It was impossible for Midoriya to get a proper night's rest. He had gotten way too much sleep in the hospital (blame those damned pain killers.. and probably Chiyo's quirk) and his body was practically hardwired to sleeping in the mornings or the afternoons and not at night.
Midoriya tossed and turned throughout the night. He couldn't sleep. But he was tired. He was used to moving around and working while tired though, and injured... and probably while he was bleeding out.
Midoriya groaned, flipping over and reaching for his phone. Shinsou had insomnia, didn't he? Midoriya felt bad bothering his friend, but he was tired of just turning around again and again in the middle of the night.
Izu: Yo! Toshi!
Toshi: Sup.
Toshi: Can't sleep?
Izu: Ya.
Toshi: Ok
Shinsou then send a huge amount of cat memes. Midoriya just stared as picture after picture flooded into their chat, confused.
Izu: What is this?
Toshi: Cat Memes.
Izu: What is a meme?
Shinsou gasped when he read the message. IZU DIDN'T KNOW WHAT MEMES WERE!?
Midoriya had been deprived of a normal childhood for too long. When they met up at school again, Shinsou was going to have to introduce him to the world of cat memes.
Izu: The cats are cute though
Izu: I don't understand what these memes are
Izu: Why is this cat dancing?
"Hello little listener!" Yamada bust into the 1-A dorms, greeting Midoriya, who was sitting at the dining table drinking something, while looking through and analysing the godsend amount of memes that Shinsou had spammed him with throughout the night.
"Hi." Midoriya replied, pushing over a cup of latte. Yamada had made it a habit to pop by in the mornings to keep him company before he went for homeroom, and Midoriya just made Yamada his latte to show how much he appreciated the company.
"Is that... Shouta's coffee?" Yamada asked, wrinkling his nose, "Did you add sugar?"
"Are you kidding me? Bitter black coffee is awesome! Why would you ruin such a perfect drink!?" Midoriya yelped.
"It's way too bitter!" Yamada screeched.
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"Is not!"
"Is too!"
"Hi!" Kayama burst into the dorms. "How ya doing, Izuku?"
"I'm fine." Midorya replied as Yamada yelled, "Nemuri! He's drinking coffee! Black coffee! With no sugar!"
"So? He's been deprived of pretty much anything for the past seven years. Let him have his coffee."
Yamada stomped out, grumbling that Aizawa was a bad example as he fumed.
"SHOUTA!" Yamada yelled as he burst into the staff room.
"What?" The hero groaned, lying on the ground in his sleeping bag as Yamada woke him up.
"You! How could you!" Yamada pointed an accusing finger at Aizawa.
"What did he do?" Snipe asked, leaning back from his computer.
"Why did I see Izuku drinking black coffee this morning in the dorms!?" Yamada screeched.
"It's good, that's why." Aizawa mumbled. "Let him have his coffee. He's been deprived."
"And you're gonna end up with diabetes before you're forty."
"Kaminari-kun!" Midoriya waved at the electric quirk user who just entered the classroom.
"Here!" Midoriya handed over a stack of papers, and everyone leaned over Kaminari and his shoulders in order to see what they were.
There were various sketches of some kind of arm band or gauntlet that would fire some copper discs of some sort.
"Mi... Izuku... what's this?" Kaminari flicked through the papers confused.
"I did say I had some ideas for a support item for your quirk. I was thinking of something you can wear on your forearm that allows you to shoot copper discs, which would allow you release your electricity in a specific direction instead of a general area." Midoriya grinned, "I have several designs in mind. Some can store more metal discs but they're more bulky. I was thinking maybe having the discs linked to some sort of visor so you can pick and choose what you want to shoot at in case there are more than one discs shot out, but then the disc has to be able to handle your electricity or it will break. Or maybe we should make a lot of them that break so they can't use it to hack into your support item, but then it might confuse the pointing system..." Midoriya kept talking at breakneck pace that everyone could barely hear.
"You adopted him too." Shinsou grinned.
"NO PLEASE ADOPT ME! PLEASE!" Kaminari yelled.
"Um... who's been adopted by Izu-Dad already?" Kirishima pipped up, latching himself onto Kaminari.
"Um... probably Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Hagakure, Ashido, Bakugou, Kaminari... me... and maybe you." Shinsou replied.
"Don't call me that!" Midoriya screeched.
"Nope! You're officially Izu-dad!" Kaminari laughed, "I'll talk to Aizawa Sensei later... maybe he can help be figure out this stuff so I can talk to the support course."
"I'll go with you. I know Power Loader Sensei and I wanna check out the Support Department anyways." Midoriya shrugged.
"Alright, for your homework, please read this book." Ishiyama said, pointing to the slide on the screen with the name of the book they had to read.
"Sensei...which edition? By which publisher?" Midoriya asked.
"What?" Ishiyama said, confused.
"I've read at least five books with that title in the library near Dagobah Municipal Beach." Midoriya replied, "The first was published fifty years ago, the second was revised thirty two years ago, then again twenty four years ago, then once agains sixteen years ago..."
"How many books in that library did you read, nerd?" Bakugou whirled around.
Midoriya stared back at him with a serious expression, "All of them. Two or three times each."
Bakugou just stared at him, dumbfounded.
Everyone else screeched, "HOW!?"
"What? I was bored!"
"Don't question it. Anything you think is impossible, he'll find a way to make it possible." Shinsou sighed.
"Um... what about coming back from the dead?" Kaminari asked.
Bakugou hissed and launched himself at Kaminari.
"Kacchan!" Midoriya whined, grabbing Bakugou's arm and tossing him back in his seat. "Don't explode him!"
"Alright. It should be around here." Midoriya rounded a corner, accompanied by Kaminari, Shinsou, Uraraka and Iida. He had already talking to Aizawa beforehand and gotten the permission slip needed for support gear.
"Wait... didn't you just get here two days ago? How do you know where to go?" Kaminari asked.
"Um... On the first night I was here I was bored so I memorised the map of the school for no reason?" Midoriya shrugged.
Kaminari, Uraraka and Iida just stared at the boy, and Shinsou sighed. This was normal for the boy. Being a vigilante, his sleep schedule was skewed. Add the kidnapping and the forced bedrest and Midoriya's sleep was even worse off.
"Hey, Izu, how much did you actually sleep while you were a vigilante?" Shinsou asked.
"Yeah! When did you start becoming a vigilante?" Uraraka asked.
"Um... I helped people out when I was around nine... but I never actually sought anyone out until I was around eleven." Midoriya replied, "And sleep... I don't know... I usually spend my nights patrolling, my mornings picking rubbish in the park... how have no idea how many idiots litter, a nap, then I spend my afternoons in the library, evenings fixing my gear... rinse and repeat."
"Basically... you survived... for four years... on one nap a day." Kaminari jaw dropped.
"How long is... your 'nap'." Shinsou used finger quotes.
"Fifteen to thirty minutes?" Midoriya asked, shrugging.
"That cannot be healthy! No wonder you're so... um..." Iida stopped, wildly gesturing towards Midoriya's short stature, not knowing a polite way to say so.
"Oh, I noticed you don't each much at lunch...we were talking about Ingenium but you seemed content with just a granola bar." Uraraka asked.
"I don't eat much, usually." Midoriya shrugged again, "I usually have... a loaf of bread a week?" What was wrong with him having skewed body habits? As long as he could do his job and help people, he didn't care if he had to starve.
"That's it. Next time we have lunch, I'm forcing you to eat properly." Shinsou grumbled.
"You're the dad, Toshi."
"I'm not. You just need to be wrapped in bubble wrap and fed with normal human food."
They had just reached the door of the support department when it exploded.
"That must be Hatsume.." Midoriya grinned, easily catching the door and preventing it from hitting the four others behind him.
"Hi!" A pink haired girl popped out. Smoke was wafting off her clothes, and she was waving a wrench in the air.
"Hatsume! Stop blowing the doors off!" Maijima grumbled, walking out to the doorway, "Oh... Izuku. And you brought friends? I didn't know the hero course was allowed to start thinking about support items already."
"Nah! I just had some ideas for him and I kinda wanted to see the support department and you mentioned a Hatsume that was constantly blowing down doors. Is this her?" Midoriya grinned.
"Yep! I'm Hatsume Mei! Future CEO of Hatsume Corperations!" Hatsume stuck out her hand, and Midoriya shook it, "Midoriya Izuku, call me Izuku though."
"Alright. You wanted some babies, right? I can show you guys some stuff I made." Hatsume grabbed Midoriya's arm to drag him in, but Midoriya dug his heels into the ground and refused to move.
"Actually... I have some ideas that I have written and drawn here... and I want to see if I can rig something up as a test." Midoriya grabbed the papers from Kaminari, sifting through them before laying them on a table for Hatsume and Maijima to see.
"Not bad... considering you lived in a dump. I think this should definitely be feasible." Maijima replied, "You might want to change the power source though. Kaminari is an electric quirk user, right? This kind of battery would burn out way too quickly."
"Wait?! He lived in a dump?!" Uraraka shrieked.
"You didn't tell them?" Maijima looked at Midoriya incredulously, who just replied, "I literally just met them yesterday!"
Midoriya grabbed a power drill, switching it on and watching incredulously as the bit spun and rotated, "Woah!"
"Don't act like you haven't seen a drill before. If you know how to build stuff, you know how to use a drill. Plus if Power Loader Sensei is willing to look at your blueprints you probably know what you're doing." Hatsume chimed in.
"He doesn't." Maijima groaned, "He practically blew up two buses in the dump."
"Hey! Don't blame me! I was nine! I knew petrol was flammable! I didn't know it was that explosive!" Midoriya defended himself.
Shinsou groaned exasperatedly. What kind of nine year old plays with petrol?!
Iida, Uraraka and Kaminari looked at each other and nodded. They agreed with Shinsou; they needed to wrap Midoriya with bubble wrap.
The next few days passed without any problems. 1-A was still trying to figure out who Midoriya was, but everyone had grown comfortable with the new green haired addition.
Iida, Uraraka and Shinsou were meeting after school, and Aizawa finally trusted that Midoriya would be more responsible with his friends around and let him go with them, but he had to update Aizawa every time he changed location and that he had to be back in school by curfew.
"So... what now?" Shinsou asked. He had never hung out with people (outside of Midoriya) so he didn't really know how to interact with Uraraka and Iida.
"I guess we can talk?" Iida asked.
Suddenly, as Uraraka was walking back to their table, someone bumped into her. She fell over, bashing her knee against the ground.
"Hey! Watch where you're going, you bitch!" The man yelled.
"That's very rude! Please apologise immediately!" Iida got up, and tried to help Uraraka up.
"Shut up, you UA fucker!" The man screeched, and Shinsou just glared, "Leave them alone. You're disrupting everyone."
Midoriya was about to get up to diffuse the situation when the man growled in Shinsou's face, "You're in UA too? You look like a fucking villain, you shit head. And I bet you have an equally villainous quirk to match, fuck face!"
Shinsou froze, and Midoriya growled.
The man flinched as he felt the pressure around him pressing down on him, and he slowly looked up from Shinsou to see Midoriya standing right in his face.
He hadn't even seen him move.
"Look here, sir," Midoriya drawled, "My friends and I are from UA and I'm sure the teachers there won't approve of you calling us out for absolutely nothing, and for calling him a villain. From my point of view, you're the villain, bullying some teenagers who are just hanging out. If you want, I can call the principal of UA. I'm sure he'd like to know that you're harassing a bunch of students."
His tone was deathly calm, as he glared at the man, a small grin on his face that showed his canines.
The man gulped, muttered an apology and scampered off, metaphorical tail between his legs.
"You okay, Toshi?" Midoriya asked, turning around to face Shinsou who was still frozen.
"I'm sorry he said that. I'm sure he was just angry at us about something." Iida sighed, sitting back down. Uraraka also sat down beside him.
"I'm fine... that just hit a little too close to home.." Shinsou grunted, turning back to the table.
All of them were silent for a while, before Iida said, "You are right, Shinsou. Izuku is like an angry dad defending his kids."
"Iida-kun! Not you too!"
Midoriya gulped as he stared at the ruckus in front of the school.
"Hey! Is All Might working here?" "Give us an interview!" "How does it feel like to have All Might as a teacher?!"
Aizawa and Yamada were there, trying to pacify the media and taking the attention off the students who were awkwardly making their way into the school, trying to avoid the cameras and microphones.
Midoriya carefully made his way to Aizawa, patting him and asking, "What's going on?"
"Get back to class." Aizawa ordered.
Midoriya shook his head. He wanted to know what was going on.
Aizawa shooed him away, before saying something to the reporter and turning his back on them, walking into UA.
"Hey! You can't just -"
The woman clammed up as the UA Barrier snapped into place.
"Oh my god that's so cool!" Midoriya's eyes widened at the barrier.
"I thought you knew about it. You did say you didn't want to sneak into UA to give me my goggles."
"I did know about it. But there's something really cool about seeing the triple layer quirk-resistant metal alloy gate just shooting up from the ground in person!"
"Dude...What do you think happened to Uzuki, that vigilante?" Kirishima asked, staring at his phone. "Wasn't he rescued from that mass kidnapping a like.. two weeks ago?"
"Maybe he's in the hospital? They did say they didn't know his condition." Sero replied.
"I have... very mixed feelings about him. He's breaking the law by using his quirk without a licence, but at the the same time he also helps to fight crime where the heroes don't think to look." Iida mused, "He had also helped my brother out on several occasions, according to him."
"Didn't Midoriya say he was hospitalised for half a week? That was when the heroes saved the kidnapping victims, right?" Ojiro pointed out.
"No way Midoriya can be Uzuki. They said Uzuki is a young adult, right?" Kaminari said.
"Maybe he was kidnapped and he was a victim to it. He did say he was kidnapped for a month. And Uzuki has taken down some of the worse villains. I don't think Midoriya would be able to do that. He's too sweet and caring to do that." Yaoyorozu replied.
"Same. I heard that they said that Uzuki was vicious when it came to villains. I honestly cannot see Midoriya doing that." Jiro said.
Upon hearing that, Shinsou burst into laughter. He originally was looking at cat memes to spam Midoriya with while listening to the conversation, and when he heard his classmates practically being on the dot and denying it while being correct at the same time was just funny. And still underestimating Midoriya?
"What are you laughing at?" Tokoyami asked, "Are we wrong? You do know Midoriya after all."
"Sorry. I was looking at memes. I wasn't really listening to what you said.." Shinsou managed to get his laughter under control, blaming the memes and turning his phone over for his classmates to see a cat wearing a dog hoodie prancing around.
"Midoriya could be so much scarier, you know!" Uraraka chimed it.
"Seriously? Like what he did to Mineta wasn't bad enough?" Asui asked.
"He probably traumatised him." Hagakure pointed out.
"Not enough, apparently." Yaoyorozu hissed. Mineta no longer looked at them when Midoriya was around, but when he wasn't, Mineta's staring became even worse and lecherous. They didn't blame Midoriya, he couldn't do anything when he didn't know about it.
Iida shook his head, "Yesterday, this guy bumped into Uraraka knocked her over, and insulted Shinsou and I. Midoriya turned downright murderous."
"Yeah! He was grinning at that guy, and it felt like he wanted to bite his head off as he calmly threatened him!" Uraraka chimed in, "It was so scary! I'm glad he's still so nice when we're safe, and that he's gonna become a hero! I wouldn't want to fight him if he were a villain, and vigilantes are practically borderline villains, since they break the law."
"Not all heroes are good." Todoroki calmly said. "Whoever Midoriya is, he's still a good person at heart."
"Well... maybe he's that electric vigilante? He kills villains though... but it would explain how he took Kaminari's electric attack unharmed." Sero said.
"Or that vigilante Spook, who has that quirk that makes his footsteps deathly silent? I definitely didn't hear him walking towards us yesterday." Jiro pointed out.
"We should just cross out all the vigilantes that kill people. I doubt Midoriya is that kind of person." Iida said.
"Someone mentioned me?" Midoriya asked, walking into the classroom after Aizawa had chased him away from the press.
"Nope! We're not talking about you at all!" Kirishima waved his hands defensively, Yaoyorozu and Uraraka blushed because they were talking about him behind his back. Shinsou was snickering, Bakugou was trying to blow Kaminari up again because Kaminari had jumped upon hearing Midoriya's voice and crashed into the explosive teen. Todoroki looked impassive and Iida was just waving his arms around robotically.
"There has been a Level 3 security breach! All students please evacuate outdoors immediately. There has been..."
"Eh? What's going on?" Midoriya looked up from his lunch. Lunch Rush made the
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