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Chapter 14:


The maids started buttoning up the brand new beautiful dress that they put on Akari. It was made of a soft crimson kimono silk fabric and was shaped to flow down her arms and legs, and was also constricted to her waist to show her size. Since the dress's shape was extraordinary enough, the designs on the dress were simple, a simple black belt wrapped around her waist with decorative flowers on one side of it. Akari stood and waited patiently as they finished putting it on her and started fixing her hair, which she was going to wear down simple with a sakura blossom clip.

It had been exactly a week since Kyouya had taken her to the museum, ever since then, they've been acting as they usually would except for sudden times when Kyouya would look at her in adoration for a second and Akari would become embarrassed. Other than that, they drove to school together normally, they conversed about simple questions normally, and a couple days a week, Akari would stay at the host club and then go to the Ootori's house afterwards for dinner.

Now, today was the party that the Koizumi's and Ootori's were hosting to announce their engagement, and Akari couldn't be more nervous, Luckily, she hid her nervousness with a refined smile and elegant posture. The guests began to arrive downstairs, and Akari could hear violins playing from the big dining hall. She could also faintly hear Masaki conversing with the guest that had already arrived. As they finished preparing her hair, Akari sighed and walked out of her room to the large staircase in her house.

When she walked down the stairs, all the guests turned with awe and enchantment as they saw the Koizumi daughter daintily walking down the stairs in a beautiful scene. The Ootori's had just arrived, and Kyouya stared up at her and gave slight grin in her direction. Akari showed a small blush from seeing him dressed up as well, his formal suit had a tailcoat, and his slacks were striped nicely to match his coat and bow tie. After Akari finished her entrance, she walked over to the Ootori's and greeted them fondly.

"Hello Mr. And Mrs. Ootori, it's very nice to see you again" Akari said, bowing slightly.

"Yes, it's nice to see you too Akari, you look extravagant today!" Mrs. Ootori said sweetly, as she looked at the silk on Akari's dress, "I'm glad it fits you so well, we were worrying it would be too big."

"Oh, you were the ones who got this for me?"

"Well, not all of us, Kyouya picked it out for you, he said he thought it fit your personality."

"He did?" Akari asked surprised.

"Yes, and I must say, he really knew what to get you, it's great on you."

Akari looked over at Kyouya and smiled, bowing slightly again. "Thank you very much, Kyouya."

"It was my pleasure" Kyouya answered back to her, smiling softly.

The Ootori's all bowed slightly then walked past her to greet Akari's father, Kyouya stopping next to Akari before walking on.

"I'm glad it fits you like I thought it would" Kyouya whispered to her, as he took a small strand of her hair and lightly kissed it, grinning then walking away. Akari blushed lightly, as she took a deep breath then went on to greet all the other guests. All of them smiled and complimented her looks, to which she replied with sweet smiles and polite words.

After her greetings, she sat down next to Kyouya in the front of the room where their designated seats were. Akari nibbled on some onigiri with sashimi on top. Kyouya looked over at her, seeming as if he was a bit thoughtful. "Kyouya, are you alright?" She asked him, as she looked at him curiously.

"I'm fine, I just find it interesting how you eat, I suppose" Kyouya answered.

"And why is that?" Akari asked, a little confused on his reason.

"Well, I guess because I think you're an interesting person, to say the least."

"I could say the same about you."

"You could try, but I'm not that interesting."

"That's because you don't know yourself, if you saw yourself how I see you, you would be the most interesting person in the world" Akari said, then got a little embarrassed by how she worded it.

Kyouya grinned slightly and picked up his glasses. "I'll take that as a compliment, thank you" he said, as he turned his view to the crowd of guests near the buffet tables.

After Akari ate her appetizers, Mr. Ootori and Mr. Koizumi both came up near Akari's and Kyouya's table and tapped on a glass to get the crowd's attention.

"Thank you for all of mine and Mr. Ootori's close friends and family who came today, I'm extremely happy to officially announce the engagement of both of our two youngest children, Kyouya and Akari" Mr. Koizumi announced to the room, as he motioned to the two teens.

Just then, everything Akari worried about, all her freedoms she desperately wanted, all her dreams she hoped to bring to life, all the plans she made, they all came back to her in that moment that her father said those words. "....Engagement, that's right, I never wanted to get engaged to someone my father set me up with without my consent, but for some reason,when Kyouya came into the picture, I acted so obliviously dumb and forget everything I've dreamt for, why? Why did I let it get this far? Why couldn't I stop this when I wanted to? Did I...did I ever want to? But I can't...can't go through with this" Akari thought confused and scared, but hiding her emotions from the crowd who stared hopefully at her. She quickly became lost in her mind from all these thoughts.

"Now, I'll let them introduce themselves, Mr. Ootori's son, Kyouya."

Kyouya stood up slowly and bowed. "It's very nice that all of you are to rejoice with us" he said formally, then sat back down, looking over to Akari.

"Yes, and my daughter, Akari."

Akari stood up, her mind swirling around still with her worries. "Thank you al---th-thank..." Akari tried to speak, but she stopped and thought for a while.

"Akari?" Kyouya tried to whisper to her, but she was fighting too much with herself to listen to anyone.

Finally, she spoke, breathing deeply. "Why do I only do things for my father's sake..." She said quietly, before stepping off the elevated area where Her and Kyouya's table was. "I'm very sorry everyone, but I'm going to have to be excused from this event..." Akari announced, as she took out the clip in her hair, letting the strands fall down softly. She swiftly ran towards the crowd, running out of the door and into the streets of the clean neighborhood she lived in.

Everyone turned in shock, putting on confused faces and whispering to each other got answers. Kyouya walked off the elevated area as well, picking up Akari's Sakura blossom clip and letting out a soft sigh.

"Why even when she runs out on me I can't help but find her interesting?" He whispered to himself, before walking through the path Akari cleared in the crowd and running out of the door, striding with his long legs down the street Akari went down, hoping to find her path...

~Author's note~

Surprisingly, I kind of improvised this chapter while I was writing it, but hopefully it's good enough for all of you! Thank you for your feedback on my last chapter, I really enjoy when I get comments on each chapter (it makes me feel special)!!! Thank you all, I hope you enjoy reading my future chapters, I LOVE YOU ALL 2 MUCH!!!



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