Everyone stared at the laughing boy, like he had a screw loose or something.
He probably did, given he was bleeding out, and was cackling like a maniac.
"What?" He asked, staring at Shigaraki, who still had that damned hand on his face. He couldn't see Shigaraki's expression, but he was sure that Shigaraki was currently very, very confused, angry, mad, confused even more, upset, on the verge of throwing a man child tantrum, and even more confused.
"Do you want me to say, "Oh no! I'm still quirkless! Ahhh! What should I do?" ?" Midoriya asked sarcastically, "Like seriously, Facepalm. Quirkless people exist, ya know. There is a difference between eighty percent and a hundred percent. That's literally a twenty percent difference, Facepalm."
Still completely and utterly confused, Shigaraki just replied as his head spun from the revelation, "I know there's a difference."
"You do? I'm so proud of you Facepalm! Gold star for maths!" Midoriya grinned.
Shigaraki finally managed to get his bearings, when he finally snarled at the quirkless vigilante, "SHUT UP BRAT!"
Bakugou was just sitting on the ground, stunned. He hadn't even seen the Nomu move, and he was wondering why he hadn't been slashed open yet.
"He's... quirkless!? No way!" Sero yelped, "He's lying, right? He's just trying to unnerve them."
Shinsou shook his head. "He is. He always has been. But he's still Midoriya Izuku. Regardless if he has as quirk or not."
"Of course!" Kaminari grinned, "Izuku is always Izuku!"
"But... how is he still standing!?" Mineta demanded.
"Well... would it matter anyway? If he had a quirk, he'll be quirkless now, wouldn't he? Isn't it better that he's quirkless so he's still fine, kero?" Asui asked.
"If he's quirkless... and he kicked all our butts in hero training... what would he do if he had a quirk!?" Ashido yelled.
"Well he doesn't!" Shinsou snapped.
Shigaraki snarled. Uzuki was quirkless? The vigilante that had been such a huge pain in their butts for so long was quirkless!?
Midoriya was clearly not thinking straight. He was stumbling, and couldn't even walk in a straight line properly. He was clearly drugged and out of it.
"Nomu!" Shigaraki snarled.
The Nomu charged at Midoriya, who was in absolutely no shape to dodge it. Yagi pushed the boy out of the way, tanking the hit. He attempted to grapple the Nomu, but that got nowhere.
"Get the kid!" Shigaraki yelled hysterically. He was mad. Very mad. He was violently scratching at his neck as his blood burned in anger. He had been toying with them, playing with them.
Shigaraki hated being toyed with.
But All Might was there to protect the kid. There was only one way to get Uzuki.
Get rid of All Might.
"Violence for the sake of others makes it admirable? You know what!? I'm angry! I'm angry that the world categorises the same violent acts as heroic or villainous. Deciding what's good and what's bad! What's with this - "
He was very rudely interrupted by one green haired student.
"Of course you would say that! Are you that dumb, Facepalm?" Midoriya slurred. His vision was starting to blur, but Shigaraki was right in the middle of his vision, perfectly focussed. "You say that right after you tried to kill a kid like... i dunno... ten times? Twenty? How many people have you guys tortured and killed, huh?"
He had no idea how he was still coherent. Or maybe he was dreaming and he wasn't actually awake, "You guys just go up and hurt people for no reason. And the heroes try to defend the innocent! Except for a few fire breathing shitheads." Midoriya spat, "Of course, you really don't know, do you, Facepalm? Is that poor little brain of yours being squeezed by those hands on your head?"
"YOU INSUFFERABLE BRAT!" Shigaraki screeched. "Nomu! Deal with All Might! The kid is mine!"
The Nomu and Yagi charged at each other, matching each other's fists. Their punches off blast after blast, preventing Kurogiri and Shigaraki from doing anything to advance.
Todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima were pushed back. Midoriya tried to remain standing, but one powerful blast of wind sent him tumbling to the ground.
Dammit... I can't pass out yet... Kacchan, Sho-kun and Kirishima-kun are still there...
Yagi and the Nomu kept up their flurry of punches. The Nomu got a good punch on Yagi's injured side, but the Symbol of Peace wasn't deterred on bit. Yagi kept up the attack, punching the Nomu over and over.
"Made to fight me? If you can withstand me at a hundred percent, then I'll force you to surrender from beyond that!"
Young Izuku gave it his all when fighting these villains.
"A hero can always break out of a tough spot!"
All the students did so. Young Bakugou, Young Todoroki, Young Kirishima, everyone!
"Have you ever heard the words?"
I can't let them all down by not giving my all right now!
"Go beyond! Plus Ultra!"
Yagi roared, sending the Nomu flying out of the USJ and into the sky.
"Oi... that kinda strength is crazy!" Kirishima grinned.
"What insane power..." Bakugou muttered.
"I'm sure we'd like to end this as soon as possible." Yagi smiled. The Nomu took orders from Shigaraki and Shigaraki alone. He wouldn't be coming back any time soon. They were almost out of the clear. Iida should be getting back any time with the other pros.
"I can't believe you did that! You cheated!" Shigaraki snarled. "Sensei said you were weaker! What's going on?"
He started scratching at his neck furiously. Did he lie to me?
"What's wrong? You're not coming? Didn't you say you're clear this? Come at get me if you can!" Yagi looked at the villains. His time was up. He was bluffing. If he was lucky... they would leave, or the other pros would come. If he wasn't... he was done for, "Well? What's wrong?"
"If only I had Nomu..." Shigaraki hissed as he continued to scratch at his neck, "He would be able to go up against All Might without thinking anything!"
Kurogiri leaned over to talk to Shigaraki, "Look. He's clearly been damaged by the Nomu's attacks and is weakened. Besides, the kids are frozen in fear and I don't think Uzuki is in any shape to do anything right now. We probably only have a few minutes before reinforcements come. If we work together, we can take down All Might."
"You're right. We have no choice but to do it. The last boss is right here, with one hp." Shigaraki muttered. He ran out, hand outstretched, "This is revenge for Nomu!"
Midoriya's vision was hazy. He couldn't see.
He blinked.
Did Kurogiri and Facepalm get closer to All Might?
He wanted to move. He couldn't. Yagi was at his limit. Neither of them could move. Yagi was All Might. He had reached his limit. He couldn't move.
I want to move! I need to move! They'll kill All Might-sensei and it's all my fault-
"SHITTY HAIR YOU IDIOT!" Bakugou yelled.
Kirishima charged at Kurogiri, aiming for the metal plates on his neck. Suddenly, Shigaraki's hand was right in his face.
The sharp whistle of a bullet flew by, imbedding itself in Shigaraki's hand.
"I, Class 1-A representative, Iida Tenya, has now returned!"
"Sorry everyone! I gathered everyone who was immediately available!" Nezu cheerfully announced.
Some villains started shooting the pro heroes, but Yamada just fired off a small yell at them.
"Split up and protect the students!" Nezu ordered.
"Careful! Izuku is there and they drugged him or something!" Kaminari yelped.
Midoriya finally managed to push himself to his feet. His chest was throbbing, and his head felt like it was splitting apart from the headache pounding away at his head.
"Hey! It's the kid! Get him!" A villain yelled.
"Izu! Watch out!" Shinsou yelled down the stairs.
They were all too far away to help. Yamada might hit him with his attack, he was right between the heroes and villains and none of them had far ranged attacks that wouldn't risk hitting Izu. Snipe and Ectoplasm couldn't do anything unless they knew what Izu was going to do or they risked injuring him further -
A drugged Midoriya was even more dangerous than the normal, crazy, reckless Midoriya.
With a feral cry, Midoriya lashed out at the villains, kicking and punching everything and anything in front of him that moved. He ran directly into the group, kicking one across the chest and punched another. He landed, punching a villain right in the face and pushed him back towards the other villains.
"FACEPALM! GET BACK HERE!" He roared, as he smashed another villain in the ribs. He landed wrongly, and tumbled into another villian. Dammit... my body's not moving the way I want it to...
"Aw man. They're here..." Shigaraki groaned, clutching his bleeding hand, "It's game over now. Should we go home and try again, Kuro - "
He yelped as his arm and legs suddenly blossomed with pain, Snipe having shot them before Kurogiri managed to warp a misty portal over Shigaraki to cover him.
Kurogiri tensed up as Thirteen activated their Black Hole quirk on him, trying to suck him up.
"I may have failed this time, but I will kill you next time, Symbol of Peace!" Shigaraki hissed as Kurogiri teleported him away.
With Shigaraki and Kurogiri gone, Todoroki had gone over to the drugged Midoriya who was starting to slow down. He froze a bunch of the villains, before carefully approaching Midoriya.
Midoriya was about to lunge at him when he realised that he had called him by his real name.
"I... who?"
"It's me. Todoroki Shoto." Todoroki raised his hands up, as if he were approaching a scared wild animal.
Midoriya grinned, "Sho-kun..." He fell over, but Todoroki caught him before he hit the ground.
He's too light! Way too light for a person our age!
"Izu! Is he okay!?" Shinsou yelped, running down the stairs and stopping before he crashed into the duo.
"I.. think so." Todoroki replied.
"Oh... hi... Toshi..." Midoriya mumbled as he swam in and out of consciousness, "Is... everyone okay..?"
"Think about yourself first!" Shinsou groaned.
"I..wanna see.. them.." Midoriya tried to take a step, but Todoroki had a firm grip of him in case he fell, "Come on. We can carry you up the stairs if you want to see them. It's not good for you to move in that state."
Shinsou heaved a sigh of relief as Midoriya hummed in acceptance, and Todoroki carefully shifted the boy so he was being held between both Todoroki and Shinsou. They carefully made their way up the stairs, avoiding the rubble or anything that might potentially harm the injured vigilante.
"Izuku! You're alive!" Sero grinned. Uraraka and Ashido had ended up hugging each other while crying, and Asui gave a small "kero" in relief that Midoriya was fine. Mineta had clung to Yaoyorozu's leg in pretence of crying over Midoriya, but Jiro smacked him away, while restraining Kaminari from running over to them and hugging the life out of Midoriya. Dark Shadow and Sato were helping to hold Thirteen up and they both shot Midoriya thumbs up, as Tokoyami nodded in their direction. Shoji was holding Aizawa and Aoyoma was hiding behind him.
"Where... Hagakure-san ... Ojiro-kun..." Midoriya muttered.
Nezu heard him, "Power Loader has already gone to the Fire Zone to pick them up."
"Thank... god... you guys are okay..." Midoriya gave a small smile before he passed out like a light.
Everyone panicked when Midoriya suddenly slumped in Shinsou and Todoroki's grasp, but Todoroki just calmly said, "Don't worry. He passed out. His injuries, plus the drugs in his systems, probably knocked him out."
On the outside, Todoroki was calm, and cool.
Internally, Todoroki was screeching. His eyes darted over Midoriya's body' trying to pick up on any signs that he was alive. He finally picked up on the small puff of condensed air Midoriya made when he exhaled, since he was leaning on Todoroki's right side.
"I can't believe we let them escape after they trespassed." Kayama groaned.
"Well you didn't have that attitude when Izuku trespassed." Kan muttered, trying to lighten the situation.
"To be fair, he didn't come to hurt anyone." Kayama retorted.
"They completely caught is off guard." Nezu grinned, but his tone was grim, "We must make sure the students are safe. Bakugou and Kirishima are in the plaza with All Might, and Cementoss is dealing with them. Power Loader is with Ojiro and Hagakure in the Fire Zone. All the other seventeen students are here and accounted for."
Luckily for Yagi, Bakugou and Kirishima had started running back to Midoriya so they completely missed Yagi turning back to his skinny form.
"What the pros deal with every day... we're not ready for it." Yaoyorozu clenched her fists.
"We don't expect you to be able to deal with this now." Kayama pat her on the back. "This is a school. We shouldn't have let this happen. You guys shouldn't have to deal with this at this age."
"But... Deku-kun... " Uraraka cried, "What about him!? He said he's been fighting since he was eleven... did he have to face things like this before..."
Todoroki and Shinsou carefully laid Midoriya on the ground, and Yamada checked him over.
"Alright. Can you guys tell me what happened with regards to the drug you mentioned?" Kan asked.
"It's a quirk factor destroying drug with side effects even the villains weren't sure about, kero." Asui replied, "That's all we know. They said it was worse to destroy our quirks than to kill us directly and tried to hit Bakugou-chan with it. Izuku-chan took the hit for him. Then he started laughing and said he was quirkless."
"Urg..." Yamada rubbed his head, "We're lucky he did end up taking the hit. If Bakugou lost his quirk, it would have made this situation even worse."
"Shut up! You don't have to tell me that!" Bakugou hissed, him and Kirishima finally having gotten to the entrace. Maijima came by a few minutes later, depositing Hagakure and Ojiro on the ground.
"I still can't believe he was quirkless..." Sero muttered, looking towards Midoriya's body.
"There was a good reason we didn't tell you all about Izuku's circumstance. We have good reason to believe that he was picked on and bullied in the past for lacking a quirk." Nezu turned to Bakugou, who looked down and nodded in confirmation. "I believe it is for his best interest to not spread this information about. It's already bad enough that the villains know about this... at least, for now, they have no way of dealing with Izuku, yet."
They didn't like the ominous way Nezu said "yet".
Tsukauchi counted the students. Twenty of them. Perfect.
"Other than Izuku, everyone else is unharmed."
"Ojiro! We made a good team!" Hagakure grinned at him. Not that he could see it anyway. "Yeah..." Ojiro scratched his ear.
"Will... he be okay?" Kirishima asked, as he and his classmates watched Midoriya being wheeled away on a stretcher, oxygen mask over his face.
"He'll be fine. He's strong. I bet you that you will be able to visit him soon." Tsucauchi tried to reassure the students.
"I... is he really Uzuki?" Sato asked.
Tsukauchi nodded, "I'm sure you understand that information like this is to be kept private. Aizawa and the rest of the teacher's agreed that it was okay for you to know who he was and what his quirk was, but that was to be under Izuku's terms. It's unfortunate that you have to find out like this."
"I understand he was a vigilante... but why did Aizawa-sensei say he wasn't one?" Sero asked.
"Vigilantes are people who use their quirks without a licence." Bakugou snorted. "You can't break the rule if you don't have a quirk to break it with."
Bakugou turned away.
Everyone had said Midoriya couldn't be a hero. Then he became a vigilante to help people. Now he was in a school for heroes.
Deku deserved this chance.
"Don't you dare fucking die, Deku!" Bakugou roared at the ambulance.
"Let's have the students return to the classroom now. We won't be questioning them right away, will we?" Tsukauchi asked.
"What about Aizawa-sensei and Thirteen?" Asui asked.
"We'll get back to you guys later. Now the doctors and Recovery Girl are still checking over them, as well as Izuku. But none of them are in any immediate danger."
"Ouch..." Shigaraki hissed, on the floor of the bar, "I was shot in the legs and arms... and the Nomu was defeated...and all the underlings were defeated in an instant. Those kids were strong.. The Symbol of Peace was healthy... and Uzuki..."
"We were just not prepared enough. We underestimated them. What about the Nomu? Wasn't he retrieved?"
"He was blown away by All Might." Kurogiri replied, "Without coordinates to his precise location, I can't find him with my warps. We didn't have time."
"After all we did to make him as powerful as All Might... I supposed it couldn't be helped. How about that little drug I made?"
"We... hit Uzuki with it. He said he was quirkless this whole time so it didn't matter..." Shigaraki mummbled, slamming an injured arm on the ground in anger. "He's quirkless! How did he keep standing up to us? He doesn't have the power, and yet - " He slammed his fist on the ground and hissed as pain shot up his arm.
"This... wasn't a futile exercise. Take all the time you need to rest and recover. We can't move freely, so we need a symbol like you. Shigaraki Tomura, show the world you are to be feared."
Shigaraki hissed as the monitor turned itself off.
"How?! How were we unable to even deal with one quirkless kid?!" Shigaraki demanded, apparently not learning his lesson as he slammed his fist into the ground again, yelping in pain.
"Hey..." Midoroya grumbled from his position in the infirmary, as Tsukauchi entered. His wounds were patched up, but Chiyo was unwilling to sap too much of the boy's stamina. She was also running some tests on the drug that was in his system and didn't want him to wear himself out fighting off the drug, but she had done her best to flush out as much of it as she could.
She only healed what was necessary, which consisted of six broken ribs, a nearly punctured stomach, a dislocated and bloody shoulder, a half broken arm, a cracked femur, a slightly sprained back and another bruised hip.
Despite everything, Midoriya's injuries where definitely better than they looked. His entire chest was covered in blood, but once they cleaned that up, they realised that it wasn't really that bad (considering what Midoriya had been through before) and Chiyo could use her quirk for the major injuries.
The fact that he had been jumping all over the place while fighting didn't help his injuries, but Midoriya was fine for the most part.
Tsukauchi gave a small laugh, "I didn't think we would be meeting so soon."
"Me neither."
"Chiyo didn't say you'd be awake. I was originally going to talk to All Might, and then Aizawa if he had woken up yet."
"She said
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