bonus #2

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That's what she was feeling right now. Aurora ran her fingers through her hair, trying to calm her racing heart.

She had been in this exact position the day before, but she just couldn't wrap her head around what was happening.

Aurora looked down at the test in her hands for the nth time and she still couldn't believe it.

Two lines.

She was pregnant.

A baby growing inside of her, and it made complete sense as to why she was feeling a bit off the past couple of days.

She had the day off yesterday and while Xavier was at work, she had decided to take the test just in case. Surprised and shocked, she just stared at the positive pregnancy test for a good hour before Xavier came home unexpectedly early, causing her to panic and hide the test in her drawer of tampons— a drawer she knew he wouldn't dare open unless he was buying a box for her at the store when she ran out.

She was happy, of course, but soon, anxiousness filled her mind and her thoughts immediately shifted to the "what-ifs". One, she wasn't sure how Xavier would react. And two, what if she wasn't a good mother?

She was feeling so antsy that she couldn't fall asleep at all that night. There was a part of her that just wanted rip off the bandaid and tell him the news right then and there, knowing he would reassure her because he was just that loving and caring. But there was also a part of her that was scared.

Scared of what? She wasn't sure. Her mind was a jumbled mess at the moment.

After tossing and turning for about an hour, she got up from the bed and went downstairs for a glass of water to help calm her mind. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by Xavier when he felt that Aurora wasn't next to him in bed.

"What are you doing up, love?"

Her mind was swarming with an endless amount of thoughts that she didn't hear Xavier follow after her. She dropped the glass cup in her hands in surprise, which immediately broke into thousands of tiny shards.

Making the mistake of turning around with the glass shattered around her, she accidentally cut the bottom of her foot.

Xavier immediately went into autopilot mode, picking her up and setting her on the kitchen counter, so she didn't make the mistake of cutting herself again. He cleaned up the glass shards to the very last piece, making sure his clumsy wife wouldn't hurt herself again, before inspecting the small cut on her foot.

Thankfully, it was minor and a simple bandaid would do the trick.

"What were you thinking so hard about that you didn't hear me behind you?" He asked, putting her foot down as he softly gazed down at her.

Aurora looked down at her hands on her lap, feeling bad for causing him trouble at 3 in the morning.

"Nothing," she whispered, not wanting to meet his eyes. She knew he would know something was up because he just knew her that well.

But her plan failed when Xavier sighed and brought her head up so her beautiful brown eyes met his. He could clearly see the turmoil in her eyes. "Are you okay, baby?"

Hesitantly, Aurora answered with a meek nod. Xavier continued to stare at her, trying to figure out what was wrong, but with her not talking, he knew he wasn't going to get anywhere.

In the end, he came up with nothing and simply carried her back to bed, rubbing her back to coax to her sleep.

But even then, Aurora still had trouble sleeping and she didn't sleep until the sun had begun to rise.

Now, after she had woken up late, she sat at the edge of the bathtub in one of Xavier's sweatshirts, with her knees up to her chest as she continued to stare blankly at the test.

How was she going to tell him? Was she going to be a good mom? Were they ready Questions continued to occupy her thoughts that she didn't hear Xavier come home.

Since the moment he came home the day before, Xavier already knew something was wrong. She wasn't that hard to read, especially since they had the same routine every day. He could tell that Aurora was more anxious than usual and he was going to find out what was going on. He quietly walked up the steps, seeing as Aurora wasn't anywhere downstairs. When he got to their room, he could see the light coming out from their bathroom door.

"Sweetheart? Are you in there?"

Xavier received no answer, and a small feeling of panic began to overtake his train of thought. He heard a soft sniffle, making him call out with a bit of urgency in his voice.

"Are you alright, baby? Open the door for me, love."

This time, Aurora had heard him, and not long after, a panicked Xavier burst through the door.

Damn it, she forgot to lock the door.

Aurora hastily stuffed the test into the sweatshirt pocket and wiped away the tears that had dropped without her knowing. She wasn't even sure why she had begun to cry— maybe it was the pregnancy hormones or maybe she was just feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Xavier's eyes scanned her body, making sure she wasn't hurt, before making his way towards her. He bent down so that they were eye level.

"What's wrong?" His voice was soft and caring, wanting to know what was wrong so that he could make it all go away. Xavier hated seeing her this way and he would do anything to see her go back to her happy self.

He gently pushed a strand of hair that had fallen loose behind her ear so he could see her face. He felt his heart clench when he saw that her eyes were brimmed with red, from both the lack of sleep and from crying.

Biting her lip, she wasn't sure what to say or how to answer him. Instead, she silently shoved her hand into her pocket and brought out the pregnancy test. She placed the test in front of Xavier before retracting her hands and placing them onto her lap anxiously.

Xavier's eyebrows scrunched with confusion as he eyed the test before picking it up. Aurora nervously bit her lip, feeling impatient as she waited for his response.

"Baby I-," he continued to stare at the test with his eyes widened, trying to comprehend what exactly he was seeing. "You- you're pregnant?"

His expression of confusion was immediately gone as his eyes lit up, a wide smile spreading on his lips. His eyes met hers, and immediately her worried expression turned one of relief.

She let out a breathy sigh and a chuckled escaped her lips. "I guess so."

He wrapped his arms around her, still kneeling, and brought her to his chest. He captured her lips in a kiss of passion, showing her how much he loved her. His smile never left his face as he pulled away, content to just hold the love of his life in his arms.

She was pregnant. She was carrying their baby. He couldn't believe he was actually going to be a father.

"Thank you," he murmured, placing a kiss on her forehead, her cheeks, and then her lips, causing her to giggle.

"Are you happy?" She asked wrapping her arms around his neck, playing with the hair on the back of his neck.

"Happy? I'm fucking excited, baby," he pulled away, cupping her face in his hands. He caressed her cheeks lovingly, tracing the slightly damp trails of tears. "Are you happy?"

"I am," she nodded, her eyes never once leaving his. "I guess I was just nervous and worried. I don't know if I'll be a good mom or not."

"Is that why you've been so anxious these past few days?" His question was confirmed with a small nod of her head.

"I think you'll be the best mom in the world," he continued, giving her an encouraging smile. "We're in this together, sweetheart. I'm with you every step of the way."

With that, she felt a weight lift from her shoulders as she lay her head on his. She could feel the heat of his hands as they slipped under the sweatshirt. The way he rubbed circles on her bare skin gave her a sense of comfort.

Xavier was right.

They would do this together.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

"Alright, Mrs. Knight, this is going to feel a bit cold on your skin."

Aurora was surprised at how fast Xavier was able to book an appointment with her OB-GYN. He had surprised her by taking the day off from work. They had a slow start this morning, just cuddling and talking about how they wanted to decorate their baby's room. And after their appointment, Xavier was planning to take her on a little date, wanting to spend the rest of the day with just the two of them.

Aurora nodded, her hand holding onto Xavier's tightly. Despite the warning, she jumped a bit when she felt the cold gel on her stomach, causing Xavier to chuckle.

"Alright, let's see," murmured the doctor, using the tool to probe around the surface of her stomach. After a moment of searching, she finally stopped and pointed to the screen."There's your baby."

Aurora's eyes met Xavier's and the two of them exchanged a smile. Aurora felt her heart melt as she stared at the screen. She wasn't exactly sure what she was looking at, since it only looked like a small sac on the screen, but she could already feel the love she had for the baby, despite it only have been 6 weeks into her pregnancy.

And she could tell Xavier felt the same way.

"It's our baby," Aurora whispered, squeezing his hand lightly. "We're going to be parents."

Xavier brought her hand up, placing a gentle kiss on the back of her hand. "I know sweetheart."

"And there's the heartbeat," The doctor smiled at the awestruck couple, turning the machine up so the soft thumping could be heard throughout the room.

Tears immediately began to form in Aurora's eyes as she hastily reached into her purse that Xavier was holding onto. She brought her phone out, wanting to record the beautiful sound as well as the image of their baby on the screen.

They hadn't broken the news to their family yet, but Aurora knew everyone was going to be ecstatic when they revealed that they were expecting.

"Alright, mom and dad, I'll leave you two for a moment to grab the tests we need to give you today," The OB-GYN handed them a printed photo of the ultrasound and helped Aurora wipe away the gel. She made her way towards the door, wanting to give the future parents a bit of privacy.

Even as the door swung closed after her, both Aurora and Xavier continued to stare lovingly at the ultrasound photo of their baby. When he didn't say a word, Aurora looked up and saw Xavier trying to secretly wipe away a tear that had just escaped.

She felt her heart warm before turning her body so she was facing him. He wasn't one to cry easily, which was the complete opposite of her. The only time he had cried was when they got married. Feeling her stare on him, he smiled lovingly at her and leaned down to embrace her.

"Thank you," He whispered for the nth time, kissing the top of her head before dipping his head down so that it rested comfortably on the crook of her neck.

"It takes two to tangle, remember?" She joked, feeling his smile on her skin.

"I love you, baby."

"I love you, too."

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

I know this week's been tough and stressful for a lot of us, so here's a little bonus chapter to hopefully brighten up your week. Thank you so much for the 750k reads and 30k votes <3

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