"UZUKI IS HERE!? WHERE!?" Kaminari yelped, looking around.
"Shut up, idiot! You'll attract more attention to us! Obviously Izuku is Uzuki!" Jiro smacked him lightly, hissing. She herself couldn't believe it, but all the evidence was practically staring at them in the face and they were the ones that kept denying it.
Bakugou resisted the urge to facepalm. Of course Midoriya had to be Uzuki. The little quirkless Deku was always running into trouble somehow.
"Izuku is Uzuki!?" Kaminari shrieked once again, and this time Ojiro stuck his fluffy tail in Kaminari's face to shut him up. Everyone else was staring at the short boy with green hair, clad in a hoodie that was equally green.
"If you want to kill All Might then just go after him! Leave the students alone!" Midoriya growled.
"You! You've been a pain in our side for so long!" Shigaraki hissed, "I'm surprised you're still up and running after all we did to you!"
"Like you did much anyways. You're not so great without your friend, are you!?" Midoriya shot back.
"He's a bit occupied at the moment." Shigaraki gestured towards the large towering black figure beside him, before flexing a hand, "Do you want me to disintegrate you again?!"
"You never really disintegrated me! Just my wrist and shoulder. And then probably dislocated another shoulder! And maybe just broke a few ribs. Honestly, you didn't really hurt me much! Even your stupid lackeys did more damage than you! You're the literal definition of a facepalm. Look, you even have one on display as an example! Congrats! Want a gold star on being an exemplary student on how to facepalm? I mean, you are in a school, you know?" Midoriya angrily mocked.
Aizawa just glanced incredulously in Midoriya's direction. Shigaraki had obviously done quite a bit of damage to him, if anything Aizawa saw when he picked up the beaten and bloody child that he had almost mistaken for a corpse was any indication. And here he was, sassing his tormentors all the way to hell and back, albeit angrily.
Note to self - When normal, Izuku's teasing is just funny and lighthearted. When angry, his teasing is downright insulting and degrading and he didn't know why but it felt so good watching the problem child annoying the villains to no end.
"Izuku. Stay and protect them. I'll take care of the villains." Aizawa ordered.
"No!" Midoriya protested. "You and I both know you cannot take all of them down."
Aizawa and Midoriya had a mini staring contest, before Midoriya sighed, and turned away.
"Fine. Only because you'll fight better with less distractions." Midoriya relented, gritting his teeth.
"Tch. Problem child."
Aizawa let his capture weapon flare out as he leapt down the stairs, his hair flying wildly behind him.
Three figures positioned themselves in front of Aizawa, but Aizawa erased their quirks and lashed his capture weapon, tossing them into the air and bashing their heads together. A heteromorphic villain rushed him, but Aizawa just stepped back, dodged the punch and spun into the villain's face, smashing his fist into the villain's face.
Aizawa grabbed the villain with his capture weapon, and swung under another punch, before kicking the attacker back into a group of villain and smashed the heteromorphic villain into the bunch, his weapon snaking back towards him before resting around his neck once again as his hair elegantly floated back down to his shoulders.
The Erasure Hero lashed out again, kicking and punching his way through the hoard of villains and generally being badass and kicking ass.
Midoriya stayed at the back of the group, as he constantly looked backwards in case any villain made their way up the stairs.
Aizawa blinked.
In an instant, Kurogiri teleported in front of the group, and the students halted in their tracks.
"Get out of the way, Kurogiri." Midoriya hissed, putting on his mask. He had no need for his goggles right now. He made his way to the front of the group, his classmates parting to make a path for him, the mask and colour scheme finally registering to the students that yes, Midoriya was Uzuki, one of the most reckless, cheeky vigilantes around.
"I'm flattered that you know my name. Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. We have invited ourselves into the home of the heroes, UA High School, in order to kill All Might, the symbol of peace. I believe he should have been here. Was there a change?"
"We heard you the first time, now shoo. Clearly you're getting old if you forgot what Facepalm said like... three minutes ago." Midoriya snarled, venom dripping metaphorically from his words. "I should have realised that Facepalm was the one who disintegrated the UA barrier."
"You really are asking to be beaten up again, are you?" Kurogiri patronisingly asked, opening a portal and dropping a few villains in front of them.
The students didn't even see Midoriya move.
Midoriya lashed out with deadly accuracy, weaving between the villains and jabbing his fists straight in their guts, knocking them out in the blink of an eye. He grabbed his remaining knife and took a swing at Kurogiri, who just dodged.
"Tch. Get back here! Stop running! Unless you're telling me you're scared of a kid!" Midoriya spat, as Kurogiri once again dodged his knife attack and teleported away.
"He.. really was toying with us." Kirishima muttered out. In the hero lessons, Midoriya was trying to advise them, tell them how to improve and encourage them, and they could clearly see him moving around. Midoriya had moved so quickly, taking out multiple villains and none of them had even noticed him leave his spot in the front of the group. They were glad that Midoriya knew how to hold back; if he had just done that every single time in the simulation, none of them would even learn anything, and would probably be suffering from a few broken bones. Uzuki really lived up to his name.
"I guess you really are more feisty when you're not half starved and bleeding out, huh?" Kurogiri stated.
"Obviously. Apparently you didn't take your biology lessons properly." Midoriya drawled. "Well. We're in a school. Now's a good time to start. Better late than never, no?"
"I see you're as annoying as usual. Even when facing inevitable death you're still insulting and mocking us. I should have known UA would take you in when they saved you. You're an excellent golden egg. Even with your quirk neutralised and all chained up, you were still so snarky and determined. I'm sure if those heroes didn't come and save you, you would have died, and yet you fought back even when you were delirious and bleeding out."
The class stared at Kurogiri as his words registered in their minds.
Midoriya almost died. And here he was, insulting the very villains that almost took his life. He was amazing.
"Truly impressive. Sadly, you're not our aim now. I look forward to watching you bleed again. You and your friends." Kurogiri replied. He extended his portal, and it enveloped the entire class, whisking them away.
Iida lunged, grabbing Uraraka and Sato and escaping from Kurogiri's misty grasp. Shoji had pinned Sero and Ashido down, and they all looked up as the wind finally died down.
Midoriya had ended up in the water.
Yay. He thought with sarcasm. Shipwreck Zone. There will definitely be some water enemies here. Weak to electricity. Salt water. Explosions are good.
He immediately kicked his way towards the surface, just as a shark villain swam at him.
"I don't have anything against you, but see ya!" He yelled, barring his teeth.
Midoriya's mobility wasn't as good in water as it was on land, but he was good enough. Midoriya lashed out, kicking the shark in the face and using him as a footing, kicked off. He burst out of the water, and Asui grabbed him with her tongue from the boat.
Apparently she had saved Shinsou from another angler fish villain, and had hauled him up onto the boat alongside Mineta.
"Thanks Tsu-chan. I would have had some trouble getting up here." Midoriya thanked her.
All four of them stared at the water, where they saw a multitude of villains swimming around.
"Are you... really Uzuki?" Asui asked.
"Yep." Midoriya didn't even try denying it, "Heads up. These guys may just be cannon fodder, but they probably have pretty nasty quirks. They clearly don't know our quirks. Or they would have tossed Tsu-chan in the the Fire Zone."
"Cannon... fodder..!?" Mineta shrieked. "What's that?"
Midoriya just glared at Mineta, "They plan to overwhelm us with numbers. Now shut up and let me think."
Midoriya briefly glanced at the villains in the water. They were swimming around, talking amongst themselves, making absolutely no indication of wanting to scale the boat.
"They're just waiting to pounce. Keep an eye on them and away from the ship. Give me three minutes." Midoriya ordered, ignoring Mineta's protesting, and entered the ship. "Toshi, come with me."
Midoriya found the control room of the ship, and pried off the control panel, revealing a multitude of wires and sockets. He hastily pulled them out, before ripping the steering wheel with a long metal bar.
"What... are you doing?" Shinsou hesitantly asked, as Midoriya tore the entire control room apart and stripping it of its parts.
"Give me that." Midoriya said, and Shinsou hurriedly grab the lighter that was innocently sitting on the ground. Midoriya set to work, throwing pieces of metal and wires together and occasionally asking Shinsou to hold the pieces down as he welded them together with the lighter.
Way faster than Shinsou thought was possible, Midoriya finished some weird contraption with metal sticking out of it. Midoriya flipped the switch, hummed as the lights lit up, and flipped the switch back to its original position. Midoriya slipped the lighter into his pouch, before standing up and grabbing a long metal pole that was originally a railing.
"Alright. Let's go." Midoriya said.
Emerging from the ship, Mineta asked, "What is that?"
Midoriya just gave Mineta a wolfish grin, scaring the smaller boy, "A bomb."
"What!?" Mineta shrieked.
"This is the shipwreck zone. It's salt water. When it flows into it, it will overload and explode. That's the best I could do with the limited stuff in here. I can't blow them up, but when you apply enough force to the water's surface, it will explode outwards, before eventually rushing back to the point of impact. It's basic physics." Midoriya grumbled.
"Tsu-chan, when I throw the bomb, try to get us as far away from the boat. Mineta-kun, throw those sticky orbs into the water as well. Toshi, try to convince them to have a little cuddle fest."
Shinsou gave him a thumbs up. He didn't know how to build bombs, but he was very persuasive.
"You want us to fight back? It's not like they can beat All Might. He'll come and pound them to dust!" Mineta whined.
"Do you really think that they would come after All Might without something to beat him with?" Shinsou deadpanned.
Midoriya said. "They aren't advancing, and they definitely think this would be a fight in the water. Do you want to get out of here and wait for them to start hammering away at the boat and become fish food?"
Mineta shook his head.
"Tsu-chan, do you think you're strong enough to carry all three of us?" Midoriya asked.
"Yep, kero. No offence, both you and Shinsou-chan are super light." Asui replied, nodding.
Grinning, Midoriya flipped the switch and chucked the device into the water. It exploded with a bang, sending water flying all over the place. Asui grabbed Mineta and Shinsou, before wrapping her tongue around Midoriya as she leapt off the boat.
Crying, Mineta pulled the purple sticky orbs off his head as fast as he could.
"Hey. You guys really have the brains of fish." Shinsou called out, as the water was starting to converge back to the source of impact. He could control quite a few people at once, but that sapped a lot of his energy and he couldn't do it for more than a few seconds before he got a pounding migraine.
"What did he say?!" "How dare you!" "Get him!" "I will kill - "
Shinsou grinned. Perfect.
"Swim to the center of the whirpool." Shinsou ordered.
At once the villains followed the order, swimming and bumping into Mineta's sticky orbs and each other.
Shinsou released his quirk before his head started throbbing, but that was all they needed for the villains to get stuck to each other as they shrieked in confusion.
"You guys are amazing." Asui praised as the water finally rushed back to the source and erupted in a geyser of salt water.
Todoroki stamped his foot on the ground, and ice spread from his foot, enveloping the villains around him and freezing them.
"It's pathetic to lose against a single child. Get a hold of yourselves. You're adults, aren't you?" Todoroki grunted, surveying his surroundings. He was somewhere in the Landslide Zone, and he heard a loud explosion go off somewhere. He hoped his classmates, especially Midoriya, were okay.
"Scatter and kill us? I hate to say this, but you just look like a bunch of guys with quirks and have no idea how to use them. I'm sure someone could find a way to use your quirks for something far better than this."
Like Izuku, Todoroki thought. He grew up without a quirk. I bet when he was younger, he would have wished he could find some way just to get a quirk. Our generation being quirkless is practically unheard of. He must have been picked on a lot as a kid.
"The instant we warped here..." One villain spluttered, "Is he really a kid?"
Todoroki just trudged down the ice, ignoring the villains' pained groans and wails.
A villain popped up behind him, brandishing a staff, but Todoroki just grabbed the staff and froze him in place.
These guys are just thugs. There's only a few strong guys. Shigaraki, the hand guy, is definately someone troublesome, if how Izuku reacted to him meant anything. Kurogiri as well, and that hulking figure beside Shigaraki. I should get some information.
"Hey, your cells will slowly freeze and die at this rate. I want to be a hero so I'd rather not kill anyone. Why do you think you can kill All Might? What's your plan?" Todoroki asked, holding a freezing hand to a villain's face.
He sneezed. Someone must be thinking about him. He never sneezed from the cold, since his quirk was practically half ice.
Roaring, Bakugou smashed his palm into and enemy, as Kirishima charged two more and knocked them over like bowling pins. Both of them were in the Collapse Zone, trapped in a building, surrounded by enemies.
"DIE!" Bakugou shrieked, blasting an enemy away. "They're so weak! Is that all!?"
"Alright." Kirishima faced the explosive teen as he smashed another villain down, "We're good. Let's go help the others! If we're here, everyone else should be in here too. Some of the guys with less offensive quirks might be in trouble!"
"I'm gonna kill that warp gate!" Bakugou growled.
"Stop acting childish at a time like this! It's so unmanly!" Kirishima retorted.
"I can only see three or four important people. Facepalm, the big Birdface next to him, Warp Gate and that guy jamming the signals. If the others are facing fodder like these, then they should have no problems." Bakugou snorted, just as a guy with a chameleon quirk attempted a sneak attack and got an explosion right to the skull, courtesy of Bakugou.
"Go help the extras if you want to, Spikey Hair. I'm going after Misty Fuck."
"Wait! Believing in our friends is super manly!"
"I'll follow you!" Kirishima declared, hardening his fists as he grinned at Bakugou.
"Tch. You look out for fucking Deku. I bet you he's probably fighting one of em already. That fucking idiot better not die again."
Yaoyorozu pulled out a metal pole for herself and a long knife for Jiro. They were on the Mountain Zone, back against a large rock as Kaminari ran to join them.
"Hey! Gimmie a weapon!" Kaminari whined, dodging an attack.
"You're the electric guy!" Jiro yelled, "Shock em!"
"I can't control it that well! I'll shock you guys too! I really wish I had that support item that Izuku was thinking about." Kaminari groaned.
"When did you guys become so chummy anyways?" Jiro asked, eyeing the villains.
"Later. Now we need to figure out how to get away from these people." Yaoyozoru yelped.
"We can't call for help. There's interference." Kaminari reported.
Jiro just kicked Kaminari into a villain that tried to punch him.
"It's working!" Kaminari cheered, "Leave it to me!"
Jiro blasted another guy with a tail into Kaminari, before hammering soundwaves after another group of villains. Yaoyorozu made a net, trapping a villain, and he crashed into the electric pile.
Another villain jumped up behind them, but Jiro dodged the attack and Yaoyorozu slammed her foot into his face.
A large sheet burst out from Yaoyorozu's back, and she grinned, "It's an insulation sheet a hundred milimetres thick. Kaminari, you're good to go!"
"All right!" Kaminari smiled, before releasing his electricity and shocking everyone else in the vicinity. He reigned himself in before he short circuited himself, "Whew. Yes! Boo yah!"
"I'm worried about the others. Let's rejoin them." Yaoyorozu said.
"Wait! Your clothes!" Jiro yelped, covering her up as Kaminari jumped about and cheered.
"Just... give me a second... I can remake them." Yaoyorozu smiled.
A hand erupted from the ground, and made a mad grab at Kaminiari who was cheering like an idiot.
"Don't move! Or he get's fried!" The man snarled, shoving an electric hand right in Kaminari's face.
Midoriya's words echoed in his mind.
"Don't hesitate! Just attack! Your hesitation could have gotten her killed!"
Kaminari shoved a fist right in the villain's face, knocking him out.
"Whew... thanks Kaminari. Luckily you didn't short circuit again, that could have gotten much worse." Yaoyorozu nodded, finally finishing her shirt and wore it.
"Let's make our way back. I believe the entrance is there." Jiro pointed, "I can hear Sato telling Iida to run out."
Koda and Tokoyami stood back to back, facing villains that poured in all them in the Squall Zone.
Kodo gave a small yelp as some villains ran after him, but Tokoyami pushed them away with Dark Shadow.
"There aren't any animals here, but there's not much light either. We should be fine." Tokoyami tried to reassure the scared boy, "As long as we stick together, we can hold them off."
Another batch rushed them, but Tokoyami smashed them into a wall, "That makes six. If we can reduce the enemies numbers little by little, until help comes, we'll make it."
Koda quickly signed to Tokoyami, Can Dark Shadow fly us out?
Tokoyami shook his head, "He can fly, yes, but to use him as a form of transport is unlikely. I probably can't ride on him. Let's just smash our way out of here."
Koda nodded, pointing upwards, Get Dark Shadow to give us a visual. Then we'll make our way
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