In the 50s, There was a Prehistoric Sea Creature that found itself surrounded by nuclear waste on the sea floor in the 1950's and rapidly adapted to withstand it. As the creature evolved and began feeding on radioactive material, it gradually grew over a period of 60 years before taking on a form able to come onto land. After coming ashore, the creature continued evolving and growing until it sprouted arms and began standing upright.
A Japanese zoology professor was expelled from Japan sometime after his wife died due to radiation sickness. The professor was subsequently employed by an American energy firm and began studying mutations caused by nuclear waste dumped into the Pacific Ocean by the U.S.
in the 1950's. During his research, The professor discovered a strange new lifeform, a prehistoric sea creature that had adapted to the nuclear waste on the sea floor and began consuming it. The professor gave the creature the name "Gojira" (呉爾羅), which meant "incarnation of God" in the Japanese professor's home on Odo Island.
The essay by an Japanese professor states that giant salamander's base form must have possessed large claws and fangs to be able to feed on the canisters of radioactive waste. It goes on to suggest that the creature must have spent its entire life underwater, and is "in all likelihood, closely related to prehistoric marine reptiles, which first emerged in the Paleozoic Era."
The American Department of Energy learned the professor's research and prevented it from being published, while giving the creature the English name of "Godzilla."
You are reading the story above: TeenFic.Net