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I'm suddenly awoken by and air horn and Leshawna hits her head on the bottom of my bed for the 1000th time.
"I swear I'm gonna seriously hurt Chris by the end of this!" She shouts and gets up.
"Campers meet me in the dining hall in 10!" Chris says through his megaphone.
"He is so damn annoying..." Gwen says emotionlessly grabs he clothes and walks out, I sigh and get out of bed.
We're sitting in the dinning hall on our benches.
"Okay campers, todays challenge is a little different to our other challenges."
"What can be worse than what we've already done?" I ask with my head resting in my palms.
"Trust me Morgan, it could be a lot worse than that, hence today's challenge." He says and slyly smiles at me.
"Oh great..." Gwen groans whist face palming.
"Soโ Meet me at the pool in your swimsuits!"
"We have a pool!" Geoff says. "Yes!" He stands up and celebrates.
"No Geoffโ I have a pool... you have more of a unsafe kind of chemical bath sort of thing." Chris says to him.
"Aw bummer..." he sits back down sadly.
"Where is this pool?" Beth asks Chris.
"Oh trust me... you'll smell it!" He says and walks out of the hall.
"Great! Sounds fantastic..." I say sarcastically, standing up with my hands flat down on the table.
"Sure does, Suga..." Leshawna says and we all go back to the cabin to grab our swimsuits.
When we make it to the cabins and Lindsay and Beth stand in front of us all.
"Oh, oh! I've been meaning to ask! Who do you guys think is hot?" Lindsay says excitedly she looks at Heather.
"No one! Everyone here's either a tramp or really ugly." Heather says and leaves with her swimsuit.
"Gwen?" Beth asks.
"I- I don't really know..." Gwen grabs her stuff and sits on her bed.
"Leshawna?" Lindsay asks.
"The only one I got my eyes on is myself, you know what I'm sayin'!" I chuckle.
"What about you Morgan?" Gwen asks.
"Ooo, girl, I know who shes got her eyes on!" Leshawna says with a smug look on her face.
"Someone on the other team I bet!" Gwen says.
"Hey! I said I'm sorryโ it wasn't my fault!" I answer in defence.
"I'm only joking, jeez. But for realโ who is it?" Gwen says bouncing back, I take a look at Leshawna and shake my head, she puffs her cheeks and goes red.
"It's Chris!" She shouts as the door bursts open.
"Who likes Chris!" Heather yells.
"Wowโ Have you been there the whole time?" I ask her and she shrugs.
"Uhโ Maybe... but you'd be a perfect match, you're both as annoying as each other!" She says and walks over to Lindsay and Beth.
"Grab your stuff and let's get goingโ I don't have all day!" They grab their stuff and leave with Heather practically dragging them, Gwen turns to me.
"Chris, eh? Is this like long term thing?" I shake my head.
"No, not really." I grab my swimsuit. "Don't you think we should get going?" I ask them.
"Not until you tell us what you two are like together!" I sigh.
"You do know we're not dating right?" I say and walk up to the door. "Okay, I'm gonna go find this "pool", so if you wanna walk with me hurry up!" I say and walk out the door.
Me, Gwen and Leshawna are walking through the forest looking for this "pool".
"Oh my god, where is it?" Gwen grunts.
"We'll find itโ somewhen, and if we don't Chris will probably find us!" I say not so certainly.
Cody jumps out from behind a tree and frightens the living daylights out of us.
"You idiot!" I say and shove him in the chest.
"Aghโ I'm sorry, I just..." He looks at Gwen. "got separated from the others." He stares into her eyes. "Hey Gwen!"
"Hey?" She says confused.
"So... what are you three doing?" Cody asks her stupidly.
"What do you think?" Gwen says.
"Yeah, Cody you can walk with us if you want but uhโ please don't be stupid..." I say to him.
"Uhโ yeah." Cody mumbles and starts walking with us. "Where do you recon the pool is gonna be?"
"Probably somewhere really obvious, like by the beach." Leshawna jokes.
"Wow, guess I really was right..." Leshawna exclaims.
"Yepโ It really was on the beach." We stand next to the pool looking directly into it.
"Okay campers, todays challenge is to stay in the pool for the longest."
"That's easy!" Says Duncan enthusiastically cracking his knuckles.
"Duncan! I'm not finished..." Chris says annoyed. "Anyways, you must stay in the pool the longest, if you might have noticed there are pieces of glass in the pool."
"What! Are you trying to kill us!" I shout.
"No! Well at lease I don't think so! Anyway campers stop wasting time, go, go, go!" He says and we get in the pool carefully.
"This feels great on my legs!" Lindsay says and goes to wiggle around.
"Lindsay! don't move your legs to fast, you might cut yourself..." I warn her, being concerned for her safety.
"Wow! Since when did you care about people on your own team?" Heathers asks me.
"Shut up, Heather!" I say to her and she goes to swims up to me fast and cuts her arm on a piece of glass.
"Ouch!" She says and swims to the edge of the pool as she cuts her hand this time. "Ow! I'm getting out!" She says and gets out.
"I did warn you..." I mumble to myself, I look around and everyone is holding onto the edge in order not to drift off and cut themselves.
"Umโ Nurse!" Chris yells and someone comes to get Heather.
"Yo Chris! This is so easy!" Geoff cheers.
"That's right Geoff, but I have something to make it harder for you!"
"Well done, smartass!" Courtney say sarcastically.
"We're going to be dumping this unknown waste in too!" I gag as I sniff it floating around in the air.
It smells like toxic chemicals that's definitely should not be in contact with the human body.
"Oh my gosh! Is that safe?" Sadie asks him.
"Franklyโ I don't care!" He says and dumps the waste in, I shiver as the warm sludge like mixture hits my cold legs.
"Ooo! It feels funny!" Izzy says and let's go of the edge.
"Izzy, please be careful!" I cross my fingers.
"Morgan, why do you care so much all of a sudden?" Trent asks me.
"Cause I'm a nice person!" I mutter getting annoyed. "Now justโ leave me alone!" Izzy goes under water and I rest my head on the side of the pool.
"Uhโ guys I'm gonna recommend you take your hands off the sides now. It's going to be getting quite hot!" Chris says pulling a lever as my fingers start to burn.
"Ouch!" Everyone in the pool yells.
"I-I wanna get out..." Lindsay whines to Chris.
"You could of said that 10 seconds ago Lindsay..." Chris deactivates the heat ring and she gets out, he activates it again as Tyler screams.
"Ow! Did anyone feel that?" Tyler asks as I feel a sharp, hot tingle go up my leg and into my spine.
"Oh my god!" I say looking up at Chris. "That really hurt!" he starts laughing at my pain.
"Oh my! I just couldn't resist!" I roll my eyes at his remarks.
"What was it?" DJ says scarcely.
"It was an Electric Eel!" Chris says.
"An Electric Eel! Hell naw, I'm getting out!" Leshawna says, Chris deactivates the field as she exits.
"Me tooโ" DJ says and gets out too.
"Anyone else?" Chris asks.
"Me!" Katie says.
"Oh my gosh! Me too!" Sadie says after.
"Oh my gosh!" They say in unison and get out.
"That it?" Chris asks, everyone nods, he activates it again as my feet get really hot and start to sting.
"That damn Eel..." I say in pain.
"No Morgan, I don't think that was the Eelโ I put a tracking chip in it and it hasn't moved in a while." he says as some blood rises to the top of the pool.
"Greatโ now there's a dead eel in the pool!" Courtney says.
"Then what was it?" I ask Chris.
"Probably the toxic water heating up I guess?" He says brushing it off.
"Right i'm done with this." Bridgette says as Chris deactivates the field, she climbs on the edge and the bottom of her foot gets cut wide open. "Ow!!" She yells.
"Oh my god, Bridge are you okay?" Geoff gets out the pool to comfort her on the floor.
"Ooo... Geoff, Buddyโ you got out the pool dude!" He looks at Chris as a Nurse comes and gets Bridgette.
"No! Dude!" Geoff whines on his knees on the floor
"Yes Dude! You're out!" Chris says back. "Okay 4 Bass... and 8 Gophers."
"We're so done..." Duncan says.
"We might be uselessโ you never know." I say to Duncan.
"Morganโ why are you helping him?" Owen asks me.
"I justโ I'm not helping him, am I?" I ask Duncan, he shakes his head.
"No," he says sarcastically, trying to hold in a chuckle.
"You so are!" Beth whines.
"Shut up brace face!" I yell at her accidentally, she gasps.
"I'm getting out... cause if we loose I know who were voting out!" I bite my tounge, as Chris deactivates the field.
"Oh shoot! I really messed that one up!" I face palm.
"Anyone joining me?" Beth asks.
"I'm coming..." Owen says and looks at me dead in the eyes as he gets out, Chris activates the field again.
"Wow! I didn't know you had it in you..." Duncan says impressed.
"Now I'm gonna get voted out if we loose..." I say embarrassed.
"It'll be fine, girl!" He carefully makes his way through the glass and sludge but he still manages to cut his hand open.
"Oops, I got a paper cut." He chuckles.
"Uhโ Duncan that kinda looks bad." I say to him, reaching for his hand and looking at it
"Nahโ I'll survive, I've had worse." He says and looks me in the eyes.
"Ok sure, whatever you say..." I say to him and let go of his hand. "Anyway what'd you want?" I ask him, and he doesn't answer, but he's still staring at my face. "Hello! Earth to Duncan!" I wave my hands at him and he soon snaps out of his daze.
"Sorry just admiring your face..." Duncan says as i blush.
"Idiot..." I mumble
"...To see what piercings would suit you." My face drops.
"Oh, cheers..."
"You'd look good with a nose piercing..." he says to me.
"Alrightโ I'm done for!" Gwen says, Chris deactivates the field and she gets out.
"Anyone else?" Chris asks.
"Me..." Cody says sadly. "My feet sting..." He gets out.
"Uhโ me too!" Trent says following after Gwen, Izzy pokes her head from under the water and theres random gunk coming from her nose.
"Me..." She says sadly. "Don't eat the sludge!" She says to me personally.
"Thanks Iz." I answer back to her confused. "How did she stay under the water for so long?" I ask Duncan confused.
"I don't know? Maybe she has Gills." He starts making blow fish noises, I laugh
"Bro, you're dumb."
"Right back at ya!"
"I'm getting out..." Harold says and hops out not remember the field is on. "Ow!" He yells. "That's hot!"
"No Shit Sherlock!" Duncan says and I laugh, Chris deactivates the field.
"Anyone else?" Chris asks.
"Me..." Tyler says and runs to the medical room, Chris activates the field again and Justin pulls up beside me and makes a face.
"Hi Justin..." I furrow my eyebrows.
"Do I not attract you?" He asks me, I look him directly in the eyes and pretend to think about it.
"Umโ not really." I say to him and he kicks my leg, It hits a sharp shard of glass in my knee, "Ouch!" I immediately lift my leg up in pain and it slices my leg wide open.
"Oh my fucking god!" I scream in pain and discomfort. "I wanna get out! I wanna get out!" I yell, Chris turns off the field fully and runs over to me, pulling me out of the pool.
"Are you okay?" He asks me.
"So i look okay? Look at my fucking leg!" I scream in his face.
"Nurse!" Chris yells and a Nurse wheels me away to the Medical room.
In the medical room is Heather, Bridgette, Geoff, Izzy, Lindsay and Tyler.
"Morgan? What happened to you?" Lindsay asks as Heather slaps her arm.
"I don't knowโ maybe my leg?" I say sarcastically.
"Okay sorryโ just asking!" She says loudly, I cover my ears.
"Morgan, I'm gonna put this on it first so brace yourself!" She hold up a bottle.
"Yeah okay..." I brace myself as she puts it on it really stings. "Ouch!" I whisper loudly.
"It's fine... it's over now. Now I need to stitch it up..." the lady says.
"Wait stitch!"
"It is quite deep Morgan." Geoff says eyeing it up.
"Ok fine..." she numbs my leg and stitches it up.
"It's 8 stitches, you should be fine, you can either stay in here for a while or have a wheel chair for now."
"Ooohโ wheel chair please!" I say excitedly.
"I need to wrap it first so hold on a sec..." She carefully wraps my leg in some protective bandages. "You'll have to change this daily so come to me and I'll sort you out with some if you run out." She says and gives me some for now.
"Ok, let's get you in this wheels chair." She gets the wheel chair and gets me in it and I wheel my way back to the pool.
"Hey Morgan! You okay?" Chris asks me, I nod.
"Yeah, I'll survive. But I got 8 stitches!" I say to Chris excitedly as he shivers.
Courtney got out since I last saw and it's only Duncan and Justin arguing, Duncan lifts his hand and punches Justin.
"Oh my god!" I say as Justin gets out, what the heck, where's the field.
"I turned it off..." Chris says to me almost as if he was reading my thoughts. "And the Killer Bass wins!" Chris holds up Duncan's arm, I start clapping.
"Stop cheering for them!" Heather yells from the medical tent.
"Gophers I'll see you at the campfire." I face palm, oh shoot...
"Ok Screaming Gophers! The campers getting a marshmallow today are... Justin! Heather! Lindsay! Gwen! Beth! Leshawna! Izzy! Cody! Owen! And..." I brace myself. "Trent!"
"What the hell!" I yell. " I really thought you guys liked me..."
"If it makes you feel any better I didn't vote you off..." Cody says sadly.
"Cheers, Cody." I stand up and walk over to the dock of shame.
"Woah! Morgan hold on a second!" Chris says to me. "You're not walking the dock of shame! You'll be moving to the Killer Bass!" Chris says excitedly, I squeal.
"In your face Heather!" I yell and her jaw drops and I run up to Chris hug him. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
"No need to thank me... it was all Duncan's idea."
"And you just went along with it?" I say pulling away.
"Yeah! It was a good idea!" Chris says to me.
"Thanks again..." I hug him again.
"Wait that's not fair!" Heather says angrily, she nudges Beth and Lindsay.
"Yeah!" They say in unison.
"It so is fair! Leave her alone!" Gwen says annoyed.
"You'll need to move your stuff to the Bass cabin, so you might as well get a head start!" I run to the cabins.
"In your face!"
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