With a flash, he was here.
Thor, the God of Thunder.
He was confused at first, but he figured it out. As we all clashed together, fighting for our lives, it occurred to me that The Winter Soldier had not yet carried out his own order. He said he would kill me, and here we all are! Still alive, and winning!
Steve throws his shield and bounces it off of two men. I stick my hand in the air and catch his stray shield in my hand. I send it back, bouncing it off another man.
I'm kicked in the back of the knees and I fall in the ground. I spring back up as quick as I can. I'm face to face with a man who was built like Thor. God, this guy is huge!
He throws a punch, and I duck just in time. I pull the trigger of my gun and shoot him in the leg. I stand back up and he falls limp. An arrow was sticking out of neck.
The next thug approaches me with a knife. He lunged at me, but I dodged him, grabbing his arm and twisting it.
"Not so smart to bring a knife to a gunfight, huh?" I whisper in his ear. I snatch the knife from his grasp and plunge it into him.
Blood on my hands, and the same knife in my hand. This was a battle that I would not forget.
I continue my way through the crowd of men. Until I was pulled by my hair. I turn around and find myself face to face with the first man, once again. He snarled and lunged at me. I wasn't able to duck. He tackled me to the ground. He threw a punch across my face and smiled evilly at me.
"Cole was right. You are a fighter. And a risk taker. You ought to be thankful I didn't shoot you when I could've. But I'm glad I didn't. Cause you're coming with me." He lifts me into the air. I'm thrown over his shoulder. I plunge the knife into his back several times, and he drops me. The knife was stuck in his back. He reaches up and pulls it out. I try to get away, but he catches me.
He holds the knife at my stomach. Then, it grows silent. The entire team was surrounded. I even noticed Clint was in the mix. He must've came down from the tree. They stared at me. Steve had fear in his eyes.
"I can kill her now boss." He speaks loudly. I hear a muffled sound come from his earpiece. I can't make out what it said, but all I know is that I heard the words 'let her go'.
He pulls the knife away from me and shoves me forward. I stumble to the ground before I stand up straight again.
"See? He's a coward! A big cowa-Ahh!"
I cry out as a bullet pierces my left hip. I fall to the ground and cover my wound.
The team ducks as Thor swings his hammer around, eliminating everyone surrounding them. Clint saw the sniper make that shot. He fired an arrow and struck the sniper. He didn't miss.
Nat fires a single bullet at the man who last attacked me. He fell to the ground, dead.
"Alice!" Steve ran to my side. He looked at my wound, pressing his hand over it to stop the bleeding. I try and fight the pain from it, but I think it shattered part of my pelvis.
Steve handed Clint his shield and scooped me up into his arms bridal style. My arms wrapped tightly around his neck.
"Ow! Steve! Careful! God, this hurts." I fight back tears.
"Bruce is back at the tower. If you let me fly her there, she'll be alright." Tony says.
"No way. She's staying with me." Steve was becoming highly protective of me.
"Steve, let Tony fly her back to the tower. Bruce is there. He can give her the medical attention she needs." Clients speaks.
"Steve... Please." I whimper in pain.
Steve kissed my forehead before he handed me over to Tony. My arms wrap around Tony's neck and he takes off.
"Hold on tight!" He says.
I nod and fight through the piercing pain in my hip. Tony made the flight as quick as we could. And he landed quickly, being as careful as he could. Bruce rushed out.
"What happened?" He asked.
"Sniper got her. Straight in the hip." Tony hands me over to Bruce. He carries me into the tower and rests me on the couch.
"I'll get some pain medicines." Bruce takes off. Tony changes out of his suit and walks over to the couch.
"Just relax. Steve will be here soon." He says.
"Easy for you to say. You're not the one with a bullet in your hip." I comment.
"Amazing. Even when you're injured, you still keep your sense of humor. You're quite the fighter, kid."
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