I fidget as I sit on the edge of the fountain. This is it. Any moment now, a man is supposed to come and collect the money.
I switched my phone, so that I could communicate with the team in secret. It would've been too easy for The Winter Soldier to hack my other phone.
My phone goes off and it was a text from Clint.
"So far, nothing. No action anywhere."
I text back quickly.
"Keep your eyes open. Did you check for snipers?"
He replied fast
"Nothing that I could see."
I take a deep breath and sigh. I look down at the briefcase that was sitting in my lap. I hope Tony did what I asked him to do. If everything works out, this meeting will be interesting.
Clint texts me again.
"Here they come."
I reply, my hands shaking.
"Alert the team. Here we go."
A man, dressed in a long black coat catches my eye. When his eyes meet mine, he lifts back a side of his coat. He reveals a loaded gun. I take a deep breath and stand up.
"Hand it over." He snarls.
"Prove to me that once you get this, my life will be spared and so will my fiancé's." I snap back.
"No, hand it over." He demands.
"I assume the sniper is nearby." I cross my arms, trying to buy myself some time.
"The boss is listening." He reaches for the case, but I jerk it away from his reach.
"Good, then he can hear all of the names I'm about to call him. Let's start with idiot, moron and-" but before I could say another word, the man whips out his gun. The people in the park scatter in fear. I stare at the barrel, which was pointed at my chest. I try to keep a straight face.
"Need I go on?" I dare to ask.
"Shut up or I will pull the trigger." He threatens.
"Do it, I dare you." I snarl.
He shrugs and gets ready to pull the trigger. But instead, I knock the gun out of my way. The bullet hits the ground behind me. I open the case and pull out the handgun that I had asked Tony to put in it. I point it at the man. Immediately, more men who were standing in the park, pull out guns and point them at me. I try to remain calm, but I've never had so many guns pointed at me, all at once.
"Cole was right. His sister sure is a beauty. Maybe we should take you instead of the money." He says.
I hear footsteps approach from behind me. The man in front of me reaches to grab me, but I duck. I spin around and shoot the man who came up behind me. I look towards the cafe and see Nat and Steve running my way. A flash in the sky signaled that Tony was coming in his suit. An arrow shot down another man. Clint was helping.
Immediately, more men come out from hidden places, and they begin to attack us. I shot two more men when they try to grab me.
One by one, men are taken down. Everything was going well for us so far. Not so great for the enemy, however.
A loud thunder crack in the sky makes me jump. But I smile at the same time.
We all know who's coming.
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