We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

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Vidja Games:

"Can I hold your hand?", I asked Jay, as we walked through the trees.

"Sure", said Jay, as he intertwined our fingers. We looked at each other before we blushed.

"That apple looks nice", I said, as I picked one off the tree.

"This one too", said Jay, as he pulled one.

We smiled at each other as we dropped our apples in our buckets. I looked at him as we both closed our eyes. We leaned in but were interrupted by a huge rustle. "Where's Chapa?!", asked Ray, as he was followed with Mika and Miles.

"I think she went inside", said Jay, as I nodded. We followed Ray into the Man's Nest where Volt was on a video recording.

"Stay Spraky", said Volt, as she ended the video.

"What's up, Sparky?", asked Ray. "We were supposed to be apple picking".

"I know", she said.

"You promised yesterday that you would be there", said Ray.

"I know", she said yet again.

"I would've been fine if everyone else didn't come", said Ray.

"Offensive", said Miles.

"Totally uncalled for", said Mika.

"Come on", I sighed.

"Way to ruin it", said Jay.

"Mika made it an apple picking competition, Miles wandered around waiting for the apples to pick him. Bose, my favorite one, spent some time with me and we had some sweet talks, before he and Jay were somewhere in the bushes kissing", said Ray. Jay and I looked at each other and blushed thinking about our failed kiss.

"Your grandma loves you, she doesn't know how to say it", I said.

"But gol-Dang it, Chapa! You're my second favorite!", Ray protested.

"I'm your favorite?", I asked.

"No, I'm my own favorite", said Ray, as I shrunk down.

"You're my favorite", whispered Jay, as he held my hand tightly.

"A promise is something that one shouldn't break. Bones, sure. Hearts, daily. Teeth, definitely, but promises never", said Ray, as we all rolled our eyes. He grabbed an apple from Mika's basket. He walked over to the door and looked at us. We watched as he bit the apple from the bottom.

"Why would you eat it like that?!", Jay asked.

"That's your first bite of an apple?", asked Mika.

"Of course, stem first, butt second", he said, as he bit the bottom.

"OH MY GOD!", groaned Miles.

"First the top and then the core. That's an apple you want some more", said Ray. "Who is teaching you kids?".

"You are!", I groaned.

"No one", groaned Volt.

"You know, regularly I would be in the mood to talk. Now I'm going to go take a shower. I'm not in the mood. Not anymore", Ray said, as everyone stared at him weirdly. He walked away as Volt popped a gumball.

"Chapa, when have you been so rich?", Jay asked.

"What do you mean?", she asked. "You mean these pants?".

"Dang", everyone said.

"This jacket?", asked Chapa.

"Dope", everyone said.

"This pair of shoes?", she asked.

"Swet", everyone said.

"How have you been this rich?", asked Miles.

"I want to be rich as well", I said.

"Okay, don't be weird about it", said Chapa.

"This is a judge free zone", said Mika.

"Would never", said Miles.

"Never learnt how to", I said.

"I would", Jay said, as I looked at him teasingly.

"I've been on Howdee", she said.

"I despise you", said Miles.

"Oh no!", cried Mika.

"I'm judging you", I said.

"That's what I said", Jay said.

"What's so bad about Howdee? People pay me to brighten up their days", said Chapa.

"We're superheroes. We do that stuff for free", Jay said.

"And we're a team", said Miles.

"So if you do something that'll make us all look bad", said Mika.

"I know what's going on", said Chapa. "You're all jelly of my new look".

"The only thing I'm jelly of is the apple jelly I will make at home", said Mika.

"Savage", I said.

"I thought we were going to make cider", said Miles.

"We are but I can't be cider of her new look. I can only be jelly of her", said Mika. "We've talked about this. When in doubt, say 'yes and'".

"If you excuse me, I'm going to make a Howdee for Scotty whose dog just died", said Chapa, happily as she transformed. "No, wait. I need the room please".

Ray walked in his bathrobe and took a biter from his banana at the peel. "Now I don't", he said.

"Gosh, no!", Mika said.

"Why would you do that?", I asked.

"I can't!", sighed Miles.

"Ahh!", said Volt.

"Take a chunk from the peel now you know the banana is real", Ray chanted. "Sometimes I think you guys were raised by wolves". He soon walked away.

A little while later, Jay and I were in my bedroom. "I can't believe Chapa would join Howdee", I said.

"It's Chapa, what did you expect?", asked Jay, as he leaned on me.

"Nothing better", I said, as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Bo bo", said a voice, as my mom opened the door.

"Yeah mom?", I asked.

"I need you to watch this video", said Celia, as she handed me a tablet.

"Greetings Celia's kid, can't concentrate well in class? I've got an electrifying way to-", began Volt on the screen.

"The eight hundred better be worth it", muttered Celia.

"Eight hundred?!", Jay and I gasped.

"Yep", said Celia.

"I'll uhh, I'll make him watch it later", said Jay, as he handed Celia the tablet and pushed her out. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?".

"Always", I whispered, as we both leaned in.

I heard a loud thud as I saw a cat on the ground. "We should help it before going", said Jay with red cheeks.

In the Man's Nest, Venom and I began filming. "Hello Angela and Herman's kids, it's me Brainstorm. You see when a man and a woman love each other very much...", I ended the video, as I sent it to the Macklins for eight hundred. Well it's a flash sale meaning that it's a bit cheaper than muy regular ten hundred.

I looked to Venom who had red cheeks after reading a message. "Hey Celina, it's Venom, guess I already stung your heart. Hope your love for me lives forever, honey. You're an awesome girl, but I can't return your feelings. Stay immobilised", said Venom, as he ended the video. I pouted as I looked at him. He felt my gaze and he turned to look at me. "What's wrong, Bosey?".

"You flirted with that girl", I said.

"She wasn't exactly there", he said shyly as he scratched his neck.

"Virtually", I said, as he sighed.

"How about we go out?", he asked me shyly.

"Go out?", I asked.

"Since we have money, we can buy rich clothes", said Venom, as he smiled at me.

"Sure, should we go today?", I asked, as both our cheeks reddened.

"It's a date", said Venom, as he winked at me.

"A date", I repeated as I stared at him.

"Let's go", said Venom, as he got up and de transformed.

"Right", I blushed as I de transformed as well.

He held out his hand to me as he stepped onto the tubes. I looked at him in a daze as I grabbed his hand. He pulled me onto the tubes and intertwined our fingers. "Down the tube", he said, and it just looked so attractive. The way his black hair fluttered in the air when we went down. We entered the store, as Jay soon let go of my hand. "What should we get?!".

"I know exactly what I want", I said, as we both grabbed our stuff and placed it in a bag. We paid for it as we walked out.

"I never knew being luxurious is this fun", said Jay, as he stuck his hands out while walking on the edge of the sidewalk.

"Yet you still act like a child, bunny", I said, as I held one of his hands. He stuck his tongue at me as my cheeks went bright red.

"Can we have a milkshake?", asked Jay, as he looked at me cutely. "Please?".

"Fine", I said, as I gave in. I give in too easily to this kid.

I handed the owner some money as he handed me a chocolate milkshake. I gave the milkshake to Jay. "Yummy", he said, as he sipped some of it. I took some and sipped it before I blushed red. I sipped from the same straw he did which means we indirectly kissed. Gah!

"Sorry", I said, as I looked at the blushing boy who was holding my hand.

"It's okay", he grinned cheekily, as he sipped it again. He pushed it in my direction as I sipped some. We kept taking turns till we had to throw out the empty cup.

The next day, I was waiting for Jay in the Man's Nest. I wore the outfit I bought the previous day. It had a tiger head in the front and the rest of the outfit was tiger themed. I watched as the boy came up with his outfit in the tubes. His hair flew in the wind as his face looked perfect. I noticed his outfit. There was a bunny head and the rest of it was bunny themed. I blushed as I stared at him. "Hey", said Jay with red cheeks, as I found him staring at me. He looks so cute. I think I'm going to die.

"Hey", I whispered.

"You look hot", he said, as he blushed red.

"You look way too cute", I said, as I smirked at his state. I grabbed his hand as we went to our chairs. We went down to the classroom to see Chapa, Mika, and Miles in their expensive clothes.

"Remember when we were only happy with five dollars?", asked Miles.

"Now, we're happy and rich", said Mika.

"Your welcome", said Chapa.

"Thanks for getting Jay and I hooked onto Howdee Chapa, I love my outfit", I said.

"Your welcome", said Chapa.

"Yep, we even sent you a little something", said Jay, as Chapa checked her tablet. "We hired a celebrity for a thank you message".

"You got a message from Cardib", said Chapa's tablet.

"Hey Chapa, your boys Bose and Jay wanna give you a big thanks gurlll, now go get em cash", said CardiB.

We watched as Ray walked in a bit into the end of the pizza crust.

"OH NO!", said Mika.

"Why would you do that?", asked Miles.

"Take a bite from the crust, that's a pizza you can trust", said Ray. "Why are you all so rich right now?".

"Howdee", said everyone.

"Yooo! Thank you guys for joining me to Howdee", said Schwoz, as he walked in wearing a dope outfit.

"Your welcome", everyone said.

"Even Schwoz, but he isn't a Swell-ebrity", said Ray.

"Actually Schwoz is one of the most popular celebrities on Howdee", said Chapa, as she showed us the rankings.

"I heard that they're getting Joey Lawrence to sign up", said Jay.

"You mean Joey Lawrence, the one that has a million dollar jaw line?", asked Mika.

"The other half of Mellissa & Joey?", I asked.

"Joey Lawrence and Ray have beef", laughed Schwoz.

"You have beef with Joey Lawrence?", asked Miles.

"His jawline is not better than mine", said Ray.

"It kind of is though", said Mika.

"Lowkey is", said Chapa.

"Fine, I'll join just so people know that I'm better than Joey Lawrence and also because Schwoz isn't a Swell-ebrity", said Ray.

"Come at me bro!", said Schwoz.

"This is why people shouldn't have the right to vote", said Ray.

"A bit far fetched", Jay said, as I nodded.

"Is it a competition? I'm so going to win", said Mika.

"What's with her?", asked Ray.

"Mika loves competitions", said Miles. "Once when I was younger, I jokingly said I could say fish sticks more than she could".

"Fishsticks", said Mika.

"Ever since then whenever I say fish sticks", said Miles.

"Fishsticks", said Mika.

"She says fishsticks", said Miles.

"Fishsticks, fishsticks, fishsticks", she said.

"Looks like I'm already gonna win", said Volt, as she started her filming.

We all transformed as we went up into the Man's Nest. "Hey insert name here, this is B to Rainstorm wishing you a happy b to the ar mitzvah", I said. The next few days were cramped with filming Howdees.

Mika, Miles, Jay, and I were sitting on the couch as Volt was filming another video. I leaned my head in Jay's lap as we all groaned at Chapa.

"That's it, we've got to make her stop", said Mika.

"She's been doing it for a long time", sighed Miles.

"That's it", shouted Mika using her power on a Volt.

"What the hell Mika?", asked Volt.

"We're not going to let you win, Chapa", said Mika.

"That's too many names there", said Miles.

"Shut it Miles!", said both the girls.

"That's three", he said, as he got up.

"I love saying names", I said, as I grabbed Jay's hands and ran over. "I'm Bose and this is Jay".

"Bosey", began Jay, as Ray walked in.

"Oooh, a fail video", said Ray, as he tried to press the button.

"Uh oh", said Mika. Volt sighed as Ray began laughing.

"What?", he asked between chuckles.

"That video...has all our identities in it", Jay said in a pause.

"And it was sent to Mary Gaperman", said Miles.

"The one who does the news on KLVY", said Mika.

"Oh", he said as he continued laughing.

"Why are you still laughing?", I asked.

"It un secreted our secret identities", said Miles.

"I'm laughing to hide the pain that I'll need new heroes", said Ray, as everyone else began laughing.

"Okay, so what are we going to do?", asked Ray.

"Well, we could-", began Mika.

"There's nothing we can do", said Ray.

"You just asked if there was a way", said Jay.

"That was back when I had hope", said Ray.

"Look it says the video isn't delivered until six hours", said Volt.

"Yeah, that means it must be at the Howdee Farm", said Miles.

"I want to go to a farm", I said.

"No, it's not a farm, it's a giant warehouse run by tech bros with the names like Sean or Jack", said Ray.

"Actually sunshine is right", said Jay, as he checked his phone.

"Yay!", I said, as I ran to Jay's side.

"It's actually a farm where they have cows and all run by Ma and Paw Howdee", said Jay.

"They also give warm buttah and if you ask me that seems pretty good", said Mika, as we all agreed.

"Fine, we can go but I'm taking no buttah!", said Ray. We were at the farm as we all sat in our rocking chairs. "I want some more!".

"There's plenty of buttah to go around", said Ma.

"Yeah the buttah here grows on trees", said Pa.

"Doesn't buttah come from cows?", asked ShoutOut.

"Not here, it all started when my great Grandpappy Howdee decided to farm the internet right here", said Pa Howdee.

"I'm learning so much", I said.

"Same", said AWOL.

"And I'm going to forget it all", I said.

"Same", said AWOL.

"How do you farm internet?", asked Volt.

"Well, a vidja goes through Bessie our old gal here", said Ma.

"Bessie standing for Best Electric Streaming System Internet Etc", said Pa.

"Then it processes into these buckets and we pour it out in the stream", said Ma.

"That's why it's called streaming", I said.

"Yes, it is. You're clearly the smart one here", said Pa, as I beamed proudly and everyone else choked.

"I guess I am", I said, as I looked at Venom. He winked at me as I blushed red.

We heard our video playing as ShoutOut heard it better. "That's our video", she said.

"Actually Ma and Pa, we're here because we need to get rid of a video", said Volt.

"It's totally normal. Celebrities like you always come here to delete an embarrassing vidja", said Ma Howdee.

"But don't worry Pa and Ma will take care of you", said Pa.

"Awww", said Venom.

"Such sweet people", said ShoutOut.

"That's too nice", said Volt.

"I love you guys", said AWOL, as they began chuckling.

"Why are they chuckling?", I asked.

"Probably about to turn evil", said Captain Man, as he got up but fell back. "Danger Fo-Danger Force!".

"The buttah slows your powers", said Ma, as we all fell off our chairs.

"I never should have had that fifth cup of buttah", said Captain Man.

"When did you have a fifth cup of buttah?", asked Volt.

"Not important", said Captain Man. I groaned as I leaned against the wall. I pulled my blushing boyfriend into my lap, as he rested his head on my chest.

"Are you okay?", I asked.

"What do you think?", he asked, as I giggled.

"Actually, we need your help. We need Joey Lawrence to join Howdee", said Pa.

"His one million dollar jawline on our vidjas would be awesome", said Ma.

"His jawline is not better than mine", said Captain Man as he stood up.

"He'll do it!", said AWOL.

"What?", asked Captain Man.

"Kid Danger once told me that Captain Man can't resist a chant", said AWOL.

"Do it", everyone chanted, as Captain Man began calling Joey Lawrence. He walked away with Ma and Pa on his trail.

"He's not gonna do it, is he?", asked ShoutOut.

"We need to tip the cow", said AWOL.

"What?", the rest of us asked.

"We need to tip the cow", said AWOL.

"On it", said Volt, as she got up but fell down.

"Hey Mika, first one to tip the cow wins", said AWOL.

"A competition?", asked ShoutOut as she began crawling.

"I'mma beat you to it girl", said Volt.

"No, you're not", said ShoutOut.

"Your losing sis", said AWOL.

"Second place is the first loser", I said, as Venom chuckled.

"You're the first loser!", said ShoutOut.

"Savage", I said, as Venom reached into my hair and played with it.

"I feel so drunk", he whined, as he sat in my lap facing me.

"You're not drunk", I laughed, as he played with my brown hair.

"Really?", he asked as we both smiled at each other. I leaned in but we were interrupted by a particular shout.

"I won!", yelled ShoutOut, as she super burped Bessie down.

"Okay, I don't like you but I will be a pinata at our daughter's sixth birthday", said Captain Man, as he hung up.

"Bessie!", said Ma and Pa as they ran to the cow. "Stay with us girl".

"Someone knocked down the computer cow", said Captain Man. "I guess this means I can cancel".

"Wow", Venom said. "Just wow".

"A promise is something that one shouldn't break", said ShoutOut.

"Bones, sure. Hearts, daily", said AWOL.

"Teeth, definitely", I said.

"But promises never", said Volt.

"I don't like you kids", said Captain Man.

The next day, we were watching as the birthday girl took her turn smacking Captain Man with a bat. "I want to hit", said Volt.

"But I'm going next. I won the contest", said ShoutOut.

"That was just a trick in making you do all the work", said AWOL.

"Smart", she said.

"Hey I recognize that famous toilet flush from anywhere", I said.

"Hey kids, who hasn't gotten a chance to hit?", asked Joey Lawrence.

"New rule, promises can be broken!", yelled Captain Man as Joey whacked him. I looked at Venom who was smiling even with his eyes. I blushed as he looked at me. He laid his head on my shoulder and intertwined our fingers as we watched everyone beat Captain Man.

"Guys, I have something to tell you", I said, as the party had already wrapped up and only Ray, Schwoz, Mika, Miles, Jay, and Chapa were there.

"Sure what is it?", asked Chapa.

"Promise not to be weird about it", I said.

"Unless like you joined Howdee again", said Schwoz.

"I...Jay and I....we're...Jay and I are dating", I said, as Jay held my hand. We both blushed as we re focused our attention on the others.

"I told you!", said Mika, as she yelled in Miles's face.

"I mean I thought it was one sided", said Miles.

"So this guy gets a boyfriend but all the moms out there don't want me as one?", asked Ray.

"That's because they're all married", chuckled Jay, as we all laughed.

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