Chapter 13:
As they walked out of the small ramen shop and into the town car, Akari got more and more curious of where Kyouya was going to take her. Kyouya drove silently, but he seemed like he wasn't in a rush to get to his destination. All Akari did was stare at him, trying to see if she could see through him, but of course, she couldn't, she never could. After a while, she gave up and turned to look out the window at the afternoon sun.
Kyouya turned into a parking lot, parking close to a colorful building. He got off and walked over to Akari's side of the car, opening her door for her. Akari stepped out slowly and looked at the dazzling but small building. "Kyouya, where are we?" She asked, while she stared at the building.
"This is the Tenmetsu Jumyõ Bijutsukan*, my father and mother used to take me here when I was small, it's a beautiful art museum" Kyouya answered, looking up at the museum. He took Akari's hand and walked into the museum with her.
Right when Akari walked into the museum, she noticed the amazing splashes of designs on the walls. There were bright illuminating lights hanging near displays of beautiful art and surreal looking statues. Nothing seemed normal except for (a few of) the people there. "Wow, your parents used to take you here?" Akari asked surprised by the scene of the museum.
"Yes, we'd go here every Sunday, but, my father's business became larger and larger, and before I knew it, we stopped going here. I didn't miss the whole place in particular, just one artwork" Kyouya said, as he looked over at Akari's amazed expression and gave a slight smile.
"What piece of artwork?"
"You want to see it?"
"Yes, of course."
"Okay, then come, it's this way" Kyouya said, as he took her hand and started to walk down a long hall filled with impressionistic paintings. Akari blushed slightly, noticing Kyouya didn't mind taking her hand. They walked down the hall and past a few rooms before walking into one that held only one huge but magnificent oil painting. The painting had a huge dark green field splashed onto the bottom of it, with a dark indigo sky on top. The trees that shadowed the field stood fiercely, seeming as if they blew in the wind. There were black crows hurriedly flying across the dark sky. Everything seemed sorrowful and depressing except for one dove that soared across the scene in the opposite direction of the crows, lighting up a patch of the painting with its presence.
"It's so, so..." Akari started, but a Kyouya quickly finished her sentence.
"Amazing, I know, it's always shocked me how much of an impact that one dove makes on the whole painting" Kyouya said sincerely, looking up at the painting with a look of curiousness and amazement in his eyes.
Akari looked up at him. "Woah, his eyes, they're so emotional, they look so warm and nice" She thought, as she tried to figure out if she should stare at the painting or Kyouya. The more she looked at him, the more his emotions shown through
With some déjà vu, as if it were instinct for Akari, she moved her left hand and put it own Kyouya's cheek, holding it there as she looked into his eyes. Kyouya took his attention of the artwork for a second and stared at her surprised. "Those are it, the eyes I were looking for from you, they're not empty, not at all" Akari said quietly, smiling warmly up at him. Kyouya realized what she was talking about and smiled back at her, laying his right hand on her hand that was resting on his cheek.
"Are you content now?" He asked, looking at Akari with warm eyes.
"Yes, thank you, Kyouya" Akari whispered to him, as she cautiously wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him softly. Kyouya looked down at her and paused for a moment before wrapping his own arms around her. They stayed like this for a moment inside the small area in the museum, some passerby's staring at them and whispering how sweet the scene was. Suddenly, Akari remembered the time.
"Kyouya, I need to get home, my father doesn't like if I stay out too late" Akari said, as she slipped her hands away from his waist. Kyouya snapped back into his emotionless state and shook his head in acknowledgement.
"Okay, then we should get going then" he answered, as he gave a slight smile to her and started leading the way out of the museum.
As Kyouya's town car pulled into the Koizumi's estate, Akari sighed from noticing her day with Kyouya had come to an end.
"Why are you sighing?" Kyouya asked curiously.
"I guess I didn't really want to go home, but don't worry, I'll get over it, Thank you Kyouya, I really enjoyed myself today, more than I have in a long time, be safe on your way home" Akari said before getting off the car.
"No trouble, I'll see you tomorrow" Kyouya said to her, as he waved a small goodbye.
As Akari walked up the steps to her doorway with her natural elegant stroll, Kyouya watched her and sighed.
"No, I should be the one thanking you" he whispered to himself before driving away.
*Tenmetsu Jumyõ Bijutsukan = Flashing Life Art Museum