Sofia gets up from the seat when she learns of Elena being trapped inside her Amulet, and goes over to the portal as Alacazar continues his narration as he joins her.
"Shuriki had thought she had gotten rid of Elena...but she was wrong..." Alacazar says as he walks up to Sofia's side.
The portal now shows the amulet falling to the ground with a small clink. A younger Alacazar, with brown hair and beard, retrieves the amulet while Shuriki, paying no attention to him, departs in a cloud of green smoke to continue her takeover.
"How in the world does she not see him?! I know he's behind the stairs, but he's not exactly being stealthy either!" Gabe exclaimed.
"The larger the ego the easier it is to hide from them, especially if they're not looking for you specifically," Carla said, totally not speaking from experience.
"I soon discovered that the only way to get her out of the Amulet, was to find a special princess who could set her free."
"What the heck is that supposed to mean?" Luna asked.
The portal shows Alacazar as he flees Avalor to find that princess who could help Elena, but then shows him growing older and older, indicating the years that passed without finding that princess. The background changes to a different place as he changes in age.
"I searched the globe for years, until I grew too old to continue, and used the last of my magic to transform myself into this book, so that some day her story could have a happy ending," Alacazar says.
"When I go back home I am going to do Alacazar so many favors so that he knows how much I appreciate him," Elena says. He literally threw his life away for her, it was the least she could do. Even if he hadn't done it yet.
Her turns away from the portal and turns to look at Sofia. "And at last, it seems Elena finally found that princess we have been searching for."
Sofia looks at the Amulet, still taking in what's she now learned. "She chose me?!"
"Wait a second, how old are you Sofia?" Lucia asked.
There was one thought going through everyone's minds. How the heck was a nine year old doing stuff like this!
"You catch on quickly! I like that. Now, in order to free Elena..." Alacazar says as he goes from Sofia's side to a different section of the library. He brings up an image of Avalor to show Sofia what she needs to do to free Elena from the Amulet. " must travel to my home in Avalor, and summon my chanul."
"Wait, I have to do what?!" Sofia says not having any idea what he's talking about.
"I have no idea what half of the stuff he just said meant," James said. Most people gave some sort of noise of agreement.
The image in the portal changes to Alacazar's house. "Go to my home in Avalor and summon my chanul," he repeats unhelpfully. "But be careful, for Queen Shuriki still rules Avalor, and is as powerful and evil as ever. So you probably want to keep your distance," Alacazar says as he walks around Sofia.
"No dip Sherlock!" Amber yelled.
Sofia looks at the image of Alacazar's house in Avalor, but hangs her head, unsure if she can handle such a responsibility. Alacazar comforts her.
"I can see you are unsure. Listen, Elena tested many princesses before you. She granted them powers and curses, but you are the only one she chose, and she has been preparing you for this day since you first put on the Amulet. So you can do this if you choose to. Her story is in your hands now, Sofia. It is up to you how it ends."
"Did he say curses?" A very concerned Roland said.
"Yeah, I have been cursed a few times, but it was always to teach me a lesson for when I did something wrong," Sofia said.
With that, Alacazar returns to the portal and vanishes. Sofia ponders it over for a moment before going back to retrieve the key to the Secret Library. After looking at it, and the Amulet, Sofia makes up her mind, and with a smile, looks back towards her castle.
"We're going to have a nine year old try to overthrow a corrupt ruler aren't we?" Isabel said nervously.
Something seemed to have clicked in Carla's head. She let out a small laugh. "Wow, I did not think that the princess of Avalor had it in her."
"What is that supposed to mean?" Elena said glaring at her.
"I think I'll wait a while to see if you'll figure out what I mean," Carla said with a mischievous smirk.
Fade to Sofia running back down a corridor of the Enchancia Royal Palace, panting as she heads for the room where the rest of her family are, still in debate about where to go for their summer vacation. They are now looking at a map of the world, and James has apparently picked out their destination himself by throwing a dart. The choice is the North Pole.
" I don't care where the dart landed, James. We are not going to the North Pole," Roland says.
"Darn it!" James exclaimed. This got a laugh out of everyone in the room.
Sofia bursts into the room. "I know where we should go! We should go to Avalor!" she says as she turns a globe a points at where Avalor should be. Her family is puzzled by her choice.
"That's so far away."
"And we need to visit a kingdom we can trade with."
"How far away are your guys' kingdoms?" Marisa asked.
"A week long boat trip, if we're lucky," Miranda answered.
"I just read all about it, and Avalor is the perfect place for all of us!" Sofia says trying to assure her family.
"Does anyone else hear music?" Naomi asked looking very confused.
"You say you wanna go somewhere new
Well, I have just the new kingdom for you"
Sofia starts to turn the giant globe again.
"Why are you singing?" Mateo asked.
A note fell into his lap and he read it. "I don't know what Disney magic means mysterious force that sent us here!" he yelled to the ceiling.
"A special place that we all can explore
So let me tell you about Avalor"
Sofia's family is looking at her still confused.
"It's where everyone goes to trade
We can shop in their grand arcade"
Sofia starts shaking a snow globe... for some reason.
"I like her," Carla said, surprising everyone in the room. "She may be a goodie two shoes, but she's a master manipulator,"
And the moment was ruined.
"It has plenty of sights to see
And ancient ruins of mystery and beautiful scenery"
Sofia is climbing on top of some small book cases as she grabs a few random brochures.
"So let's get out of our Royal Home
And all set out for the Great Unknown"
Sofia throws the brochures in the air. She then runs over to a small stand with a pirate hat and puts in on.
"We'll chart a course of our very own
And take a leap into the Great Unknown
The Great Unknown"
Sofia grabs a telescope and starts to look through it. Her family is starting to get a lot more excited.
Intermission as the Royal Family voice their accepting her suggestion to go to Avalor.
"Avalor sounds great!" James says as he starts to run over to his sister.
"What an adventure it could be!"
"And good for the kingdom!"
"Just as long as we get to go shopping!" Amber says as she holds the snow globe up in the air.
"Is that all you think about Amber?" James asked.
"It's just how I enjoy myself James. There is nothing wrong with that."
"We'll take the Royal Galleon," Roland says as motions to a model of said ship. The faces of all the members of the Royal Family brighten at the thought of traveling to Avalor in style. Cut to said Royal Galleon as it departs from Enchancia to Avalor.
"That is an amazing ship!" Naomi gushed.
"Across the ocean as I set sail
I'm hoping that I won't fail
To find a Princess I've never met"
Sofia looks at the ocean from the end of the ship before moving away from the edge. She grabs her amulet with both hands and looks at it for a second. Instead of worried, she seems very determined and confident.
"I can't imagine how much pressure is being put on your shoulders, especially since you're so young," Lucia said worried.
"It would not be the first time," Sofia muttered
"And end my biggest story yet
And free her from my Amulet"
The rest of her family then starts to sing with her, surprisingly not hearing Sofia.
"Did they not hear her? Is everyone just hard of hearing?" Migs asked.
"So let's get out of our Royal Home
And all set out for the Great Unknown"
"And maybe pick up a brand new throne"
Amber is on her throne as she sings that line by herself. But after that the family goes back to singing together again.
James gives Amber a glance that screams seriously. He gets a pillow thrown in his face in response.
"Let's take a leap into the Great Unknown
The Great Unknown"
Sofia goes up to the ship's bow as the music takes on a more melancholy tune. She now looks a lot more worried about what is to come.
"As the trade winds begin to blow
There's so much that I still don't know
To free this Princess all on my own"
Sofia hugs her amulet close to her chest.
"Why do you feel like you have to do it alone? I know you are chosen, but that doesn't mean you can't ask for help," Elena said.
"What would you do if you were in my position?" Sofia asked.
Elena opens her mouth to speak, but then closes it again and thinks for a moment. "Fair point."
"Is such a leap
A journey deep"
The view changes to a beautiful view of the ocean.
"Into the Great Unknown"
The view changes back to Sofia as she looks at the horizon.
"Okay can I just say you all have amazing voices!" Marisa squealed.
"Of course that would be what the Sirena payed attention to," Naomi said giving Marisa a glare.
Marisa blushes and tries to hide herself behind Carla, who surprisingly lets her do it with no complaints.
The song ends as the Royal Galleon sails into the evening skies. Faint chatter is heard from the crew as the ship sails towards the horizon before it fades to black.
So it's been a while huh? *sweatdrops* I'm so sorry this took so long. This takes a long time to write and I had no motivation. My mental health took a negative turn these past few months and I decided that I didn't want to stress myself out over this. Don't worry, I'm fine! Nothing super bad happened, just enough to make me question if I need therapy. Thank you so much for all the support! It's because of that that I didn't give up on this! Updates might be slow because I have school, work, and other projects that I feel more passionate about. I have been working on my own original story and that is what I have been motivated to work on. (The prologue is on Wattpad). But hopefully you guys won't have to wait almost an entire year again. Love you all!!!
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