Chapter 4
MC and Phil had been on a few dates together, things where starting too get better for MC. She had made the step too move back home Jessy told her she could stay but MC needed too go home. As much as she loves Jessy and Richy she needs her own space.
MC had been back home a couple weeks now things where going well, she had gotten a job working from home writing financial reports for business. MC was really good with numbers and loved her job MC had just finished her weekly report with her boss when her phone rang.
MC: hey, I was thinking about you
Phil: hey, all good things I hope
MC: of course, what's up?
Phil: I just wanted too ask if you where coming too the bar tonight?
MC: I can come by for a few hours
Phil: excellent I'll see you around 7pm
MC: see you then
MC put her phone down leaning back on the couch, a warm feeling spread across her body. Everything was finally starting too look up.
My life is finally getting back on track I've been out with Phil a few times and it's going well. I don't know if it will be a happy ever after with him but I'm just going too have some fun.
After what I've been through I think I deserve it, Jake as not contacted me since I told him too leave me alone. I still hope that he is safe even after what he did too me. I don't think I could handle it if anything did happen too him. But enough about the past I need too find something too wear tonight.
MC gets up from the couch going into the kitchen and pours her self some coffee, going into the bedroom she opens up her wardrobe and looks what she's got too wear.
I'm going with the dress that drives Phil crazy, a red strapless dress with a slit up the side. I've got the perfect black heels too go with it I've got a few hours yet so I'll grab some food then get a shower.
MC went into the kitchen making her self some food, she sat back down on the couch switching the TV on for some background noise. After she finished eating she went too take a shower before she went too meet Phil at the bar, after the shower MC was drying her hair when he phone buzzed thinking it was Phil.
MC: hey, gorgeous couldn't wait too speak too me
Jake: it's all I've been trying too do
MC: JAKE! what the hell, what do you want?
MC slammed the phone down falling back on the bed, she got a rush of emotions come over her. She quickly sat up and dismissed the emotions she got dressed and waited for Jake. The nerves where getting too her walking up and down not being able too sit still.
Why? Why now? Why is he doing this too me I've moved on well at least I thought I had I'm supposed too be having a date with Phil later. I can't let him back in not after what he's done, he explains what he's done then he leaves.
A knock at the door snapped MC out of her thoughts, she goes too answer and is met by bright blue ocean eyes. Her heart melts at the sight of him she wants nothing more than too wrap her arms around him. She manages too stop her self and moves too one side letting Jake in.
Jake: you look beautiful as always MC
Jake got up and left the apartment MC went too grab a shot of whiskey, she managed too pull her self together some what and got ready for later. While MC was getting ready her mind wondered back too Jake. He looked so beautiful, the way his eyes shined when the light hit them her mind was so fixed on Jake that she lost all track of time.
MC quickly jumped up and finished making the final touches grabbing her jacket and purse she made her way too the bar. MC arrived and the bar was already packed she managed too make her way too the bar. When she saw Phil all the happy feelings she felt this morning had gone after seeing Jake. But she wasn't going too let it ruin her night so she put a smile on her face leaning towards Phil and kissing him on the lips.
Phil: missed me that much hey
MC: you don't know how much, you think you could sneak away for half an hour
Phil: I think I can do that, hold on I'll just get some cover
When Phil came back MC grabbed his hand pushing him up against the wall in the back kissing him with heat. MC broke the kiss and started too walk up stairs Phil quickly followed. Clothes starting too fly off across the room MC pushed phil onto the bed pulling his jeans down. After they finished they both got dressed and went back down stairs. MC made a few final checks she headed back out too the bar grabbing a seat.
Throughout the night MC and Phil flirted kissing each other when they could, as the night was coming too an end MC stayed the night with Phil. The next morning MC left early as she had work, on her way back she stopped off too get coffee. When she sat down at the table she felt someone put their hand on her shoulder. When she looked up she saw bright blue ocean eyes staring back at her.
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