzy, and Trent cheer and walk over to me, I laugh.
"I don't know what got into me." I say.
"I'm glad someone is trying today." I hear Heather say from beside me to Noah as I walk off court.
"Oh, sorry." Noah says "Woohoo! Way to throw those murder balls! Go, team, go!" He says unenthusiastically.
"Noah just shut up, dude..." I say and walk over to Chris.
"Nice team spirit." Heather sarcastically says to him.
"Team player, huh?" Chris says to me, I snort.
"That's what a year on the dodgeball team gets ya!" I say and cross my arms, Chris stares at me and smiles.
"You know what... I'm glad your here!" He puts his arm over my shoulder.
"Me too..." I say as I rest my head on his shoulder.
"Okay, this is hard to admit but I'm falling hard for him..." I rub the back of my neck. "And I know you're gonna see this so Chris... yeah I don't know where I was going with that..."
"Hey! It's 2-0! How does it feel to suck so much?" Heather yells to the Killer Bass.
"Not very good." Harold says sadly,
"It's not over yet!" She says with her finger pointed.
"You wanna go see what the Bass are up to?" Chris asks me.
"Uh... sure but isn't that cheating?" I ask him.
"Not if I say so!" He says and pushes me over there.
"Hey!" I say back to Chris and he spins his finger signalling me to spin around, I turn around and they're all looking at me. "Uh... Hi, what are you guys doing?" I say awkwardly.
"Aren't you on the other team?" Geoff says to me.
"Well, Uh... technically yes but Chris told me to come see how you're doing, so..." I say and look at a Chris who is still looking my way, I smile at him.
"How do we know you won't spread anything?" Courtney asks.
"Promise!" I put out my pinky.
"You're not crossing your other hand, right?" She says.
"Promise... again." I say and hold up my other hand, we pinky swear and she carries on speaking.
"Okay. This is really bad. One more game and we lose the whole challenge! Again! We can't let that happen, people. We need someone strong, someone mean. Someone who will crush those stupid Gophers into the dirt!" We all look at Duncan.
"Uh-uh. If we wake him up, he'll kill us." DJ says scared.
"He won't kill us, guys. He wants to win, too." Courtney casually says.
"Courtney's right. We need Duncan's fierceness to win this." Harold says and looks at Duncan.
"That's the spirit, Harold!" She says cheerfully "Now go wake him up." She crosses her arms.
"Why me?" Harold questions.
"Because other than Tyler, you're the worst at dodgeball. And if he does kill you, you're the only one we can afford to lose." Courtney says,
"No way. I'm not doing it." Harold says scared.
"Well, who's gonna wake him up?" Courtney asks, there's a silence.
"Fine I'll do it you bunch of babies." I walk up to him and blow air in his face. "Hello... Duncan!" I loudly whisper, I turn to the others. "Someone find me a stick..." Katie gives me a stick, I poke him in the nose with it, Duncan grunts, grabs the stick and snaps it in two.
"You better have a really good reason for sticking this up my nose!" Duncan says while grabbing my arm, I shrug. "Your pretty little face won't take the cut!" I point at the others.
"Look. We are down two-nothing. I can appreciate that you need a little nap time. But we need your help." Courtney says to him angrily.
"Oh, and why should I help you, darling?" He looks her up and down.
"Because I can personally guarantee you that if we lose this game, you'll be he one going home. Darling." She says up in his face, Duncan sighs
"Fine. I'll play. On one condition. You do what I say when I say it. Okay. Here's a strategy I picked up during my first visit to juvy. It's called "Rush the New Guy"." Duncan says.
"Good luck guys!" I say to them and walk over to my team.
"Hey Morgan!" Heather yells at me. "What were you doing with the rival team?"
"None of your business..." I say to her and sit down.
"Nuh-Uh, don't sit down, you're playing, Suga!" Leshawna says again.
"No... I'm not!" I say.
"Why not!" Heather shouts.
"Oh my god you're so annoying! Noah hasn't done anything! Pick him!" Noah looks at me and shakes his head.
"He's already said he's not playing! But if you're gonna be like that then fine... Izzy, you're up!" Heather say and pushes the team playing on to the pitch, I walk over to Chris.
"What happened there?" He asks me.
"It's fine, don't worry about it..." I say as Chefs whistle blows, all I see are balls flying from Duncan's hands and hitting my team mates, the Killer Bass start cheering, I clap for them and Duncan smiles at me.
"Come on, a little effort out there, people!" Noah says just as the whole team gets knocked down.
"I think we should do the same thing all over again. So Harold, sit this one out, too." Courtney says, as I walk over to there team.
"But I sat the last one out." Harold responds.
"It's for the good of the team." Courtney says.
"I think she's probably right, Harold..." I say and he goes to sit on the bench.
"Oh, hey again rival girl!" Duncan says, I put my hand up signalling a wave.
"...or Morgan here cares!" I hear Heather say really loudly, she's obviously talking about me, we all turn to look at her.
"You really rebelled on your team, huh?" Duncan says.
"I'm probably gonna get kicked out..." I say and turn back to them.
"No, you're cool... well at least I'm pretty sure we all like you!" Bridgette says and looks at the team, they all nod.
"Alright, have a good game!" I say and walk back over to where Chris is standing.
"Okay, this is it! The final tie-breaking game!" Chris says out loud to everyone.
"Go, team, go!" Noah says unenthusiastically.
"Hey, Rival Gopher Girl, we need ya!" Duncan yells at me, I run over to him and he pulls me into the group huddle. "Okay, who do you think should go in?" He asks me.
"I think it's my turn." Harold says with confidence.
"No way. You actually have a chance to win this!" I say to them.
"Gophers, Bass, let's send this sample to the lab... And see what you're made of!" Chris says with happiness, I honestly found it quite cringe.
"Okay, Harold, sit ya butt down, Bridgette, Geoff, Tyler, Courtney and Duncan, get out there!" I say.
"Cheers, Mo!" Duncan high fives me.
"Mo? I've never heard that one before..." I pause to think. "I kinda like it though!"
Chef's whistle blows, I walk over to Chris.
"Come on, people! Quick feet, fast hands!" Heather grunts and claps to Gwen and Cody on the court.
Some stuff happens, balls are thrown and people get out, Noah starts unenthusiastic cheering
"Knock 'em out, throw 'em out! Ra, Ra..." Some throws a ball at Noah's face. "Ow!"
"You're right. Sports aren't your forte." Heather laughs.
Some more balls get thrown, people get tagged in and one of those people are Harold
"Back of the court, Princess." Duncan says to Harold, he sighs and goes to the back, Gwen throws a ball at Courtney's face.
"That's for the oatmeal." She says.
"You messed with the wrong white girl!" Leshawna says laughing.
Geoff gets hit, Leshawna gets hit and Duncan gets hit 3 times, Cody jumps in front of a ball flying towards a Gwen and it hits him in the balls, Gwen and DJ get hit and now it's only Harold and Owen, all the Screaming Gophers cheer except Noah.
"Sorry dude. But you've gotta go down." Owen says to Harold.
"Goodnight, Harold." Duncan says with his head in his hands, Harold does some karate moves and signals for Owen to throw the balls, I face palm and Owen throws the balls at him and he does some ballerina moves dodging them.
"Whoa..." Noah says and drops his book.
"Timeout. Timeout!" Courtney says.
"Mo!" Duncan yells to me and I walk over, Chefs whistle blows.
"Man, that boy's got dodge! Where'd you learn to do that?!" Duncan asks Harold Bridgette skirts water into his mouth and he spits it into Tyler's face.
"Figure skating." Harold says happily.
"Harold, that was awesome! But dodging isn't enough." Geoff says
"He's right. To win this, you either have to throw him out..." I say and get cut off.
"Which we all know you can't do." Duncan says
"Or catch the ball. Can you do it?" I
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