four (we have got to do this more often)
Fuck. That's all that ran through Cassie's mind as her back was against the door of some random classroom. Fred's hands were roaming her body, and the pure bliss she felt was intense. His lips tasted like chocolate marshmallow, a treat she had seen him eating at dinner. They couldn't be doing this again. Yet his addictive touch and the way he'd mumble small words of affirmation when he kissed up her neck was enough to convince Cassie otherwise.
His gentle nipping was sure to leave a bruise right behind her ear. At least he picked a decent spot that was the only thought running through the girl's head. Cassie's hands ran through the boy's hair with ease. Her eyes closed tightly, afraid that if she opened them. It would all be a dream that it wasn't real.
"Cas," Fred whispered into the girl's ear. She managed to hum a yeah of sorts in response.
Fred breathlessly spoke again, "God, Cas, we have to stop. we've got class in a couple of hours," Clearly frustrated by the situation they were in.
The girl's eyes fluttered open, and Fred was still standing there. The clock struck three in the morning, and suddenly, the girl came alive again. "We have got to do this more often." The girl was hoping maybe Fred would become more affectionate during daylight like he was at midnight.
They had waited a day in between to meet up again at midnight, so the pent-up passion flowed through in intense waves neither teen wanting to stop but forced to due to school.
They walked out hand in hand quietly, trying to race back to the Gryffindor common room. If they got caught, it would ruin their good streak, and Cassie would likely never go out of the common room late at night again. Her overly moral and continuous mind wouldn't let her. No matter how much she loved his lips on hers, they'd have to find another way.
With a bit of luck, the two managed to make it back, much to the Fat Lady's dismay who let them in not so quietly. The common room was only aluminated by the fire, which crackled.
"Goodnight, Fred." Cassie's exhaustion was hitting her in waves as they walked closer to their dorm entrances
Fred kissed her on the cheek. "Goodnight Cas, sleep well," he smiled before quietly running up the stairs
Her heart melted as she placed her hand on her cheek. She ran upstairs to her dorm as well once again, not bothering to change as she got comfortable lying down.
The girl's eyes fluttered closed, and the only image in her mind was Fred leaning down to his cheek. Suddenly, her dorm room door opened. Eyes wide, she saw an out of breath. Fred silently closed the door and made his way towards her.
"Fred, what are you doing here?" she whispered, confused. How had he made it up to the girls' dorm? She had just seen him moments prior. Couldn't it have waited till morning?
His breath seemed to pick up its pace as he got closer to the girl's bed. "I couldn't wait till the morning,"
His face loomed over hers for barely a moment before he pressed his lips down onto hers. Instinctively, Cassie put one hand on the back of his neck to hold him close. Her confusion still lingered as Fred sat down on her bed, pulling her closer. God this felt so right. Her body was laid down as the teen boy climbed on top of her.
The way she felt connected to him so closely once again was exhilarating. The universe felt perfectly aligned and the bliss coursing through her veins was addicting. Like a drug addict, he became her drug and she needed more. This she chose to blame on teenage hormones but was it all just from that? As she came to terms with the fact that she wasn't just all hormonal her clothes had been discarded and Fred was asking if she was ready. Was she ready? No, she wasn't. They had only just begun to explore themselves she couldn't do anything beyond what she had been with him yet.
Cassie wanted to be certain this was the right decision. Her heart began racing rapidly and she felt trapped. The air around her was turning against her while her lungs couldn't get enough. "NO" she screamed at the boy jolting up as the morning light struck her face. Looking around her doormates were nowhere in sight while the clock read nine am. It had just been a dream. One of which terrified the poor girl, how could she face him now with this stuck rolling through her head?
"Holy crap i'm late for class" Cassie jumped out of bed rushing around, she felt something drip down her leg and her eyes widened.
She rushed to her shared bathroom quickly checking herself. This is so embarrassing she thought to herself as she cleaned herself up along with her skirt to get ready quicker for class. Never before had she had a morning like this one. Grabbing her wand the girl headed to the next class of the day which would be happening soon as it was nearly a transitional period. Unfortunately for Cassiandra, her next class was one she shared with Fred so she wouldn't be able to avoid him fully.
The flooding of students alerted the teen she could walk into class now, which she did as quickly as she could. She wanted to find someone to sit with so she could manage to gather her thoughts without Fred distracting her. The way his ginger hair and dazzling eyes made her feel was something she was desperate to avoid. Other students walked in and lucky for Cassie a boy named Daniel sat down next to her.
The moment Fred walked in he was immediately looking for the girl who had her face shoved into notes. He sat down in one of the lower roles and kept looking back desperate for eye contact that would never arrive. Had he done something wrong?
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