Where did you go?
Chapter 5
MC just sat looking into Jake's eyes. They were beautiful. He sat down in front of her still looking into each other's eyes, MCs heart felt like it was about to explode she wanted nothing more than to kiss him. Jake's hand slid across the table taking hold of MCs hand he began to make small circles on her hand. MC wanted to pull away so badly but she couldn't. She knew Jake could lean over this table right and kiss her.
MC: Jake, I'm sorry but I can't this isn't right
Jake: I know how much I have messed up but I want to make things right
MC: I've moved on Jake, I'm with someone
Jake: May I ask who?
MC: it's Phil
Jake: he's no good for you MC, you know deep down we are meant to be
MC: no Jake, you lost that right we are no long together I have to go I'm late for work
MC got up from her table heading for the door. Jake was quick to follow her out of the coffee shop and he grabbed her arm, spinning her around. Their eyes locked, Jake's lips crashed onto MC's and she felt herself melting into the kiss.
After a few seconds MC pushed Jake off her stopping the stream of kisses
MC: Jake I told you no, I can't do this please
Jake: I know you felt what I felt MC I know you still love me
MC: Of course I still love you Jake! I just don't trust you anymore
Jake: I will earn your trust back MC I won't give up on us
MC: I have to go, goodbye Jake
MC turned and walked away leaving Jake standing watching her walk away, it broke MCs heart walking away but there is just no trust there.
Why did he have to show up now? Why did he have to kiss me like that? I love him so much but I can't trust him. I'm with Phil now. I have to give us a chance. I know everyone has warned me about Phil but I have to give him a chance.
Damn you Jake for coming back into my life like this, I finally had everything under control and you came walking back into my life.
I try to clear my thoughts as I continue walking home but it's not working all I can think about it Jake. When I finally get home I go to take a shower and change, I pick my phone up and phone in sick concentrate on work right now.
After making the call I sit down on the couch trying to work out what happens now, do I really give Jake another chance? Do I let him back in? I can't stay here all day. I need to get out of this apartment.
Picking my phone back up I sent a text to Phil letting him know I've got the day off work and will join him back in bed. I go to make myself look presentable once I finish. I grab my keys and purse and head back out.
I decided to drive back to Phil's as I got a taxi there last night, he opens the door and before he can say anything my lips come crashing down on his. Pushing him up against the wall, my hands running all over his body, they start to run under his t-shirt.
We didn't make it to the bedroom this time. My hands unbuckle his belt, undoing his jeans. We both fall onto the couch and lose ourselves in each other.
Jake's POV
I need to find a way of winning her back but how? Phil is a slimeball and he doesn't deserve her. I just have to think of a way I can win her back. Maybe if I reach out to Jessica she might help me.
I pull up an old chat with Jessica and send her a message asking for help.
Jake: Hello Jessica, I know it's been a long time and I know you hate me for what happened with MC but please let me explain.
Jessy: Hi Jake, you got that right I was mad at you to what happened you really hurt MC but I know you must of had good reason you probably already have my address so see you soon ;)
Jake pulled up Jessy's address and made his way to her apartment block, he wasn't too far away so it didn't take him long to arrive. He softly knocked on the door and was greeted by the red head.
Jessy: come on in Jake, I've just made some coffee
Jake's: thanks Jessica
Jessy: you can call me Jessy you know no one calls me Jessica apart from you
Jake cleared his throat and began telling Jessy everything that happened that night, how he was forced to leave MC behind and how he couldn't tell her he was leaving.
He told her how he was so worried about her he wasn't allowed to reach out, if he did the deal would be gone and he would be in prison for a very long time and they couldn't guarantee her safety.
Jessy: oh Jake, I'm so sorry have you told her about what's happened?
Jake: I tried but I couldn't tell her the last part she was so hurt by what I already told her and now she's with Phil
Jessy: Is she still with him? I thought that was just a couple dates nothing serious
Jake: What am I going to do? I need to gain her trust back
Jessy: don't worry Jake, we will come up with something
Jessy: I've got the perfect idea, I'll invite MC over for dinner tomorrow night you come to
Jake: Will it work?
Jessy: there is only one way to find out
Phil: wow MC where did that come from?
MC: I just wanted you, you complaining?
Phil: After that, how could I? It was a great surprise, but are you sure you are okay?
MC: I'm fine, why do you ask?
Phil: it's just a feeling I've got
They both shared a kiss before getting up to get dressed, MC left Phil's as he had to go sort the bar out and headed home. MC got back and decided to run a hot bath. She soaked in the bath for a while, letting the events of the day drift away.
Why did I just lie to Phil? He is a really great guy and I don't want to hurt him, now Jake has come back. My feelings are only for him. I need to figure out what it is I want but if I do choose Jake can I ever trust him again?
Can he really rebuild that trust he broke? Can we get back to how we were, or do I let him go completely and be with Phil? He does make me happy but not like Jake does. I don't get butterflies in my stomach when I see Phil.
Do I just push down the feelings and doubts and actually give me and Phil a chance? He did say I have a get out of jail free card. Do I end it now before I hurt him?
I need to talk to Jessy. She will know what to do,she's helped me so much over the past couple weeks she gives great advice.
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