In 1904. A giant creature was discovered on the River in Odoshima (Odo Island). The story and a colorful illustration were widely circulated in the village. The creature measured between 49 and 50 meters long. It weighed about 20,000 tons. The article reported that in the past, when similar strange fish were discovered, their appearance was followed by several years of prosperity. Hoping that the appearance of this creature was not an horrified sign. But it turns out that creature is a Monstrous Version between the Japanese giant salamander (Hanzaki) & the strange fish or amphibian yōkai which occasionally appear in rivers (Hōnengyo). It lives in rivers and the ocean far from human-inhabited areas.
Although it is referred to as a fish, its description and illustration more closely resemble an enormous amphibian or aquatic mammal. It has been speculated that the creature of the River may have been a giant prehistoric dinosaur which wandered down from the mountains, or a seal which wandered up from the ocean.
This prehistoric animal or amphibian yōkai which occasionally appear in rivers. It can grow quite to be large-at least over 50 and a half meters long, however the yōkai versions of this animal can grow much larger. It's bodies are long and flexible like a weasel's, and they are covered in scales like a snake. They have legs like a turtle, and their large eyes are like mirrors. They have rough, mottled, brown and black skin. Spiked dorsal fins, and mosses and river grasses are often found attached to it's massive body. With enormous mouths which span the entire width of it's heads.
"Gojira"-(呉爾羅?), which meant "God incarnate" a legendary sea monster from the island's folklore. (This name is part of the Odoshima Island.)
(The Legends of Gojira on Odoshima)
The legends explained that Gojira will rise from the sea to feed on humanity. In the past when fishing was poor, the villagers used to tie girls to rafts and float them out to sea as a sacrifice to Gojira.
There, 呉爾羅, the God (Gojira) lives beyond the sea. Occasionally the islanders make offerings.
Gojira and the humans rarely come into contact with each other. When they do, it is usually because the animal has grown large enough to eat humans or livestock and is causing trouble to nearby villagers.
There was once a deep waters in which a gigantic gojira lived. The animal would grab horses, cows, and even villagers, drag them into the water, and swallow them in a single gulp. For generations, the villagers lived in fear of the waters and stayed away from it.
Ōdoshima Island
Odo Island, Japan (大戸島 Ōdoshima) is a small populated island near Japan, possibly a part of the Bonin Islands.
26°57'51.1"N 142°06'22.8"E
26.9641929, 142.1063331
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