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We're all sleeping when we hear an air horn blasts and huge bang hits the bottom of my bed.
"Ow! It's seven in the morning!" Leshawna jumps out of bed and rushes to the window. "Do I look like a farmer to you?" she complains angrily.
The entire cabin quickly gets dressed and rushes outside to see what going on. We're just met with Chris smiling back at us.
"Morning! Hope you slept well." Chris exclaims to everyone. It's so early, why's he so happy for?
"Hi, Chris. You look really buff in those shorts." Heather attempts a fake flirt to get onto Chris' good side. I nod not really listening and looking at my nails.
"I know. And so does she." He says confidently and points at me as I look up at him raising my eyebrows.
"Huh?" I reply genuinely confused, he shrugs. Did he mean that I look buff in my shorts or I think he looks buff in his shorts?
"Okay. I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute." He completely ignores the comment from Heather and continues.
"Oh! excuse me. I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen debates confused and scared of not getting a meal before living in hell for the day.
"Oh, you'll get breakfast, Owen. Right after you complete your twenty kilometers run around the lake!" Chris laughs and then points off in the distance causing the majority of us to sigh and complain.
"Oh, so you're funny now? You know what I think would be funny?" Eva argues as she goes to walk up to Chris with her fists ready and Duncan and Geoff have to restrain her. Courtney pulls up right beside her.
"Eva! Try to control your temper?" She whispers loudly to her.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?!" Eva says resisting the urge to punch him.
"A little. You have thirty seconds." Chris exclaims. "Okay, runners! On your marks, get set, go!" He yells at us and everyone starts running but me and Tyler who just walk slowly.
"You better start running Morgan, or your birthday will be 10 times worse!" Chris encourages me in the worst was possible but it must've worked because I sped up and began to run.
"Oh shoot, my birthday, I forgot about that!" I say to the camera and face palm.
Everyone around me starts panting from exhaustion.
"Do you know how much longer?" Harold gets closer to Gwen and asks the group we're in. Bridgette speeds past us all.
"Don't walk beside me." Gwen tells Harold as he shimmies his way a little closer to me.
"Yeahโ what she said." I say to him a little disgusted as well. Suddenly Noah runs past treading on Heathers shoe making her jaw drops.
"Do you mind?" She yells at him as he speeds away. Leshawna and I walk over to the nearest tree to have a break since we were extremely out of breath.
As we take out break we both watch as Owen is slouched in a puddle drinking from it in the middle of the muddy path.
"Can't... Catch... Breath. Must... Have... Condition!" Owen pants as he drinks some more. Heather then steps in the puddle in front of his face splashing the water all over him.
"Yeah. It's called overeating. Look into it." Heather shouts to him angrily with her hands on her hips.
"What's your excuse, you skinny... Annoying... Ooh... I'm too tired for insults." Leshawna tried to argue but can't sue to her being out of breath. Heather then turns her he's and looks towards me.
"D-Don't look at me." I say to her huffing and puffing, putting my hands up in innocence.
I look to my left and see Chris speeding toward us on a moped with a megaphone.
"Pick it up, people! If you're not back by dinner time, you don't eat!" Chris exclaims through the megaphone to all of us.
"I-I hate you, C-Chris!" I shout extremely out of breath.
"Love you too, birthday girl!" He yells back as he drives away. I get stressed and purposely stomp on the puddle Owen was previously drinking from and soak everyone arounds ankles.
"Mmm... I hate him so much." Heather declares mumbling walking over Owen making him wince in pain.
"Yep..." I sigh agreeing and looking down at Owen who's laying in another puddle. I feel bad for him, he must be struggling. I think about helping him but I just end up walking around him.
I run in the dining hall panting as Chris is stood there filing his nails. I stand and watch him in shock as I try and catch my breath back.
"Why did I like you as a kid?" I ask him while leaning on the wall between him and the door.
"I don't know? Maybe cause I'm so incredibly handsome you couldn't resist me." Chris tells me with a glint in his eye.
"Ew. I was like 14..." I respond to him, with disgust in my eyes.
"Well..." he says as he continues to file his nails and I take a seat next to Duncan.
Suddenly Owen bursts in through the door with Noah thrown over his shoulder.
"Clear a table, stat!" He yells and lays him down on the table me and Duncan we're both sat at making us get up even if we didn't want to.
"Ohโ We made it!" Leshawna exclaims in a breathy voice and starts crawling on the floor through the door as Owen starts giving Noah CPR.
I've never seen more chaos from 16 year olds in my entire life, but then Harold comes in through the door.
"What took you so long? We just lost the challenge!" Courtney yells to Harold from the other table in the canteen.
"I think I'm having heart palpitations." Harold responds breathing heavily and clenching his chest in pain, leaning against a wall.
"Hey, wait a minute. If they lost, that means we won the challenge!" Gwen announces happily, as I stand up and walk over to my group to celebrate.
"Whoa there! Hold your horses, guys. That wasn't the challenge!" Chris tells us and walks into the middle of the room. Seriously?
"What did he just say?" Gwen asks me in confusion.
"I don't really listen to him anymore..." I whisper to her and she chuckles.
"Who's hungry?!" Chris asks and reveals a huge buffet laying on a table.
"I could hear heavens music in my head, I genuinely thought I was dying."
After we finished devouring all the food on the buffet, we all start groaning since we're all so full.
"Okay, campers! Time for part two of your challenge!" Chris announce through the megaphone and stands on the table the buffet was previously on.
"I thought eating was the second part." Owen questions with his mouth full of turkey.
"What more do you want from us?" Gwen asks Chris as Heather groans from annoyance.
"Weird goth girl is right. Haven't we been through enough?" Heather complains, annoyed with him.
"Um... Let me think about that. No! It's time forโ The Awake-a-thon!" Chris cheers excitedly and all our faces drop confused. What even is that...
"The what-a-thon?" I repeat half of the word as Chris puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Don't worry! This is an easy one! The team with the last camper standing wins invincibility!" I roll my eyes.
"Easy for you to say..." I mumble at him.
"So, what you're saying is the 20k run and the turkey eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to make it harder for us to stay awake?" Gwen asks Chris.
"That's right, Gwen!" Chris says still screaming through that megaphone.
"Man, he's good." Gwen says and rolls her eyes, I nod.
"Move, move, move!" He yells at us.
"So, how long do you think it'll be before everyone's out cold?" Trent asks me and Gwen as we walk out the door.
"Bout an hour, give or take." Gwen answers back, Owen walks past us groaning in pain.
"Maybe less." I mumble gritting my teeth.
"We're now twelve hours in with all twenty-one campers still wide awake." Chris says softly, I sit cross legged on the floor watching him. Heather and I accidentally make eye contact and end up yawning.
"Woohoo! Stay awake for twelve hours?! I can do that in my sleep! Woohoo!" Owen exclaims with the most energy i've ever seen and then falls flat on the ground asleep.
"Yay..." I mumble and lay myself down on the ground in front of the logs.
"Careful Morgan, don't fall asleep!" Cody encourages me and he helps me up, I lean on a tree stump still sitting on the floor.
"Cheers buddy..." I accidentally yawn in his face covering my mouth, he gives me a thumbs up and goes over to Noah.
"This is the most boring thing I've ever done in my life." Gwen mutters in between me and Trent.
"Could be way worse." Trent yawns like the rest of us.
"Oh yeah? How?" Gwen asks him, rolling her eyes.
"I could be stuck here without you to talk to." Trent says to her, it was honestly quite cute and Lindsay walking in front of Gwen and starts doing a head stand.
"What are you doing?" Gwen asks Lindsay confused.
"Trying to get the blood to rush to my head. Heh... I think it's working." Lindsay says, I blink slowly at her.
"Can I try?" Beth asks her.
"Sure!" Lindsay answers, Beth goes to do a head stand.
"Perfect... Lindsay, Beth, can I talk to you for a sec?" Heather asks them.
"Sure!" Lindsay says and they walk off into the distance, I stand up and walk over to Chris, he's leaning in some sort of barrel, I stand in front of him,
"Hello!" I say bored,
"Hi..." He says confused. "What'd you want?"
"You know it's my birthday..." I say in a childish voice He nods. "And I'm turning 19..." He nods.
"Yep..." I stand there smiling at him. "You gonna take that anywhere?" He says smiling back.
"Um... no, it's gone." I say to him he laughs at me.
"You're awfully cute in many ways but I'm not gonna help you win just cause you're in love with me..." He crosses his arms.
"I'm not in love with you! You think that because?" I look him in the eyes and cross my arms too,
"It's written all over your face!" He says.
"...Okay, I'm busted, happy now!" I hold my hands up and he nods.
"Lucky for you, I'm kinda into you too." He says back, I widen my eyes.
"You are?" I say surprised, he nods.
"If you stay awake I have something for you at the end." He says and smirks.
"You do?" I ask him, he nods. "Sounds kinda dodgy though..."
"It's not... Now go, before people figure it out." I walk back and go back to laying against the first stump
"I'm going to the bathroom." Eva says as she walks to there.
After a while Izzy and Noah are passed out on my team and others were on the other.
"Congratulations, campers! You've made it to the twenty-four hour mark. Time to take things up a notch! Fairy tales!" He uncovers a pile of books, I face palm.
"Oh, he's not serious!" Gwen says emotionless.
Chris clears his throat and Chef starts playing the harp, Chris and I snicker at him.
"Grrr..." Chef says to us.
"Once... Upon a time... There was... Inside this boring kingdom..." I couldn't help but want to laugh at him, Beth yawns.
"A boring village. And inside this boring, sleepy, village... Filled with very boring children... that did very... Boring things." I chuckle, he looks at me and squints.
"Sorry..." I say back sadly.
"Huh?" Cody says then starts coughing, it turns out he was laying on Owens butt and Chef randomly starts doing ballet I start getting really confused and wonder if I'm really in a dream.
Gwen and Trent start talking about their Interests with each other, then they start stargazing together, I'm still sitting by my stump and staring at Chris.
"Look at him. He's like a statue. He hasn't moved in over... Fifty hours! Hello? Yo!" Gwen says to Justin waving in his face, I look over,
"Yip! Yip! Yip yip yip yip yip!" Trent starts saying in time with Gwen speaking.
"What the heck?" I stand up and walk over to them. "What's going on here?" She points at his eyes.
"Amazing. Look at the concentration." Gwen says and pokes him, everyone gasps.
"His eyelids are painted! I saw it!" Eva shouts as she stands up and points our way.
"Shut up! Oh, I've gotta see this." Chris stares him in the eyes in disbelief. "That is so freaking cool! But, you're still out, dude." Justin's face drops. "You done good so far!" Chris whispers to me, I smile at him and he smirks.
Harold sighs as Duncan puts Harolds hand in a cup of warm water, He pees himself.
"Gross, it works! Dude peed his pants!" Duncan laughs and looks to me, I chuckle, Harold gasps, I look over to Noah and he's kissing Cody's ear while they sleep spooning on the floor, they wake up and both start screaming, I put my head in my hands.
"I'd kill for a coffee right now." Gwen says to me.
"Same..." I sigh and groan.
"What is the matter with you people?" Chris sips his coffee. "Come on, fall asleep already!"
"You've gotta hook me up, man. I'll even eat the grinds! Anything!" Gwen says on all fours at his feet, he shakes her off and walk to where he was before hand.
"All right, you six stay with me. The rest of you go get a shower, for heavens sake. You stink!" He sips his coffee again. "I didn't want it to come to this, I said that to Chef Hatchet last night, I said, "Chef, I don't want it to come to this. But darn it, these campers are tough." And so... I've come up with the most boring, sleep-inducing activity I can find." Chris says and pulls out a huge book.
"The History of Canada,a pop-up book. Chapter One: The Beaver, National symbol and a 'dam' fine hat." Chris says softly.
"I'm not even Canadian and I like history so this might be kinda interesting?"
Duncan, Eva, Gwen, Heather, and Trent groan, Gwen says stink and I snort at Chris.
"Which of course, was the precursor for the discussions..." Chris says as Eva passes out on the floor. "...leading to War" Heather also passes out but on the log "...of 1812." I yawn and almost fall asleep.
"I take back what I said about this being 'interesting' all history blows!"
Trent passes out on a log and Trent falls off
"Trent! Noooo!" Gwen says as he hits the floor. "Don't leave me!" She says sadly.
"You got me!" I say kinda hyping, she side eyes me. "Alrighty then..."
"Time for a bathroom break! Any takers?" Chris asks the last three, which are Duncan, me and Gwen
"I've held it this long, sweethearts! I can go all day!" Duncan says to me and Gwen.
"Yeah, but can you hold it for another ten chapters?" Gwen says to him, I weakly high five her.
"You've got five minutes. Long as you don't mind a little company." Chris says and points to the cameraman.
"Fine. But stay out of the stall." Duncan says to the camera, me and Gwen groan as he trots to the bathroom.
A paper gets handed to Chris from an intern.
"And we have news! It Looks like Duncan's taken a dive on the can! Which means the official winner of The Awake-a-thon is..." there's a thud as Gwen hits the floor.
"Morgan! The Screaming Gophers win!" Chris grabs my arm and lifts it up. "I was gonna say the Gophers but Gwen passed out..." Chris whispers to me.
"What's my prize?" I ask Chris excitedly.
"Follow me!" He says and we walk to his Cabin. "Wait here..." He says, I lean on his door frame and wait for him to come back, he brings me a muffin with a candle in it. "Happy Birthday to you! Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Morgan, happy birthday to you!" Chris says. "Make a wish, my girl!" He says and holds the candle up to my face, I blow it out with my eyes shut, I open them and Chris is staring into my eyes. "What'd you wish for?" He asks me like a kid.
"If I tell you it won't come true..." I say to him.
"You totally wished you could kiss me." Chris say
"I mean... I didn't, but it would've been my wish from 10th grade."
"I mean?" I say and he presses his lips against mine, he pulls away.
"Happy birthday, girl!" He says smirking and I blush.
"Man, I love you!" I say to him and stare into his eyes, he stares into my eyes, we snap out of it.
"Wanna come to the campfire ceremony again?" He asks me.
"Sure! Let me change my clothes though." I say to him.
"Yeah, you kinda stink..." He laughs and I hit his shoulder. "Ow..."
"See ya later McLean!" He blows a kiss, I wink and run back to camp.
"Where is my MP3 player?! One of you must've stolen it, I need my music! No one is going anywhere until I get my MP3 player back!" Eva screams at everyone on her team.
"Woah..." I say and walk inside to grab some clothes, I grab some and walk back out.
"Okay. Whoever took it better give it up now before she destroys the whole camp." Courtney says hushed.
"Hey, guys! Wow, this place is a real mess." Heather says from no where.
"Someone stole Eva's MP3 player." Courtney says.
"You don't mean this, do you? I was wondering who it belonged to. I found it by the campfire pit. You must've dropped it." Heather says sweetly to her.
"Oh, thank you! Thank you, thank you!" Eva says hugging her MP3 player.
"Sure thing." Heather says and walks away, I sit on the seat steps going up to our cabin.
"So... Sorry about that little... Misunderstanding. Guess no one stole it after all." No one us impressed by her behaviour. "Okay. Maybe I overreacted a little." She chuckles awkwardly at them, I walk away to the campfire ceremony.
"You've all cast your votes and made your decision. There are only 9 marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately return to the Dock of Shame, catch the Boat of Losers, and leave. And you can never come back. Ever." Duncan looks at me.
"Why is she here..." Duncan asks looking into my tired eyes. "Again?"
"Like I said, my show my rules, anyways, first marshmallow goes to Duncan." He grabs his. "Bridgette." She grabs hers. "Courtney." She grabs hers. "Katie and Sadie." They both squeal. "Tyler. Heh." Chris winks at him. "DJ." He grabs his "Geoff." He grabs his. "Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening." Eva and Harold look at each other, there's a long pause,
"Harold!" Harold smiles and grabs his a Marshmallow "Eva, the Dock of Shame awaits." Chris say and Eva stand up.
"Nice. Really nice. Who needs this stupid TV show anyway?!" She walks over to me and Chris, we smile at her and she kicks Chris in the shin.
"Oof! Owww!" He clenches his shin "Have a good sleep tonight. You're all safe."
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