six (Just communicate Cas!)
The clock struck twelve, not in the way it would in a muggle fairytale. No Prince Charming was searching for Cassie after she lost a glass slipper. She didn't even have a fairy godmother watching out for her. Nor was she a maid to her evil stepmother. Animals didn't look out for her protection. She was on her own, and she had done it all to herself.
The boy with long ginger hair sat on the couch closest to the fireplace. Why did he decide to wait for the girl who had hurt him he didn't know. His own mistake was staying, he turned his head, and much to his surprise, Cassie was walking down the stairs to meet him. She had kept her word, for once he wasn't on the back burner, he was present. It didn't make him feel as good as he thought it would.
"You did show up." Fred's anger had been let slip, yet Cassie knew it was called for. She couldn't help but still feel hurt by his harsh tone.
Cassiandra couldn't help but let out a sigh as she sat down next to Fred. "I deserve that, truthfully, I deserve a lot worse, God Freddie. I'm so sorry there's been so much on my mind." Fred's glossed-over eyes stared directly into hers.
"Just communicate, Cas! You know I would understand if you just told me these things!" His tears didn't stay in his eyes for long as they pooled down his face into his lap.
Cassie felt her heart rip out of her chest and leave to go comfort the boy in front of her. Her blindfold led her astray, plunging her weapon of words into her heart. Teardrops came down thick and heavy like the blood that remained on her dagger. Sniffles sounded more like desperate cries for help, her hands in chains of past resentment holding her unable to do anything about them.
"God Freddie, I was so blind," she pulled the boy in for a tight hug, holding him close and rubbing his back for comfort.
The silence of the room, except for the fire, allowed the two to soak in every action they had decided to make. Each accepting the fact neither had been wise enough to communicate with pure honesty sooner.
"Cas promise me no more secrets," Fred broke the silence but was barely above a whisper as he spoke.
Was that a sacrifice that was even plausible for the girl? She already kept so many secrets from the boy as is how could she swear on something she knows she'll break. Hadn't she broken enough already?
"Fred there's a lot I have to tell you if we plan to make a promise like that" Cassie decided the best route was to be open for once. Why hide when there was nothing to hide from?
His eyes were still red and slightly puffy as he looked at her. "Cas, we have time, I want to hear these things, so I know where you are at always." Cassie sighed at this, so much to say without a clue on how to phrase it.
"Well, it all started when I had a dream about you, thing they got taken further then I was ready for. I don't know if I really am ready to share the details, but everything felt like it began moving too fast and I didn't know how to slow down without ignoring you," Her confession came out all in a quick wave for Fred to try and soak in the best he can.
"Wow" Fred managed to say from the shock he was still entranced in.
"Yeah, I guess wow is an appropriate response" Cassie laughed trying to cope with the extreme stress she had now put herself under. Fred laughed along with her trying to provide some comfort for the girl the best he could.
"Cas, if I had known things were going too fast, I would have slowed down for you." Fred spoke up with such a caring facial expression it brought a great sense of comfort. He was her rock; Fred was her comfort.
Cassie chuckled mostly to herself. "God, I don't know why I doubted you for a minute Fred, you are so incredible, and I know you know that but merlin its true." Her smile was holding back tears for her she realized her own mistakes. The worst part is she knew in her heart she'd make them again. No matter how hard she tried, she wouldn't change. This was how she had been for so long, it felt like a permanently engraved part of her identity.
"We've been idiots" Fred spoke up which Cassie was quick to agree with. She had mostly been the one who was falsely oblivious to her own wrong doings.
"It's late Fred we should get to sleep we can sort this out more tomorrow" Cassie said, she hoped in the morning with a clear head they would talk more and work things out for the better.
"Yeah, go on ahead Cas, I'm going to stay down here just a bit longer, fire feels nice" the boy spoke to which Cassiandra nodded.
She got up from her spot waving to the boy before heading back to her dorm. So many things all racing for a spot in her mind. All trying to grab her attention at once. She was honest with Fred, which was a big step for her, something she was proud of. Yet her brain and heart weren't connected. She knew deep down she was lying to herself about everything being a fairytale forever. It simply wasn't possible that even through all she had been through the past nearly two weeks she had still managed to lie to Fred about something, the kind of something that changes a person's perspective of you. Biting her tongue was the last thing she wanted to do and yet she still did it regardless. Her string connecting her to Fred's heart was on its last thread as she slipped away at its strength. If they were two birds on a wire, one would have to fly away in order to save the other, and Cassie wasn't sure if she was ready to get off the wire just yet.
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