seven (I can't be your Midnight love)
Jasper laughed at George's horrific joke, which wasn't even that funny. Fred and Cassie had opted to stay quiet for the majority of the dinner, as they were in the previous night's events still. This slight alteration in behavior was enough to put Jasper and George on edge. The forever-changing aura of the two in front of them left them permanently confused. It was difficult to keep up with whether they were talking or ignoring one another.
"So, Cassie are you free to help me study this weekend I could use the help," Jasper asked with a mouthful of food.
Cassie looked up with a soft angelic-like smile. "Of course, Jasp just meet me in the common room." Jasper nodded her head food still in her mouth while she did so. For a first-year student, there were times when the girl lacked manners. She wasn't the most self-aware and that's what made everyone love Jasper even more.
The first year's unshaken confidence was admirable. The way she'd do what she wanted, and it didn't matter the social consequences if it made her happy, she did it. Jasper was free-spirited and acted way beyond her years, she was sure to be the brightest witch of her year. Her attitude was always it is what it is, that was something Cassie desperately wanted to feel she could do.
It was one of the many things Cassie enjoyed about mothering the first ears. She got to learn new traits herself and grow into being a better person with each year that went by. She had managed to change so much over the years, and she was proud of her growth and progress. Cassiandra knew there was a lot to go but it was a start and that was what truly mattered. With her recent mistakes and consequences, she wanted to change for the better. Be more communicative and develop better skills when it came to expressing how she felt. Especially when it came down to her needs and wants. A goal she knew she'd be able to achieve with Freds help if she was lucky.
"Fred you've been awfully quiet," his brother questioned him, concern flashing through his eyes.
The boy just hummed as he stared at his nearly empty plate, which used to contain his dinner. His own world seemed to matter more to him than the one he was actually living in. Cassie could relate as she two wanted to go back into the fantasy world she had created in her head. Each one's fantasies contained each other in ways that had them more connected than they knew.
"Okay then" George rolled his eyes, Jasper giggled at him as they both got up leaving dinner with the rest of the crowd leaving Fred and Cassie to themselves.
The two teens looked at each other softly smiling. Fred never taking his gaze off the girl slid his hand over hers. She looked down and her smile widened as she connected their hands together. The two squeezed closer together hiding their connected hands. Cassie was slightly disappointed she wanted to be shown off to the world.
"We should go to the common room and wait for everyone to leave; I've got something important I want to talk to you about." Cassie whispered into Freds' ear who nodded. He dropped her hand and the two walked out side by side.
The two instantly sat down in the same spots they had the previous night. It was special to them, these secret spots that only they knew who they truly belonged to. It was times like this Cassie felt both blessed to share this with Fred, but also a stinging of disappointment never failed to trail afterwards. The two watched as the people they called their housemates slowly dispersed into their rooms for the night.
Fred chuckled to himself. "Meet me at Midnight" he joked as he saw the time on a nearby clock.
"I can't be your Midnight love" Cassie blew up at the boy in a hushed tone. She couldn't hide her frustrations any longer. It had gotten too much for her, so she continued "I want to be shown off to the world Fred, I want to hold your hand in the daylight and not have to hide it under a table or have my hand dropped the moment we have to leave!"
"Cas you have got to be kidding me, you and your bloody mind games, you kiss me and then ignore me and now suddenly want to be public when I don't even know where we stand this better be some sort of sick joke." Fred never seemed to have a grip on his anger levels when he was around the girl. She always knew just what to say to piss him off.
"Freddie, I know my own mistakes, and I may not be able to erase them, but I would like to try and move past them." The girls own anger rising with each word she spoke, her own venomous snake awakening from its hibernation.
"Move past them? MOVE PAST THEM!? Cas you ignored me and hurt me, and I'm just supposed to move past that into fantasy land with you bloody hell your delusional." His words cut deep into Cassie's preexisting wounds that she herself had already cut deep into her heart. She knew her imperfections, but to call her delusional was a line she never thought Fred would cross.
"Low blow" Cassie muttered tears threatening to spill from her eyes, but she wouldn't let them.
"You've gone lower" he quipped back at the girl; her face began to register in his brain.
Fred realized his mistake; it was too late now the girl had gotten up and was walking away. It would be irrational for him to chase after her. She obviously needed space, so he was going to give it to her. Maybe space would fix the tensions between the two. Time away to make the hearts grow fonder. At least that's what the boy hoped when he headed back to his room with a pounding headache and guilt gnawing at his heart.
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