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Chapter 15:


As Kyouya ran out of Akari's neighborhood and started wandering down the town's streets looking for her, he passed by a few little kids playing in a park's playground.

"Hey, hey guess what? I saw a sad princess over there on the swings!" A small boy exclaimed to a group of other kids.

As Kyouya heard this, he quickly stopped running and listened in on the children's conversation.

"What are you talking about, like Princess Masako*?" One of the little girls who heard him asked.

"No no! This one's really pretty, like from a fairy tale, and she's petite and has long brown hair with super light green eyes, and her dress is all bright and flowy and junk, but she doesn't have a crown. She had tears in her eyes, but I bet she's a real princess!!! I was watching her over at the swings!!!" The same little boy said, as he jumped up in down with excitement.

"A sad princess? I wanna see her!" Another boy said, curiousness shaking through his body,

Kyouya walked out towards the group of children and kneeled down near the boy who was talking about the princess. "Excuse me, may you take me to see the princess?" He asked the little boy, as he bowed slightly.

"Why? Who're you?" The boy asked, surprised by Kyouya's appearance.

"Well, you see, I'm her prince."


As Akari watched the sun setting down in the shaded sky from the swing she at, she wiped the tears that she wore all over her face and in her lap. "I shouldn't have ran out, but I never can deal with anything, can I? I don't even know what I want anymore, and I don't want to live my life for my father, I can't, I just can't" Akari said softly, as she held her head in her hands.

"Why are you always such a trouble, dealing with all this by yourself?"

As Akari heard the familiar voice, she got off of the swing and turned around swiftly to see Kyouya leaning against a tree, all the curious children behind him staring in awe and excitement at Akari and Kyouya.

"'d you find me?....why'd you follow me?" Akari asked him, as she stared stunned at him.

"I ran out of the party a few minutes after you, I must say, you're incredibly fast. I found some children talking about a "sad princess", it took a while to convince them to show me where you were, I had to answer their questions before they showed me, it was like an interrogation. For the reason I came,'s because you were the first the decision I made by myself in my life."

"What do you mean?"

"A year ago, my father told me I had to get engaged, even though I have an extremely small chance of becoming my family's successor. He told me I can pick my own fiancé, just as long as our family can get something in return from my choice. She had to be an heir or successor of an important family. I thought about it for a long time, but I never looked for anyone, I had no desire to marry. But, that moment I met you, something sparked in me. Maybe it was because you were the first one who saw that I was faking my emotions, I'm not sure, but I needed to know more about you. That night, for some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about ways you could've known I was feigning my feelings, and I realized,...maybe it's just because you're you. I told my father that night that you were my choice, and luckily, your father was looking for a suitor for you at that time. After that, everything just became as it is. I first chose you because I thought you'd be an interesting playtoy, but then, I suppose you just got under my skin, and I can't leave you alone."

Akari blushed brightly and tried to take in what Kyouya just said, as she looked down at the grassy ground. "I'm not sure how to answer you, I believe you've overestimated me, I'm not someone who can take in things easily, I exaggerate, I've never lived for myself, and I don't even know how to deal with what I feel right now" Akari said, as she hid her face from him.

"I know," Kyouya whispered, as he walked over and wrapped his hands around her, holding her close, "I've always been watching you since that day, your emotions were clear to me, you didn't want to get married to me the whole time, but somewhere in between, you forgot about how we were engaged and you just got used to me being here with you. I noticed by how your eyes seemed when you spoke to me before compared to now. You're more honest now. I haven't overestimated you, because I knew you'd change something in my life, and you have, you've changed me, you've changed how I look at things, you've actually gotten me to show emotion to you, no one's ever succeeded in doing that. You just....amaze me."

Akari looked up at Kyouya surprised he was being so honest. She laid her head on his chest and sighed, hugging his torso softly. "You've.....changed me too, you helped me cheer up when I was sad so many times, you showed me I can depend on someone other than myself, I haven't thought of someone this much since my mother passed. I haven't had someone who held me so warmly since my mother died either. You amaze me too, Kyouya, more than anybody."

As Akari finished her speech, she hid her face in Kyouya's chest to hide her embarrassment. When Kyouya noticed this, he picked up her head delicately with his hand, nuzzling her cheek before putting his lips on hers, kissing her softly for a minute.

Akari blushed brightly and looked down, as she hugged Kyouya tighter. "Kyouya, i l-love yo--"

"I love you too, I don't know how my feelings became so advanced for you, but they are, thank you, Akari, Thank you."

"...I still want to marry you, Kyouya. I've never really had a dream except to be free, but you give me that feeling of freedom.....I want to be with you, not because my father wants me to, but because I want to be with you" Akari whispered, as she looked up at Kyouya, seriousness in her eyes.

Kyouya looked back at her with surprised eyes, then he smiled warmly and ran his hand through her hair, clipping the Sakura blossom clip back in. "Okay, if you don't mind being 'Mrs. Ootori', I'd love to still marry you." Kyouya kissed Akari again, holding her like he wouldn't ever let go.

The children stood their, still watching in enchantment as they held each other.
"See? I told you! She's really a princess, she even has her own prince!" The boy exclaimed, the other children smiling and agreeing with him.



This is NOT the last chapter, so don't worry. There're at least 2 chapters I'm still going to write to conclude this book. I can't believe it's actually gotten this far in the story tbh, well I hope this chapter was worth your read all of the beautiful readers who're reading this, it took me a good two hours to finish, so I'm really glad my times not going to waste!!!


|Olives ~>^<~|

P.s. I'm wondering if I should write a wedding chapter, what do you guys think? If you want me to, just tell me in the comments

Princess Masako*- the current crown princess of Japan

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