TZM: Then and Now (4)

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Then and Now: The Ram, the lion, and The Centaur

Sagittarius panicked, the moment he saw the table shake. "Watch it!" He cried, rushing over and catching the vase that was on the table.

Leo only laughed as he ran off.

Grumbling, Sagittarius puts the vase back, and sighs lightly. He was relieved that the vase didn't fall and shatter. After all, it was Pisces's expensive vase, and if it broke, Sagittarius would be in big trouble.

Suddenly, the centaur's nose twitched, catching the scent of something burning.

Oh no... He thought, as he quickly rushed over to where the smell came from. Darting into the main room, Sagittarius was horrified.

In his site, was flashing red flames, that engulfed the entire curtains. Feeling his blood boil up inside, he screamed at the top of his lungs, "Leo! Aries! Get over here, NOW!"


And there they were now, in the living room as Sagittarius began to rant.

Leo was watching Sagittarius the entire time, looking like he's listening, but he really wasn't.

Aries on the other hand, was listening, but was staring down at the floor. He was scared, for he never heard Sagittarius get this mad in his life. Maybe they went a little too far that they pushed the eldest fire sign to his limit.

"Do you know how much I get in trouble for you two!?" Asked Sagittarius.

Leo then looked down with Aries. "Yes.." They mumbled.

"And how many times did I get in trouble?"

"More than ten."

Sagittarius stayed silent for a while, then sighed. He went over to the couch, bending down in front of the two younger signs. "Listen you two," he lifted their chins so they could look at him, "You guys could have all the fun you want, just not too much. I really wouldn't care of you break stuff, but these are not my stuff." He frowned a little, but then smiled, "Can you two just promise me, that when you guys play again, you won't damage anything?"

Leo's eyes sparkled and Aries nodded vigorously, "We promise!"


"Sag." Pisces tapped the fire sign's shoulder.

"Hm? What is it?"

"Aries and Leo made the kitchen on fire."

"You've got to be kidding me..."

That was then...

~ ☆ ~

...And this is now

"Sag has been locked in his room for a while now... Do you think he's okay?" Asked Leo, as he stopped next to Aries, and leaned on the counter.

The ram shrugged, still focusing on the dishes he is washing. "I don't. But it's normal, isn't it?"

"No, it's not." Leo shook his head, "The guy hasn't even bothered me since this morning.. Or in fact, he hasn't bothered anyone for a few days!"

Aries stopped. Leo was right, he hasn't noticed Sagittarius bothering them for quite a while, and now it's concerning. "Why don't you ask Ken?" He suggested, "I mean, those two do live with each other, don't they?"

"Yes, I asked him already..." Leo looked down, giving a saddened look.

Turning the lever to stop the running water, Aries puts the dish down and looked at Leo with a frown. "But what?"

"Ken said that Sag hasn't come out of his room. He doesn't know what he's been doing, and whenever he asked, he looked pretty serious and told him that he needed to be alone."

Sagittarius? Wanting to be alone? Now that wasn't right at all.

Aries started to loosen his neck tie and remove his blazer.

The lion flinched at his actions. "What are you doing!?" he asked.

"Let's go." Aries demanded, exiting the kitchen and grabbing his car keys.

"To where!?"

"Sag's place." Stopping in his tracks he looked back at the older sign. "Don't you want to check on big brother?"


Knock! Knock!

"Who is it?"

"Aries and Leo!"

The door opened, and Sagittarius looked at the two with shock, "What are you-"

"We were worried, dumbass." Aries growled, "Why haven't you been at work lately?"

"Uh... Headaches.."

Headaches. It was then both Leo and Aries knew what Sagittarius has been doing the entire time.

"Sag!" scolded Leo, "Have you been forcing yourself to look in the future!?"

"...No?" He lied.

Leo frowned, and sent a glare his way. "Sag.." His voice was filled with concern, for Sag's future site was not a power to be forced. If it was forced, Sag suffers massive headaches and can get to the point of becoming ill for a few months.

Sagittarius stared at the two, noticing the soft look on their faces. Sighing, he says, "Sorry.."

"No need for apologies.. You just need a break." said Aries, "So... What do you want to do?"

Suddenly, Sagittarius smirked, "You want to light some firecrackers on the roof?"


Sag forcing himself to look in the future is actually part of the main story in TZM. Why is he doing this? If you plan to read the story, you'll find out later.

Anyways, if you guys noticed, yes. I changed the cover and title of the book.
Why? Because this book is not really "Zodiac Stories". After all, I do have more than stories in this book, right?

So yeah... I'll see you guys later.


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