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Chapter 12:


As Akari and Kyouya walked out of the host club together at the end of the day, Akari looked slightly at the girls who exited behind and before them, who looked back at her with jealousy, envy, and, surprisingly some, with congratulatory eyes.

"Hey, Kyouya, do you think it's alright that you announced our engagement to your guests? Isn't there going to be a lot of upset ladies?" Akari asked Kyouya, as she walked a bit faster to catch up with him.

"Don't worry, I don't do anything without reason" Kyouya answered back, seeming unchanged from the day's events. Akari thought about his answer for awhile, trying to think of what reason he had for his announcement. She looked down at the marble floor, focusing on her thoughts for a while and letting Kyouya lead the way out of the academy.

As they walked out of the front doors of the school, Kyouya stopped in his tracks, making Akari, who was still staring down at the floor, bump into his back. "Kyouya, are you alright?" She asked, as she looked up at his broad shoulders.

"Yes, I am, do you want to go eat somewhere? I'm feeling a bit hungry" Kyouya asked, as he turned to face Akari.

Akari looked at Kyouya's subtle expression and thought for a while. "Okay," she answered, "but only if I get to pick the place."

"Oh, and where would that be?"


As Kyouya's town car pulled up to the small ramen shop Akari gave directions to, Kyouya got off the car slowly, staring curiously at the traditional looking restaraunt. "This is where you wanted to go?" He asked Akari.

"Yes, my mother used to take me here to escape our normal refined life" Akari answered, as she smiled widely at the shop that brought back so many of her memories. Kyouya looked over at Akari's reminiscing expression and grinned slightly.

"Well, let's go in then" Kyouya said, walking towards the door. Akari swiftly followed him in and they sat down at a small kotatsu table near the windows. Akari looked over to Kyouya as he settled down into his spot across from her.

"I haven't been to this place in forever" Akari said, as she looked around at the unchanged decorations.

"What'd you and your mother like about this place?" Kyouya asked.

"Well, since we usually ate fine cuisines for every meal of the day, it was nice to taste something so simple yet so refreshing like ramen. Plus, they make delicious spring rolls as well."

"I've never gotten to go to a small shop like this, so I suppose it's a nice new experience."

"Really? Have you ever tried ramen?"

"Only the commoner ramen cups Tamaki goes on and on about."

"Well, this homemade type of ramen is much better, I'm glad I can be here to see you try it for the first time."

"I hope I'll enjoy it."

An old lady came over to their kotatsu and looked at Akari for a while before showing a surprised expression. "You're Mrs. Koizumi's daughter, aren't you? The one that used to come every Saturday!" The old lady asked.

"Yes, I am, it's nice to see you again, Mrs. Akiyama, I'm surprised you remember me" Akari said, as she gave a sweet smile.

"Well, you were such a beauty, how could I not remember you? You would always wander around and chat with our cooks, and they always told me how bright you were for your age. We missed both you and Mrs. Koizumi when you stopped coming, she was such a kindred soul. How's she doing now?"

"Oh, well,....unfortunately, she past away 12 years ago, that's why I couldn't come to visit for so long."

"Oh my, I'm so sorry my dear, it must've been so hard on you."

"Don't worry it's all in the past, you don't need to feel sad for my sake."

"Oh, I see, well, what would you like to order, my dear?"

"We'll have 2 orders of shoyu ramen, with.... Kyouya, are you fine with nori and boiled eggs?"

"Yes, that sounds delectable."

"Okay, then two orders of shoyu ramen with nori and boiled eggs as toppings, with some spring rolls please."

"Okay, coming right up!" Mrs. Akiyama said. Right before she was about to leave, she looked over at Kyouya. "Is he your boyfriend?" She asked Akari.

"No, he's my fiancé."

"Oh my, congratulations, you both make a heavenly pair, you suit each other well. Please take care of her" Mrs. Akiyama said, turning to Kyouya when she said the last sentence.

"I will, thank you for your kind words" Kyouya answered back to her, showing one of his polite smiles.

Akari blushed a bit as she realized she had just introduced Kyouya as her fiancé to someone, something she hadn't done before.

Before Mrs. Akiyama walked away, she whispered something into Kyouya's ear, to which Kyouya applied with "Yes, yes I am". He looked at Akari afterwards with a satisfied expression, to which Akari just stared back at him curiously with a hint of blush still on her face.

"Why're you blushing so?" Kyouya asked her, grinning a bit.

"I-I'm not bl--"

"Is it because you liked it when you introduced me as your fiancé?"

"....I wouldn't say I liked it , I'm just not used to it, that's all."

"Hmm, I see, well you should get used to it, you'll have to do it many more times, unless I introduce you."

"Okay, then next time you introduce me."

"I will when you meet my sister, she wants us to visit her at her and her husband's house."

"I'd like that" Akari said, her cheeks warm with the thought of knowing more about Kyouya, but she quickly snapped out of it when she realized she revealed too much of her real feelings.

As Mrs. Akiyama brought their bowls of ramen with a side plate of spring rolls, Akari looked at the scene of reminiscence and smiled slightly. "I missed the scent of this ramen" Akari thought, as she watched Kyouya take a bite.

"Do you like it?" She asked him.

"Well, yes, the taste's intriguing."

"That's good, I hoped you would."

Akari took a bite herself. She tasted it, and suddenly, all the memories, moments, and traumas came along with the taste of the noodles. She tried to stop herself, but before she knew it, one tear came down her cheek, then two, then she started to cry like nothing, her facial expression didn't change except for the water coming from her eyes.

"Akari, are yo--" Kyouya tried to say, but quickly got cut short .

"I'm fine, just don't look at me for a second."

Kyouya didn't listen to her and kept staring at her drenched face.

"Can you please not look, I don't want you to see me defenseless."

Kyouya still wouldn't listen, and continued to watch her weep.

"Just look away!" Akari said, raising her voice and trying to hide her face with her hands.

Kyouya walked over to Akari's spot at the kotatsu and kneeled down next to her. He removed her hands delicately and looked at her watery eyes. He softly kissed her and she stared up at him confused, still crying.

"I'll do it again if you don't stop crying."

"It's not that eas--"

Kyouya suddenly kissed her again, holding onto her lips longer than the last time.


He kissed her again, this time more sweetly and again longer then the last.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop" Akari exclaimed after his kiss, blushing and laughing a little from Kyouya's actions. "You need to stop surprising me with things like that."

"Forgive me, it's just how I am" Kyouya said, with a pinch of smugness in his voice.

"Why is it that I'm always the one losing my control, you can't break, can you?" Akari asked, smiling from the thought and wiping her face.

"I guess I've just trained myself well, but do you want to see my emotions?" Kyouys asked her, looking into her eyes still, his eyes still seeming cold but at the same time a bit sweeter.

"....yes, I do."

"Okay, then come on, let's go" Kyouya said, putting money on the table and holding a hand out to Akari.

"Where are we going?" Akari asked curiously, taking Kyouya's hand and standing up.

"I want to take you somewhere."

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