The scene reopens to show Elena's parents, King Raul and Queen Lucia, being rushed back to the Avalor Royal Palace in their carriage by two royal guards as a dark green mist is in hot pursuit of them. The sky has taken on a dark appearance, full of storm clouds as they hurry down the footpath to the palace. As they get closer, Elena comes out, wearing the Amulet of Avalor, which is red instead of purple, to see them return.
"Is that mama and papa?" Isabel asked, looking up at Elena.
"That's definitely them. But what are they running from?"
Mateo, Gabe, and Naomi, overhearing the two, looked at each other uncomfortably. They all had a very good idea of what was chasing them and what was going to happen. But they both stayed quiet, not having the heart to tell them.
"Mama! Papa!" she yells as she waves at them with a smile on her face.
"Does she not see the creepy green mist?" James asked loudly and was given a slap on the arm by Amber in response.
Raul and Lucia barely have time to look up at Elena in both surprise and horror, before Elena gasps in horror as the mist takes the appearance of Shuriki. She laughs as she emerges above the carriage.
"This doesn't look good," Marisa muttered while attempting to hide herself under some blankets from the scary lady on the screen.
She casts a spell on Elena's parents, the guards, and the horses pulling the carriage. The area is bathed in a green light of power. The carriage seems to vanish from existence as Shuriki's spell strikes it full-force.
Marisa, who was still holding the remote, quickly paused the video with wide eyes, horrified.
Elena was shaken beyond belief. Her parents are gone. In less than a minute they just disappeared, forever. She was snapped out of her daze when she heard some sniffing. Isabel was shaking, trying her best to hold back her sobs.
Elena quickly scooped Isabel in her arms as they cried together.
Her abuelos were holding each other close, while they weren't crying it was easy to tell that the scene had effected them too.
Esteban, having rare moment of affection, put his hand on Isabel's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. He refused to look at the screen, out of guilt and shame. It was his fault that they were gone. He never meant for this to happen, but it did and there was no changing that.
Everyone was silent for a long time, letting the family grieve. Some bowed their heads in respect while others shifted uncomfortably while watching the grieving family. Eventually though they all calmed down.
"Okay Marisa, you can unpause the video now," Elena said, her voice shaking.
Marisa tried to give the best smile she could force on her face and nodded. She picked up the remote and unpaused the video.
Elena, horrified at seeing Shuriki cut down her parents, flees back into the Royal Palace. She rushes through the halls terrified, but Shuriki soon cuts her off by flying in through a window in her green mist form and prepares to take out the only witness to her murder of the Avalor sovereigns.
The younger attendees in the audience covered their eyes, not wanting to witness another murder.
The air was tense and that caused everyone to be very quiet.
As the spell strikes Elena, the Amulet of Avalor glows brightly as it intervenes to save her life, before the scene whites-out.
"What the heck just happened?!" Carla exclaimed.
"Magic?" Skylar said while putting his paws up in the air shrugging.
Carla just rolled her eyes in response.
The setting is now in Royal Prep, as Sofia wakes up with a startled gasp and her amulet is glowing a light blue color. Her elder brother (because they are true siblings at this point), Prince James, looks at her with concern, as she begins to rub her eyes.
"You okay, Sof?" he asks.
"Wait, so was that a dream or did that actually happen?" Luna asked extremely confused.
Mateo let out a sigh. "Both, sadly. It is possible that the amulet is trying to tell Sofia that something is up."
"James, how do you not see that Sofia's amulets glowing?" Amber asked.
James raises up his arms dramatically. "I don't know! I can't explain what future me does!"
"That was weird. It was like I just had a dream, but I was wide awake," Sofia says looking at her hands most of the time and moving them around in strange gestures.
"Sofia what are you doing with your hands?" Roland asked.
"I have no idea. I just do it," Sofia answered with a shrug.
James smiles at his little sister. "It's called "daydreaming". I do it all the time," he says as he rests his head into his hand.
"James, you know you shouldn't be daydreaming in class," Miranda scolded.
"And he wonders why he doesn't do so good on out tests," Amber muttered.
Sofia looks at him with doubt, but before she can say much else to her brother, Flora flies over the class, so she turns her attention back to her headmistress.
"Children, as I was saying, I hope you all have a wonderful summer. Class is dismissed!" Flora says enthusiastically.
As the school bell rings, the Royal Kids emerge out the front door to head home for their break. Sofia's elder sister, Princess Amber, sees off her friend, classmate, and fellow princess, Princess Hildegard.
"We'll have tea when I get back, Hilde. Have your steward write my steward," she says before rejoining her siblings.
"Wow this video went from dark to very lighthearted very quickly," Skylar said loudly.
This earned him a slap from Mig's wing.
Sofia notices the Amulet of Avalor glowing blue, indicating she is being summoned to the Secret
Library again. She lets out a small yelp before quickly covering her amulet with her hands.
"Oh so now someone notices the glowing amulet. It's not like it's was super obvious of anything," Carla said sarcastically.
"I would have been a little more polite about saying that, but you do have a point. Is there a reason no is seeing it glowing?" Francisco said.
A note fell in Francisco's lap. "What in the world is plot armor?"
Amber walks beside Sofia excitedly, not seeming to notice her sister's uncomfortable expression.
"Oh! I can't wait to see where Daddy is taking us for our summer trip!" Amber says excitedly.
She rushes ahead, clearly wanting to go on the trip as soon as possible.
"Come on, Sofia!"
"Yeah, we'd better get home," Sofia blurts. She lets go off her amulet and starts to grip on to her backpack straps. "And I'd better get to the Secret Library," she mutters to herself before she starts to run after her siblings.
Sofia's family looks at her with surprise.
"Sofia is there something you want to tell us?" Miranda asks in a gentle but also terrifying way.
Sofia lets out an uncomfortable laugh, trying her hide herself under some blankets.
The view shifts to the Enchancia Royal Castle. It's very large and is on an island. It's connected to the mainland by a bridge.
"The kids will be here any minute, Miranda."
The view shifts to King Roland II and Queen Miranda standing on top of and looking over a large floor map to decide where to take Sofia, Amber, and James on their summer vacation.
"We have to figure out where we're taking them," Roland says as he's looking at the map.
"Wait you guys decided to wait until the day you leave to choose where to go for the summer?" Naomi asked.
"If you see what kind of mess we get into at least weekly, if we're lucky, then you would understand," Amber said thinking of the many things that would have kept them occupied.
"What about Corinthia?" Miranda suggests pointing to where Corinthia should be on the map.
Roland looks over at her and gives a small frown.
"I was hoping to go someplace we haven't been before. The kingdom could use another trading partner," he says as he takes a few steps closer to his wife.
"I know how being a ruler is difficult and requires a lot of work, but you should be thinking about having fun on vacation not about more work," Lucia said to Roland, causing the man to scratch the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Knowing dad, discussing trade is fun to him," James said.
Amber bursts through the door with James close behind her. They move towards their parents at a fast pace,
"We're home! So, where are we going, Daddy?" Amber asks with a smile.
Roland shrugs his shoulders.
"We're still trying to figure that out, Amber."
Meanwhile, Sofia is in her room. She takes off her book Baganda sets it on the floor. She walks over to the window seat and opens a large book that was laying on it, removing the key to the Secret Library from within.
Once again Sofia's family were looking at her intensely, making Sofia want the coach to just swallow her whole.
"Oh! Busted!" Luna joked, causing Sofia to be more uncomfortable.
Sofia approaches the wall that has a mouse-sized door to the Secret Library. She opens the tiny door and sits on the ground.
Sofia puts a hand on her amulet a says, "I wish to be small."
Sofia is enveloped in purple sparkles as the amulet shrinks her to mouse size. She stands up and skips over to the door, climb into it, and close it behind her.
"How in the world did that amulet do that? I know it was said to be magical but that is beyond what I would expect it to be able to do," Mateo said, clearly interested by it.
"Maybe it has to do with the literal person stuck inside it?" Gabe guessed.
"That actually is a good point."
Cut to the Secret Library, a beautiful large tree with purple leaves. It looks very magical and is surrounded by other trees.
"Wow that is so beautiful! I wonder what type of trees those are. They're unlike anything I have ever seen," Isabel said amazed, having finally seemed to recover from the shock and grief of earlier.
"That place looks so much fun!" Skylar said.
"Okay now I really want to go on the surface more!" Marisa exclaimed.
"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask this earlier because of the tension of earlier, but how do you have legs if you're a Sierna? Can all of you do that?" Mateo asked.
Marisa was a little surprised by the friendliness in Mateo's tone, but that surprised look was almost immediately replaced with a smile. "No, just my twin brother and I. I'm technically half Sierna and half human because my mother was actually born human, until my father turned her into a Sierna to save her from drowning."
Mateo was surprised by her answer to say the least. "Huh, interesting."
Sofia slides the key into the door of the Secret Library and the doors are magically unlocked, before the key falls back into Sofia's hands, as her amulet glows. She hurries inside as the bookshelves light up, before one is selected and magically flies down to her. When it reaches her, a stand magically appears for the book to settle on. On the cover is a gold-carved image of Princess Elena. Sofia is puzzled as she reads the title on the cover.
"The Lost Princess of...Avalor?" Sofia says in surprise as she starts to look at her amulet "Like the Amulet of Avalor?"
"Why would this library have a book about me?" Elena asked a little freaked out.
"All of the stories in that library are about actual people and events, but they aren't written by anyone. Many of them aren't even finished because the events in the book are still playing out. It is a magical library," Sofia answered.
At that, the stand vanishes as the book flies up into the top of the portal with a flip, and releases a blue wisp of magic into the portal below. Out of it emerges an elderly wizard with a grey beard and wearing purple robes. This is Alacazar, the Royal Wizard of Avalor.
"Exactly like the Amulet of Avalor!" says Alacazar
"I think that's my grandfather," Mateo said in shock.
Elena looked at the old man for a minute. "It does look and sound like him, just older than I remember, which makes sense."
"I can't believe I am actually seeing my grandfather, even if his is in a video!" Mateo said as he stood up, fangirling.
"We get it! You really admire your grandfather, but maybe you could quiet down so the rest of us could watch the movie?" Naomi said in a teasing manner.
Mateo blushed in embarrassment and quickly sat back down.
Sofia gasps in shock and surprise, looking a little weirded out.
Alacazar laughs at her reaction "Don't be so alarmed. I know I'm not the first talking book you've seen in here."
"How long have you been hiding this from us?" Miranda asked. She wasn't angry, but she did look a little hurt.
Sofia sighed "A while, I just didn't want to put anyone in danger."
Roland looked at his daughter, concerned. "So you're saying you have been doing stuff that is dangerous?"
Sofia's eyes widened as she realized her mistake. "I'm going to just stop talking now."
"Usually they just tell the stories," Sofia explains. "They don't talk to me."
"And what does that mean?" Esteban said a little annoyed.
"It's kinda like someone is just reading the book to you with no additional comments, but there is no person physically there," Sophia explained.
"Well this book was made by a powerful wizard," Alacazar says
"So how are the books usually made and how did his book even get there?" Marisa asked.
Sofia shrugged with a small hum of 'I don't know'.
"Me! Alacazar! The Royal Wizard of Avalor!" he says as he points to himself. "Well, I was a Royal Wizard, before I turned myself into a...talking book," he adds as he drifts over to Sofia's side and moves around her.
"Yep that is definitely Alacazar. He always had a strange sense of humor," Lucia said as the rest of the the royal family of Avalor nodded in agreement.
"Why did you do that?"
"It is a long story...which I am about to tell you. So, get comfy." Alacazar says as he moves in front of the portal. Using his magic, he summons a seat for Sofia and a bowl of fruit for her to snack on while he tells his story. Sofia is startled by when the seat is conjured for her and lets out a small yelp. Afterwards, she smiles as Alacazar begins to tell his tale
"A long story that will only take five minutes to explain," Carla said bored.
"Across the Great Ocean, in the enchanted kingdom of Avalor..." He has the portal conjure up a visage of Avalor as he continues to narrate. "There once lived a young princess named Elena..."
The vision shows Elena on her 15th birthday, her quinceanera, as it is celebrated by both family and friends from around Avalor, including her parents, King Raul and Queen Lucia, her grandparents, Francisco and Luisa, and her younger sister, Princess Isabel. Elena looks very happy and excited as her father sets down a cake in front of her. She looks like she could burst at any moment. Queen Lucia gives Elena the Amulet of Avalor as a birthday gift. At this point, the Amulet is red, not the purple it now was when Sofia inherited it.
"On her 15th birthday, her mother, Queen Lucia, gave her a magical amulet, the Amulet of Avalor, a family heirloom, passed down from generation to generation, that would protect her from harm," he says as the scene in the portal is shown.
The Royal family of Avalor smiled at the scene. Despite the terrible thing that had just witnessed, it was nice to be reminded of the good memories they all had.
The next scene shows Shuriki as she arrives in Avalor, watching as the carriage carrying Raul and Lucia flee from her into the Royal Palace. The royal guards driving it are heard shouting to their horses to hurry to try and escape the sorceress, who scowls angrily before grinning viciously as she goes after them as her first targets for elimination before her takeover.
"But one fateful day, Queen Shuriki, an evil, power-hungry sorceress from the Northern Islands, invaded Avalor. She attacked the King and Queen..."
Shuriki cuts down Raul and Lucia, along with their royal guards and horses using her magic. She then looks at the palace with a wicked smile on her face.
The room was in a somber and tense mood again. But if Elena's family felt affected by seeing this scene again then they tried their bests not to show it.
"Then set her sights upon the Palace."
Elena flees back into the palace in terror after seeing Shuriki murder her parents.
"Princess Elena, bravely chose to face Shuriki on her own..."
Shuriki appears that in a puff of green mist, confronts Elena, and prepares to murder her as well, before the scene cuts back to Alacazar and Sofia in the Secret Library.
"It looked more like she was running away to me," Carla muttered, but even she didn't dare say it loud enough for the royal family to hear.
"... so that her family would be spared." Alacazar says somberly.
"How? I mean it's not like Shuriki would spare anyone if she killed Elena?" Naomi asked.
"Perhaps she was trying to by enough time for them to escape the palace," Migs said.
Sofia lets out a small gasp. "I saw this my daydream," she says in surprise
"That was Elena's way of calling you here, so I could tell you the whole story. Now..."
Migs looked over at Sofia. "You seem strangely calm and unaffected from watching a murder happen before your eyes, kid."
"Probably because it wasn't very gory and I didn't know them. I feel bad but it's not the first time I've seen some messed up things," Sofia whispered in Mig's ear so that her already worried family would not confront her more.
Back to Shuriki as she prepares to murder Elena, and shoots a spell at her. Elena flinches as the spell hits the amulet and smoke covers the scene.
"When Shuriki tried to strike her down, the Amulet saved Elena, by pulling her inside it."
When the smoke and glare from Shuriki's spell hitting the Amulet clears, Elena is seen trapped inside, with the gem now the purple color it was in the present instead of the red from when Elena first received it. "No!" Elena yells from inside the amulet.
"I feel very conflicted. Elena's alive, but being stuck in an amulet for 41 years seems like fate worse than death," Isabel said.
Elena shivered and nodded in response.
Back to the Secret Library
"And that is how the Princess wound up inside your Amulet!" Alacazar explains.
"Why does he sound so lighthearted about that?" Esteban exclaimed.
"Because it's Alacazar," Francisco responded.
"There's a princess inside my Amulet?!" Sofia says in shock as she holds her amulet in one of her hands and looks at it with wide eyes.
"And she's been there for 41 years, but this is the most important part..."
"Honestly that explains so much," Sophia muttered, still not used to the idea that there was a living person in her
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