I lay under the blankets of my bed, trying to fight my anxiety about tomorrow. Steve's arm was draped over me, protecting me. He was asleep, but right now, sleep is impossible for me. Steve agreed to stay with me in my room tonight. I am afraid to be by myself. Honestly, I'm afraid of walking near a window. At any minute, I feel like The Winter Soldier could attack me. And I won't be ready. In that case, I will lose the fight by losing my life.
This plan we developed is completely ridiculous. But somehow, it's stupid enough that it might actually work.
Clint has already left the building. He took off about an hour ago and went to Central Park. There were so many trees in Central Park, so he came up with the idea to hide out in one of them. He took his bow and his arrows and left. Natasha arranged weapons for everyone to use. She got extra ammunition and other fun things. Tony was going back to Stark Tower. He was going to gather some money. But there's more in store than that. We came up with some more tricks. Bruce was going to stay on guard at Stark Tower. We are going to try and avoid using 'The Other Guy'. Steve and Natasha we're going to be watching nearby from a small cafe. And then, I would be waiting by the fountain. Waiting for that fateful moment that could change my life. Clint had taken a couple of extra guns, that Nat had prepared, with him. He was going to hide them around the park. That way, if something bad is to happen, we will have some kind of weapon to defend ourselves. Steve tried to talk me into wearing a bulletproof vest, but they are so bulky that it would be too noticeable.
That was the battle plan. It's ridiculous. If they would let me go by myself, this would be so much more easier. But they are right. A team had to stick together. And there is no I in team.
I wonder how Clint is doing. I hope he is okay. He is a trained assassin, but he has to be extremely sneaky with this mission. He could get caught. And then the whole plan would be ruined.
I slowly lift Steve's arm off of me before I sneak out of my room. I sneak over to Bruce's lab, where I find Bruce, still awake.
"What are you still doing awake?" Bruce asks. He was busy typing on his computer.
"I could ask you the same question." I reply, taking a seat on one of the stools.
"Can't sleep?" He asks.
"Couldn't if I tried." I sigh.
"Relax, Alice. Everything will be alright. We will all make it out of this alive. You need to rest." Bruce tried to convince me to go back to bed.
"And why aren't you in bed? You should be in bed as well." I say.
"Well, unlike you, I'm not playing as big of a roll in the plan. I'm hoping that you won't need me tomorrow. I would hate for 'The Other Guy' to take over Central Park." Bruce explains.
"I'm hoping that we won't need you for medical help, too." I say.
Bruce agrees and nods his head.
"I don't want to have to get rid of you, but you should go back to bed. You know, before Steve wakes up and sees that you are gone." Bruce suggests.
"You're probably right. Goodnight, Bruce." I smile. I give him a friendly hug before I leave his lab.
I sneak back into my room, and Steve was still sound asleep. I slip back under the covers. And immediately, Steve's arm wraps around me again. This time, he held me tighter.
"Don't think I didn't notice you were gone." He mumbles, his voice was rough and he sounded exhausted.
I chuckle lightly, "Goodnight, Steve."
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