Elena and the Secret of Avalor Intro

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Elena slowly found herself waking up. She tried to pull the covers over herself, but there was nothing there. This confused Elena, so she sat up in her bed. The problem was that she wasn't in her bed. She was on a floor, in a strange strange room, with a bunch of other people there as well. Some still asleep and some were slowly waking up. Some people didn't even look like they were from Avalor.

Elena was more confused that anything. How did she end up here? The last thing she remembered was going to bed in the castle.


Elena quickly turned her head around to see her sister, Isabel, running over to her. Her abuela and abuelo were following behind at a slower pace. Isabel quickly jumped into her sister's arms and, luckily, Elena was able to catch her.

"Isa! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just glad you're here." Isabel said before letting go.

"Elena, thank goodness you're alright. Do you have any idea what's going on?" Lucia asked once she and Francisco caught up.

Elena was going to say something but a panicked scream echoed through out the room before she could.

"Daddy? Sofia? Where are we?!" A young blonde girl, around Isabel's age, was looking at a middle aged man, who was groggily getting up. A woman was next to him and seemed to be trying to calm the girl down. The girl was also holding on to the arm of another girl, who looked around the same age and was probably Sofia. She was wearing an amulet very similar to Elena's. But it couldn't be her amulet, it was purple, her's was red. Elena quickly noticed that they all had very regal clothing and the girls and the woman were wearing tiaras. They had to be rulers of a kingdom somewhere.

"Amber quiet down. I'm trying to sleep."

Elena soon noticed that there was another person by the supposed royals. There was a blonde boy, who looked like he was the same age as the young girls and somehow hadn't been startled awake. In fact he looked like a male version of the girl, supposedly named Amber, who screamed. Elena wouldn't be surprised if those two were siblings. Actually now that she thought about it the entire group looked like a family.

Amber started to shake the boy, trying to get him up. "James, wake up! This is a serious! We're not in the castle! I don't even know where we are!"

A male jaquin with bright yellow fur, and orange spots and feathers landed on the ground in front of Amber. He had a broad body and face. His eyes are green. "It's certainly not wherever you live or Avalor for that matter." he said.

Two other jaquins  landed beside him. One of them was another male with darker yellow fur, and dark blue spots and feathers. His eyes were the same blue as his feathers and spots. The other jaquin was a female with orange-red fur, and dark pink spots and feathers. Her eyes were amber. She was more naturally skinny than the other jaquin.

"Lighten up Migs! This could be an adventure!" The other male jaquin said.

"Talking animals. What's next? Are mermaids going to come here too?!" Amber exclaimed sarcastically.

"Watch it!"

The sound of the crash took Elena's attention. A girl with purple hair, and purple outfit with seashell like accessories was on top of another girl with black hair and common but nice clothing. The former looked embarrassed and apologetic, while the latter looked very annoyed.

"Can you get off of me?!" the annoyed girl exclaimed as she pushed the other girl off her back.

Another boy, who had watched the entire event it seemed, went over to the purple hair girl and offered his hand to help her. "You okay?" he asked as he pulled her up.

The girl's legs shook as she got up, and stumbled a little bit when she stood up. The boy grabbed onto her shoulder to help steady her. After a few moments the girl seemed to regain her balance and backed out of his grasp.

The girl looked at him with a grateful look. "Yeah I'm okay, I'm just a little shaken up. Thank you." She looked over at the other girl that she knocked over and went over to her. "I am so sorry! I'm not used to using my legs. Let me help. " She held out her hand to help the other girl up.

However the girl ignored the hand that had been held out to her and got up herself. "No thanks I'm good. I'd rather not fall back down again thank you very much. "

"What the hell is going on?!"

Elena once again turned in the direction of a voice. In another part of the room a blonde girl had just gotten up and looked very frustrated.

On the other side of the room a boy perked his head up at the voice.



Naomi ran across the room towards Mateo. She seemed relieved to see a friendly face. "Do you have any idea to what's going on here?"

Mateo shook his head. "I have no idea. But I think it might be the work of magic."

"But magic is banned in Avalor. The only person who can use magic is Shuriki, and I don't think she would go through the trouble of transporting us here. She probably doesn't even know who more than half of these people are." Naomi said.

Elena was certainly confused by Naomi's statement. Magic wasn't banned in Avalor and she had no idea who Shuriki was. Her parents were the rulers of Avalor and they would never ban magic. Something was definitely up. So she went over to Naomi and Mateo.

"What do you mean when you say that magic is banned in Avalor? The king and queen would never do that."

Naomi and Mateo looked at each other and then at Elena with a confused expression. 

Naomi was the one who decided to speak up. "Look, I don't know where you've been for the past half a century, but Avalor is only ruled by a queen, there's no king. Besides that ban is exactly something that Shuriki would do."

"Well the kingdom was ruled by a queen and a king before Shuriki, but they were killed. Just like the rest of the royal family," Mateo added somberly.

Elena's eyes widened with shock and horror. Did something happen while they are asleep? She started to speak, her voice shaking.

"Why do you think he royal family is de-"


Elena looked at where the voice was coming from. She saw a man, who looked like he was in his 60s. He looked at her in shock, joy, and another feeling that she couldn't recognize. He looked familiar.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" she asked.

The man looked a little taken aback, but he quickly recovered. "It's me, your cousin Esteban."

Elena looked at Esteban with complete shock. "Esteban? How are you so old?"

"How are you even here?" he countered. "I mean, how are you even al-"


The voice rang through out the room, immediately silencing the murmurs of panic. But no one was in the room to say those words. Instead a note fell into Elena's hands. She looked confused and looked over the paper. It told her to read the note aloud. She awkwardly cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. Everyone looked her with wide and panicked eyes.

Elena took a nervous breath and read the note aloud. "Hello everyone! Today you have been gathered here to watch the future." A disbelieving murmur went through the crowd, but Elena continued. "Now to clear up some confusion you are all from different timelines. So this future may be farther away for some people than others. Also you all should give a slight introduction of each other because you'll all be here for a while. Don't worry time isn't passing in any of your homes and you all won't age here either. If any of you need food or any additional things rooms will appear for your accommodations."

On cue a few rooms magically appeared, a kitchen, bathroom, beach, and some bedrooms. The room everyone was in was suddenly filled with couches, pillows, comfy chairs, and blankets. A giant screen was now occupying one of the walls. Astonishment and shock filled the crowd.

After Elena processed what just happened, she continued reading the note allowed. "Now I'm not going to lie, you're all going to see things that will upset you. Please don't try to hurt anyone. If you do try I will have to intervene, so try not to lash out violently. I know that this is all hard to believe and I am sorry for causing a inconvenience for you all. But I just want to help create a better future. Sincerely, a friend."

Esteban let out a huff. "Does someone seriously expect us to believe this? Someone is obviously pulling a cruel joke."

"I don't think this is a joke. How else can you explain our different ages, and how all of us got here," Elena said.

That seemed to quiet Esteban's doubts. No one else seemed to comment either so Elena spoke up again.

"Well we might as well introduce ourselves like the note said," Elena said mostly to herself. She raised her voice to make sure everyone could hear here. "My name is Elena Flores. I'm the princess of Avalor."

Her statement seemed to instill a lot of shock and disbelief in most of the crowd. Eventually Isabel stepped forward to introduce herself. "I'm princess Isabel, and Elena's younger sister."

Luisa was next. "My name is Luisa. I am Elena's and Isabel's abuela." The she gestured to Francisco, who was beside her. "This is my husband Francisco." In response Francisco just gave a curt bow.

Esteban rolled his eyes before reluctantly introducing himself. "I am Chancellor Esteban of Avalor." One of the girl's seemed to perk up at the statement, as if the name was familiar to her. Esteban looked like he was finished, but Elena gestured for him to keep going. He let out a long sigh before adding, "And I'm Elena's and Isabel's cousin."

Naomi introduced herself immediately after Esteban, with almost no hesitation. "The name's Naomi Turner! I work on the ports of Avalor with my dad."

For a few moments no one spoke until Naomi lightly hit Mateo in the side. He looked at her for a moment, slightly startled and a bit annoying, but he still decided to speak up. "My name is Mateo. I live in Avalor with my family." When he looked like he was done a piece of paper fell into his hands. He read it over for a second before he looked up, looking a bit unsure. "I am also Alakazar's grandson. He was former royal wizard of Avalor," he added. 

Elena looked at him in shock. Alakazar was the royal wizard of her family, and he was still quite young. If she remembered correctly he just had a daughter. She knew the note said they were from different timelines, but she didn't think it would have been so far apart! How would this benefit all of them? But Elena also felt a small sense of relief. At least she knew that it wasn't her parents who were overthrown. They would have stopped ruling a long time ago.

The guy, who had helped one of the girls up earlier, decided to introduce himself next. "My name is Gabriel Núñez. I live in Avalor with my family as well. Though I have no idea why I would be here. I don't have any important family relations," he said a bit sheepishly.

The girl, who had gotten fallen on top of earlier, stepped up. "The name's Carla Delgado. I don't exactly have a "home". I live on the road with my papa." She spoke with little interest, and seemed very annoyed. But no one could blame her for being cranky with this whole situation.

Elena and her family looked at Carla in surprise. Even more surprisingly, it was Esteban who spoke up. "Delgado? Do you happen to be related to Victor Delgado?"

Carla looked at Esteban with a look that screamed are you stupid.  "He's my papa, and he's told me all about you Chancellor Esteban." Her tone on the second part of the sentence was very aggressive sounding. It even caused Esteban to shift uncomfortably.

Elena on the other hand was, once again, surprised to see a future relative of someone she knew. But this one struck Elena harder since Victor was only a few years older than her. But now he has a daughter that was her age. It really showed how far away their timelines were.

After the somewhat awkward tension, looking both nervous and excited, the girl, who Gabe had helped out earlier, stepped up. "My name is Marisa. I'm the princess of Coronado."

Esteban raised a brow. "I have never heard of that kingdom before," he remarked. He had at least heard of most of the kingdoms, so it was natural for him to be suspicious.

Marisa looked a lot more nervous. Her eyes darted back and forth for a moment, debating on wether to speak or not. After a tense silence she took a deep breath. "That's because the kingdom's not on land. It's in the sea, where the Siernas live."

Among the Avalorans there was suddenly an outburst of panic and rage. So many questions were being asked and no one could tell what was being said due to all the noise. But Naomi had the worst, and most noticeable reaction by far. She stomped towards Marisa in rage, causing Marisa to try to make herself look smaller.

"So you mean to tell me that you are one of those murderous, evil, and untrustworthy Sirenas, who have killed thousands of sailors with no mercy," Naomi said her voice dangerously low. She was heavily glaring at Marisa.

Marisa, despite being extremely intimidated, almost immediately responded calmly. "Look I know about all of the terrible things that the Sirenas have done in the past, but I promise you that's not who we are anymore. Sirenas stopped sinking ships before I was born. All we want is peace, and I hope that one day Sirenas and humans can be friends."

Naomi didn't look like she believed Marisa at all. But she seemed to remember the whole no violence rule, so she held herself back. "Yeah, right. Nothing will change what you've done," Naomi said so quietly that only Marisa could hear before stomping away.

Seeing that no one else was willing to confront her on her heritage, Marisa let out a small sigh of relief. But for a bit there was a tense silence, full of muttering and small glares.

Luckily a certain jaquin was willing to break the silence and relieve some of the tension. "Come on guys! There's no reason to make this experience no fun!" the blue spotted jaquin said. He took off in the air and started to do some tricks. Once he was finished he said, "I'm Skylar, the most fun jaquin in all of Avalor!" He landed right next to the female jaquin.

Skylar's attempt to lighten the mood seemed to work for the most part. There were smiles on some people's faces, and no one seemed to give Marisa any mind anymore. The female jaquin next to Skylar spoke up. "The name's Luna! The other jaquin beside me is Migs if you haven't heard. He's a little boring, but he's a good guy."

"Well someone has to keep an eye on you two! You both are always getting into trouble," Migs remarked.

There were a few laughs from the jaquin's actions. The lighter tone seemed to encourage the other family of royals, who seemed to be the only people not from Avalor or neighboring kingdoms. The adult male spoke first. "My name is King Roland of Enchancia, and this is my wife Miranda." He gestured to the woman next to him. Miranda gave a warm smile. "It's nice to meet all of you."

Many people were shocked at the statement. Enchancia was so far away from Avalor! How could this future affect them as well? Nonetheless no one spoke up enough to discourage anyone else from speaking.

Sofia was next to introduce herself. But before she started she gave Elena a questioning gaze, which startled her. It looked like Sofia was trying to figure something out. "My name is Sofia. I really hope we can all become good friends here."

Amber was next to speak. "I'm princess Amber and the boy pestering the jaquins is my younger twin brother James," she said in a professional manner. "Now James stop fooling around and come back here!" she yelled.

Elena hadn't noticed before but James had, at some point, left his family's side went over to the jaquins. He was trying, and failing to get on Mig's back. "Lighten up Amber! I'm just having some fun!"

After several minutes of multiple people trying to get James off of the jaquins, everyone was finally rounded up, but were wondering what to do next. "Well I guess since we have all introduced ourselves we can staring watching the visions. But I'm not exactly sure how we're going to do that." Elena said loud enough for everyone here.

"There's something over here with a note! It says that it's for the screen. We can use it to watch and/or pause the visions."

Everyone turned around to see Marisa on one of the couches, waving a remote in the air. Some people were still reluctant to trust the Sierna, but eventually they all sat down in places all over the area. Everything was comfortable.

"Alright Marisa. You can start the vision now," Elena said with a smile. She was fully aware of what the Sirenas had done. But Marisa had been nothing but friendly so far, so Elena wasn't going to be hostile towards her. It wasn't like she was going to be able to do anything bad here anyway.

"You got it princess!" Marisa exclaimed before pressing play and letting the vision start.

The special opened on a panoramic view of Avalor. Disney Elena and the Secret of Avalor appeared on screen with a magical effect, before disappearing with the same effect.

"What's Disney?" Skylar asked. Everyone mirrored his confused look.

"Maybe its the person who sent us here?" Mateo guessed. A note fell into his lap, and he read it aloud. "If I were to explain that then things would get a lot more complicated. Just ignore it for now. I promise it isn't that important."

People still had questions, but drew their attention back to the screen anyway.

The scene cut to a shot of Elena and Naomi making their way up a path towards a large waterfall. Elena was the first to get up there. She let off a sigh of relief once at the summit. It is revealed to be where one has a panoramic view of Avalor City itself.

"Wow! That's an amazing view. I wish we had a place like that," Amber said.

Marisa looked amazed as well. "Maybe I should start exploring the land more. I've been missing out on some wonderful sights!"

Naomi was trailing feather behind Elena, as Elena made it to the summit. "Whoo! Well, Naomi, here we are. My favorite view of the city."


This exclamation was from Elena and Naomi. They both looked at each other for a moment.

"How is it even possible that we're friends?!" Naomi exclaimed. "No offense."

"None taken. I know what you meant. Plus you're right. We're not even from the same timeline," Elena said, shocked as well.

"Maybe if you all shut up, we could find out," Carla said annoyed.

"You were right, Elena. It was worth the hike. Even if there was no path," Naomi said as she brushed the dust of of her dress.

Elena looks at Naomi with a smile on her face. "Well, there used to be one," she muttered as Naomi started to mess with her skirt. "But I haven't been up here in...41 years," she said sadly.


"But she's still so young! How could it have been 41 years?!"? Miranda exclaimed.

"Never mind the friendship actually makes some sense now," Naomi said.

Elena was in a shocked silence. Did that mean that her parents weren't okay? Did she outlive he rest of her familia? She was pulled out of her shock when she felt a small hand grip her's. She looked over and saw Isabel giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, but she didn't take her eyes off the screen.

Naomi let go of her skirt and looked

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