five (Stop avoiding me and tell me the truth)
Cassie was secretly watching Fred look at her during class. She couldn't help herself, and the guilt she felt was getting harder to push down and bottle up. How was he supposed to know things weren't going the way she liked if she didn't speak up? How could she build trust with him if she was holding herself back by staying silent and hiding from issues, she herself created?
Flitwick had shouted out some instructions Cassie had missed, but when she saw Fred headed her way, she knew it was assigned partners. Crap, she thought as he sat down next to her. How was she supposed to avoid him if he was sitting right next to her, and she could feel his emotions lingering on him? His hurt and his pain were her fault, and yet she still was choosing to avoid him.
"I knew you weren't paying attention. We were supposed to help each other cast Engorgio on the fruit Flitwick is about to pass out. I doubt you would even do that," Fred muttered the last bit with such venom he could have been confused for a Slytherin.
Flitwick dispersed the fruits with a flick of his wand, and the students were off to practice on their own. Fred waited for Cassie to get started before attempting to speak to her again. Cassie lifted her wand. "Do you need any help?" Fred immediately asked, hoping she'd say something, anything.
Cassiandra shook her head no and continued to make her attempts silently to herself. The teen let out a frustrated groan as he turned his legs away in order to practice on his own as well.
"Engorgio," Cassie spoke up a bit louder, successfully growing the fruit to double its size.
Fred smiled at her. "Good job, Cass." Yet he was greeted with silence again.
"Ok then," he muttered to himself as he tried the spell on his own orange.
As Cassie tried to reduce the size of her lemon, it began rolling right towards Fred. In an effort to stop it, she tried shouting reducio, but it sounded slurred and not even close more like confringo. In a moment of pure horror, the citrus fruit exploded in Fred, and many other students were stinging their eyes.
"Oh, good heavens!" Professor Flitwick cried out quickly, casting charms to reduce the mess whilst sending students to the Hospital Wing, each having a buddy to go with
Cassie reached her hand out to check on Fred but was immediately pushed away. What had she expected? A hug and kiss saying all was forgiven. It would be idiotic of her to assume such things, and yet she still did so anyway.
An hour had gone by before Cassie was able to find and see Fred again. Maybe I could make up for all my mistakes, the girl thought to herself as she entered the hospital wing looking for the red-headed boy.
He was looking down, signing himself out of the hospital wing. His hair covered his face, and his hand was writing quickly yet smoothly across the paper. His body leaned down in order to make sure he was signing the right information in the correct spots. He looked much better than when the girl last saw him.
"Fred over here!" Cassie cried out, trying to get the boys' attention,
Much to her surprise, he had ignored her! Not a word escaped his precious lips, and she was now the one to be greeted by silence.
"Hey Fred," she spoke again as she walked closer, hoping maybe he just didn't hear her the first time.
Once the girl was greeted with nothing but silence. A stinging sensation bubbled up and fizzled around in her chest, hurting it and compressing it. Fred used his long legs to his advantage as he walked away from the girl, his annoyance written all over his face.
The girl began chasing after him like a shooting star trying to find its match on earth. Only Cassie wasn't as successful with her landing as Fred was still getting away from her grasp. She couldn't let this happen, not when she needed to apologize. The apology was more for her own conscious sake, but the girl did feel guilty. She hadn't intended to hurt Fred.
"Fred, stop!" she shouted, and finally, the boy turned around, allowing the girl to catch up to him.
He scoffed as she caught up. "What now, Cassiandra?" he spit her name out like it was toxic,
"Fred, stop avoiding me and just tell me the truth of what's going on with you!" The girl begged confused as to why she was being treated this way.
"Oh, you have got to be shitting me right. This is some sort of sick joke Cas honestly do you hear yourself right now?" Freds anger was nowhere near under control, and his venomous rage was spitting hits directly at Cassie.
"Freddie, what's gotten into you, I didn't mean to explode the lemon. You know I'd never mean to hurt you, " Cassie apologized, going into her own world of rambling.
"You just don't get it, do you?" Fred shook his head at the girl with disappointment.
Never had he been so let down by someone he cared so deeply about. His muse was out of tune. The sweet melodies pitch now hurt his ears and broken heart. A world he thought he could hold forever was now crushing him with its weight. The gold made him look like a fool.
Fred had been considered a fool countless time from all the practical jokes he had played. Never once had he felt so dejected and humiliated in his entire life. Never had he felt so low to the ground that he could practically taste the dirt he walked on. Much like the fool, Fred was still willing to give Cassie a second chance and the pair where to meet at midnight. Fred was the puppet, and Cassie was the puppet master.
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