In 1984. It's been 30 years after the death of the Gojira, In the tempest storm of one dreadful night, the foaming waves rocked a nearby fishing vessel as something emerged from the sea and demolished the rocky shore of a nearby island. The sea lice it carried, having mutated to immense proportions, invaded the nearby sailing vessel. All aboard who had witnessed The Return of Gojira were stripped of their internal fluids by the prodigious parasites, except for one lone survivor...
This last crew member of the Yahata-Maru was rescued and returned to the mainland, where his story was revealed to the Japanese government. The Prime Minister learned of Gojira's reemergence, and in order to fend off panic, the story was kept under wraps. Meanwhile, The same prehistoric animal, barely hanging on to life in the cold ocean depths, was heavily mutated to a staggering height of 80 meters. Gojira swam through the ocean depths, emitting active sonar to navigate his way through the dark, briny sea. A Soviet submarine came within a kilometer of the monster, and the radiation that the submersible emitted caught Gojira's attention. Closer and closer the monster approached, until finally it sank its claws into the vessel and absorbed its nuclear core. The Soviet Union, believing that the United States was to blame for the destruction of their nuclear sub, began to prepare for an all-out war. In order to avoid The Nuclear War, the Japanese Prime Minister was finally forced to reveal that the culprit was in fact Gojira, and in response, the JSDF was readied for battle.
As time progressed, this creature, moved southward through the Pacific Ocean and arrived in a remote area 100 miles south of Tokyo.
At dawn, Gojira finally struck land. It demolished a nuclear reactor and absorbed the energy from the core, but he suddenly departed, following a flock of calling birds. This vulnerability was noted, and a plan of action was beginning to formulate. If Gojira could be led via avian frequencies to Mount Mihara, a controlled eruption could be triggered, trapping the beast in the depths of the Earth's crust.
Meanwhile, surveillance of the Tokyo Bay area continued quietly, when suddenly the jagged spines that grew from Gojira's charcoal-gray flesh broke the surf. Evacuation began in Tokyo, as the military approached the docks with a multitude of military technology. Gojira emerged once more and was faced with a squadron of jet fighters. They fired their arsenal on the monolith, to no avail. Gojira returned fire and brought some of his attackers crashing into the ocean as he approached the second line of defense. The military vehicles on the dock fired, but little progress was made. Gojira appeared unstoppable, and he solidified this perspective when he unleashed his thermonuclear ray, completely destroying the counteroffensive. The monster continued to approach the docks and climbed ashore. He crushed the crowds of people attempting to flee, and continued to march down the main boulevards. During his journey through Tokyo, a burst of Gojira's Atomic Ray Shot collided with a news helicopter and it fell to the city streets, causing an enormous traffic buildup to erupt into flames, killing those unfortunate people within their respective vehicles. The devastation was only just beginning...
Suddenly, a train collided with the contemptible creature. Gojira lifted the train cars to the horror of those aboard and tossed them aside. The skyscrapers became larger and larger as the beast continued his trek through the urban jungle. He finally arrived very close to the laboratory of Dr. Hayashida. The avian frequency device was activated, and the unpleasant hum lured Gojira toward the building. However, a hyper laser cannon fired from the city streets below, and the furious monster turned to view the cause of this sudden disturbance. Two of these futuristic vehicles led Gojira trudging into the park as the aerial battle-mech, the Super-X: The anti-Nuclear aircraft was originally built to defend Japan from an American or Russian attack; arrived on the scene. From the aerial craft, flares were fired into the sky, and Gojira reared and roared. A cadmium missile was launched into his gaping maw, and Gojira roared again. Another cadmium missile was launched, and another flare was sent into the sky. Gojira roared once more, and a third, and final, cadmium missile entered into his body. As the beating of his heart slowed, Gojira unleashed his atomic beam, but thermal shielding prevented any damage to the newly arrived craft. The fury of Gojira's nuclear core was subsiding. Losing his balance, the massive monstrosity collapsed into a building. Gojira was presumed dead.
Meanwhile, the Soviet Union accidentally launched a nuclear missile from an orbiting satellite. The United States intercepted the warhead in the Stratosphere, and the sky erupted into a crimson aurora above Tokyo. The clouds began to turn a dark and foreboding gray, and nuclear static discharges began to reenergize and reawaken the sleeping giant. Gojira rose to his feet once more and roared in triumph. The Super-X, disabled from the atmospheric electromagnetic disturbances, attempted to regain lift. The well-armed hovercraft retreated behind a skyscraper, but its savage opponent's nuclear ray sliced a hole straight through the center of the towering building. The Super-X began to fire its full arsenal at Gojira as it led the monster through the maze of skyscrapers. Beams and missiles were fired, and in the ensuing chaos, the nearby city became a raging conflagration. As Gojira fired its thermonuclear ray one final time, this would prove to be the last war that the Super-X would ever wage. It lost its lift and descended to the ground. Gojira, finally in a position to exact his revenge, tipped a massive skyscraper onto the craft, killing all those aboard. This catastrophe seemed to mark the end of Gojira's hindrances, for he was now free to destroy the city at will.
Unfortunately for the monster, a familiar call beckoned from a distant island. Obeying his instincts, the hypnotized animal plunged into the sea and emerged on the shores of Oshima Island. Ascending the slope of the volcanic mountain, he came to the mouth of the terrible abyss. Hesitantly, he continued to follow the call from the opposite side of the chasm and fell onto a lower platform. The explosives were detonated, and the ground beneath Gojira began to collapse, as the King of the Monsters plummeted into the molten rock below. Eventually, the lava solidified and the mouth of the volcano was sealed. Gojira began to enter a long slumber while trapped in his igneous prison. The United States Government & the Soviet Union decided to keep the tragic outcome a secret.
10 years later...
On the peaceful Oshima Island, chaos was about to ensue. Underground, high-purity uranium deposits were disturbed by Gojira, resulting in a fission reaction. Abnormal nuclear division occurred within Gojira's body as the resulting explosion quickly burned the isle and boiled the sea, turning the once tranquil setting into a smoldering graveyard beneath the waves. In the conflagration, Gojira disappeared.
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