bonus #1

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"Xavier, this is completely unnecessary."

Xavier could see a pout form on his beautiful wife's face as her eyebrows furrowed with confusion and frustration.

His wife.

Xavier still couldn't believe that they were officially married. It had only been two weeks since their wedding ceremony and to say that he was the happiest man in the world would be an understatement. He found himself loving Aurora more and more as the days go by.

After 2 weeks in Bora Bora for their honeymoon, they were finally on their way home on Xavier's private plane. Xavier had completely surprised her the day after their wedding, not telling her where they were going, which was why she was in such a shock when they touched down on the beautiful island.

She swore she had only briefly mentioned that she had always wanted to go on a honeymoon in Bora Bora, yet Xavier listened carefully to every single word that came out of her mouth. He remembered every little conversation they had and paid attention to the small details. She really was a lucky woman to have caught such an attentive and caring man.

Bora Bora was beautiful and amazing, but she was beginning to feel a bit homesick. Luckily, Xavier was there to distract her, in one way or another, which she definitely was not complaining about. She was the happiest she has ever been and the past two weeks was just a glimpse of what the rest of their lives would look like as a married couple.

The plane rumbled and shook as it touched down at the private airport. The atmosphere in Los Angeles was definitely different than Bora Bora and she was sure the familiar view was also different from the white sandy beaches and the sparkling ocean water.

But she wouldn't know, because once again, she was blindfolded.

Aurora let out a huff in frustration. All she could see was darkness and despite trusting the smirking man next to her with all her heart, she could never get used to the feeling of being unable to see.

"Baby, just bear with me for 20 more minutes," reassured Xavier, rubbing circles on the back of her hand. He could tell she was uncomfortable, but he had a surprise waiting for her that required her to be blindfolded. "20 minutes and you can take the blindfold off. I promise, sweetheart."

Actually, scratch that— she didn't need to be blindfolded. Surprises were just better when revealed in a grand manner.

"Fine," she pouted. "But you owe me a pint of cookies n' cream ice cream if the blindfold doesn't come off in 20 minutes."

Xavier chuckled as he brought her hand up to his lips and gave the back of her hand a small peck.

"Of course, love."

Aurora sighed as she held onto Xavier's hand tightly. She was starting to feel a bit claustrophobic and the shaking from the plane was not helping at all.

After what seemed like a long time, the plane finally came to a complete stop and the stewardess came by to let them know that they could now exit the plane. Xavier's hand never left hers as he guided her up from the comfortable cushiony seat.

Aurora already knew that this was going to end in a disaster with her falling flat on her face on the terminal. She could practically sense that it was about to happen.

She was already prone to falling on flat ground, let alone stairs. Yeah, this was going to be a disaster, which left her no choice but to threaten her husband who was guiding her slowly down the steps.

"Xavier, if I fall, you're sleeping on the couch tonight," she muttered, grumpily. She could hear Xavier chuckle as she rolled her eyes under the satin blindfold.

"Then, you'd better be prepared to sleep soundly in my arms tonight, sweetheart, because you know I'd never let you go."

She felt herself flush at his sweet declaration. He had a way with words that always made her heart flutter.

Cheeky bastard.

Finally, they were on flat ground and Aurora almost let out a cheer, happy that she didn't fall face down onto the ground.

True to his words, Xavier never let her go as he guided her to his awaiting car. He sat her down in the passenger seat, leaning over to buckle her seatbelt in. Aurora could feel their close proximity, his familiar scent calming her down.

Xavier paused in front of her face with a gentle smile on his face, not minding the odd position he was currently in.

Even with a blindfold on, she was practically shining. Xavier leaned forward to capture her soft lips in a kiss. He couldn't help it, not when her plump rosy lips were tempting him. Kissing Aurora was probably one of his favorite pastimes and he would never get tired of kissing his girl.

Aurora couldn't help but smile when she heard the door close, knowing Xavier was now making his way to the driver's side.

"Why do I have to be blindfolded?" She asked when she heard him get in. "Aren't we just heading home?"

He left her questions unanswered, as he turned the ignition on. Making sure she was safely tucked in, he released the brake and slowly maneuvered the car out of the private airport.

And then, they were off.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Xavier Knight was a liar.

And now, he owed her a pint of cookies n' cream ice cream.

"When can I take this stupid blindfold off?" She asked for the nth time. They had been driving for more than 20 minutes and she had no idea where he was taking her. She couldn't help but ask every couple of minutes and even with her constant questions, Xavier never once got frustrated.

"Soon, baby."

She couldn't help that she was impatient. She unaware of her leg bouncing up and down, desperately wanting to rip the blindfold off her face, and Aurora knew that if her mom was here, she would have nagged her.

It wasn't until she felt Xavier's hand on her thigh when she managed to stop the bouncing.

"Are we there yet?" She asked again.

"We're almost there, love," he softly caressed her thigh, making her breath catch in her throat. All the thoughts about how much she hated the blindfold covering her eyes flew right out the window. All she could focus on was his thumb gently stroking her bare thigh and she cursed herself for wearing a pair of comfortable shorts. And it was funny because she knew he was doing this on purpose.

Even after two weeks alone, this man was insatiable. There was never a moment where their hands weren't touching one another and she loved it.

The car slowly slowed to a stop, letting her know that they had finally arrived. She heard Xavier leave the car without a word and she couldn't wait to get the damn blindfold off of her.

The passenger side opened, and once again, she felt his hands on her. He clicked the seatbelt off and gently helped her out of the car. She could feel the gentle breeze dance on her bare skin as she pulled Xavier's sweater closer to her.

"Alright, baby, you can take the blindfold off now," she heard his voice say.


She let out a sigh of relief when her hands reached up to untie the blindfold. But of course, the original loose knot became tightly knotted, which resulted in Xavier chuckling as he helped her undo it. He could hear her cute grumbles of annoyance.

Finally, it was off and she found herself blinking to adjust to her setting. The view in front of her surprised her and Immediately her eyes widened, jaw dropping in complete shock.

"Why are we here?" She asked looking up at the large grand entrance to an all too familiar house.

"This is our new home," he answered, glancing down at his still shocked wife. Xavier nervously bit his lip, waiting for her response. He wasn't sure if she was going to like it, but he just hoped he had made the right decision. "Do you like it?"

"I- Like- w-what?" Aurora stuttered, still in a state of shock. She wasn't sure what to say. How could he have known? "Like it? I freaking love it!"

She shrieked and immediately launched herself into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. Xavier let out a breathy sigh of relief as he held her close to him and buried his face into her neck.

"This was the first house I've ever worked on," she lifted her head, glancing between the handsome man and the house. He was holding her up with ease so that their faces were leveled with each other. "I've always said that one day I was going to live here... I- how'd you know?"

The beautiful modern house stood on top of a hill that looked down into downtown Los Angeles. It was the first big project that she was assigned to when she officially joined the firm and it definitely held a special place in her heart.

Xavier smiled, looking at her awestruck face with a soft expression. "Liam might have mentioned it briefly. I saw that it was being sold and I immediately put in a deposit. I know how much this house means to you."

"You know I don't care about living anywhere as long as I'm with you," she gently nudged his nose with hers, moving to plant a kiss on his cheek.

"I know," he whispered, looking straight into her eyes. "But I wanted this to be our house— the one where we raise our kids in and the one where we grow old in. I can see us spending the rest of our lives here and I wouldn't have it any other way."

His sweet words made her tear up as she leaned forward to kiss him on the lips. He responded immediately, their tongues dancing feverishly with each other as they continued to get lost in the kiss. Once again, they were lost in their own little world.

Aurora pulled back, panting heavily, trying to catch her breath. Xavier's kisses were always full of passion and made her breathless.

"I love you," she murmured, gently pecking his lips once again. She played with the hair on the back of his neck, causing him to grin widely. "So much."

"I love you more."

He continued to pepper kisses along her jaw and down her neck. Aurora held him close as she sighed happily. She let out a small squeal when she felt him move, his legs leading them towards the grand doorway.

"Xavier, put me down— where are you taking me?" she laughed, holding onto him tightly, despite knowing that he would never drop her.

"I think we should give ourselves a tour— specifically a tour of the bedroom."

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Bonus chapter #1 is up as a thank you for 500k reads and 20k votes <3 Thank you guys so much and I hope you enjoyed it^^

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