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Chris exclaims to all of us. "Your first task is to jump off this 1,000-foot-high cliff into the lake." He tells us, strangely still looking as happy as ever. He was still holding his smug look that's burnt into my memory on his face.
although i guess it is kinda hot...
"Piece of cake." I hear Bridgette behind me snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Damn, really?" I announce taking the courage to go and look down over the ledge. The drop was so far down my vision was going blurry and I could barely see the bottom.
"If you look down here, greatly demonstrated by Morgan." I look back at the Chris at the mention of my name and stare at him still not used to him saying my name. He walks to the too as everyone follows and looks over mine and Chris' shoulders.
ughh stoooooppp!
"You will see two target areas. The wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic..." he chokes on his laughter a little. "man-eating sharks. Inside that area is a safe zone. That's your target area, which, we're pretty sure is shark free." I slightly drop my jaw at his words.
"Excuse me!" Leshawna is just as shocked as I am in this moment.
"What do you mean, pretty sure?" I ask him slightly fearing for my own life. All he does is ignore me. Ugh!
"For each member of your team that jumps and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. Inside each crate are supplies that you'll need for the second part of the challenge... building a hot tub. The team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot-tub party tonight. The losers will be sending someone home. Let's see, Killer Bass, you're up first." Chris tells us and I shiver for the 100th time today.
"Oh, wow. So, who wants to go first?" Bridgette asks and no one answers her as no one particularly wanted to jump.
"Hey, don't sweat it, guys. I heard that these shows always make the interns do the stunt first to make sure it's survivable." Geoff tries to calm his teams nerves and I roll my eyes walking over to the other team.
"I'm sorry, but I probably wouldn't trust Chris to do that after the way he's acted all day." I tell them my opinion.
"Hey! I heard that Marsh!" Chris shouts announcing my surname from where my team are standing, I turn to him and walk back towards my team while staring at Chris still.
"So, who's up?" Eva asks her team and everyone stands there hesitant.
"Ladies first." Duncan smirks like a perv, this guy is freaky. Finally Bridgette speaks up.
"Fine, I'll go. It's no big deal, just an insane cliff dive into a circle of angry sharks." She announces confidently and quickly jumps off, she survives and lands safely in the circle.
"She did it. Yeah! Yeah! I'm next. Cowabunga!" Tyler states and jumps off right behind her and smacks him nuts on a buoy floating around the circle.
"Ooh." Bridgette exclaims painfully from the beach where she'd returned to shore, Geoff, Eva and Duncan then jump without a fuss but then...
"Unh-unh. No way, man. I'm not jumping." DJ is extremely afraid, and I seriously don't blame the guy. I mean who would volunteer to do this.. but at the end of the day he did volunteer for this show. Suddenly Chris walks over to him and places a hand on him shoulder.
"Scared of heights?" Chris asks him sincerely holding his hand in place.
"Yeah, ever since I was a kid." I'm sorry.. but we're on reality tv buddy, live a little.
"That's okay, big guy.." Chris pulls a fake frown. "Unfortunately, that also makes you a chicken. So you'll have to wear this for the rest of the day." Chris chuckles as he pulls out a Chicken hat and I try to contain my laughter.
"Aw, man. For real?" DJ says sadly grabbing the hat and placing it in his head.
"Bawk bawk bawk!" Chris imitates and I laugh with him. "At least someone here gets my humour. You sound like fun, Morgan!" He chuckles at me and I freeze and then suddenly start shifting myself slightly closer to him with a slight blush on my face. "That means the chicken path down is that-a-way. Next." Chris directs DJ off the cliff.
I'm now stood next to Chris watching people jump from a cliff. What a surreal moment..
"Yee-haw!" Ezekiel exclaims and hits the cliff on the way down but manages to stay in the safe zone. The team cheers for him.
"Yes!" Harold yells going down while doing the splits, hitting the water like a brick right on his... "AHH!" He screams and the noise makes the birds fly away
"Oh, hate to see that happen." Chris turns to me and says as I chuckle slightly.
"Yeahโ Can't say I can relate to the pain though.." I answer back and when I look back up Courtney's standing beside the ledge.
"Excuse me, Chris. I have a medical condition." Courtney inquires.
"What condition?" Chris asks sounding like he really doesn't care about it.
"A condition that prevents me from jumping off cliffs." I internally face palm as to be fair it was kind of a cringe answer.
"Sounds like a case of lying to me..." I mutter with a slight giggle and Courtney hears me looking into my eyes.
"I wasn't asking youโ" She retaliates at me as Chris cuts her off.
"You can chicken out if you want, but it might end up costing your team the win. And then they'll hate you." Chris tells her trying to change the subject and her mind.
"It's a calculated risk. I've see the other team, and I don't think all eleven of them will jump." Courtney starts side-eyeing me and my entire team.
"Gee thanks..."
"All right, here is your chicken hat. So let's tally up the results." Chris starts making chicken noises at her and the look on her face makes me giggle again, this gives Chris a pleased face. "Hold on. That's eight jumpers and two chickens. We're missing one." Chris looks to his left seeing Sadie shaking a little.
"I'm not jumping without Katie!" Sadie whines holding Katie's hands tight. I stand there watching awkwardly just awaiting my turn.
"We have to be on the same team, Chris." Katie tells him seriously.
"Please! Please! Can we? Can we, Chris? Can we? Can we?" They start begging Chris like little kids.
"I'll switch places with her." Izzy tells Chris calmly from behind the commotion, Chris then looks at both of the girls and then back at Izzy and gives in.
"All right, fine, you're both on the Killer Bass now. Izzy, you're on the Screaming Gophers." Chris has a face sensing that he's slightly pissed off. I'm really not surprised.
"Yes!" They both celebrate and start hugging each other aggressively.
"That means you're up, girls." Chris says to them cheerfully again as they walk up to the edge of the cliff. That was a quick mood change.
"We're coming, Killer Bass!" Katie and Sadie shout and jump off hand in hand.
"Okay, so that's nine jumpers and two chickens. Screaming Gophers, if you can beat that we'll throw in a pull cart to put your crates on." Chris tells my teams and Trents eyes light up brightly.
"Nice. Okay, guys who's up first?" Trent asks our team and we all look back and forth at each other.
"I'm sorry, there's no way I'm doing this." Heather tells him, folding her arms like a brat.
"Why not?" Beth asks her spitting everywhere in the process.
"Uhโ hello! national TV. I'll get my hair wet." She states and does a slight hair flip.
"You're kidding, right?" Gwen scoffs rather emotionlessly looking directly at Heather.
"If she's not doing it, I'm not doing it." Lindsay tells Chris and then crosses her arms. We might be here a while.
"Oh you're doing it." Leshawna gets all up in Heathers face all of a sudden. Woah..
"Says, who?" Heather snaps back at her getting even closer.
"Says me. I'm not losing this challenge 'cause you got your hair day, you spoiled little daddy's girl."
"Back off, ghetto-glamour, too-tight-pants-wearing, rap-star wannabe." Heather snaps back horridly, making me let out a slight gasp.
"Mall-shopping, ponytail-wearing, teen-girl-reading, peeking in high school prom queen!" There's a slight silence until Heather starts up again.
"Well, at least I'm popular."
"Ouch..." I whisper to myself and Chris hears from beside me.
"Ouch indeed," There's a pause as everyone inspects the tent icon between Heather and Leshawna. "Girls fighting is kinda funny though. Don't you think?" He answers back.
"Yeahโ I suppose it is," I respond to him looking at his face from the corner of my eye, we both softly snicker together.
"You're jumping!" Leshawna demands Heather for the 100th time.
"Make me!" Heather tries Leshawna again as the bigger girl grabs Heather and chucks her off the cliff. She starts screaming from fear but ends up landing in the safe zone anyway. "Leshawna, you are so dead!" Heather yells up at her.
"Hey! I threw you into the safe zone, didn't I? Now I just hope I can hit it, too." Leshawna peps herself up and screams as she makes her way down and lands next to Heather.
"I thought this was going to be a talent contest." Lindsay tells Chris while looking off over the edge. This ultimately makes Chris laughs.
"Yeah, No." He continues with no emotion on his face, but never the less Lindsay then jumps off the ledge and starts screaming.
Everyone else on the team apart from me and Trent, Beth and Owen then jump one after the other, the one just before me being Justin.
Justin fives his way down like a pro but doesn't end up making it into the safe zone.
"Look out! Paddle!" Leshawna yells to Justin out of his own safety.
"I-I can't do it. I'm too scared. I'm sorry." Beth tells Chris as she looks back and forth between me Chris and Trent.
Chris grabs her a chicken hat and sends her on her way as Cody and Leshawna start cackling as she makes her way down the mountain.
"Let's do this. Yeah! Whoo!" Trent says as he jumps off and makes it down safely .
I then stop looking over the edge feeling relived as Chris makes direct eye contact with me and grins.
"It's your turn!" He exclaims out in amusement to me.
"My turn? Oh yeah! Total forgot I was even apart of this show." I admit to Chris.
"Awh, you didn't think you were the host did you?" He mocks me while making a fake pouty face.
"No! I just thought I wasโ watching TV or something," I look down over the edge and realise how high the drop really is, I look over to the shore and see my whole team stood there.
"No point laughing at the others if you're just a little chicken!" Chris holds in his giggle while squinting at me making chicken arms.
"I'm not a chicken! And anyways, I bet you couldn't even do it..." I look down at my team on the shore, the majority of them like they're rooting for me but then there's Heather who just stood staring with her arms folded and Lindsay who doesn't really understand what's going on.
I take a step back from the cliff and look behind me at Owen who is smiling in an encouraging way.
"You're got this Morgan!" He hyped me up and places a hand on my shoulder
Chris is stood by the edge of the mountain grinning his teeth and raising his eyebrows at me,
I start to suddenly take a runner for the cliff and jump off the edge curling myself into a cannonball.
I thankfully end up landing directly in the safe zone.
"Nice one, Morgan!" Chris says down through a megaphone and I give him a thumbs up as the boat picks me up and bring me to shore.
"Okay, campers, there's only one person left. You guys need this jump for the win. No pressure, dude." He says to Owen. "Okay, there's pressure." We all start cheering for him.
"Jump! Jump! Just do it, Owen. Do it!" Heather starts chanting at him from below.
"Take a good run at it, buddy. Just like Morgan did. You can do this." Chris encourages him from the ledge bringing the way I did it up. How cute...
He takes Chris' advice and does exactly what I did by taking a few steps back and taking a run for it.
"I'm going to die now. I'm going to freaking die now." I hear faintly from above as I watch.
"Come on, big guy." Leshawna shouts up to him while clapping her hands in a nice way.
"Yeah! Oh, crap." He starts screaming as he jumps off and falls down, splashing everyone stood on the shore as he does so.
"Yes! Yeah! Oh, yeah! Who's the man?" Owen announces from the water, pointing to himself.
"Woo-hoo-hoo!" Beth cheers from the sidelines.
"Yes!" Leshawna says happily grabbing me and pulling me in for a hug as she does making me giggle along with her.
"The winners, the Screaming Gophers!" Chris chants through the megaphone.
"That was awesome, dude." Trent tells Owen who's still floating around in the water awkwardly. "What's wrong?" He finally asks him
"I, uh, think I lost my bathing suit."
Since we won the challenge we were awarded the wagon to carry our crates in t build the hot tub.
All of us happily wheel them back to camp as we all sing "49 bottles of pop on the wall, 49 bottles of pop, if on of those bottles just happens to fall, 48 bottles of pop on the wall!" This little bit of singing goes on for a while as Beth spots something.
"Hey, look, there is the camp ground." She starts spitting everywhere as she announces this.
"That was pretty easy." Owen says to Cody and I who are stood beside him.
"I'm pleasantly surprised." Cody answers back.
"So am I..."
Everyone on the team finally ends up trying to open the crates with our teeth, I just stand there confused, I'm not trying to loose my teeth.
"Remember, you guys can only use your teeth to open the crates. I came up with that one." Chris says looking pleased with himself. "Morgan, that means you too." He tells me and I sigh and start to bite the crate me and Leshawna are trying to open.
"Wow it opened..." I barely try and the emotionlessly say back to Chris who just rolls his eyes at me
Izzy then suddenly starts growling. "Hey, I think I got it open." Her crate pops open almost landing on Gwen's foot. "Ow, ow, rope burn on my tongue." Izzy then sticks her tongue out revealing the injury.
After a while my whole team manage to get their crates open.
"Hey, check it out, I got wood." Owen tells us excitedly making me giggle at the innuendo.
"I got some tools here and what looks like a pool liner." Trent says, Heather and Lindsay walk over to me and Leshawna.
"I just wanted to say, I didn't mean bad about you being a ghetto, rap-star wannabe, and I love your earrings. They're so pretty." Heather says to Leshawna butting on an innocent face but it's the most fakest thing I think i've ever heard.
"Straight up? Well, I'm sorry about pushing you over the cliff and all." Leshawna answers to her.
"No worries. I needed a push. Truce?" Heather puts her fist out.
"Yeah, yeah, you got it." Leshawna says to Heather and fist bumps her, Heather then goes to walk away and gives me a nasty glare.
"What about you Morgan. Truce?" Leshawna snaps me out of my haze and I look at her fist.
"Uh... sure!" I fist bump her and we both giggle grabbing our stuff from our crate.
Our team are building our hot tub when the other team arrive a few hours later than we did.
"Finally." Harold declares placing his crate down stormily.
"Hey, what's up, guys?" Trent greets them as he stops hammering the hot tub.
"Hey, aren't you missing a couple of white girls?" Leshawna says to them as she's peeks her head out of the crate.
"They're getting a drink." Courtney tells us hesitantly.
"Yeah, if they drink with their butts." Harold whispers to Ezekiel but it wasn't very quiet.
"Ha ha, that's funny!" Ezekiel childishly reply's. Courtney then walks up to Leshawna and she gets a good look at her eyes, Courtney tries to cover it.
"Ooh, what happened to your eye, girl?" Leshawna asks her while cowering, it's all swollen and pink.
"Nothing, just an allergy." Courtney tries to act calm.
"It looks pretty bad.." I say as I try and inspect it but she covers it more.
"Think it's getting worse." Ezekiel tells her as she walks back over to her team.
"Shut up. We don't want them to know that." She loudly whispers to him.
At that point all our hot tubs are done, some better than others, Chris begins to examine the two hot tubs.
"This is an awesome hot tub." Chris encourages our team, and we start cheering, Chris then starts to inspect The Killer Bass's hot tub and when he touches it, it just falls apart.
"Well, I think we have a winner here..." He looks back and forth between our teams. "The Screaming Gophers." He announces and we all continue cheering
"Gophers, you're safe from elimination and you get to rock this awesome hot tub for the rest of the summer. Bonus!" He points to the camera thats recording us.
"Killer Bass, what can I say? Sucks to be you right now. I'll see your sorry butts at the bonfire tonight." Chris says to the Killer Bass
"We won! We all get to stay here for another three days!" Lindsay announces in excitement.
"Oh, yeah. Woo-hoo-hoo." Heather, Beth and Lindsay squeal as they all hug.
"Woo-hoo! Woo-hoo! Ha ha ha. Yes! We get to stay. We get to stay, we are so awesome. We won the contest." Owen sings while butt naked next to the girls.
It's now time for dinner and i'm at the Gophers table sat with Leshawna
"Hun, you doing alright?" She asks me in a friendly manner, I really am starting to like Leshawna.
I look down at the food in my bowl and then back up at Leshawna as she smiles at me.
"Apart from the food, I think I'm good," I make light of the situation to her.
"Yeah, I agree with you girl!" She looks down at her food slightly pushing it away. "Anyways, you and Chris seem to have a lot in common." She says.
"We do?" I questioning what she means with a little bit of blush on my face as she nods raising her eyebrows.
"So..." I open my eyes wide, ew does she know i used to like Chris?
"No!" Lindsay suddenly yells and stands up out of nowhere. "I mean no salt, there's no salt on the table, bummer." She sits back down, I just decide to ignore it.
"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask her confused.
"You have the biggest crush on Chris. Don't try and deny it girl!" Leshawna's voice gets louder and I signal at her to be quiet.
"Shush! That's so embarrassing!" I start to giggle.
"You tryna get in that man's pants, aren't ya?" She giggles along with me.
"Well, if i could I wouldn't be complaining." I raise my eyebrows and make a face pouting my lips.
"Well, he probably doesn't wanna catch a case for dating a 16 year old.. even if you are gorgeous." I gulp at her words and stop giggling and don't
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