Chapter 3
I can barely lift my head off the pillow it hurts so much, everything hurts I grab some painkillers from my night stand and down them with some water. I somehow managed too drag myself out of my room and into the kitchen. Richy and Jessy where still in bed so I made a pot of coffee for when they get up.
I sit myself down at the kitchen table looking at my phone, there is another message from Jake but I can't deal with him right now. Events of last night start too come back, did I really flirt with Phil? Well he is good looking.
At last the coffee is done so I grab myself a mug and pure some into it, taking my coffee I sit down on the couch feeling a little better now the painkillers have kicked in.
Would texting Phil be that bad? I guess it wouldn't, I decided too send him a text holding him too my word.
MC: hey Phil, hope your feeling better than I am right now lol, let me know when your free and we can have that date x
Message sent MC put her phone down on the couch leaning her head back closing her eyes. Lost in her thoughts MC didn't notice a hungover Jessy come out of the bedroom. She got snapped out of her thoughts when Jessy dropped a mug on the floor.
Jessy: oh crap! My head is not up too this
MC: you okay Jessy? You sound how I feel
Jessy: yeah just waiting for the painkillers too kick in how are you feeling?
MC: I'm okay, my head still hurts tho
Richy: what was that noise?
Jessy: that was me, I dropped a mug
Richy: is that coffee I smell? My head is killing
Richy took the painkillers and sat down at the kitchen table putting his head down on the table waiting for them too kick in. MC spent most of the day on the couch under a blanket watching the TV. Later that afternoon MCs phone buzzed as she picked it up a small smile spread across her face.
Phil: hey how's the hangover? If your feeling up too it how about we go too lunch tomorrow? I know this amazing little place just outside of duskwood.
MC: it's not so bad now, I did feel like death this morning lol I'd love too come pick me up at 1pm
Phil: see you then beautiful
MC put her phone down smiling was she starting too finally move on? Or was the thoughts of Jake still holding her back, it had been a few days now after what had happened. MC cuddled up in the blanket and drifted off too sleep.
MCs dream POV
It's finally the day the day I have been waiting for so long now, I get too marry the love of my life. I will never forget the night he proposed it was the most perfect night. Now I find myself stood infront of a long mirror while people around me make sure my dress is fitting the way it should. I've got others doing my hair and makeup i feel the butterflys in my stomach. It's time too walk down the isle i hear the music starting too play Jessy hands me my flowers, my dad takes my arm and we make our way down the isle. I see him standing in his tuxedo he looks so handsome though I find it strange that he's not got his hoodie on. We say our I dos and walk back down the isle as Mr and Mrs Dunfort we get outside and I throw my bouquet and Jessy catches it. We both stand there looking into each others eyes, I could see so much love in his eyes. We could stand looking at each other forever, we walk too the car Jake helps me in. Once we are both in the driver starts the car, Jake whispers in my hear. MC you are my always and forever I love you Mrs Dunfort.
All of a sudden I feel a hand on my shoulder everything starts too fade and i hear a voice in my ear.
Jessy: MC? MC?
MC: Jessy? Is that you?
Jessy: it's me MC, you were saying Jake's name I came too check on you
MC: I..I...I was marrying him everything was so perfect
Tears started too fall Jessy put her arms around MC holding on too her as she sobbed when MC started too calm down she pulled away from Jessy. She sat there drying her eyes trying too hold back more tears.
MC: I can't keep crying I've spilt enough tears over this man
Jessy: it's okay too be upset, after what happened it's understandable
MC: I know but
Jessy: you love him, i get that just take it one day at a time
The next morning MC was up early excited about her date with Phil, Jessy was helping her pick out an outfit she went for a pair of grey jeans, with a strapless top and black boots Jessy helped her with her hair and make-up. Just as MC had finished getting ready Jessy went to answer the door. Phil had come round too pick MC up as promised for their date, MC grabbed her favourite lethal jacket and was ready too go. MC and Phil headed out on their date Phil was taking MC too a nice little place just out side of duskwood.
MC: so you gonna tell me where we are goin?
Phil: it's a little place I know they serve the best fresh pasta and amazing home made burgers
MC: I love both them things
They continued too make small talk on the drive there, once they arrived Phil opened up the door for MC and let her get out.
MC: wow Phil this place is beautiful
Phil: I knew you would like it, come on let's go inside
Phil put his arm out so MC could link her arm in his, as they walked in there was pictures hanging on the walls, flowers on the tables it was beautiful. They had a wonderful time together the food was amazing.
MC: I've had such a wonderful time thanks Phil
Phil: anything for a beautiful women I'm glad you had a lovely time
MC: we should do this again sometime
Phil: I'd love too, I'll text you tomorrow
Phil took MC back too Jessy's it was like she was walking on air, today had been perfect MC was finally starting too move on.
Jake's POV
I've been tracking MC ever since I left her it broke my heart too leave her but I had no choice. I couldn't keep putting her in danger I needed too give her life back too her. I see that she's just been on a date with Phil, why Phil of all people why did it have too be him.
I will find my way back too her and explain why I had too leave the way I did, she has every right too be angry. I've tried too text her but of course she didn't want too talk. I can understand why I've hurt her so much I just hope that one day she can forgive me.
Right now I need too keep working on this project, hopefully I will have my pursuers off my back soon. If everything goes the way I hope I can finally be a free man and I can see MC.
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