Test Friends
"You're going to fold!", said Captain Man. "Ya hear me?!".
"Brainstorm, can you get those boxers?", asked ShoutOut.
"I can't!", I said, as I searched through the clean laundry.
"There are too many tanks!", said Volt.
"Orphan sock! It's missing its other half!", I said.
"Brainstorm, my other half", winked Venom, as I blushed red. We both tossed the socks into the air as they combined, and we reached Laundry 0.
"Yay!", we all cheered. I ran to Venom as he hugged me. He blushed red as I flushed red.
"We just folded every piece of clothing we owned", said Volt.
"I guess we can sleep on it for another month", said Venom, as he rested his cheek on my shoulder. I blushed red as his hands wrapped around my other shoulder.
"Hello?", said Captain Man, as he went to take a call. "It's my agent. Huh? Really? We should have lunch next week. Yeah, on you cause I'm not paying".
"What happened?", asked Volt.
"I got accepted to be on the SSI", said Captain Man.
"The Swellview's Superhero Issue!", Venom gasped.
"Can we be on it with you?", asked ShoutOut.
"I mean-", he began.
"We have poses", said Volt.
"Danger Force: Pose Attack", said AWOL. We made our own individual poses. "Danger Force: Prom Pose". Venom held my waist as I crossed my arms.
"Not convince me. Anyway, did anyone wonder while making these poses without me, 'geee, where would Captain Man be?'", asked Captain Man.
"We thought you would just be there", said Volt.
"So can we be on it?", Volt asked.
"I'll think about it", he said.
"He said the T-word", said AWOL.
"You never think about anything", said ShoutOut.
"Why don't you buy yourself some food?", asked Captain Man
"You mean the place that shortens the names of their food?", asked Volt.
"TS, the same", said Captain Man, as he handed us wads of cash..
"Awesome", said Volt, as the five of us ran to the chairs.
"I can't wait to be on the Supes Illustrated", said Venom, as he held my hand.
"Me too", I said, as I intertwined our fingers.
"Wait, I have a question", said AWOL.
"Sure, what?", asked Venom, as he looked at AWOL.
"Does everyone know about this?", asked Volt, as she gestured to our intertwined hands.
We blushed red as we fumbled. "We didn't tell anyone except you guys", I said.
"Well people will flip if two of the most famous celebrities are going out", said ShoutOut. "They can never know".
"Never know?", I asked, as I looked at Venom who smiled faintly.
"She's right they can never know, but they can know about Bose and Jay", he said, as he removed our hands.
"Okay", I pouted, as I missed the warmth of his hands.
"C'mon, you love food", said Venom, as he kissed my cheek. I blushed red, as one thought ran through my head. I love you more.
"Let's go", I said, as the five of us entered the restaurant.
"I feel so tipsy", said Venom, as we walked out of the restaurant.
"I'mma head home", said Volt.
"Lemme give you a ride", said AWOL, as he teleported with ShoutOut and Volt.
"I guess it's just us two", I said, as I looked at the dark sky.
"Yeah, that's perfect", he said, as he lost balance. I caught him as he soon clung onto my shoulder. I blushed red as he laid his head on my shoulder. "I feel so drunk".
"You literally had some coke", I said.
"Yeah", he sighed, as he buried his face in my neck.
I felt the heat crawl up as I became dark red. I walked him to an alleyway as I shook him awake. "Wake up", I whispered to the boy.
"What?", he yawned cutely, as he continued snuggling in my neck. I looked at his eyes which were shut and his cheeks which were red. His lips were parted lightly and he just looked so perfect. I wish I had the guts to kiss him correctly. I leaned down lightly as I noticed he was asleep. I looked at him as eyes soon fluttered open. "What are you doing?".
"Admiring you", I whispered, as his cheeks went red.
"We need to de transform", he said, as we both chewed a gumball. We de transformed, as we resumed walking. I saw the mansion come into view as my hand grip on Jay tightened.
"I'm home", I whispered.
"Oh, see you tomorrow", said Jay, as he kissed my forehead before walking into the dark. I blushed red at the leaving boy as I entered the house.
The next morning, I was doing my own thing in the S.W.A.G. classroom as everyone else was doing something similar. "Forget it", said Ray.
"Forget what?", I asked.
"Nice! Surprise test!", said Ray, as he walked in.
"Oh no!", I groaned.
"Yay!", cheered Mika.
Ray began passing the tests out. "Oh my", said Ray, as he stood near my desk. "I almost gave you the answer key. What a jape that would've been".
"Why are you talking like a book?", asked Chapa.
"Well do you hear that? It's a ring. I shall abandon these answers unattended on my podium near the oscillator", said Ray, as I rolled my eyes at his accent. "Oh it's a call about the magazine".
"Can we please be on it?", begged Mika.
"I'm still thinking about it, gah!", gasped Ray as he walked into the closet.
The fan began spinning and it flew the paper onto Mika's desk. "Guys, I think I just saw the answer for one of the questions", said Mika.
"Don't tell us", said Miles.
"I won't in fact I'll get that question wrong for good measure", said Mika.
"Honesty", said Miles.
"You know what? I'll get another one wrong", said Mika.
"A bit too much but alright", Miles added.
"This answer sheet is tearing us apart", said I, as I ran over. I stuffed it in my mouth.
"Wow", said Miles.
A little while later, we all were in the Man's Nest painting our bird houses. "I don't think the birds are going to like your birdhouse, Bose".
"Why not?", I asked, as I held up my birdhouse. It had the entrance as the mouth of a cat.
"Take a wild guess", said Jay as I frowned. He looked at me before resting his head on my thigh. "I-forget I said that. It's really cute. But birds don't generally like cats".
"Oh", I mumbled, as he looked down.
"But-ugh, I never know what to say", said Jay, as he groaned before grabbing my face and pulling me in for a kiss on the nose. I blushed red as his face turned red. I smiled widely as he buried his face in my thigh.
"What are you guys doing?", asked Ray.
"We're painting bird houses for homeless birds", said Mika.
"Oh, well. I'll be standing on this mighty ladder. Ascend I shall", said Ray, as he walked to the ladder and stood on the highest step.
"We can see that", said Miles.
"What does that mean?", I asked.
"It means he's going up", said Jay.
"You're still talking like a book", stated Chapa.
"Trust Fall", blurted Ray.
I slowly watched as he fell backwards. "Oh no, hurry!", said Mika. Miles teleported but crashed into Mika, Chapa, and Jay.
"I got you, boss", I said, as I levitated Ray. I felt tired as I noticed Jay looking at me. He used his power on Ray as Ray froze mid air.
"The pillows!", said Mika, as the four of them put pillows under Ray.
Jay snapped his fingers as Ray lightly plopped onto the pillows. "These pillows better go back to where they came from", said Ray, as he got up and left.
We looked at him confused, as Jay approached me. "Swet save", said Jay, as he sat next to me. He kissed my cheek and rested his head in my lap. I pulled out my phone as I put some random video because all I could stare at was my boyfriend.
That day, I was coloring in the S.W.A.G. classroom. I grabbed a crayon as my phone began ringing. I put the crayon away as I grabbed my phone. "Hello", I said.
"Hey, this is Bose from the future", said a deep voice.
"Woah", I said.
"Is this Bose from the past?", he asked.
"No, this is Bose from the present", I said, as I was about to hang up.
"No, brah, I meant Bose from the present", said the deep voice.
"One question", I said.
"Yeah what?", asked the voice.
"Am I still dating Jay?", I asked.
"Uh....yeah, you are", said future me as I cheered.
"Is he still so hot?", I asked.
"You know he is. Anyway, I need you to destroy Ray", said future me, as I gasped.
"Why do I need to destroy Ray?", I asked.
"Because he turns evil in the future", said future me. "And he lays all of the waste to Swellview".
"The petting zoo?", I asked.
"Especially the petting zoo", he said, as I gasped.
"Jay?", I asked.
"Even Jay", he said, as I gasped louder.
"I'm sorry, I can't. I love Ray too much", I said, as I slowly hung up.
The next day, I picked up my favourite goat from the petting zoo, Giggles. I named him that because he made Jay giggle when we went on a date to the petting zoo. I came up the tube as I saw everyone painting their birdhouse. "Guys, we need to rescue all the animals from the petting zoo", I said, as everyone looked at me.
"Why?", asked Miles.
"Because future me told me that Ray will end the petting zoo", I explained.
"Uh-", began Mika, as Jay stood up.
"As his boyfriend, I speak fluent Bose", said Jay, as I turned red.
"Figures", said Chapa.
"Bosey, sunshine, are we confusing dreams for reality again?", asked Jay, as I blushed at his nicknames for me.
"You can check my call history", I said, as I handed Jay my phone and he unlocked it. See, that's how tight we are. We know the passwords to each other's phones and I trust him with everything.
"That's Ray's number", Jay said.
"Ray doesn't have a cell phone. Some boy stole it", I recalled.
"That was me", said Chapa.
"You stole Ray's phone?!", I gasped.
"Oh my god. Can we just say yes and move on?", asked Miles.
"Sunshine", said Jay, as I noticed he looked me in the eye. "That one". He pointed at Chapa. "Lost her phone because a boy stole it".
"Oh", I said, as I looked at the goat in my arms. I blushed as I felt Jay's gaze on me. He leaned in and kissed my forehead.
"Why would Ray pretend to be Bose from the future and call him?", Mika asked.
"Don't ask me", said Schwoz.
"I feel like you know something", Miles said.
"How about I zap you?", asked Chapa.
"And I immobilize you?", asked Jay, as both their powers parked and I'll say one thing. He looked FREAKING hot.
"Ray, thinks you're trying to take over his spot on the Supes Illustrated. That's why he's been testing you individually and as a group", said Schwoz. "And we also hit Laundry 1000". We all groaned as we looked at the screen.
A little while later, everyone was busy. "I can't believe Ray would do us like that", said Jay, as he stood next to me.
"At first, I didn't either", said Mika.
"It's so much better to do laundry when you're angry", said Miles.
"We are?", I asked, as I held the goat.
"What did you think we were doing?", asked Chapa.
"Feeding the goat", I said.
"Bosey", said Jay, as he set the shirt down. His face turned from angry to soft. "We're doing laundry because it reset".
"Oh", I said, as I looked at the folded clothes everywhere.
"Oh my sweet innocent sunshine", said Jay, as he wrapped an arm around me. I watched as he looked at the goat and gave it a little pet.
"It could be worse you guys", Mika said.
"He's had his moments", said Miles.
"I don't know about you guys, but I passed that test. I crushed it", said Mika.
"We all passed it", said everyone, as Ray called us.
"You guys, I need help. My foot's stuck in a gopher's hole", said Ray.
"Sure Ray, you can always count on your loyal team", said Mika.
"Raymond Esther Manchester!", said Miles, as everyone gasped.
"Don't you use my full name on me", said Ray.
"I'll use every name your momma gave you", said Miles. "I don't like being secretly tested nor do I like your tests".
"You told them Schwoz?", asked Ray.
"I don't know", said Schwoz.
"They were stupid tests!", said Mika.
"They were not stupid", said Ray. "Just get me out of here and bring my shirt".
"No", said Miles, as he raised his arm. He teleported to Ray but came back empty handed.
"I admit! This was going to be a test. I was going to get a scorpion nest and I was going to make you eat it so you could save me", joked Ray.
"Why would we eat it?", Jay asked.
"I don't know but it was going to be funny", said Ray.
"I would have sir", I said, as I raised my hand.
"Honey", said Jay as he dropped the shirt again. "What did we say about eating random things?".
I pulled out the folded paper from the back of my jeans as I opened it up. "Don't eat random things, don't drink random things, unless you know what they are. If lost please return to my boyfriend ##########", I read out aloud, as I played the paper away.
"That's better. I'll write you a song for it later", said Jay, as he kissed my cheek.
"Bye Ray", said Mika, as she hung up on him.
The next week came by and we were celebrating Miles's 30th day of not eating ice cream. "This is such a Milesstone", said Schwoz.
"Stop", Jay cried.
"You say that every time", I said, as Jay rested his arm on my shoulder.
"It's not funny", groaned Mika.
"It's funny because miles is his name", began Schwoz.
"We get it!", cut off Chapa.
"Wait, if today's my 30th day cream free that means Ray's been gone for a week", said Miles.
"Should we get him?", asked Mika.
"Guys, the photoshoot is in a week. Ray will be back", said Chapa.
"Yeah, let's go with that", I said.
"I like that idea much better", Jay said.
I heard a ding as I saw Jay's phone light up. I reached for it but Jay was quicker. He grabbed the ice cream fast and hugged it tight to himself. I blushed red as he looked really cute. I unlocked his phone to see a bunch of DM requests which have been going over about a month. I smiled as I leaned down and kissed the younger boy's cheek.
"Now I'm going to eat some ice cream", said Miles, as he lunged for the bucket in Jay's arms.
"Get away from the box", Jay announced
A week later, we were celebrating Miles's 37th day. "Guys, I never thought I would make it this far", he said.
"I know", Jay said. "I love ice cream".
"And I'm sorry about all the things I said when I was trying to take the box", said Miles.
"Technically, you should apologize to my mother", said Schwoz.
"It was the cream talking", Chapa said.
The tv turned on with Ray's face on it again. "Guys, I need help", he croaked.
"You look terrible", said Mika.
"I feel terrible", said Ray. "My phone died but then I was struck by lightning last night. It allowed me to charge my phone though. I've been drinking my own sweat and eating scorpionflies".
"Eww", I groaned, as I pulled Jay close to me.
"Here's a deal", Mika said. "We'll get you out if you apologize".
"Then I guess I'll be spending my entire life in this slit", said Ray.
"C'mon dude", Jay said.
"You're a grown man and you'd rather be stuck by yourself with no food rather than apologizing?", asked Miles.
"Yes", he said.
"That's it. The deal expired", Jay said.
"You're choice", said Mika.
"We were going to bring your ice cream and all that", said Miles, as he ended the call.
The day of the Super Illustrate photoshoot came and it was 7:00 AM. The lady was teleported by AWOL and we began taking photos. "This was nice. I got it", said the lady.
"Can you hold on a second? I'm going to call Captain Man to see if he wants to apologize", said ShoutOut.
"When I said I got it, I got it. Now, how do I leave?", asked the woman.
"I can teleport you wherever you want", said AWOL.
"I want to go to New York city", said the woman.
"Odd choice", said Brainstorm.
"No judgment", said AWOL, as he teleported the woman.
We saw the tubes open and Ray was there. "What happened to you?", Jay asked.
"Well, since I didn't have any scorpionflies to eat, my muscles shrunk and I was able to pull my foot out", said Ray.
"Did you learn your lesson?", asked ShoutOut.
"No lesson", said Ray. "Jokes on you".
"Jokes on you because the lady who came for the pictures just left", said ShoutOut.
"Aww", sighed Ray. "I wanted to be on it".
"Well there is a way", said Volt, as she patted his hand.
"Thank you young girl", said Ray, as they patted each other's hands
The next week early morning, the magazines were printed and Ray was back to normal. "Now what do you think?", asked Chapa, as she held the magazine in front of his face.
"Okay, I kind of deserved that", said Ray, as there was a weird picture of him stuck on the cover.
"You're so hot", I whispered to the boy who threw his head back so that his head was resting in my lap.
"You're hotter", he said, as I smiled down at him. I leaned in as we both closed our eyes. I felt his warm breath on my lips as I blushed red.
"I scored a date!", cheered Ray, as we all looked at him with surprise.
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