"Maybe..." I say to her, she crosses her arms. "Okay fine I'm 18!" I say to her, I hear everyone's spoons clatter in their bowls.
"You're 18!" Chris dramatically exclaims very loudly making everyone turn and look at me.
"Wellโ 19, soon..."
"How soon is soon." Chris asks.
"I don't know, next challenge day?" I say to Chris
"So like... three days?" I nod at him.
"Okay, I guess that's fine..." Chris gets his phone out and starts to text, I guess he's texting producers for not checking ID's or something. I look back down and try to continue eating this slop.
"18..." Cody mumbles from beside me with a smirk on his face.
"Okay, it's not that weird!" I reply to his comment.
"Hey, Morgan!" Chris says to me.
"Yeah?" I answer back looking at Chris who's beckoning me over.
"I need to talk with you...about the bombshell you just dropped," He looking at me slightly angrily, my stomach drops as I stand up and walk over to him embarrassed.
"I'm sorryโ I really didn't want to I swear, my cousin made meโ" Chris cuts me off but muttering something to me.
"Do you wanna... come do the campfire ceremony with me later, I think you'll enjoy it cause we're both... you know."
I stop and look at him confused.
"Excuse me?" I look at him confused.
"Do you wanna come to the campfire ceremony? You know, to watch a member of the Killer Bass get voted off?"
"No, I know what a campfire ceremony is, you told us a billion times!" I tell him making him slightly speechless. "I'm just confused, I totally thought If people knew my age i'd get kicked off for good. Also you looked hella angry when you called me out here."
"Oh, I only looked angry for the cameras. Oldest trick in the book for the ad breaks." I chuckles to himself. "And about you getting kicked off... Nah, we couldn't care less. The age thing was more there for guide lines anyways,"
"Oh.. Phew, thank god." Chris starts to chuckle.
"Did I scare you?" He continues to laugh like and idiot until I shove him a little.
"Yes, You did. And it's not funny!" Chris stops laughing as he wipes his eye a little.
"Anyways, are you coming or not? You don't have to but just know if you don't you will no longer be my favourite contestant." This makes me gasp a little.
"Sure i'll come.. But i'm your favourite?" I make it look like i'm pretending to swoon for him even though I was actually most definitely swooning.
"Yeah yeah, sure you are. Now go back in and eat. I'll see you later." He then walks off and leaves me to walk into the hall.
"What was that about?" Gwen asks me as I sit back down next to Leshawna.
"He want me to go to the campfire ceremony thingy with him."
"Why?" Everyone keeps shooting questions at me.
"To get voted off?" Justin suddenly asks what everyone was thinking.
"No! Just to watch, I guess." I reply to them, laying their theories to rest.
"Why would you wanna watch that?" Beth spits in my face from opposite me.
"Don't worry." I say to them.
After a little bit of trying to eat Ezekiel makes a scene from the other bench on the other side of the room.
"Well, I just don't get why we lost, eh? They're the ones that have seven girls." Ezekiel says so the whole main area hear, Sadie and Katie gasp
"What's that supposed to mean?" Bridgette says to him
"Yeah, home school, enlighten us." Eva says and hits the table.
"Well, guys are much stronger and better at sports than girls are." Everyone goes silent.
"Oh snap, you did not just say that." Geoff says extremely surprised.
"My dad told me to look out for the girls here, eh? And help them in case they can't keep up." Ezekiel says just annoying them more, Eva grabs him by his neck.
"Still think we need your help keeping up?" Eva threatens him
"Uh, not really." Eva puts him down and he falls on the floor.
"Okay, guys, let's give him a break. I mean, at least he doesn't think that guys are smarter than girls." Geoff walks up to him on the floor.
"But they are!" He says from underneath the table.
"Dude, you've got a lot to learn about the real world." Duncan says to Ezekiel as he's sat next to him at the campfire ceremony. "Also why is she here?" He points at me with a disgusted look on his face, I just stand there next to Chris awkwardly.
"Becauseeee I invited her and it's my showโ mind your own business!" Chris slightly raises his voice at him. "Killer bass. at camp, marshmallows represent a tasty treat that you enjoy roasting by the fire. At this camp, marshmallows represent life." Geoff pretends to hang himself while looking at Bridgette trying to make her laugh, I worked, it also made me giggle a little.
"You've all cast your votes and made your decision. There are only ten marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper who does not receive a marshmallow tonight must immediately return to the dock of shame to catch the boat of losers. That means you're out of the contest and you can't come back... Ever."
"The first marshmallow goes to... Geoff." He comes up gets his marshmallow and high fives me making me giggle. "Tyler."
"Woo-hoo-hoo! Yeah! Place at the table." Tyler says excitedly and goes up to grab his.
"Katie. Bridgette. D.J.. Harold." Chris says speedily and they all come and grab theirs.
"Yes!" Harold celebrates in a monotone voice.
"Oh, yay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." She grabs her marshmallow and hugs Katie.
"Duncan." He grabs his marshmallow, staring me dead in the eyes as he does. "Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the evening." There's a huge dramatic pause.
"Courtney." Chris announces and she sighs, Ezekiel makes a sad face. "Can't say I'm shocked. I saw you picking your nose, dude. Not cool. Dock of shame is that way, bro." I throw a peace sign out of nerves again and he takes himself to the dock. "The rest of you, enjoy your marshmallows. You're all safe for tonight." Chris looks at me and smirks as I stand there holding my own hand.
"Enjoy that?" I don't know what he expected me to say, I barely know these guys so why would I care that much.
"It was okay, I guess." I answer back to him.
"You guess?" He giggles " I feel like you'd be co-host material ya know? You can go see your team now if you'd like?" I look him in the eyes, I could see the reflection of my face and the campfire in them.
"Will do!" I point at him with awkward finger guns. "That's for letting me see the campfire ceremony," I say, jog away from him with a grin on my face.
"My pleasure, anytime!" He yells, my heart was pounding, I don't know if it's was because I was running or I was kinda in love with that guy.
I make it back to my teams and they're sitting in the hot tub we all built eating various snacks that were given after the challenge.
"To the Screaming Gophers!" Cody says.
"To the Screaming Gophers!" Everyone repeats after him.
"Go gophers, go gophers." Leshawna starts boogieing making me get pep in my step as I walk over to them.
"Go gophers, go gophers. Go gophers, go gophers, go, go, go gophers."
"Hey Hun! How'd it go?" Leshawna asks me with a massive grin on her face, I look her directly in the eyes and...
"I don't know." I say and look at my feet. "I think that I'm in love..."
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