Never Too Cool For The Holidays

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Down Goes Santa Part 2:

Schwoz, Bose, Jay:

Why don't you help me fix the sleigh? I don't want to

But I could use a hand today, Wah, wah, boo, hoo

Hand me the wrench that's on the ground, All tools are the lame

Said by the biggest one around, What?

Nothing, Hey!

Jay, Bose:

I think you're forgetting that's it Christmas

I don't know what you're talking about

Forgive me for getting too loud but I gotta get it out

Schwoz, Bose, Schowz & Jay, Jay:

You're never too cool for the holidays

Blah blah blah blah blah

You're never too cool for the holidays

Blah blah blah blah blah

You're never too cool for the holidays

I don't care cuz I'm too cool for the holidays

Caroling mingling merrily singing and jingling all the way

Dude, I know you're not a member of Klub Krampus, but rule number slevin is 'you don't gotta fix a sleigh, if you slay all day'

Oh! At least fix your breath. It smells like fish and caffeine, here.

I took the candy cane Jay gave to me. I looked at the boy confused as his cheeks went red. He stepped closer to me and leaned in. I smiled widely as I leaned in too and I didn't feel his lips. I opened my eyes to see him on the other side with Schwoz. I felt a bright light flash over me as I was back to normal.

Bose, Schwoz, Jay:

A candy cane? No way! I used to love these as a boy

You're not a man

The shape of the 'J' would bring me joy

Glad you're a fan

This is the sleigh of Santa Claus

What's going on?

What can I help you with, Jay and Schwoz?

The spell is gone!

Bose, Jay:

I finally remember that it's Christmas

That's what I'm talking about

The month of December you have every reason to let it all out

Schwoz, Bose & Jay, All:

Cuz you're never too ever too cool for the holidays

Fa la la la la la

You're never too ever too cool for the holidays

Fa la la la la la

You're never too ever too cool for the holiday

Caroling mingling merrily singing and jingling all the way

You're never too ever too cool for the holidays

"Hey, what was it that you wanted me to hand you earlier?", I asked.

"Oh, that wrench on the ground!", said Jay.

"It's beautiful", I said, as I looked at the finished sleigh. "But all I did was toss you a wrench!".

"That's the magic of Christmas, Bosey", said Jay, as I blushed.

Bose & Jay, Schwoz:

Fa la la la la la

You're never too ever too cool for the holidays

Fa la la la la la

You're never too ever too cool for the holiday

I watched as Volt and Captain Man returned with the sack of presents. "Hey, you're normal", said Captain Man.

"Yeah, Jay handed me a candy cane", I said, as Jay blushed.

"Where's Krampus?", asked Schwoz.

"Have you watched the news?", asked Volt.

"No", Jay said.

"Never", I added.

"We took him to Pound Town", said Captain Man.

"Awesome", I said.

I watched as Captain Man began going through the sack. A few moments later, Captain Man was on the tube sitting on a jet ski with Schwoz blowing a fan at him and Volt spraying some water. "I can't believe Santa got me a jet ski", said Captain Man.

"When is it my turn? I want to go ride it", I said, as I paced around.

"You know, Ray. He won't give it to you that easily", Jay chuckled as I pouted. I buried my face in his neck as he played with my hair.

"Yeah, Bose. I just got it. Wait for your turn", said Captain Man as AWOL appeared with Santa.

"Hey, where's Mika?", Jay asked.

"She had to be left there. I brought Santa and I'll go back for her", said AWOL, as he left.

There was a knock at the door as I walked over. I held up a balloon. "Party time?", I asked. "Who did this?".

A few moments later, Krampus had Schwoz, Jay, Volt, and me placed in a gift bag. We all had bows on our heads as Krampus turned to us. "Kiddies, it was fun being here", said Krampus. "You led me to my brother, the bag, and the sleigh.

"You won't get away with this, Krampus", said Schwoz.

"Not the right time", I said.

"He's literally getting away", said Volt.

I watched as AWOL and ShoutOut showed up. ShoutOut used her scream but it was no use anyway. "I don't care if you can teleport", said Krampus to AWOL . "Because I think you're pretty chill and that we could be friends".

"Thanks but no", said AWOL, as he began trying to fight Krampus.

"So long, suckers!", said Krampus, as Santa, him, the sleigh, and the bag of presents disappeared.

"Why didn't anyone tell me that the lake was frozen?"Captain Man cried, as we slowly freed ourselves.

"Well it's December dude", said Volt.

"Schwoz, prepare my coal burning bath", said Captain Man.

"We don't have time for that", said ShoutOut.

"Krampus took everything and left", I said.

"OMG, is what I will say after my bath", said Captain Man.

"C'mon", said Miles, as everyone began arguing. Schwoz threw snow at us trying to get us to stop but it was of no use.

"Okay, fighting is no use so we need Miles to teleport us there", said ShoutOut.

"Where is he now?", Jay asked.

"San Bernardino", said Volt.

Jay and I transformed as AWOL teleported us into San Bernardino. "AWOL!", groaned Captain Man, as we all appeared at the door.

"What? I got us here on the first try", said AWOL.

"Yeah, but if you teleported us outside, we could've kicked the door and made a nice entrance", said Captain Man.

"There, uh, right there", said ShoutOut, as she pointed to the villain standing.

"Oh look, my ex is here", sighed Fran.

"You used to date this guy?", asked Krampus.

"That's what I said", Venom groaned, as I giggled.

"Oooh", everyone teased.

"Please, she attacked me at the zoo when I was helping a pregnant tiger", said Captain Man.

"Who attacked you: Fran or the tiger?", Venom asked.

"Take a wild guess", said Fran. "We've been on about four dates".

"Oooh", everyone said again.

"Please, will you believe the woman has all seven cardboard cutouts of BTS in her bathroom or the indestructible superhero?", asked Captain Man.

"How do you know that she has all seven members of BTS in her bathroom?", asked Volt.

"You do?", Venom asked. "I'm free around next Thursday".

"You got yourself a deal", said Fran. "Did he tell you about the time he cried?".

"You cried?", Venom asked.

"It was normal too. The movie was so emotional", said Captain Man.

"Kung Fu Panda?", asked Fran.

"All right, you guys help Santa, I'll take down Krampus", said Captain Man, as the rest of Danger Force rushed at Krampus. "Or you take care of Krampus and I'll free Santa".

ShoutOut were lying on the ground. I had glasses on me, Volt had wallet chains and ShoutOut had a lightbulb in her mouth. Captain Man was a bit busy since Santa kept trying to bite him. I watched as Venom tried to use his power on Krampus but Venom had his hands wrapped in gift wrap and he was tossed next to me. "Hey", said Venom, as he blushed.

"What should we do?", I asked.

"Please don't enjoy these belts", said Krampus, as belts were used to tie up the rest of Danger Force including AWOL.

I watched as Fran drank some juice watching the two men. "I can't believe they're fighting over me", she cheered. "Take your shirts off!".

"No!", everyone else yelled.

"God, what am I doing here?", asked Captain Man. "I could be riding my jet ski. It has nice cup holders. You all are working for Christmas".

"Dude!", everyone shouted.

"Jet ski?", asked Krampus. "I've always wanted a jet ski. I was promised one when I was younger. But I never got one. I'd probably not hate Christmas if I got one".

"That's it", said AWOL. "Captain Man, give Krampus the keys to your jet ski".

"What? But it's mine", he said.

"Sharing is caring", Venom reminded, as I smiled at the sweet boy.

"Plus, he wouldn't hate Christmas if he got a jet ski", said Volt.

"Where are you getting that from?", asked Captain Man.

"He just said it", everyone cried.

"But it's my sixth one with the nice cupholders", said Captain Man.

"You have five more?!", Venom asked.

"I'll buy you another one", I said, as Jay smiled at me. It was one of those smiles which made me melt.

"What if it doesn't have cup holders?", asked Captain Man.

"I'll chip in", Venom sighed. "With my Christmas money".

"But I thought you spent all of it on Mama Schwoz", I said.

"Yeah, but I got it back", he said.

ShoutOut said something and Captain Man agreed. "That's all it took?", asked AWOL.

"Look, Krampus, you can have the jet ski", said Captain Man, as he hugged the other male. "I can't imagine not having a Christmas present".

"They're both cry babies", sighed Fran. "All I ever wanted was a strong man".

I watched as Captain Man threw the keys to Krampus. A transformation wore on him as he looked like a normal person. "Well, Santa doesn't remember who he is so how are we delivering this?", asked Captain Man.

"Brainstorm can lift it up, right?", Venom asked.

"Yes, I can try", I said, as Venom smirked at me.

"And I can teleport in and out of people's houses", said AWOL.

"But it's foggy outside", said Captain Man.

"ShoutOut, with your nose so bright will you guide my sleigh tonight?", asked Volt, as ShoutOut refused. "She said yes". Volt zapped her as ShoutOut's lightbulb went red.

Soon, Danger Force was in the sleigh delivering presents. "Who's next?", I asked.

"Trent and Mary", said Volt.

"Brainstorm, fly over KLVY", said AWOL.

"I can't see", I said, as Volt zapped ShoutOut. "The lighting's better".

AWOL teleported back and forth. "Who's next?", Venom asked.

"We have all seven members of BTS", said Volt.

"Anyone know where they live?", Venom asked.

"Fran's apartment", said Volt.

"Woah", Venom said, as he stared at me. "You look so cute with that hat". He took a picture with me and we both were blushing. I stared at him. I leaned in to kiss him and so did he.

"The sleigh!", yelled AWOL, as the sleigh was dropping.

"Sorry", I said sheepishly as I regained control.

"And that's how Danger Force saved Christmas", finished Chapa, as she finished reading the story. I found my head in Jay's lap while his hands sifted through my hair.

"Warm and fuzzy", said Schwoz.

"Where's Ray?", asked Chapa.

ShoutOut mumbled something as AWOL translated. "He's on the Jet Ski with Santa and Krampus".

"Well, Merry Christmas", said Chapa.

That night, I walked outside to see Jay outside. "So you spent all your money for Ray?", I asked.

"It's just one Christmas without a present", he said, as he looked off into the stars.

"I have a present for you", I said, as his eyes widened.

"What is it?", he asked.

"It's not the best or anything to what you would've wanted", I said.

"What is it, Bosey? I'll love it no matter what", said Jay.

"Ever since we first met, I've always thought you were attractive. But then I soon realized my heart would beat fast around you. My cheeks would turn red and I would stutter. There was also that time when I was new to butterflies. You're so caring and smart. I know I'm not like that and I'm pretty dumb. I love spending all of my time with you and I can't stop thinking about you. I...I lo–li– you", I slowly said, as my cheeks turned red. I looked up at the boy who was red and he smiled at me.

" too", he said, as he turned dark red. "You may not be smart but you're so caring for everyone. You have the best smile and you can cheer anyone up like it's your superpower. You're really funny and I think every time I'm with you, every time I want to relive it. All those times we tried to kiss was when I realized that I liked you. I see it now that I can't stop thinking about you differently. It's like I can tell you things without you judging me".

"So, are we dating?", I asked.

"Yeah", he said, as I hugged him tightly. "Merry Christmas Bosey".

"Merry Christmas Jay-Jay". 

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