1954: The Nuclear Menace Begins

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In 1954, an American nuclear submarine unwittingly awakened the prehistoric animal when it reached the lower depths of the ocean, drawing him to the surface in search of new sources of radiation. This animal attacked and fed on American and Soviet nuclear submarines in the South Pacific Ocean, with each nation believing the other was responsible for the attacks. When the creature's existence became known, the American military began detonating a series of nuclear bombs in the Marshall Islands to try and kill him, under the guise of nuclear testing.

On March 1, 1954, the creature was lured ashore at Bikini Atoll, where the American military detonated their first-ever dry-fuel hydrogen bomb, codenamed Castle Bravo, in an attempt to kill him. The creature vanished following the detonation, and the United States covered up all evidence of his existence. A scientific organization had been formed to study this creature and any gigantic creatures like him and continued to search for him in the following decades.

August 13th, 1954: the 7,500 ton Eiko-maru freighter, belonging to the South Seas Shipping company, lost contact with the Japanese mainland after sending an SOS. Not long after, the Bingo-maru approached the same area and also lost communication with the mainland. Worried of the situation, the company invested in sending two more ships and a helicopter as a search party.

Meanwhile, three survivors were picked up by a fishing boat near the area. One survivor recalled how the water exploded after a burst of light, engulfing the ship in flames. The fishing vessel planed to return to Odoshima island, its destination port, but was met with the same fate and lost further communication with mainland Japan. While the ship never reached its destination, Masaji, one of the fisherman, floated to the island on a crude raft from the wreckage. His account was short, stating just that "it" got them too.

Facing what appeared to be a mounting death toll, a helicopter from Japan arrived on Odoshima Island to investigate further. The elders there were convinced the incidents and the lack of fish in the area are signs of Gojira, a giant monster feared by the islanders. In years past, the island used to send out young girls as sacrifices during times of poor fishing to appease the beast. However, the more barbaric traditions were abandoned, leaving only an exorcism dance.

That night, during a harsh storm, the sound of unearthly thunder crashed. Rather than thunder, though, the noise disturbance appeared to be footsteps. During the incident, a house was completely destroyed, killing with it Masaji and his wife. Along with the destruction of parts of the village, the helicopter was also crushed under immense force.

With the death toll continuing to rise, a large expedition party was sent by boat to Odoshima Island. After arriving, the team found, to their surprise, a huge footprint. The imprint reeked of radioactivity, with the isotope strontium 90 discovered. In addition, the footprint housed a prehistoric arthropod known as a trilobite. Their questions were just leaving their lips of what could have caused this when the town was suddenly thrown into panic. Emergency gongs warned of the impending danger, as the villagers ran to the hills armed with pitchforks and whatever they could find. However, they were unwittingly walking right into danger. Lifting its massive scaly face over the cliffs, Gojira screamed its malevolent cry to the world. The roar shook those unlucky enough to hear it, as the villagers quickly retreated. Just as soon as it appeared, though, the creature dove back into the sea.

Returning to Japan, the expedition tried to convince the skeptical public. However, government debates turned toward the economy, diplomatic relations and averting panic, rather than tackling the severity of the discovery. As the devastation offshore continued to rise, with Gojira claiming 17 ships, a disaster response center was established. The center planned to combat the monster at sea, dedicating a frigate squadron to the task. By the time the squadron was sent, 20 ships had been claimed by the creature. Eager to end its reign, depth charges were launched all through out the vicinity, upturning water in a violent display.

The attacks did little to stop the beast, though, as he appeared in Tokyo bay that night, dangerously close to city civilians. Looking to amplify their attacks, the government brought in experts the next day to discuss how to kill the monster. Gojira was theorized to be a relict oceanic reptile whose exposure to thermonuclear testing transformed it into the current monster that plagued the waters. Having already been bathed in the extreme heats of the hydrogen bomb, though, nothing was presented as a strategic option to combat it, but instead with a plea to allow science to study how the creature survived such a traumatic event.

That night, the nuclear menace appeared once again in the waters right outside Japan. Machine guns were fixed on the creature, but it did little to deter the beast from making his first landfall. Ripping train cars apart, flipping a bridge, and trampling innocent lives, Gojira left death in its path. As quickly as the creature had made landfall, though, the monster returned to the water.

The next day, Japan summoned research teams on an international scale to discuss how to protect the country and destroy the monster. From these talks, the Japanese prepared a defense matrix of power lines around the heart of the city. Meanwhile, the coast guard and self defense force evacuated everyone living within 1,600 feet of the waters edge, and issued evacuation notices for all residents of the Minato, Shinagawa and Ota wards. By nightfall, the electrical blockade was tested and ready in anticipation of the creature's return. The wait was not a long one, as the nuclear giant made his way back to Tokyo that night. Tearing through the towers and tanks, the monster waded through the city with terrible force. Nothing survived its wrath, and everything was reduced to rubble. Not even the unleashed missiles from the Japanese Self Defense Force could kill the beast. Diving beneath the waves once again, the monster took the hope and dreams of millions with it.

The aftermath left death everywhere. Those who were fortunate enough to live through Gojira's rampage died soon after from radiation poisoning. Only one option was left: a new weapon of devastating potential that was engineered by Dr. Serizawa. Called the Oxygen Destroyer, the device split and liquefied cells, essentially disintegrating those who came in contact with it. The doctor immediately realized the danger the weapon possessed, hoping never to have to use it. However, the threat of Gojira was too great. Ignoring the plaguing thoughts of his weapons, Dr. Serizawa detonated his Oxygen Destroyer in the ocean. Gojira was caught and reduced to nothing in a matter of minutes from the weapon. Unfortunately, the doctor took his own life as well, ensuring the secret of the weapon never fell into the wrong hands. So the government decided to keep the outcome a secret.

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